Iris Registry Inquiry

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STAR FLEET - Keith Keppel 1992

STAR GLORY - Graeme Grosvenor 1993

STAR IMAGE - Cleo Palmer 1993

STAR OF AFRICA - Perry Dyer 1998

STAR OF SPRING - Lin Flanagan 1999

STAR POWER - Mary Dunn 1993

STAR PRINCE - Donald Spoon 2000

STAR QUALITY - Joseph Ghio 1995

STAR SAILOR - Schreiner 1994

STAR SURGE - George Sutton 1999

STAR SYMPHONY - Vernon Wood 1991

STAR TRACKS - Loleta Powell 1996

STAR TRIP - Barbara Wight 1993

STAR WISH - Barbara Wight 1998

STAR WITNESS - Joseph Ghio 1997

STARBABY - Marky Smith 1992

STARBLAZE - J. D. Stadler 1992

STARBOUND - Janet Hutchinson 1995

STARCATCHER - Duane Meek 2000

STARDUST MEMORIES - Schreiner 1990

STARDUST ROAD - Ed Roberts 1991

STARE STEALER - Tom Burseen 1993

STARKER'S PINK - Philip Edinger 1999

STARLETTE ROSE - Richard Cayeux 1995

STARLIGHT EXPRESS - Schreiner 1994

STARLIT VELVET - Harold Stahly 1990

STAROYE TANGO - Sergey Loktev 1997

STARPLE - Tom Burseen 1993

STARQUEST - A. and D. Willott 1994

STARRING - Joseph Ghio 1999

STARS AND STRIPES - Monty Byers by Phylli 1992

STARS AT NIGHT - Ben Hager 1995


STARSTRUCK - James Burch 1990

STARTING VERSI-LAEV - Tomas Tamberg 1993

STARTLED - Lynda Miller 2000

STARWARD - Chet Tompkins 1994

STARWOMAN - Marky Smith 1997

STARY SAMOVAR - Viktor Koroliov 1995

STAR GATE - Betty Wilkerson 2002

STAR OF EVENING - Joseph Ghio 2002

STAR OF WONDER - Joseph Ghio 2002

STARDUST DRAGON - A. and D. Cadd 2003

STAR RIDER - A. and D. Cadd 2003

STARDOCK - George Sutton 2003

STARE VINO - Zdenek Seidl 2003

STARLIGHT SONATA - Harold Stahly 2003

STAR STITCHED - Stephanie Markham 2003

START YOUR DAY - Frederick Kerr 2003

STARY KRYM - Sergey Loktev 2003

STARY TALLINN - Sergey Loktev 2003

STARY TOMAS - Sergey Loktev 2003

STAR LION - Marky Smith 2004

STARLIT SCARLET - D.L. Shepard 2004

STAR - Weed 1952
TB 40" M. Y1L.
Deep cream self, F. same overlaid gold, heavy, wide orange beard. Mrs. Stella Stedman X Ming Yellow.,

STAR CAPTAIN - Wills 1956
Sdlg. 146-51. TB 38" LM. Y4.
S. canaryyellow, F. white edged barium yellow, yellow area each side gold beard at haft. Star Shine X Polonade.,

STAR CROSS'D - Hinkle 1952
TB 36" M. W1.
White self; beard white tipped light yellow at heart. Spanish Peaks x Faught sdlg. 19H., Craig 1955.

STAR SAPPHIRE - Fischer 1954
Sdlg. 51-15. TB 44" M. B1M.
Medium-blue self. Pierre Menard X Danube Wave.,

STAR WHEEL - Edwards 1959
Sdlg. A-205. SIB 20" M. V1M.
Medium-violet self, standards have appearance of F.; 2 styles. Parentage unknown.,

STARBEAU - W. McKee 1953
TB 38" M. B1M.
Medium-blue self, no markings. Name transferred from earlier seedling, not introduced. Ponder X ((Helen McGregor x Blue Angel Wings) x Ponder).,

STARCHY SUE - Wright 1959
Sdlg. 5632. TB 36" M-L. B1L.
Light-blue self; sometimes red-blushed. Snow Flurry X Indiana Night., Timberline Gard. 1962.

STARFIRE - Wills 1953
Sdlg. 32-48. TB 38" EM. Y3.
S. and F. golden yellow, with deeper gold edge and haft, small white blaze in center of fall. Star Shine X Ola Kala., Fairmount 1954. HM 1956.

