Iris Registry Inquiry

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WILD AT HEART - Barry Blyth 1999

WILD AZURE JEWEL - A. and D. Cadd 2000

WILD BLUFF - Ed Attenberger 2001

WILD COUNTRY - Marvin Granger 1991

WILD FRONTIER - Schreiner 1999

WILD HAIR - Paul Black 1998

WILD KNIGHT - Mary Dunn 1995

WILD LAD - Barry Blyth 1995

WILD PASSIONS - Richard Tasco 2000

WILD PETTICOATS - Lynn Markham 2001

WILD PROSPECT - John C. Taylor 1993

WILD RIDE - Tom Wight by Barbara Wight 1997

WILD SHARON - George Sutton 1994

WILD SIDE - Chet Tompkins 1993

WILD SILK - Barry Blyth 1994

WILD THING - Schreiner 1995

WILD TOUCH - D. L. Shepard 1993

WILD VISION - Barry Blyth 1993

WILD WEST WIND - Lowell Baumunk 2000

WILD WILEY - Polly Black 1992

WILD WINGS - Keppel 1998

WILDCAT PAJAMAS - O. D. Niswonger 1995

WILDER THAN EVER - Joseph Ghio 1992




WILDERNESS EXPANSE - Terrell Taylor 1999

WILDERNESS FINALE - John Wood by Steve Sm 1997




WILDEYED - Joseph Ghio 1995

WILD DISCOVERY - Jim Hedgecock 2002

WILD HORSES - Larry Lauer 2003

WILD IRISH ROSE - Schreiner 2003

WILD PITCH - Joseph Ghio 2003

WILD SURVIVOR - William Plotner 2003

WILD YONDER BLUES - Bonne Scott 2003

WILDFANG - Frank Kathe 2004

WILD WESTY - Noel Lapham 2004

Sdlg. 1772. TB 34" M-L. B1D.
Moorish blue self; beard, deep orange in throat. Chivalry X Danube Wave., Knopf 1958.

WILD CANARY - Earl Roberts 1957
Sdlg. B-400. MTB 15" M. Y4.
S. empire yellow; F. same overlaid veronica violet, with yellow border. Widget x Welch sdlg. 444.,

WILD APACHE - J. Gibson 1964
, Sdlg. 51-OPE. TB, 34" (86 cm), M-L
S rose madder, flushed mulberry; F mulberry on white ground, mahogany border. Henna Stitches X Wild Ginger. Cooley 1965 HM 1966.

WILD BLUEBERRY - D. Sindt 1969
, Sdlg. E107. MDB, 6" (15 cm), EM
S clear light blue; F intense violet spot with narrow light blue edge; creamy white beard. Sparkling Eyes X Blue Spot. Riverdale Iris 1971

WILDCAT - O. Baker 1966
, Sdlg. 60-7-C. TB mutation, 34" (86 cm), E-VL
S orange-yellow with yellowish brown striping; F yellowish brown with orange-yellow haft. Rainbow Gold X Viveza x (Top Flight x Dancing Tiger). Baker's Acre 1967

WILD GINGER - J. Gibson 1960
, Sdlg. 118-7PTA. TB, 36" (91 cm), EM
S burnt unber, sanded orchid; F white, golden brown stitching, sanded orchid at edges. Taholah X Floradora Flounce. Cooley 1962 HC 1961, HM 1963, JC 1963, 1964, AM 1965.

WILD HARVEST - H. Schmelzer 1966
, Sdlg. l-5-6-E.S. TB, 36" (91 cm), M
S fawn brass; F brass brown. From four generations of crossing siblings from Belle Prairie X Brass Accents. Schmelzer 1967

WILD INDIAN - W. Bledsoe 1966
, Sdlg. 66-9. TB, 36" (91 cm), E-M
S dark rose; F maroon, cream hafts with vertical maroon lines. Rocket Rust X 64-11 ((Pink Fulfillment x (Lynn Hall x Pink Fulfillment)). Bledsoe 1975

WILD LIL - A. Shelton 1969
, Sdlg. 66-15. SDB, 12-15", E-M-L
A mutation; S vary from light blue to warm white (buff); F splashed red-violet over white ground; beard variable white-yellow. Lilli-Green X unknown. Alsup's Flowerland 1971

WILD MUSTANG - Z. Benson 1965
, Sdlg. W 10-10. TB, 30" (76 cm), M
Grape and red blend. (Mixed Emotions x Wayward Wind) X Wayward Wind. Z. Benson 1966 HC 1965, HM 1967.

