Iris Registry Inquiry

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VIOLET BLAZE - Jean Collins by Hec Collin 1990

VIOLET BLUSH - John Marchant 1990

VIOLET CORONATION - Bernard Hamner by She 1992

VIOLET CRESCENT - Connie Redgate by Hilma 1992

VIOLET DAWSON - O.D. Niswonger 1993

VIOLET EYES - A. and D. Willott 1995

VIOLET GARTH - John Carter 1991

VIOLET ICING - Cy Bartlett 1993

VIOLET LACE - Akihiko Terada 1997

VIOLET LASHES - Carl Boswell 1995

VIOLET MINUET - Monique Dumas-Quesnel 1992

VIOLET MUSIC - Clarence Mahan 1990

VIOLET REPRISE - Walter Moores 1993

VIOLET SHIMMER - Walter Moores 1995

VIOLET SURPRISE - Walter Moores 1993

VIOLET TIGER - Brad Kasperek 1993

VIOLET TURNER - Larry Lauer 1999

VIOLET WHISKERS - A. Theodore Mueller 2000

VIOLETS IN MIST - Caroline Ryan-Chacon 2002

VIOLET BALLERINA - A. and D. Cadd 2003

VIOLET VIXEN - Vernon Wood 2003

VIOLET LADY - Ed Attenberger 2004

VIOLET LIGHT - D.R. Grieves 2004

Violet Star - Gersdorff 1942


Violetta - G. P. Baker 1938

1939 Check List says not introduced. Released.

VIOLET BALLET - Wright 1959
Sdlg. 5613. TB 34" L-M. V1D.
Violet self. Lady Boscawen sdlg. X Nararn., Timberline Garden 1962.

VIOLET ELF - Walker 1959
Sdlg. D-11-56. Douglasiana 15", V1P.
Pale violet self, violet stippling at haft; wide yellow signal. Sdlg. D-1-53 x Arioso., Lyon 1960. HM 1960.

VIOLET FIRE - Hamblen 1956
Sdlg. 53-31B. TB 36" ML. V3.
S. bright violet, F. bluish violet with white area; edged like S.; tangerine beard. (Helen McGregor x Hit Parade) x Palomino.,

VIOLET FLARE - Cassebeer 1959
Sdlg. 725. SIB 34" L. V1M.
Medium-violet self. Parentage unknown., Cassebeer 1960.

TB 40" M. V1.
Deep violet self. Snow Flurry x Violet Symphony., Howe 1953.

VIOLET FRILLS - Evans 1959
Sdlg. 59-3-A. TB 38" M. V1R.
Rosy violet with white signal and white beard, some white veining. First Violet x (Spanish Peaks x Rose Frills).,

VIOLET GRACE - Wadland 1952
TB 38" M. V1.
Violet dself, (aster-violet, Wilson 38); white flush at haft and around beard. Violet Symphony x Gloriole., Tell 1955. HM 1955.

VIOLET HALO - Lucile Miller 1959
Sdlg. 57-21-1. TB 30" M.
Bishop's violet blend, cream at haft and center; dark yellow beard. Eben x (June Bride x Rainbow Room).,

VIOLET HILLS - DeForest 1955
Sdlg. 53-47. TB 38" M. V1D.
Dark violet self (fluorite) blue tipped beard. Sdlg.: ((Her Grace x Sable) x Storm King) X sdlg. (Her Grace x Black Forest)., Irisnoll 1956. HM 1956; AM 1958.

VIOLET LEATHER - Muhlestein 1958
Sdlg. 57-lilA. TB 36" M-L. V1B.
Near chicory-blue. (Pierre Menard x (Sky Song x Cahokia)) X Utah Sky., Mission Bell, Tell 1959. HM 1960.

VIOLET LUSTRE - Payne 1957
Sdlg. 598. JI (6 petals) 40" M-LM. V1L.
Lavender-violet with large halo and veins of pleroma violet; styles haematoxlyn-violet. Cobra Dancer F1., Payne 1958.

VIOLET MOHR - Suiter 1957
Sdlg. S-M 4. TB 38" EM. V1M.
Ruffled violet self. Silver Tower X Capitola., Suiter 1958.

