Iris Registry Inquiry

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SKY ADVENTURE - William Simon by Elizabet 1993

SKY AND SUN - Donald Spoon 1997

SKY BEAUTY - Mary Louise Dunderman 1994

SKY BLUE PINK - O.D. Niswonger 1994

SKY BRIGHT - Jean Witt 1992

SKY COVER - Vernon Wood 1995

SKYDANCER - Sylvia Chapman 1996

SKY DANCING - Barry Blyth 1995

SKY FALLS - Ladislav Muska 1995

SKY FIESTA - Tom Magee 1999

SKY KNOCKER - Terrell Taylor 1998

SKY PIE - Tom Burseen 1990

SKY RAIN - Tom Magee 1999

SKY ROAD - Chet Tompkins 1997

SKY SEARCH - Larry Gaulter by Cooley's Ga 1993

SKYBO - Tom Magee 1999

SKYE BLUE - B. L. C. Dodsworth 1996

SKYETOUCH - Don Nebeker 1999

SKYLARK'S SONG - Schreiner 1996

SKYLASH - Lois Belardi 1993

SKYLINE DIVIDE - Stan Dexter, dec'd, byC 2001

SKYLINE SONG - G. F. Wilson 1994

SKYRAY - Richard Tasco 1995

SKYWALKER - Schreiner 1996

SKYHOPPER - George Sutton 2002

SKY TRACERY - Stephanie Markham 2002

SKY KING RETURNS - Larry Lauer 2003

SKY SPIRIT - Schreiner 2004

SKY WILLOW - Donald Spoon 2004

SKY ABOVE - P. Cook 1952
Sdlg. 9547. TB 36" M. VB1L.
Light violet-blue self (wisteria blue, Ridgway). Distance x ((blue self from (Sensation x deep blue) x Great Lakes))., Longfield 1952. HM 1953.

SKY AND WATER - Payne 1953
JI (6 petal) 46" EM. V3
Violet bitone, from light violet to pallid violet (Ridgway B2). (Sdlg. 101: Ganymede x Osamaru-miyo) x (sdlg. 127: (Aifukurin x Kongo-san) x Ai-fukurin))., Payne 1954.

SKY CRYSTAL - Sass 1954
Sdlg. 50-152. TB 38-40" M. B1P.
Self, blue-white to pale blue (Wilson). Several generations sdlgs. from Snowking X Snosheen., Fleur de Lis 1955. HM 1955.

SKY DYE - Nelson 1954
TB 36" ML. B1ML.
Self, medium to light blue (gentian, M & P 43-D-10), lighter around beard which is pale blue and white. Helen McGregor X Blue Valley., Tell 1955.

SKY FLAME - DeForest 1958
Sdlg. 57-3-S. TB 36" M. B1.
Blue self; red beard. ((Carabella x Pink Sensation) X (Cloudcap x Frances Kent))., Irisnoll 1961.

SKY HOSTESS - Suiter 1956
TB 48" ML. R1L.
Flamingo-pink self, deeper at hafts. ((Golden Eagle x Buffawn) x (Muhlestein 47-72A x Pink Formal)) x Pandora., Suiter 1957.

SKY LANTERN - Fraim 1950
TB 36" LM. BMy1.
Medium-blue self, yellow influence. Goldbeater x unknown.,

SKY PATCH - P. Cook 1955
Sdlg. 1153. DB 4" EE. B3L.
Bitone: S. pale Neropalin blue, F. light Neropalin blue (Ridgway). Blue pumila sdlg. X unknown (presumed to be blue pumila)., Longfield 1955. HM 1956.

SKY PIECE - Hobson 1954
Sdlg. 49-6. TB 42" M-LM. B1L.
Light-blue self. Helen McGregor x Great Lakes.,

SKY PILOT - Mary Benbow 1950
TB 48" M. BP1.
Pale blue self. Blue Morn X Great Lakes.,

SKY RIDER - Fothergill 1956
Sdlg. 5/21. TB 50" L. B1.
French blue self. Helen McKenzie x Dorothy King., Leavesden 1958.

