Iris Registry Inquiry

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VAL DE LOIRE - Richard Cayeux 1998

VALENTINE'S DAY - Vernon Wood 1996

VALERE CASTLE - Eric & Bob Tankesley-Clar 1994

VALERIE JOYCE - Greame Grosvenor 2000

VALERIYA - Viktor Sheviakov 1997

VALET - Joseph Ghio 1991

VALLEY BLUE - Ben Hager 1997

VALLEY SUNSET - Stan Dexter by Marie Inge 1993

VALS TSVETOV - V. & N. Gordodelovy 1995

VALENCE HOUSE - William and Ada Godfrey 2003

VALLEY CHURCH - Truman Scarborough 2003

VALLEY HO - Val Wilson 2003

VALENTINE MELODY - Akihiko Terada 2004

VALE YNDAIA - Brownell 1955
Sdlg. 5253. TB 38" M. V1B.
Chicory-blue self (M & P), yellow beard tipped blue. Azure Skies X Blue Valley., Mt. Upton 1956.

VALGANZA - Brenan 1952
TB 38" L. Y4.
S. yellow, F. violet. Extravaganza X (Val: Mauna Loa x Brown Betty)., Tell 1953.

VALIANT OLA - Noyd 1954
Sdlg. N-O-1. IB 24" EM. YL.
Yellow self, small white area at tip of beard. Valiant sdlg. X Ola Kala., Noyd 1955.

Sdlg. 49-27A. JI (double) 48" E. RV5.
Rich rose-red, central portion white, netted red; styles white, netted red. From 2 Higo sdlgs., Marx 1959.

VALIMAR - Hamblen 1956
Sdlg. 53-27H. TB 36" ML. YO3L.
S. peach-pink (Wilson 512/1); F. nasturtium, orange influence (610/2); beard nasturtium-red. (Name transferred from 1955 registration, not introduced.) (Helen McGregor x Radiation) X Palomino., Mission Bell 1958. HM 1958; AM 1960.

VALLEJO - Barnewitz 1950
TB 40" E. VRL/VR3.
Lavender and violet-red bitone. East-West x Benecia Lass.,

VALLEY BANNER - Hardy 1958
I. tenax-chrysophylla hyb. 15" M. W1.
S. white, narrow purple midrib; F. white, veined purple; styles red-purple. Collected.,

VALLEY DAWN - Lyon 1956
Sdlg. 53-7-1. TB 34" M. OR1.
Venetian-pink self. Convention Queen X June Meredith., Lyon 1957. HM 1959.

VALLEY GOLD - Lawson 1958
Sdlg. 57-2. TB 34" EM. Y1.
Golden yellow self; orange beard. Betrothel x Phoebus Apollo., Lawson 1959.

VALLEY MIST - K. Smith 1955
Sdlg. 51-12. TB 33" M. B1L.
Powder-blue self, midribs deepening; beard inconspicuous. Keens Valley x Pierre Menard (split pollen).,

VALLEY RANGER - Overstreet 1955
Sdlg. 54-iR. TB 34" EML. R3.
S. red, F. ruby-red, velvety. Pretty Quadroon X Garden Glory.,

VALLEY ROSE - Ketchum 1952
TB 40" M. R1L.
Deep rose blend. Parentage lost.,

VALLEY TAN - Spinkston 1959
Golden-tan self; matching beard. (Sultan's Robe x Tobacco Road) x (Tobacco Road x Rocket).,

VALLI HI - Crandall 1956
TB 38" L. Y1.
Tan-gold self. Cascade Splendor X Chantilly.,

VALSE TRISTE - Slamova-Hawkinson 1954
TB 36" M. W2.
White heavily stippled orchid. Patrice Sultan's Robe.,

VALENTINE HEART - L. Blackley 1969
, Sdlg. 62-13A. TB, 36" (91 cm), EM
Lightly ruffled red self with large golden heart, veined with few self red lines around old gold beard; greenish midrib. Mary Randall X Black Rose. Come 'N' Look Gardens 1970

VALETTA - E. Emery 1960
, Sdlg. 58-1. TB, 34" (86 cm), M
Light lemon yellow self. Spring Moon X (Golden Eagle x 50-8). Soo-Preme 1961 HC 1960.