WILD ONE - R. Hill 1961
, TB, 36" (91 cm), M
S orange-yellow; F same with heavy red stripes extending to 1/2 inch of edge; orange-yellow beard. Inca Chief X sdlg. of Ebony Echo. Schaan 1962

WILD PEACOCK - Muhlestein 1964
, Sdlg. 166 TB, 24" (61 cm), M-VL
S rosy brown; F amaranth flushed claret red and rosy violet, red-brown hafts. Jungle Bird X Bang. Tell 1964 HC 1963, HM 1963.

WILD PLUM - Plough 1962
, Sdlg. 59-266-30. TB, 34" (86 cm), EM-L
S browner tone of plum-purple; F lighter and bluer than spectrum violet, border same as S; orange beard tipped blue. Sib to Kachina Doll X Melodrama. Eden Road 1963 HM 1966.

WILD RIVER - Schreiners 1967
, Sdlg. T 758-3. TB, 35" (89 cm), M
Very light pure blue self (RHS bluebird blue 42/1). R 534-A (((M1006-2 (J 240-B (Pierre Menard x (Blue Rhythm x Chivalry)) x K 599-B (G 183-2 (Distance x Sylvia Murray) x Jane Phillips x Blue Valley)) x Harbor Blue))) X Galilee. Schreiners 1967

WILDWASSER - Steiger 1964
, JI, 48", (122 cm),
Single. Middle blue self. F3 Higo-Care strain.

WILD WAVES - J. Baldwin 1968
, Sdlg. 65-29A. TB, 36" (91 cm), E
S white; F white, tinged green, very ruffled; pale yellow beard. Satin Ripples X Winter Olympics. Sunnyside Gardens 1972/73

, I. innominata, 15", (38 cm),
S yellow; F same, veined maroon; ruffled. Collected. Siskiyou 1968

, I. innominata, 15", (38 cm),
S yellow; F same, veined maroon. Collected. Siskiyou 1968

, I. innominata (CAL: western native), 12" (30 cm), E
S yellow, veined wine; F yellow, veined and edged wine. Collected.

, I. innominata, 14", (36 cm),
Yellow self with heavy red veining; small, round, ruffled. Collected.

WILD BERRY - B. Hamner 1978
S. solid violet-purple (RHS 77A); F. white ground with heavy violet-purple plicata markings. Casino Queen X sdlgs. Hamner 1978

WILD CANARY - G. Stambach 1971
Light yellow with inconspicuous brown veining on F. Yellow bitone sdlg. X full yellow sdlg. Foster Iris 1972

WILD CHILD - S. Varner 1971
Pale creamy white ground plicata, stitched dark red-violet; dark red-violet beard. Laughter X Green Haze. Illini Iris 1973

WILD DANCER - Alex Wintle 1978
S. dusky lilac, overlaid dark gold; F. white, stitched dark lilac and gold; gold beard. Wild Apache X DancerŐs Veil. Cooling's Nursery 1996

WILD MELODY - C. Tompkins 1971
S. chamois grey with midrib touched amethyst at base; F. amethyst wine, bordered wild smoke; ember red beard. (Camelot Rose x (Pipes of Pan x Latin Lilt)) X Lilac Champagne. Fleur de Lis 1971

WILD RICE - H. Thomas 1978
S. straw yellow; F. cream with yellow margin and stitched brown pepper all over; yellow-brown beard. (Cooing Dove x (Painted Wings x Rococo)) X Wild Ginger. Tempo Two 1980/81

WILD RUBY - B. Blyth 1973
Royal purple with deep ruby signal around violet beard; ruffled. Regards X Cherry Garden. Tempo Two 1973/74

WILD VIOLET - G. Plough 1971
Dark violet self; violet-black beard. Smart Set X Ecstatic Night. Eden Road 1972

WILDWAYS - G. Plough 1976
S. rich golden brown with green glow in midrib; F. dark brown with greenish center line, maroon-red thumbprints on hafts; orpiment orange beard. 59-96-29: Fast Track sib X Fast Track. Eden Road 1977

WILD WEST - Joseph Ghio 1978
Mahogany brown self; golden brown beard. Malaysia X Coffee House. Bay View Gardens 1979

WILDWOOD - S. Phillips 1974
S. red-lavender; F. very dark red-lavender. Verdugo X unknown.

WILD APPALOOSA - R. Lyons. R. 1983. 1983
, Sdlg. LY 78-1-1. TB, 31.5" 80 cm, E-M
S. white with very heavy infusion of wine; F. white with plicata edge and midrib of wine, gold hafts and beard; ruffled. Porta Villa X Sykes 2-72-5: (Dot and Dash x Christmas Time).

