Iris Registry Inquiry

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SHE DEVIL - Paul Black 1996

SHE'S ALL THAT - Richard Ernst 2001

SHEBA'S FLAME - Donald Spoon 2000

SHEBA'S JEWEL - Howard Shockey 1994

SHEBANG - Bob Bauer-John Coble 1999

SHEER ECSTASY - Schreiner 1996

SHEER FANTASY - Larry Lauer 2001

SHEER LOYALTY - W. Terry Varner 1992

SHEILA LEE - Marie Murdy 1992

SHELBY LYNNE - Michael Sutton 2000

SHELDON BUTT - O. D. Niswonger 1995

SHEPCHINOK - Viacheslav Gavrilin 1997

SHERBET LEMON - Cy Bartlett 1991

SHERMAN - John J. Taylor 1994

SHERRYL RENEE - Tom Burseen 1992

SHERWOOD DAWN - B. L. C. Dodsworth 1999

SHERWOOD GLACIER - Walter Marx by Dorothy 1991

SHERWOOD PINK - B. L. C. Dodsworth 1996

SHERWOOD PRIMROSE - B. L. C. Dodsworth 1996

SHESTIGLAZKA - Georgi Rodionenko 2001

SHERSHEN - Viktor Sholupov 2002

SHE'S SWEET - Barry Blyth 2003

SHEER DELIGHT - Chowning 1953
Louisiana 36" M. VR3.
S. pale lavender-pink; F. same with gold line in center surrounded by deep-lavender flush. Lockett's Luck x Accolade., Conger 1954.

SHEIK OF ARABY - Ulrich 1953
TB 36" M. R3.
S. red-brown, F. red; orange beard. Susitna Sunset X Brown Thrasher., Sterling 1954.

SHELL CANYON - Oscar Colin 1954
TB 36" M. V5M.
Deep blend, plum, copper and gold. Grand Canyon x Prairie Sunset.,

SHERPA - Beach 1953
TB 36" LM. Y3.
Yellow-toned bitone. S. "oyster white," stitched golden-bay (M & P 4-D-12), F. same. Zantha x Radiation.,

SHERRY ANN - Riggs 1956
Sdlg. H-A-38. TB 35" M. R1.
Maroon self (Wilson 1030/1), dash of white at haft; orange beard. Giant Orchid X Minnie Colquitt., Riggs 1958.

SHERRY KAY - Carstensen-Sass 1958
Sdlg. 53-297. BB 24" M-L. YO5P.
Pink-coral self with coral throat. Parentage unknown.,

Sdlg. 986 JI, 48" (122 cm), M
Pansy violet self with blue halo and veins; prune-purple center. Debonair Prince X 226 (62 x 110). Payne 1969

Sdlg. 1122 JI (single)., 36" (91 cm), LM
S mulberry purple; F mulberry purple on light ground. Winged Chariot X Debonair Prince. Payne 1969

SHEER GLAMOUR - Payne 1968
Sdlg. 739 JI (single)., 49" (124 cm), E
S litho purple; F white lightly stippled litho purple. 92F4 X 34F5. Payne 1969

SHEER JOY - Dubes-Young 1962
Sdlg. 56-16-1. TB, 32" (81 cm), M
S ivory flushed raspberry, edged chartreuse; F ivory-white, edged chartreuse cream. Rejoice X Lavendula.

TB, 32" (81 cm), ML
Yellow amoena. (Wabash x Spun Gold) X Wabashine.

SHELLEY D - C. Hansen 1969
Sdlg. CH-341. BB, 27" (69 cm), EM
Deep golden yellow self with brown veining on F; orange beard. Butterfly Wings X Phoebus Apollo. Mission Bell 1969 HC 1967.