STARFROST - Vivian Grapes 1956
Sdlg. 1455. DB 4" EE. Y3.
S. light yellow, F. orange-yellow, bordered ivory, white beard. Nana sdlg. X unknown., Franklin 1957.

STARKIST - Tompkins 1951
TB 38" M-L. Y2.
Ivory cream, gold and cinnamon-red plicata. (Occidental x Ruth Pollock) X Rare Marble., Fleur de Lis 1951.

STARLIFT - C. Benson 1952
Sdlg. 52-2. TB 40" EM. B1M.
Medium-blue self. Tosca X Distance., Benson 1954. HM 1956.

STARLIT HOUR - Tompkins 1955
Sdlg. 5133. TB 38" EL. BV2L.
Plicata, pale lilac with violet markings. Madame Louis Aureau x Blue Shimmer) x Captivation, Fleur de Lis 1955.

STARSPUN - Suiter 1953
TB 40" EM. Y1P.
Chartreuse-cream self, beard same. (Snow Flurry x Chosen) X Fort Knox.,

Sdlg. K59-lA. JI (double), 40" (102 cm), M-L
Deep violet- purple self, yellow signal, white tipped. Marhigo sdlg. X Maddock sdlg. Meirose 1964 HC 1963, HM 1965, Payne Award 1970.

STAR BEAM - Bennett Jones 1967
Sdlg. B20-2. BB, 28" (71 cm), E
S white; F full blue. ((Kiss Me Kate x (Polar Cap x Progenitor)) X ((Polar Cap x Progenitor) x Whole Cloth)). Bennett Jones 1968

STARBURST - Tompkins 1967
TB, 44" (112 cm), M-L
Brilliant orange-red self with smooth blending of fiery copper throughout; ruffled. Donnybrook X Brass Accents. Fleur de Lis 1967 HM 1968.

STARCHED FABRIC - Brummitt 1962
Sdlg. 13y9-l. TB, 36" (91 cm), M-L
S white, blue glow inside; F white, yellow haft and beard. Cahokia X Golden Alps. Tell 1965

STARCHED LINEN - Schroeder 1962
Sdlg. 61-1-2. TB, 30" (76 cm), M
White self. (Tranquility X 1-17-1) X Lipstick.

TB, 40" (102 cm), E-M
Cream self. New Snow X unknown.

STAR CHILD - Ben Hager 1965
Sdlg. 11A 1232A. BB, 20" (51 cm), EM
Ice blue self; self beard. Affable X I. aphylla Austrian. Melrose 1966 HM 1968.

STARFALL - E. Roberts 1960
Sdlg. 60R48. IB, 19" (48 cm), E-M
S white; F pale greenish yellow edged white; orange beard. Welch K-512 (Y. amoena SDB) X Gunsmoke.

STAR GAZER - Babson 1963
Sdlg. J75-2. TB, 40" (102 cm), M
S rosy orchid; F rosy wine; brown on haft. (Doll Festival x unknown) X Al Borak. Melrose 1963

STARLA - E. Smith 1960
Sdlg. 59-44. SDB, 12" (30 cm), L
S off white; F same, large blue- green spot. Green Spot X unknown. Smith, Tell 1961 HM 1964.

STAR MATE - Stanley 1962
Sdlg. 5K2. TB, 36" (91 cm), LM
Brilliant gold self; self beard. Prairie Sunset X Golden Russet. Stanley 1963

STARMIST - Hamacher 1961
Sdlg. S-56-4. TB, 36" (91 cm), E
S flushed pink, edged yellow; F touch of cream, pink at hafts, lace edged yellow, pink styles; orange beard. Wedding Frills X Truly Yours.

STAR POINT BLUE - Hockett 1961
Sdlg. 11-57-3. TB, 38" (97 cm), M-L
Blue on gleaming white ground; tan beard. Arctic Splendor X Dotted Swiss. Parson's Manor 1962

STARSHADOW - R. Watkins 1967
Sdlg. T2/55/2. IB, 18" (46 cm), M
White self (RHS 158B) with yellow haft. Starshine X ((Clear Sailing x (Sulina x Nana) x Green Spot)).

STAR STREAM - C. Benson 1969
Sdlg. 67-8. TB, 36" (91 cm), M
S blue-violet; F wisteria violet; blue tipped beard; ruffled. Arctic Fury X 61-1 ((Henry Shaw x Melissa x Van Cliburn)). HC 1969.