SKY ROOM - Edythe Burns 1954
TB 38" M. B1L.
Very light blue self (M & P 34-3-A), penciled gold at hafts, yellow beard. Sharkskin x Matterhorn.,

SKY RUFFLES - Lucile Miller 1959
Sdlg. 55-21-1. TB 32" M. B1P.
Ethyl-blue self, brushed white; light beard. Chivalry x Spanish Peaks.,

SKYLIGHT - Plato 1952
TB 36" ML. B1L.
Light-blue self, frosty luster; orange beard. Rosy Wings x unknown., Shillings 1958.

SKYMASTER - Billiald 1958
TB 48" M-L.
Rhodamine 29/3, self; gold beard. Golden Eagle x Muhlestein 49-11.,

SKYSCAPE - DeForest 1958
Sdlg. 53-13S. TB 38" M. RB5L.
Blue flushed pink, self; tangerine beard. Cloudcap X (Cloudcap x Frances Kent)., Irisnoll 1958.

SKYWATCH - C. Benson 1952
Sdlg. 52-3. TB 36" M. B1L.
Light-blue self. Tosca x ((Azure Skies x Great Lakes) x Distance).,

SKY AT HOME - von Martin 1966
", Sdlg. Himmel Der Heimat". TB, 34" (86 cm), M
Clear medium blue self; enamel-like finish. Seamaster X South Pacific. Fairmount 1964 Silver Medal, Vienna 1964.

SKY BABY - A. Brown 1960
Sdlg. M-136-24. SDB, 13" (33 cm), E
Light blue self; white beard. Fairy Flax X Snow Elf. Brown's Iris Gard 1962 HM 1963, JC 1964, AM 1967.

SKYBALL - J. Tucker 1968
Sdlg. 214A. TB, 36" (91 cm), M-L
White ground plicata, stitched blue; beard purple with yellow underneath. Full Circle X Rococo. Southern Meadows 1968

SKY BOLT - A. Brown 1968
Sdlg. M 1250-5. SDB, 12" (30 cm), E
S light blue; F light blue overlaid with green, deeper color at haft and lighter toward edges; ruffled; blue beard. Blueberry Muffins X Snow Elf. Brown's Iris Gardens 1969

SKY CAP - Vallette 1965
BB, 28" (71 cm), E
S pale blue; F blue-violet. Dotted Swiss X Kiss Me Kate.

SKY CAPER - Warburton 1962
Sdlg. 45BC509. MDB, 6" (15 cm), EE
Pale purplish blue self, white beards. Fairy Flax X AM-5 (blue pumila). Warburton 1963 HM 1964, JC 1965, Caparne Award 1968.

SKY CLIPPER - E. Roberts 1968
Sdlg. SPWR-2. TB, 38" (97 cm), M
S light orchid; F rose- purple edged light orchid. Silver Peaks X Wine and Roses. HC 1968.

SKY CROCHET - Nebeker 1962
Sdlg. 527A. TB, 36" (91 cm), ML
Medium to light blue self, pale yellow beard, laced edges. Sky Song X Sierra Skies. Tell 1962 HC 1961.

SKY CROWN - Tompkins-Zuk 1961
TB, 44" (112 cm), ML
White plicata, powder blue border. Dotted Swiss X Lela Dixon. Fleur de Lis 1961

SKYDIVA - F. Knocke 1964
Sdlg. K-31. TB, 31" (79 cm), M
S white; F white, blue blush on edges; yellow beard tipped white. Whole Cloth X Cross Country. Young 1965 HC 1964, HM 1966, JC 1967, President+s Cup 1966.

SKY DOT - Earl Roberts 1966
Sdlg. 66R2. MDB, 4" (10 cm), VEE
S white with green ribs; F white with deep blue spot; white beard. (White Mite x Brownett) x cream sdlg., X (White Mite x Brownett) x cream sdlg. sib. E Roberts 1970 HC 1966.

SKY DRIFTER - Frank Foster 1965
Sdlg. A-8-65. BB, 25-27", ML
Very pale frosty blue self; medium blue beard. Loomis blue sdlg. X Foaming Seas. Mesa Iris 1966

SKY HARBOR - J. Marsh 1966
Sdlg. 65-38. TB, 36" (91 cm), EM
Spectrum blue (Wilson 45/3) self with lighter area just below beard; ruffled. Galilee sdlg. 61-30 X Ellen Manor. Marsh 1967

SKY KING - P. Craig 1966
Sdlg. 1. TB, 40" (102 cm), E
Commodore blue self. Steeplechase X Mary McClellan x (Mary McClellan x Blue Violet). Craig 1966

SKYLON - Berndt 1962
Sdlg. 301 MDB, 3" (8 cm), E
S violet; F darker, lighter violet on edge. Fairy Flax X Lilliput.