VIOLET NIGHT - Welch 1954
Sdlg. L-531. DB 6 1/2" E. V1D.
Indigo-violet self, violet beard. ((Yellow chamaeiris x Sass Dark Ruby) x Cook 1546)) X (Cook 1546 x Sulina)., Welch 1955.

VIOLET RHYTHM - Whiting 1957
Sdlg. 54-15. TB VL. V1.
Spectrum-violet self, smooth haft; bronze-yellow beard. Vatican Purple x Windsor, Soo Preme 1958. HM 1958.

Sdlg. 52-8E. TB 42" M. V1.
Violet self, light flush around tip of beard; yellow beard, fading to blue at tip. Snow Flurry X Chivalry., Maxim 1958.

VIOLET RUFFLES - Schortman 1955
Sdlg. 0179. TB 36" ML.
Violet self. Berkeley Blue X Chivalry., Schortman 1957.

Sdlg. 565i-8C. Arilbred 34" EM. V1P.
Mauvette self, variable violet streaks; brownish green beard, with slight greenish infusion surrounding it. Snow Flurry X Isis., Tell 1960.

VIOLET THRILL - Hamacher 1957
Sdlg. 5-10-50. TB 36" M. V1D.
Deep violet self; beard tipped violet. Snow Flurry X Chivalry.,

VIOLET VEIL - Walker 1956
Sdlg. S-2-55. SPU 54" E. Y4.
S. light yellow heavily veined violet; F. same, with deep yellow line in place of beard. Wadi Zem Zem X Saugatuck sdlg., Lyon 1957. HM 1958.

TB 30" M. V1.
Dark parma-violet self. I. germanica x Elmohr.,

VIOLET-HAVEN - Reynolds 1954
TB 32-34" LM. V1B.
Violet-blue self, about color of a Kansas wood-violet. Pierre Menard x Danube Wave., Reynolds 1957. HM 1957.

VIOLETIQUE - Cooper 1954
Sdlg. 52-17. TB 48" EM. V1.
Violet self (Wilson, 36/1); orange beard. Snow Flurry X Tally Ho., Cooper 1955.

VIOLETTA - Benbow 1956
DB 3 1/2" E. RV1.
Rosy violet self, black patch on F.; blue beard. Cretica x Sulina.,

, Sdlg. 1001 JI, 48", (122 cm), EM
Light ground densely veined dark violet; dark violet center. Dark Rhythm X 795 (63 x Sky and Water). Payne 1969

, , ,
White 1962

VIOLET CHARM - Kuesel 1962
, Sdlg. B-61-l. TB, 32", (81 cm), EM
Light blue-violet self, white blaze, pale yellow beard. Zephrine X Major Eff. Old Brook Gard 1963

, Sdlg. 87A61. TB, 36", (91 cm), M
Strong purple self on violet side, lighter area at haft; dark orange-yellow beard, tip near color of F. Amethyst Flame X Whole Cloth.

VIOLET DREAM - Schaan 1961
, Sdlg. 60-20A. TB, 36", (91 cm), M
Violet self, deeper beard. Snow Goddess X Storm Warning. Schaan Gard 1963

, Sdlg. 1021 JI (6-petal), 39", (99 cm), L
Royal purple to hyacinth violet (Ridgway). 226 (62 x 110) X Violet Splendor. Payne 1969

VIOLET FLIRT - M. Reinhardt 1964
, Sdlg. 61-14. BB, 28", (71 cm), M
S light violet-blue; F red-purple, creamy white beard. Oyster Pearl X Melodrama. Reinhardt 1965

VIOLET GIRL - Kelway 1965
, Sdlg. 559 TB, 36", (91 cm), ML
Pale violet self. Dreamcastle X Luna Prince.

VIOLET GLOW - B. Tolman 1966
, Sdlg. 60-198-1. TB, 34", (86 cm),
Full violet self. Violet Hills X (Indiglow x Allegiance). Tell 1968

VIOLET HAZE - R. Morgan 1964
, Sdlg. 58-3. TB, 38", (97 cm), M
Full violet self. Snow Flurry X Cloud Castle. EC 1964.