STARTLING - R. Brown 1960
Sdlg. 55-257-20. TB, 36" (91 cm), M
S white flushed apricot pink; F white, brushed apricot at hafts; fire red beard. Top Flight X sib to Peach Delight. Brown's Iris Garden 1961

STAR TRAIL - El Dorado 1963
Sdlg. 43-59. TB, 35" (89 cm), M
S lemon; F white, lemon hafts. Sdlg. X Song of Songs. El Dorado 1963

STAR TREK - C. Tompkins 1968
Sdlg. 64-137. TB, 40" (102 cm), ML
Gilt yellow self with white area on F; heavily ruffled. Arpeggio X Buttercup Bower. Fleur de Lis 1968

STAR BILLING - D. Palmer 1979
Sdlg. 1076B. TB, 36" (91 cm), M
Ruffled pink with slight cast of peach; pink-peach beard. Pink Sleigh X Miss Dolly Dollars. Echo Hill Garden 1980

STAR BOY - F. Dyer 1973
Sdlg. D-110-69-D. SDB, 10" (25 cm), M
S. pale yellow; F. red-violet with 1/4" pale yellow border; yellow beard. Tinkerbell X Knotty Pine. F Dyer 1974

STAR CAPTAIN - J. Wills 1966
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Name released 1975.

STAR CAPTAIN - J. Wills 1975
Sdlg. 11-74. TB, 38" (97 cm), E
S. white; F. bright yellow; orange-yellow beard; ruffled. 21-71 X 11-68.

STAR CITY - F. Brown 1970
Sdlg. 65-65. TB, 36-38" (91-97 cm), M-L
S. white with primrose throat which extends halfway up; F. white with primrose extending beyond hafts; gold beard tipped white; ruffled. Ice Follies X (Rippling Waters x High Above). Landsend Gardens 1970

STAR CLUSTER - Gersdorff 1937
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Marked obsolete in 1949 C. L. Name released 1977.

STAR CLUSTER - Ben Hager 1977
Sdlg. SB45. SIB, 32" (81 cm), ML
S. white; F. pale yellow to white; yellow signal. Cambridge X Swank. Melrose Gardens 1978

STAR COUNTRY - E. Sellman 1976
Sdlg. E-9. TB, 38" (97 cm), M
Hyacinth blue (HCC 40/3) self; lemon-tipped beard. Skywatch X Sterling Silver. Sellman 1976

STAR CRYSTAL - B. Dunbar by D. Sindt 1971
Sdlg. 66-1. IB, 21" (53 cm), EM
S. blue-white; F. blue-white with pale blue flush on upper part around beard and haft; light yellow beard. A513: ((Fairy Flax x Welch H-503) x (BlueSpot x yellow pumila)) X Whole Cloth.

STAR DUST BALLROOM - S. Roberts 1977
Sdlg. R72-83-4. TB, 36" (91 cm), E-M
Icy white self with palest frosty blue cast; ruffled S.; blue beard tipped red. New Moon X Tinge of Lemon sib.

STARFLIGHT - M. Hamblen 1971
Sdlg. M67-4-2. SDB, 12" (30 cm), EM
S. pale yellow, flushed blue (RHS 100D); F. same with yellow-green (153D) spot; orange beard tipped light blue. Sunny Heart X (Grace Note sib x Grace Note). Mission Bell 1971

STARFLOWER - Schreiner's 1977
Sdlg. G 1488-2. TB, 36" (91 cm), EM
Fluted and ruffled pale cream with orange-gold hafts; golden yellow beard. B 715-B: (T 1439-1 x Christmas Time) X D 30-C: (T 456-A x Curl'd Cloud). Schreiner's 1977

STARFROST PINK - J. Gibson 1975
Sdlg. 58-1B. TB, 38" (97 cm), M
Ruffled and laced China rose-pink self; white beard tipped Dutch vermillion. Lorna Lee X Pink Taffeta. Gibson 1976

STARHEART - R. Watkins Watk
Sdlg. B.BJ. IB, 17" (43 cm), EM
S. pale blue (RHS 96D); F. dark blue (96A). Starshine X I. taurica.