SHELLY LYNN - Carstensen 1964
Sdlg. C-15-62. TB, 34" (86 cm), M
Orchid self, tan haft; red beard. Parentage unknown. Nick's Iris 1965

SHEPHERD'S DELIGHT - H. Fothergill 1969
Sdlg. 63/8. TB, 38" (97 cm), M-L
Clear pink self merging into yellow at base of F. ((True Rose x (June Meredith x Viscount)) X sib. Orpington Nurseries 1970

SHEREENE - Knopf 1964
Sdlg. 62-4. TB, 36" (91 cm), M
S light buff, lavender influence; F light buff. Lady Ruffles X Mission Trails. Knopf, Tell 1965

SHERRIANNA - Mashburn 1969
TB, 37" (94 cm), M
Raspberry self; slightly ruffled; tangerine beard. Mary Randall X Rosabella.

SHERRY STASKA - H. Riggs 1962
Sdlg. 1-E-17. TB, 32" (81 cm), M
Phlox pink self, shrimp-red beard. Pink Sensation X unknown.

SHEER GENIUS - T. Muhlestein 1970
Sdlg. 147F. TB, 40" (102 cm), M-L
S. pale violet-blue; F. violet-blue; pale yellow beard. Lilac Champagne X Pipes of Pan. Tell 1970

SHEER MAGIC - F. Carr 1979
Sdlg. 74-71. TB, 37" (99 cm), ML
S. yellow; F. red, edged yellow, yellow-red veining and striations on shoulders; yellow beard; lightly laced. Limerick X Mandarin Moon. Carr 1984

SHEER POETRY - D. Palmer 1978
Sdlg. 6274N. TB, 36" (91 cm), M
Ruffled and crimped blend of buff, lavender and yellow with tiny rim of light tan at edges of S. and F; lavender on midribs and around yellow beard. Starring Role X New Moon. Echo Hill 1979

SHEIK - Fass 1949
, ,
Name released 1976. Name released 1976

SHEIK - Ben Hager 1976
Sdlg. AR 2837. AB (1/2), 34" (86 cm), E
S. fuchsia violet, veined deeper; F. amber-red, veined deeper, small feathered dark signals; bronze beard. Turkish Tracery X Welcome Reward. Keppel, Melrose Gardens 1976

SHEIK JAMIL - J. Tearington 1975
Sdlg. P-604. AR (RC), 20" (51 cm), M
S. brownish shade of maroon with darker veining; F. slightly darker shade of maroon, darker veining; beard violet base, cream center, tipped bronze. I. stolonifera X Persian Pansy. Sierra Vista 1976

SHEPAUG RIVER - F. Gadd 1977
Sdlg. 23-73. AB (1/4), 15" (38 cm), E
S. porcelain blue (HCC 49/1); F. same with small black signal; brown beard tipped blue. Lady X Shalom. Wethersfield Iris 1978

SHEPHERD'S SONG - L. Clark by L. Leech 1970
Sdlg. 66-C-14. AB, 18-28" (46-71 cm), E-M
S. white with strong supporting midrib; F. white, raspberry red signal; white beard. (Kerr 55-I x Kerr 55-14) X (((I. lortetii x I. auranitica) x MX7-0) x (W06-22 x Imaret)). Discovery Trail 1970

SHERBORNE - J. D. Taylor 1975
Sdlg. N.74/1. SDB, 14" (36 cm), M
S. pale yellow; F. gold with pale rim. Sunny Heart X Amphora. Orpington Nurseries 1977

SHEBAN SEDUCTRESS - L. Clark by V. Ross 1982
Sdlg. 192 CV 72 #1A. AB OGB+, 22" 56 cm, E
S. ruffled very pale lobelia blue; F. same, shading to ecru on edge, dotted ecru heart-shaped area on upper portion, very dark brown signal; bronze beard. Moon Over Shiraz X (W. Wilkes 18 Sal 12 x Syrian Moon sib). Aril Society 1982

SHEBA'S BEAUTY - Hooker Nichols 1985
Sdlg. 8351A. AB OGB-, 16" 41 cm, M-L
S. violet; F. red brown, deeper area around gold beard. Chestnut Lullaby X Prince Thou Art. Hillcrest Iris 1987 AM 1993

SHEBA'S QUEEN - B. Miller 1988
TB, 36" 91 cm, EM & RE late Nov in AL
Lightly ruffled garnet with scarlet overwash that darkens with age. Wily Delilah X (Fires of Gehenna x Post Time). Enchanted Rainbow Garden 1988