VIOLET IMP - J. D. Taylor 1964
, Sdlg. E94 1. MDB, 5", (13 cm), E
Deep violet self, blue beard. (Little Jewel x Hanselmeyer) X ((April Morn x Carpathia) x (Sulina x Nana)). S Linnegar 1971 HC Wisley 1964.

VIOLET MERE - P. Hutchinson 1963
, Sdlg. X-11. SIB, 42", (107 cm), L
Violet self, paler blue styles. Purple Mere X Blue Mere. HC 1962.

VIOLET MINK - R. Coe 1969
, Sdlg. 7/9/66. TB, 38" (97 cm), L
S violet-blue; F violet-blue overcast brown with small white striations. Main Event X Blue Baron. Norton Hall 1969

VIOLET MIST - Opal Brown 1965
, Sdlg. H-34-1. TB, 28-30", ML
Light violet self; S 634/2 (Wilson); F same; infusion of amber in heart of flower; yellow beard. Lavendula X Hudson Bay. Brown's Sunnyhill Gardens 1965

VIOLET PASHA - Miller 1961
, Sdlg. F7-11. TB, 42", (107 cm), L
Methyl violet self, violet tipped beard. Arabi Pasha X Derwentwater.

VIOLET REPEAT - M. Brummitt 1967
, Sdlg. 22/14. SIB, 36" (91 cm), M & Re
Bright violet self. White Swirl X Eric the Red. Orpington 1967

VIOLET SHADOWS - C. Voris 1969
, Sdlg. EC1C67-l. TB, 34" (86 cm), M
S white; F violet with deeper midfall shadings; mixed beard. Ice Canyon X Emma Cook. Voris 1970

, Sdlg. 88 JI, 32" (81 cm), ML
Blue-violet self, darker veining, white halo, blue styles. Caroline G. Childs X Komochi Cuma. Hazzard '1964

, Sdlg. 770 JI (double), 50" (127 cm), LM
Dark violet self. Classic Modern X Night Festival. Payne 1969

VIOLET STATUE - Voris 1963
, Sdlg. VI-634. TB, 34" (86 cm), M
Deep violet self. First Violet X Whirlaway. Voris 1965

VIOLET SUNSET - Willis 1961
, TB, 40" (102 cm), M-L
Violet self, deep tangerine beard. (Mary Randall x Fleeta) X (Happy Birthday x (Fleeta x Cloud Cap)).

VIOLET SUPREME - Lloyd Zurbrigg 1969
, Sdlg. 67-25A-H. TB, 35", (89 cm), M & Re
Spectrum violet self with small white area under blue beard. Prince Indigo X Purple Duet. Avonbank 1971

VIOLET TIME - E. Smith 1965
, Sdlg. 61-67. TB, 34-36",, M
Rose-violet self; white beard. Amethyst Flame X Bro. Charles sdlg.

VIOLET VICTORY - Christensen 1960
, Sdlg. 7-C-7-3. TB, 36", (91 cm), M
Methyl violet self; yellow beard tipped white, light hafts. Chantilly X Violet Harmony. Test Gard 1961

VIOLET VIRGO - Rundlett 1963
, Sdlg. E-27-R. TB, 29", (74 cm), E & Re
S near pure violet; F white edged with stippling and stitching of violet. Sass F-53-l (48-135, purple plicata x Dark Melody) X Lugano. Old Brook '1964

, Sdlg. 1023 JI, 42", (107 cm), E
Royal purple (Ridgway) self. 386 (Night Music x 174) X Debonair Prince. Payne 1969

S. white ground, heavily dotted to solid border of violet (HCC36); F. white ground, stitched border of violet, violet veining radiating from beard to near plicata stitching; violet beard, mustard in throat. 68-94: (Thelma Leaton x Blue Petticoats) X Charm

VIOLET CHAPEAU - M. Drake 1972
Light violet self; white beard tipped yellow. 62-07 X 66-1: (Amethyst Flame x Rippling Waters).