STARINA - Schreiner's 1972
Sdlg. D 481-A. TB, 36" (91 cm), ML
Ruffled orchid lavender (RHS 87B) self; near white beard. Dream Time X Skywatch. Schreiner's 1974

STAR OF ERIN - A. & D. Willott 1978
Sdlg. 78-172. SDB, 11" (28 cm), M
Ruffled pale blue with bright green-yellow spot on F.; pale blue beard tipped yellow. Indigo Crown X Warburton 84N3: reverse amoena breeding. Willott 1982

STAR OF ESTE - E. Sellman 1973
Sdlg. D-9. TB, 36" (91 cm), M
Laced white self; pale lemon beard. Light and Lovely X French Lace. Rees Iris 1974

STAR OVER IRAN - H. McKusick 1976
Sdlg. 75-40. AR (OH), 8" (20 cm), E
S. pale buckskin, no veining; F. light henna, streaking and veining from henna signal area, shading to pale buckskin near edge; buckskin beard. I. urmiensis collection #2220 from Iran X I. acutiloba collection #2920 from Iran. Aril Society 1976

STAR OVER MADRID - E. Jaeger 1974
TB, 36" (91 cm), M
S. buff; F. orchid with pink cast; yellow beard; ruffled and laced. Gala Madrid X Butterscotch Kiss. Jaeger 1975

STARRING ROLE - D. Palmer 1971
Sdlg. 9269A. TB, 36" (91 cm), M
Heavily ruffled yellow (RHS 9A) self; yellow beard. Denver Mint X 3165A: ((Riviera x inv. lines) x Rainbow Gold). Echo Hill 1973

STARRY EYED - J. Gatty 1974
Sdlg. C69-B. SDB, 14" (36 cm), M
S. white; F. columbine blue (M&P 42-G-10), narrow edge and hafts of white; creamy white beard. Bright Delight X A-1-A: ((((Azure Skies x self) x Cook 1546) x Blue Denim) x (Dainty Delight x Blue Denim)). Keppel 1975 HM 1976, AM 1979, Cook-Douglas 1982.

STARS OVER CHICAGO - H. Danielson 1972
Sdlg. 71-5. AB, 28" (71 cm), M-L
S. tan, darker rim; F. same; blue beard. Genetic Leader X Genetic Artist. Mount Clare 1973

STAR SPANGLED - M. Hamblen 1972
Sdlg. H67-12A. TB, 36" (91 cm), M-L
Yellow (RHS 13A) self; beard slightly deeper. Royal Gold x H60-80: (Orange Parade x (Orange Crush x Glittering Amber)). Mission Bell 1974

STAR STATUS - A. E. Cox 1978
TB, 33" (84 cm), M
S. golden buff; F. violet, edged golden buff, white “V” around bronze beard. Toni Michele X Lilac Champagne. Iris Corner 1981/82

STARSTEPS - Ben Hager 1974
Sdlg. S88. SIB, 26" (66 cm), M
White self; yellow spear. White Swirl X I. sibirica Nana. Melrose Gardens 1974

STARTER BUTTON - Jeannette Nelson by Mrs. W. Mathews 1973
Sdlg. 70-41-1. TB, 35" (89 cm), E-L
S. amber-tan; F. light rose-lavender with two red spots at haft; small yellow beard. Silver Peak X Rare Wine. Mathews 1974

STARTLER - Schreiners 1978
Sdlg. I 1320-3. TB, 37" (94 cm), M-ML
S. laced white; F. fluted and lightly ruffled white with silvery sheen; red-tangerine beard. C 1534-B: ((Spring Festival x T 29-3) x Christmas Time) X Silver Shower. Schreiner's 1978

STAR VALLEY - T. Muhlestein 1972
Sdlg. 171. TB, 32" (81 cm), E-M
Ruffled lavender self, sprinkled with star dust. Gay Adventure X Rippling Waters. Tell 1972

STAR VENUS - H. Thomas 1976
Sdlg. F32. TB, 36" (91 cm), E-M
S. veronica violet; F. methyl violet. Lilac Champagne X (Painted Wings x Rococo).

STAR WHEEL - Edwards 1959
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STAR CAPER - A. & D. Willott 1980
Sdlg. 79-57. MDB, 5" 13 cm, E
Light yellow with large deep yellow spot on F.; white beard. Golden Starlet X Canary Caper. Willott 1981

STARCHED WHITE - A. Morgan 1987
Sdlg. Ac 8-34. TB, 36" 91 cm, E-M
Pure white; white beard. Ah Oh White X self. Iris Test Gardens 1986

STARCREST - Schreiner's 1983
Sdlg. L 864-A. TB, 37" 94 cm, M
Smooth and satiny warm orchid; fiery tangerine beard. E 350-A: (Dream Time x Priceless Pearl) X Carnaby. Schreiner's 1983