SKY PATROL - Buttrick 1961
Sdlg. 58-16A. TB, 36" (91 cm), M-L
White self, pure white beard. (Bluebird x South Pacific) X Concord River. Fairmount 1962

SKY QUEEN - F. Craig 1962
Sdlg. B-202. TB, 38" (97 cm), E & Re
Campanula blue self. (Steeplechase x Mary McClellan) X Regina Maria. Craig 1962

SKY REFLECTION - D. Palmer 1968
Sdlg. 39-65B. TB, 36" (91 cm), M
Light blue self; ruffled; beard white tipped pale yellow. Henry Shaw X Seaborne. HC 1968.

SKYTONE - Z. Benson 1969
Sdlg. GBl4-9. SDB, 10" (25 cm), M
Blue self. Front Gate X Sulina.

SKY TORCH - Peterson 1962
Sdlg. A-8-B. SDB, 14" (36 cm), E
Blue and orange blended self, white beard. Olympic Torch X April Morn. Peterson 1963

SKY TRAIL - Quist 1963
Sdlg. 21-3. TB, 36" (91 cm), M-L
Light chicory blue self, light yellow beard. Praiseworthy X Whole Cloth.

SKYVIEW - Opal Brown 1967
Sdlg. 3-1C30. TB, 38"-40", M
Gentian blue self (42/3 to 42/2); beard cream. Winter Olympics X Galilee. Brown's Sunnyhill 1969 HC 1968.

SKYWATCH - C. Benson, TB 1952
, ,
Transferred to Sdlg. 60-23.

SKYWATCH - C. Benson 1963
Sdlg. 60-23. TB, 37" (94 cm), M
Orchid and lavender self. ((Spanish Peaks x Cloudless Sky) x Henry Shaw) X Van Cliburn. C. Benson 1964 HC 1960, HM 1965, JC 1965, 1966, AM 1967, Dykes Medal 1970.

SKY AND SNOW - B. Warburton 1971
Sdlg. 87N-1. SDB, 12" (30 cm), EM
S. full violet-blue (RHS 94C); F. greyed off-white; white beard. 115K-8: (((Blue Angelwings x ivory pumila) x (blue pumila x Spanish Peaks)) x ((Great Lakes x blue pumila) x (blue pumila x Spanish Peaks))) X 29L-1: ((DE330 x Dear Love) x self). Warburton

SKY BIRD - Tom Magee 1979
Sdlg. 7310 A. BB, 27" (69 cm), M
Ruffled bluish white, brown haft markings, grading to blue across F.; white beard,yellow in throat. Broadmeadow X 6848: (Winter Olympics x (Elf x Brigadoon)). Wedow Iris 1981

SKYBURST - E. Burger 1972
Sdlg. D-21. TB, 34" (86 cm), M
S. orange-pink; F. lighter; tangerine beard; heavily ruffled and lightly laced. Chinese Coral X Irish Lullaby. Gene & Gerry's Iris 1972

SKY GEM - M. Leavitt 1973
Sdlg. M-534. TB, 32" (81 cm), ML
S. blue-white; F. medium blue; pale yellow beard. (Bristol Gem X Bristol Gem) X Whole Cloth sdlg. Leavitt 1973

SKY HOOKS - M. Osborne 1979
Sdlg. SA-1. TB, 38" (97 cm), M
S. soft yellow pongee (RHS 160C); F. soft yellow (160D/C), flushed lighter in center; gold beard ending in violet horns; ruffled. Wedding Vow X Moon Mistress. Melrose Gardens 1980

SKY JACK - John Nelson 1979
Sdlg. 13-69A. TB, 35" (89 cm), M
S. light sky blue; F. royal blue; cream-yellow beard; ruffled. Skywatch X Apropos. Cottage Gardens 1979

SKY KISSED - C. Tompkins 1977
Sdlg. 70-39. TB, 39" (99 cm), ML
Heavily ruffled pale powder blue self; pale bluish pink beard. (Emissary x Jones red-bearded blue sdlg.) X (Champagne Music x Emissary). Fleur de Lis 1975