VIOLET CLASSIC - L. Zurbrigg 1976
ML & RE (Oct in VA)
S. medium spectrum violet; F. slightly deeper; violet-blue beard; ruffled. Violet Supreme X Jolly Goliath. Avonbank 1976

VIOLET CORSAGE - M. Dunderman 1970
Violet-blue (between RHS 88A and 89C) self; yellow beard. Tid-Bit X unknown. Dunderman 1972

VIOLET DESIGN - R. Blodgett Blod
S. aster violet (Wilson 38/2); F. violet (36/3), 3/8" border color of S.; nasturtium beard; ruffled. Serene Dawn X Punchline. Blodgett 1975

VIOLET DUSK - C. DeForest 1970
S. soft blue violet; F. same; self beard. 63-3A X Cadette.

VIOLET FAVOR - Opal Brown 1971
Ruffled deep violet (RHS 88A) self; self beard. Queen's Favor X Silver Trail. Brown's Sunnyhill Gardens 1971

VIOLET FIRE - M. Hamblen 1956
Name released 1976.

VIOLET FIRE - M. Hamblen 1976
Full violet-blue self; tangerine-orange beard. (Palomino x (Radiation x Great Lakes)) X ((Helen McGregor x Radiation) x Palomino).

VIOLET FLOUNCE - J. Marsh 1976
S. finely ruffled violet-blue; F. ruffled violet-blue; white beard. Orchid sdlg. x orchid sdlg. Marsh 1976

VIOLET JEWEL - M. Mygrant 1976
E & RE
S. violet with silver-sparkled overlay; F. full red-violet; blue beard tipped yellow. Sierra Blue X (Ola Kala x Fall Primrose).

VIOLET LAE - G. Loveridge 1974
Violet-rose self, yellow signal. Chowning sdlg. X Chowning sdlg. Warrimoo Iris 1974/75

VIOLET MIRACLE - L. Zurbrigg 1979
ML & RE (Oct-Nov in VA)
Near spectrum violet self; violet beard lightly tipped yellow. (Sign of Leo x (Tuxedo x Purple Duet)) X Violet Classic. Avonbank 1979

VIOLET MOOD - M. Dunderman 1970
Dark red-violet (darker than RHS 89A) with darker veining; yellow beard. K-483: (Tom Tit x unknown) X K-271: (Two for Tea x Widget).

VIOLET PARASOL - Ben Hager 1977
Violet-blue with yellow spear. Regal X unknown. Melrose Gardens 1978

VIOLET PURPLE BI - A. Morgan 1978
S. light blue-lilac; F. deep purple-blue with lighter rim and purple striations on white beside yellow beard. Columbia Queen X M96-16. Iris Test Gardens 1981

VIOLET RIBBON - W. Welch by H. Hite 1979
Dark violet self; violet beard. (Sulina x Nana) X Hanselmayer. Hite 1980

VIOLET ROSE - D. Rawdon 1979
S. white, speckled violet (RHS 87A), lighter at center with pencil line at edge; F. white, speckled violet all over, heavier line around edge; yellow beard. Carolyn Rose X Playboy. Riverdale Iris 1979

VIOLET ROSINA - V. Cattanach 1973
Rich violet self. Charm School X Matinata.

VIOLET SEA - T. Abell 1971
S. lavender-green (Wilson 00761/3) flushed color of F.; F. dauphin violet (039/1),shaded deeper in center, slight pattern of willow green (00862/1) at haft; primrose yellow beard. (Gaulter rose sdlg. x Glittering Amber) X Whole Cloth.

VIOLETS GALORE - H. Schmelzer 1973
Pure violet self; self beard. Bunch o' Violets X Royal Touch. Schmelzer 1974

VIOLET SNOW - W. Bledsoe 1975
White ground plicata, bordered full violet; violet beard. Tea Apron X Stepping Out. Bledsoe 1978

VIOLET SWIRL - H. Briscoe 1978
Dark violet with small haft markings. White Swirl X Violet Flare.

VIOLET TREASURE - R. Reinhardt Rein
R M.Ruffled hyacinth violet (M&P 43-K-7) self; lavender beard. Ever and Ever X 65-24: ((Amethyst Flame x First Flight) x (Amethyst Flame x First Flight)). Reinhardt 1977

VIOLET VISTA - Catherine Smith 1970
Hortense violet (Ridgway) self; violet beard. 62-1: (Imperial Woman x Regal Splendor) X Marie Phillips.