STARDANCER - Bennett Jones 1987
Sdlg. M359-4. SDB, 10" 25 cm, M
Medium blue; deep blue beard; slight sweet fragrance. 236-16: (Kentucky Bluegrass x Cotton Blossom) X 298-3: ((Gingerbread Man x Meadow Moss) x (Meadow Moss x Kentucky Bluegrass)). B Jones 1988

STARDATE - Paul Black 1986
Sdlg. 84273C. SDB, 11" 28 cm, M
S. clear medium blue; F. slightly darker blue with deeper blue spot; orange gold beard tipped blue; ruffled; pronounced spicy fragrance. 822D: (Ice Chalet x Dixie Pixie) X C. Palmer 8134. Mid-America Iris Gardens 1987

STAR GLITTER - Ben Hager 1984
Sdlg. SB94Y2. SIB 28 chrom. diploid, 36" 91 cm, M-L
S. white; F. light yellow, deepening at hafts. Star Cluster X Butter and Sugar. Melrose Gardens 1985

STAR JOY - A. & D. Willott 1982
Sdlg. 80-87. SDB, 13" 33 cm, M-L
Lightly ruffled vivid full yellow, flushed deeper around yellow orange beard. Star Spangled X 78-20: Greenlee GX--12 x Inca Star). Willott 1989

STAR LANCE - W. Plotner 1989
Sdlg. 83-384. TB, 38-40" 97-102 cm, M-L
S. dark violet (RHS 83A) touched white in center; F. dark violet, dark violet midline bisecting white center, very dark purple (79A) edge; light orchid (76D) beard tipped yellow in throat; ruffled. 79-42: (Darktown Strutter x Ribbon Round) X 79-23: (Darkt

STARLIGHTER - Hooker Nichols 1985
Sdlg. 8131B. BB, 26" 66 cm, M-L
S. purple, few white specks at base; F. grape, white center; white beard tipped orange; ruffled; sweet fragrance. Victory Pledge X Aegean Star. Hillcrest Iris 1987

STARLIGHT WALTZ - C. Helsley 1980
Sdlg. 4-80. SDB, 12" 30 cm, M
S. pale lemon yellow; F. white with small pale lemon yellow patch on each side of pale lemon yellow beard; heavily ruffled. Cotton Blossom X Joy Bringer. Helsley 1982

STARLIT BLUE - J. Weiler 1982
Sdlg. 74-54. TB, 30" 76 cm, E-M
White ground plicata, suffused deep blue and veined white; creamy white beard; pronounced sweet fragrance. 71-10-2: (67-4-2: (63-47-3: ((Snow Flurry x ((Theodolinda x Minnie Colquitt) x Blue Shimmer)) x Dotted Swiss) x Rococo) x Shipshape) X Deep Throat.

Sdlg. CC73-10. LA, 24" 61 cm, M
White, small greenish yellow signal; slight fragrance. Inv. long line of crosses of unnumbered sdlgs. of Creole Can-Can. Faggard 1989

STARLIT RIVER - G. Plough 1980
Sdlg. 74-71-10. TB, 33" 84 cm, EM
S. french blue (HCC 43/2); F. white, lightly bordered blue (43/3); blue beard tipped mustard. Pencil Sketch X O My Goodness. Eden Road 1981

STAR MASTER - R. Dunn 1986
Sdlg. B82-784S. TB, 36" 91 cm, M
Ruffled royal purple violet; violet beard tipped yellow. Blue Maxx X Hilow. MAD Garden 1987

STAR PASSION - Ed Roberts 1984
Sdlg. 818. TB, 38" 97 cm, M
S. rich powder blue, bright yellow flush at midrib; F. powder blue, bright yellow hafts; yellow beard; ruffled and waved; slight sweet fragrance. Carriage Trade X Grand Waltz.

Sdlg. B67-1-5. TB, 32" 81 cm, M-L & RE
S. off-white; F. peach, bordered off-white; yellow orange beard; lightly ruffled. Peach Spot X B54-1-1: ((D13-6 x Glacier Sunset) x Snowline). D. & J. Gardens 1984

STAR QUEEN - F. Dyer 1984
Sdlg. D-85-77-D. SDB, 13" 33 cm, M
S. blue violet, green at tip; F. red violet, edged grey; blue beard. D-124-73-D: (Green Spot x Green Spot) X Gingerbread Man. Dyer's Iris 1984