WILD BABY - J. & L. Fry 1988
, Sdlg. 87-F-1. MDB, 5" 13 cm, M
S. smoky gold; F. chocolate brown, yellow haft markings; yellow orange beard. Unknown parentage. J & L Iris 1991

WILD CAJUN - H. Rowlan 1989
, Sdlg. 83 LA 50. LA, 27" 69 cm, M
S. currant red (HCC 821/2); currant red crests and styles (821); F. currant red (821), large yellow steeple signal. Miss Arkansas X Dean Lee. Comanche Acres 1990 HM 1993

WILD CARD - D. Meek 1983
, Sdlg. B337-1-7. TB, 35" 89 cm, M-L
Heavily ruffled white ground plicata with variable markings in shades of lavender to deep purple (no two blooms the same), brown hafts; white beard tipped yellow. Rain Cloud X Rancho Rose. D. & J. Gardens 1983

, Sdlg. W-101-83. JI 6 F. diploid, 20-25" 51-54 cm, M
White with almost full border of red purple (RHS 57D). golden yellow (7B) signal; feathered styles tipped red purple (57D). Unknown parentage. J Wood 1989 HM 1992

, Sdlg. W-101-82. JI 6-9 F. diploid, 30" 76 cm, M
White (RHS 155B), yellow green (1B) signal; feathered white styles. Icy Peaks X unknown. J Wood 1989 HM 1991

WILDEST DREAMS - Keith Keppel 1989
, Sdlg. 82-13K. TB, 30" 76 cm, EM
S. vanilla (M&P 10-C-3). faint corinth purple flush on midrib; F. golden buff (9-G-3). dark red violet (47-J-5) hafts and partial wash, blended corinth purple (46-J-2) edge; brownish tile red (3-D-12 to 11-D-12) beard; slight musky/sweet fragrance. Gigolo

WILD HEARTS - B. Warburton 1984
, Sdlg. pink #6. I. versicolor/laev., 30" 76 cm, M
Orchid pink (RHS 77C/D), diffused signal of pale brown. Inv. selected pink sdlgs. of seed provided by Betty Wood and Sarah Tiffney. Warburton 1985

WILD JASMINE - B. Hamner 1983
, Sdlg. 77-9. TB, 32-34" 81-86 cm, M
S. yellow (RHS 11A); F. white ground, stitched golden brown; gold beard; ruffled. Sketch Me X Shaft of Gold. Hamner's Iris 1983 AM 1990

WILDMAN - Joseph Ghio 1987
, Sdlg. PM-195V. CA, 11" 28 cm, M
Gold with uniform brown line pattern overall. San Gregorio X Reflecting Pool. Bay View Gardens, Longview Iris 1988

WILD MONKEY - G. Plough 1980
, Sdlg. 76-18-20. TB, 34" 86 cm, M
S. sulphur yellow (HCC 1/2) streaked and striped petunia purple (32/2); F. sulphur yellow (1/1) with same markings; orange beard. ((((Rainbow Gold x Techny Chimes) x Palisades sib) x Flaming Star) x ((Granada x Marilyn C) x (Marilyn C x Desert Magic))) X

WILD MUSTARD - H. Hite 1982
, Sdlg. W-2-33-1. SDB, 12" 30 cm, EM
Tan; brown beard tipped purple. John Boy X self. Hite 1983

WILD 'N WAYWARD - A. Ensminger 1986
, Sdlg. 81-35. BB, 27.5" 70 cm, ML
S. venetian pink (HCC 420/1); F. violet purple (733); red beard. 78-21: ((Little Mark x (64-12 x Stepping Out)) x Rococo) X Melody d'Amour.

WILD OATS - J. Durrance. R. 1983. 1983
, Sdlg. D82-1. TB, 38" 97 cm, E-M
S. yellow with brown dots and stripes; F. dark brown red; orange red beard. World News X Anon. Long's Gardens 1983

WILD PARTY - Joseph Ghio 1982
, Sdlg. PR-310V. CA, 15" 38 cm, E-L
lined magenta; F. brilliant magenta. ((California Native x Los Gatos) x La Selva) X Half Time. Bay View Gardens 1983

WILD TIME - Joseph Ghio 1986
, Sdlg. PM-192R. CA, 10" 25 cm, E
Maize gold; maroon signal. Roaring Camp X PP-251L: (Simply Wild x PR-319M, Camp Capitola sib). Bay View Gardens 1987

WILD WINE - W. Sindt 1983
, Sdlg. SV7. LAEV, 24" 60 cm, M
Dark red to maroon. Seed from SIGNA. Melrose Gardens 1984