VALHALLA - Tom Craig 1962
, Sdlg. 61-110. TB, 38" (97 cm), E-L-Re
S lobelia; F lobelia to clematis. Steeplechase X (Headlands x Mary McClellan). Craig 1962

VALIANT ORCHID - Stanley 1961
, Sdlg. 1113 TB, 33" (84 cm), EM
Orchid-pink self; tangerine beard. Carabella X Ballerina. Stanley 1962

VALLIE ECHO - M. Wolff 1969
, Sdlg. 64-110-64. BB, 22" (56 cm), L
Naples yellow (403/2) self with white blaze on F; tangerine beard. 62-101-4 (Nonpareil x Edith F) X Pretty Carol. Hildenbrandt 1970

VALMA - C. James 1963
, Sdlg. 334-5. TB, 36" (91 cm), M
S French rose, edged salmon; F salmon; fire red beard. Party Dress X Flamingo Bay.

VALSE PETITE - C. Tompkins 1966
, Sdlg. 62-151. BB, 19" (48 cm), EM
White edged orchid-blue. Dale Dennis X Echoette. Fleur de Lis 1966

VALDA - A. Back 1976
S. royal blue (HCC 738); F. deep royal blue with yellow and black blaze ending with intense white fan-shaped marking at edge. White Swirl X Tycoon.

VALENCIA VAMP - L. Roach 1972
S. cadmium orange with pink flush at midrib; F. same with yellow blush at haft; tangerine beard. Unknown parentage. Riverbank Gardens 1973

VALENTINA - H. Spence 1972
S. white; F. white with diamond dust sparkling; tangerine beard. (Brilliant Star x Rippling Waters) X Christmas Time. Spence 1973

Laced peach pink (RHS 27B) self; tangerine beard. Yellow Chiffon X Kentucky Derby.

VALERIE - E. Manson 1975
Purple self; yellow beard. Sable X Green Spot.

VALLEEVUE - F. Brown 1973
Satin white, reflecting pink blush on styles, light green infusion in throat; pink beard. From 15 years of breeding tangerine-bearded whites and Hall's pinks plus Court Ballet. Landsend 1973

VALLEY BEAUTY - D. Rawdon 1977
S. light orange (RHS 26C); F. pale orange (27D) with light orange (26D) rim and hafts; orange red beard tipped white. Esther Fay X One Desire.

VALLEY CHARM - B. Hamner 1973
Naples yellow with lavender-blue blaze on center of F.; self beard. (Commentary x Glittering Amber) X Commentary. Hamner 1974

VALLEY CHILD - J. Holden 1976
10" (25 cm), ML
S. light yellow-brown; F. light brown, yellow-orange signal; orange beard tipped brown. I. auranitica (Tel Jaffna) X I. urmiensis. Aril Iris Farm 1976

VALLEY EMPEROR - D. Rawdon 1977
35" (89 cm), M
Full red-violet (RHS 71C), edged darker red-violet (71A) around F. and veined white (155D) 1/3 way down; yellow (9B) signal; red-purple (71A) stylearms. The Great Mogul X Maroon Giant.

VALLEY FALLS - J. Marsh 1976
Ruffled light blue with purple inside S., on midrib and stylearms; pale lemon and white beard. Rudolph 63-61 X blue bitone sdlg. Marsh 1977

VALLEY GLOW - F. Williams 1974
Dark red self; bronze beard. Welch N-18: (Red Sentry x (M-550 x N-401)) X 67/13: (Red Coat x Welch K-26).

VALLEY PRINCE - D. Rawdon 1977
40" (102 cm), M
Purple (RHS 78A), overlaid dark purple (77A), fading with age; full yellow signal; purple stylearms tipped dark purple. Maroon Giant X The Great Mogul.

VALLEY RHYTHM - D. Rawdon 1977
30" (76 cm), M
Full violet-blue (RHS 90B), outer edge of F. dark violet-blue (89B), white veins from full yellow (9B) signal 2/3rds down F.; white stylearms edged and tipped full violet-blue (90B). Azure Ruffles X Neptune - Vilm 1906.

VALLEY SNOW - D. Rawdon 1977
36" (91 cm), M-L
White (RHS 155B) with yellow (9B) signal; white stylearms. White Parasol X Prairie Snow.