SKYLAB - N. Sexton 1974
Sdlg. 89-66. TB, 36" (91 cm), M
S. blue-white; F. deep navy blue; blue-white beard. (Pacific Panorama x Celestial Snow) X Hidden Magic. Sexton 1974

SKYLINE DRIVE - G. Plough 1976
Sdlg. 71-16-20. TB, 37" (94 cm), ML
S. between French blue (43/3) and gentian blue (42/3) with darker flush up from base; F. lobelia blue (41); orange beard tipped dresden yellow. Lord Baltimore X Out Yonder. Eden Road 1977

SKY MAGIC - H. Schmelzer 1970
Sdlg. 17-9ES9. TB, 37" (94 cm), E-L
Gentian blue (42/3) self; white beard. (Favorite Topic x Auda) X Skywatch. Schmelzer 1971

SKYRAIDER - C. Benson 1977
Sdlg. 76-14B. TB, 36" (91 cm), M
Ruffled sky blue self; light blue beard; fragrant. Maestro Puccini X Silent Snow.

SKY RUBY - L. Peterson 1975
Sdlg. LP 71-05. BB, 20" (51 cm), M
Sky blue (between HCC 46/3 and 46/2) self; deep tangerine-red beard. Morn Aglow X LP 68-107: ((Frost and Flame x Speak Softly) x (Eleanor's Pride x Orange Pagoda)). L Peterson 1976

SKY SAILOR - A. & D. Willott 1975
Sdlg. 72-60. SDB, 12" (30 cm), M
S. blue-white; F. light aqua-blue, flushed deeper around white beard. 70-7: (Eye Shadow x Lemon Spot) X 70-32: (Welch U-413 x Little Imp). Willott 1975

SKY SHADOWS - Earl Roberts 1970
Sdlg. 70R35. SDB, 11" (28 cm), E-M
Snow white with light blue spot on each side of white beard. Miss Indiana X Sky Dot. Earl Roberts 1971

SKY SIGNAL - H. Shockey 1979
Sdlg. 163-40A. AB (2/3), 25 1/2" (65 cm), E
Pale blue (RHS 108D). with small violet-blue chevron signal bisected by white slash; white beard, yellow in throat. Blue Joy X Imaret. Aril Society, Arilian Acres 1979

SKY WINGS - W. Peck 1971
Sdlg. S631. SIB, 36" (91 cm), M
S. light blue; F. darker with yellow blaze, radiating violet-blue veining; pale blue to white styles. Unknown parentage. Old Brook 1971

SKYWRITER - K. Mohr 1979
Sdlg. 72-9-1. TB, 42" (107 cm), M
Ruffled violet-blue (RHS 92B) self; white beard. Mt. Repose X Skywatch. Mohr Gardens 1979

SKY AND EARTH - H. Mathes 1980
Sdlg. B-DD-76-1. AB OGB, 29.5" 75 cm, E
S. light blue; F. beige brown with darker signal. Bangladesh X Desert Dove. Aril Society 1981

SKY AND MIST - W. Ackerman 1981
Sdlg. D-53-50. JI 7-9 F. diploid, 23.5" 60 cm, L
Violet (RHS 87B) petaloids, edged white; F. white with dark violet blue (89B) veining and slight mosaic area, yellow (13B) signal, loose peony form. F8 X P7: (inv. P1235584 sdlgs. from Seiko-en Nursery of Japan). Bush 1986

SKY AND SEA - C. Williamson-Murdock 1983
TB, 28" 71 cm, EM
S. light blue; F. dark bluish violet; light blue beard; ruffled. Dream Lover X Mystique.

SKYBLAZE - Keith Keppel 1986
Sdlg. 80-45E. TB, 35" 89 cm, M
S. near chicory blue (M&P 42-B-7); F. chicory blue; burnt orange to tomato red beard; pronounced sweet fragrance. 78-52C: (Firewater x (((Jones 743 x (Marquesan Skies x Babbling Brook)) x ((Morning Breeze x Babbling Brook) x Jones 730-1)) x Intuition)) X

SKY CAVALIER - William Simon 1986
Sdlg. 84-2-1. TB, 40" 102 cm, ML
Light blue; blue beard tipped white. Flair X Song of Norway. Stahly 1991

SKY CLOUD - R. Solomon 1980
Sdlg. 61-13A4. TB, 32" 76 cm, M
Ruffled white with blue influence; yellow beard. First Violet X Celestial Snow. Solomon 1980