STAR RUBY - H. Shockey 1981
Sdlg. 177-24-9C. AR OH, 8.5" 22 cm, E
S. white with dark ruby black slashes on inside of base; F. medium maroon purple, diffusing to near white at tip, large ruby black signal; white beard tipped dark ruby. 174-7-U: ((Judean Bonnet x C. G. White W-157) x I. iberica) X Cherry Sass. Arilian Acr

STARRY DUSK - T. J. Betts 1980
Sdlg. 512A. LA, 41" 104 cm, E
S. dark purple violet (RHS 82A); F. dark violet (83B), silver-flecked signal. Pegaletta X Katherine L. Cornay. Betts 1980/81

STARS BY DAY - B. Warburton 1984
Sdlg. ADS-80-1. SIB 28 chrom. diploid, 34" 86 cm, ML
S. pale blue with deep violet blue midrib and veining; pearly white styles with floret crests; F. pale blue, deeper blue ray pattern, green hafts ending in double "V", navy blue signal. Atoll X Blue Song. Warburton 1985

STAR SEARCH - A. & D. Willott 1984
Sdlg. 83-42. SDB, 12" 31 cm, M-L
S. pale yellow with pale blue tints; F. pale yellow bottom, blue white top, gold hafts; violet blue beard; ruffled. Coral Wings sib X 78-126: (Cherished x Greenlee GX-9, white pumila). Willott 1985

STARSHIP - Monty Byers 1988
Sdlg. D213-102. TB, 36" 91 cm, E-L & RE
Ruffled white, yellow at hafts; yellow orange beard, long violet white horns or spoons; slight sweet fragrance. Leda's Lover X B-37-2: (Sky Hooks x Condottiere). Moonshine Gardens 1989

STAR SHOWER - A. & D. Willott 1988
Sdlg. 84-20. SDB, 12" 30 cm, E-M
S. ruffled light yellow; F. light yellow, edged and veined deep yellow; yellow beard. 78-158: (Kentucky Bluegrass x unknown) X unknown. Willott 1988

STARS OVER LPASO - L. Danielson 1985
Sdlg. L-83-9. AB OGB, 18" 46 cm, M
S. soft bright tan with hint of lavender at midrib; light violet styles, light tan crests; F. light brown, violet line blaze 1/3 way down; brown beard tipped violet. Stars Over Chicago X Grecian Form. Pleasure Iris 1986

STAR STUDDED - D. Palmer 1981
Sdlg. 8075B. TB, 35" 89 cm, M-L
S. peachy pink, slightly darker at midrib; F. white, blending to peach pink at edge, hafts and around tangerine beard; heavily ruffled and lightly laced. 4072A: (Signature x Dream Vendor) X Miss Dolly Dollars. Echo Hill Garden 1982

STARTING CALSIBE - Tomas Tamberg 1981
CA-SIB tet., 19.5" 50 cm, E
S. rose lavender; F. rose lavender, veined darker. (Berliner Riesen x I. fernaldii) X self. Schoeppinger Irisgarten 1983

STARTING CRYSATA - Tomas Tamberg 1988
SIB 40 chrom, 39.5" 99 cm, M
S. yellowish; F. yellowish with blue lines; slight sweet fragrance. 40 chrom. yellow Siberian, subseries Chrysographes X I. biglumis lactea.

STARTING SIBTOSA - Tomas Tamberg 1984
SIB-SETOSA tet., 24" 60 cm, L
Blue violet. I. sibirica "Elmeney" X I. setosa. Schoeppinger Irisgarten 1987

START THE MUSIC - G. Plough 1980
Sdlg. 74-127-12. TB, 36" 91 cm, ML
S. pure white; F. white, blending to campanula violet (HCC 37/1) with darker halo pattern near edge, yellow green hafts; intense indian yellow beard.50-82 67-58-2: (inv. Emma Cook, Flower Power, Gaylord, Golden Eagle, Heady Wine, Lotte Lembrich, Pink Came

STAR WALKER - P. Dennis 1982
Sdlg. 79-52. TB, 38" 97 cm, M
S. pale yellow; F. light violet with pale yellow edge; tangerine beard tipped yellow; lightly ruffled. 75-27: (((C. Simon 165-59 x ((Lynn Langford x (Morocco Rose x Prairie Sunset)) x Happy Birthday)) x ((C. Simon 165-59 x Ever Thine) x Whole Cloth)) x Fl

STAR WARS - E. Roderick 1980
Sdlg. PU7802. TB, 36" 91 cm, M-L
Ruffled indigo blue purple; blue beard. Ruffled Ballet X Navy Strut. Roderick 1981