VALLEY STAR - D. Rawdon 1977
S. dark violet; F. full violet (RHS 87A), fading to lighter violet (87B), pale violet veining, full yellow signal; full violet (86C) stylearms. Acclaim X Azure Ruffles.

VALLEY WEST - M. Hamblen 1972
S. violet-blue (RHS 90A); F. violet-blue (89C); matching beard. (Fountain Blue x High Heels) X (Fountain Blue x Katherine J. McLain). Mission Bell 1973

VALOVA - H. Slamova by W. Hawkinson 1973
S. bamboo, darker veining, glistens around top edge; F. gold, speckled brown, darker below yellow beard, edge faintly colored brown. Arjuna Aga X El Kizar. Sierra Vista 1974

VALSE EXTATIQUE - W. Vallette 1973
Ruffled black self with sullen reddish glow. Dusky Dancer X (Ecstatic Night x Black Rose). Come 'N' Look Gardens 1974

VALSE TRISTE - Slamova-Hawkinson 1954
Stock destroyed and name released.

VALSE TRISTE - W. Hawkinson 1976
30" (76 cm), E-M
S. brick red, veined darker; F. mahogany, lighter at haft, mahogany to black veining; golden yellow beard. El Kizar X Grand Vizier.

VALVERDE - G. Plough 1975
S. greenish yellow; F. same with small flush of flax blue (642/1) below mustard brown beard. Cambodia X Green Shimmer. Eden Road 1976

VALVOUCHE - M. Hamblen 1976
S. tan (RHS 161A), flushed deeper at midrib; F. violet (85A), blending to S. color at margins, deeper toned tan hafts; blue beard tipped gold. Cosmopolitan X Gypsy Prince. Mission Bell 1977

VALDA - A. Back 1976
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British Iris Society 1983

VALENCIA VANITY - H. Rowlan 1984
, Sdlg. 80 LA 4. LA, 36" 91 cm, M
S. orange brown (RHS 171 C); yellow crests; yellow styles, orange brown (171 B) at base touched green; F. orange brown (171 B), yellow signal; sweet fragrance. Miss Arkansas X G. W. Holleyman. Rowlan Irises 1986

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Mohr Gardens 1980

VALERA - C. Arny 1980
, Sdlg. BR-1-77. LA, 30" 76 cm, M
Lightly ruffled apricot buff, deep yellow line signal; light green styles. Sun Fury X red sdlg. Charjoy Gardens 1980

VALIANT HEART - R. Van Valkenburgh 1982
, Sdlg. V4-79. TB, 33" 84 cm, E-M
S. white ground with soft lavender plicata markings; F. white with burgundy violet lines radiating from under beard to 1/2" violet edge; yellow orange beard tipped white; slight sweet fragrance. (Sailor's Skies x Kiss) X Spinning Wheel. Saxton Iris 1983

VALIANT WARRIOR - W. T. Varner 1984
, Sdlg. K-350. MTB, 21" 53 cm, M-L
Dusky purple, darker purple spot on F.; yellow beard, blue on outer end. Flashing Beacon X Ornate Pageant. Riverdale Iris 1985

VALLEY GIRL - R. Banghart 1983
, Sdlg. 1-81. TB, 48" 122 cm, M-L
Ruffled deep lilac blue; orange beard; slight fragrance. St. Tryphon X Startler.

VALLEY OF DELIGHT - D. Steve Varner 1985
, Sdlg. 5060. SIB 28 chrom. tet., 30" 76 cm, EM
S. ruffled white, tinted pink; white styles tinted pink; F. deep pink, narrowly edged light pink. Dance Ballerina Dance X self. Illini Iris 1991

VALLEY SPLENDOR - D. Shahak 1980
, Sdlg. 5T72-59-30. AR OH, 19" 50 cm, M
Yellow, yellow orange signal; yellow beard. ((Austin 510-OY x #7) x 510-OY-60) X (I. basaltica x Austin 513-OY). Tira Nurseries 1980

VALSE BLUETTE - Clarence Protzmann 1986
, Sdlg. 74-8-1. TB, 38" 97 cm, M
S. light blue; F. silver blue with white underlay, deep blue under dark blue beard; slight fragrance; ruffled. Celestial Snow X 71-4. Protzmann 1990