VIOLET BLOOMFIELD - R. Coe by Mrs. H. Goodwin 1981
, SPU, 54" 137 cm, M
S. mid-lavender; F. chrome yellow, veined and edged mid-lavender. Unknown parentage.

VIOLET CLOUD - R. Blodgett 1980
, Sdlg. 78-23. TB, 37" 94 cm, M
S. light blue violet; F. slightly deeper; orange beard tipped white; frilled. Violet Design X Instant Charm. Blodgett Iris 1981

VIOLET DROPS - D. Spence 1987
, Sdlg. S83-45-4. SDB, 13" 33 cm, M
Diamond dusted mid-violet, darker violet halo around electric blue beard. Ida Mary Pattison X Fingerprints. 21st Century Gardens 1987

VIOLET HALL - L. Fowler 1984
, Sdlg. 2/79. AR OG, 6-12" 15-30 cm, E
S. violet; F. violet, triangular spot of deep purple below blue purple beard. Sdlg. from mixed aril seed (European) X unknown (probably regelia breeding).

VIOLET JOY - C. McEwen 1980
, Sdlg.T3 73/621. SIB 28 chrom. tet., 27" 69 cm, EM-ML
S. dark violet blue (RHS 89C); styles same; F. darker (89A). scarcely visible signal. T2 70/48(3): ((White Swirl x Violet Flare) x (Blue Brilliant x unknown)) X T1 68/9(1): (White Swirl x Polly Dodge). McEwen 1980

VIOLET LASS - Bennett Jones 1984
, Sdlg. 368-1. SDB, 12" 30 cm, M
Violet; blue violet beard. Rain Dance X 301-2: ((Pepita x Moon Blaze) x (Blueberry Muffins x Meadow Moss)). Con-temporary Gardens 1985

VIOLET LULU - B. Warburton R. 1985. 1985
, Sdlg. 5BB-1. SDB, 14" 36 cm, M-L
S. pure violet blue (RHS 90D), white base; F. violet (90B), white hafts and beard area; white beard. Design X Honey Mist. Joe Pye Weed's Garden 1986 HM 1990

VIOLET PRIMROSE - M. Foster 1987
, Sdlg. 4H4. TB, 36" 91 cm, M
S. lemon; F. lilac with blue undertone; light blue beard tipped gold; ruffled. Dream Lover X Heather Blush.

, Sdlg. 80-69-A. TB, 30" 76 cm, EM & RE Aug-Sept in OH
S. violet (RHS 88B/C); F. violet (87A), some white haft veining; yellow beard tipped white. Perfume Counter X Re-Treat. Hall's Flower Garden 1988

VIOLET RINGS - J. Gibson 1985
, Sdlg. 30-5B. TB, 38" 96 cm, M
S. white ground with blended purple and violet veins; F. white ground rimmed purple violet and 1/2" band of violet speckles; yellow orange beard; ruffled and fluted. 36-3P: (34-1D: (Smoke Rings x Blueberry Trim) x Smoke Rings) X 30-3P: (Smoke Rings x 31-1

, Sdlg. S81-20-3. SDB, 11" 28 cm, L
S. violet blue; F. dark violet blue with purple shadings, brown hafts; light blue beard. Pansy Raye X Singing Angel. 21st Century Gardens 1986

VIOLET VASE - W. Ackerman 1981
, Sdlg. D48-161. JI 5 F. diploid, 26" 66 cm, M
S. dark violet (RHS 86A) with white margins; violet styles edged white; F. pale violet (88D) with heavy veining and mosaic of violet (86B), blending to violet blue around yellow (12A) signal. F-22 X self.

VIOLET WOOD - Carol Lankow R. 1989. 1989
, Sdlg. 0C4-4. SDB, 10" 25 cm, EM
Light blue violet (RHS 91 B); pale violet beard tipped orange in throat; pronounced sweet fragrance. Skydrops X Wright H4: (Blue Trinket x Cotton Blossom). Kirkland Iris 1990