SHEENEEN - M. Rogers by Aril Society 1980
Sdlg. 75-2. AB OGB-, 20" 51 cm, E
S. ruffled pink lilac; orange yellow style arms; F. cream pink with very slight lilac tint, pronounced mulberry signal; mulberry beard. Soft Image X Rare Form. Aril Society 1980

SHEER BLISS - C. Tompkins 1987
Sdlg. 83-95. TB, 38" 97 cm, M-VL
Fluted cornflower blue; pale blue white beard. (((Columbia x Blue Rhythm) x (Chicory Blue x Deep Space)) x ((Chivalry x Mountain Music) x (Flagship x Babbling Brook))) X ((((Radiant Bride x Babbling Brook) x (Cahokia x Chalk Talk)) x ((Silver Song x Brook

SHEER CLASS - L. Miller 1986
Sdlg. 4284. SDB, 11" 28 cm, M-L
S. pale magenta rose, orchid flush at base; F. pale french rose with light magenta rose rays; coral pink beard. Pink Kitten X Inscription. Miller's Manor 1988 HM 1991

SHEER ENERGY - K. Shaver 1982
Sdlg. 75-4-1. SDB, 12-14" 30-36 cm, M-L
S. red violet; F. blood red; electric blue beard; tailored; slight fragrance. 72-6-2: (Cherry Garden x Bloodspot) X Candy Apple. Hillcrest Iris 1983

SHEILA B - W. Simon 1987
Sdlg. 8-44-4. BB, 24" 61 cm, E-EM
S. creamy white; F. white, edged lemon cream; lemon beard. Demure Miss X Carved Marble. Stahly 1988

SHELL CAMEO - A. & D. Willott 1982
Sdlg. 80-71. IB, 20" 51 cm, M
S. white, heavily marked light golden beige; F. white, lightly marked beige, edged pale yellow; deep yellow beard; ruffled. 74-98: (Carousel Princess x Tiffy) X Roundup. Willott 1983

Sdlg. S11K. TB, 34" 86 cm, M
White; deep blue beard. Victoria Falls X Rebecca Anne. Allen Iris Garden 1997

Sdlg. T-82-17. TB, 28" 71 cm, E-M
S. pale bright yellow; F. dark wine red, edged yellow; bright gold beard; ruffled and lightly laced; pronounced sweet fragrance. Spiced Honey X Flamenco. Maple Tree Gardens 1988

SHENANIGAN - Keith Keppel 1983
Sdlg. 78-74A. BB, 25" 64 cm, EM
S. miniature pink (M&P2-B-8); F. rhodenite pink (43-G-1) with dahlia purple wash, darker (45-K-6) on edge and hafts; white beard tipped yellow to tangerine; slight sweet fragrance. 75-113B: (Flamenco sib x (Roundup sib x April Melody)) X 75-98B, Peccadill

SHEPHERD'S HEY - C. Helsley 1982
Sdlg. 17B-79. TB, 38" 97 cm, LM
S. blue violet; F. slightly darker; white beard changing to yellow in throat; heavily ruffled; slight fragrance. Ruffled Ballet X Fashion Trend. Helsley 1983

Sdlg. 76-66B. TB, 33" 84 cm, EM
S. brilliant yellow (RHS 12A); F. light red violet, prominent cinnamon brown shoulders, 1/4" gold edge, ruffled; pale beard tipped orange. 73-27: (Rising Fawn x Moon Dancer) X sib. Sobek 1985

SHERLOCK - Paul Black 1981
Sdlg. B-80-38. SDB, 10" 25 cm, M
S. pistachio yellow with mauve influence at base; F. pistachio with mauve brown spot; lavender beard tipped old gold; pronounced sweet fragrance. Demon X P. Dyer F-1: (Cherry Garden x Bloodspot). Mid-American Gardens 1982

SHERRIE'S SMILE - B. Mann 1988
Sdlg. 85-2-E. SDB, 13" 34 cm, M
Tailored pale yellow, fading to white; white beard tipped pale lavender; slight sweet fragrance. Unknown yellow SDB X Banbury Ruffles.