SKYDROPS - J. Seeden by G. Hanson 1980
Sdlg. l-79-1. SDB, 10" 25 cm, M
Ruffled clear medium blue; white beard. (Lake Kalamalka x Wee Blue) X Cotton Blossom. Riverdale Iris 1980

SKYE - P. Blyth 1988
Sdlg. 4-51-C. TB, 37" 94 cm, EM
Powder blue; deep blue beard heavily tipped bronze. Touch of Bronze X Pacific Gambler. Tempo Two 1988/89

SKY ECHO - F. Dyer 1989
Sdlg. D-2-86-B. BB, 24" 61 cm, M
Pale blue; ruffled F.; yellow beard tipped white; slight musky fragrance. D-26-81-D: (Ohl 64-64: (Mary Randall x "Smarty Kid") x Cindy Ellen) X Friedline 72-100. Dyer's Iris 1989 HM 1991

SKY ECHO TOO - B. Blyth 1989
Sdlg. V70-2. TB, 34" 86 cm, E-M
S. ice blue; F. slightly lighter ice blue with slightly deeper shading in center; white beard, gold in throat. Olympiad X Pledge Allegiance. Tempo Two 1989/90

SKYFIRE - Schreiner's 1980
Sdlg. K 905-E. TB, 36" 91 cm, M
Tailored rich orange amber; self beard. Flaming Day X C 933-1: ((0-900 x Pretty Carol) x Claudia Rene). Schreiner's 1980

SKYLAND - J. & V. Craig 1987
Sdlg. 48L6. TB, 36" 91 cm, E-M
S. blue white; F. pale blue, smoothly changing to near white around beard; white beard; pronounced sweet fragrance. Cup Race X Aspen Cove. Craig 1987

SKY LIFT - Jim Browne 1989
Sdlg. BR-001. TB, 36" 91 cm, E-M
Pale blue green (slightly lighter than RHS 112D); self beard. Peachtree X Valentina. Cottage Gardens 1993

SKY MIRROR - B. Warburton 1986
Sdlg. AWW8O-13. SIB 28 chrom. diploid, 35" 89 cm, M-L
S. violet blue (RHS 96D), darker veining on centerline; violet blue styles flushed aqua on each side of midrib; F. darker violet blue (95A) surrounding distinct green signal, radiating out to lighter (96C) shoulders and edge. Atoll X Wing on Wing. Joe Pye

SKY OF SUMMER - L. Powell 1984
TB, 36" 91 cm, E-VL
Laced blue; yellow beard tipped white; pronounced sweet fragrance. Carolina Blue X Carolina Sky. Powell's Gardens 1985

SKY PILLOW - T. Magee 1989
Sdlg. 8438A. TB, 30" 76 cm, M
S. pale sky blue; styles same; F. ivory, gold haft markings; white beard tipped gold; ruffled; sweet/musky fragrance. 781lA: (((Above All x Fuji's Mantle) x (Mary Randall x Strike Me Pink)) x Royal Regency) X Skysails.

SKYROCKET BURST - S. Hirao by B. Hager 1988
Sdlg. #10. JI 3 F. diploid, 37" 94 cm, M
S. white, edged fuchsia purple; white styles, fuchsia purple crests; F. white, distinctly veined fuchsia purple from greenish yellow signal to wide fuchsia purple edge. Unknown parentage. Melrose Gardens 1989

SKYSAILS - T. Magee 1982
Sdlg. 7733A. TB, 40" 102 cm, M
S. medium blue, veined darker, interior darker violet at base; F. medium blue, veined darker, brown haft markings; medium blue beard tipped gold; slight spicy fragrance. 749C: ((Bang x Gala Madrid) x (Wayward Wind x Chartreuse Butterfly)) X Five Star Admi

SKYSHIP - R. Dunn 1986
Sdlg. B82-784E. TB, 36" 91 cm, M
S. smoky plum violet; F. greyed smoky plum violet, rimmed S. color; self beard tipped bronze. Blue Maxx X Hilow. MAD Garden 1987

SKY SURF - T. Magee 1985
Sdlg. 8050A. TB, 40" 102 cm, ML
S. white with blue cast; F. scrolled white with green cast, slight green yellow hafts; green white beard to green yellow in throat; ruffled and lightly laced. Colorado Sunshine X Winter Pines. Long's Gardens 1989