Iris Registry Inquiry

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SEA ADMIRAL - Vernon Wood 1995

SEA BABY - Henry Rowlan 1990

SEA CADET - J. T. Aitken 1993

SEA CONSUL - John C. Taylor 1990

SEA FLUFF - Raymond Smith 1991

SEA GAL - Lois Belardi 1993

SEA HORSES FROLIC - Margaret Mackenzie 2001

SEA MONSTER - Lynda Miller 1992

SEA OF DREAMS - M. Schaefer and J. Sacks 2000

SEA POWER - Keppel 1998

SEA SIREN - Chet Tompkins 1998

SEA SPIRIT - Robert Dunn 2001

SEA SPLASH - George Shoop 1994

SEA STORM - Frederick Kerr 1999

SEA SWELLS - Joseph Ghio 1997

SEA SWEPT - Duane Meek 1999

SEA VOYAGE - Calvin Helsley 1990

SEABRIGHT COVE - Joseph Ghio 1992

SEAFIRE - Marky Smith 1999

SEAFORTH - Nancy Burrows 1992

SEAGOVILLE SENORITA - Hooker Nichols 2001

SEAKIST - Schreiner 1997

SEARCH - Loleta Powell 1998


SEASON JOY - Loleta Powell 1999

SEASON TICKET - Joseph Gatty by Keith Kep 1994

SEASON'S DREAM - Eleanor Kegerise 2000

SEASONS - John Weiler 1992

SEASTONE - George Sutton 1999

SEAWAYS OUTSET - Currier McEwen 1997

SEASON OF MISTS - Lloyd Zurbrigg 2002

SEATTLE SLEW - William Bruner 2002

SEAKRILL - Jill Copeland 2003

SEA SWIRL - Bennett Jones 2003

SEA STAR - Carol Warner 2004

Sea Mist - Schulenburg 1945

SEA BARON - Howe 1953
TB 38" M. B1M.
Self, of light medium blue (M & P 34-L-8); blue-white beard. Snow Flurry X (White Goddess x Matterhorn).,

SEA BELLE - Wheeler 1953
TB 36" M. W4.
S. white, flushed canary; F. white, heavily marked gold. Paradise Pink X (Southern Snow x Cherie).,

SEA BREAKER - Fothergill 1956
Sdlg. 3/63. TB 34" VEE. B1.
Palest blue flecked azure. I. hoogiana (Fothergill sdlg.) x Easter Morn., Leavesden 1958.

SEA HAWK - Meeds 1954
TB 38" M. BY1.
Blue-violet self (lobelia, Wil son 41/1); small white area at throat. Sylvia Murray X Blue Rhythm.,

SEA LAVENDER - L. Brummitt 1952
TB 42" M. V1.
Light medium blue-violet self (sea lavender violet, Wilson 637/1). White City X Great Lakes., Tell 1955.

SEA MAID - Fern Robinson 1953
Sdlg. 53-3. TB 36" M. V1P.
Self of palest violet (mauvette, Wilson 537/3); beard, style arms, midribs and crests same. Snow Flurry x Spanish Peaks., Longfield 1955.

SEA MASTER - Sass 1955
Sdlg. 53'. 167. TB 38" M. BV1.
Blue-violet self (Moorish blue, Wilson 739/1). Chivalry x Porcelain Blue., Sass 1955. HM 1956.

SEA MIST - D. Hall 1958
Sdlg. 57-51. TB 35" M. W1.
Blue-white self. Sdlg. 55-49 X sdlg. 53-32.,

SEA MIST PARADE - Pendleton 1954
TB 34" EM. Y5.
Blended beige and soft rose-apricot; tangerine beard. Unknown.,

SEA O' BLUE - Alta Brown 1956
Sdlg. D-1-23. DB 4" EE. V1B.
Sea blue (Wilson 043/3) self, greenish white beard. April Morn x unknown., Brown 1957.

SEA ORCHID - G. P. Brown 1957
BB 26" L. V3L.
S. pale lavender; F. deeper lavender shading to cream edges; reverse color, cream; cream-lavender styles.Brown 1958.

SEA RHYTHM - Kallenbach 1956
TB 32" M. W1.
White with blue flush. Blue Rhythm X Sea Lark.,

SEA SPRITE - Adelaide Peterson 1959
Sdlg. 58-2-K. MDB 6", W1B.
Blue-white, dark green spot; white beard. Brownie x unknown.,

SEA TITAN - W. Marx 1957
Sdlg. 56-3. JI (double) 42" M. B1.
Blue self (near veronica), slight purple tinge toward edges; styles tinged damson blue. Unknown., Marx 1957.

SEA WINDS - Palmer 1958
Sdlg. 46-56-B. TB 37" M. V1D.
Concord purple self; blue beard. ((The Bishop x Brunhilde) x (Lake Huron x Dymia)) x (Vatican Purple x Cook 11348).,

SEABIRD - Barton 1953
Sdlg. B5209. TB 36" M. VB1M.
Self of medium violet-blue (butterfly blue, Wilson). Blue Shimmer X Distance.,

SEAFAIR - Brown 1955
Sdlg. 1006. TB 38" M. BV1.
Soft bluish violet self (Ridgway). Blue sdlg.: (Gloriole x Mrs. Stella Stedman) x blue sdlg.: (Sensation x Great Lakes).,

Sdlg. 56-10-10. TB 36" M. Y1P.
S. cream; F. ivory-white, edged cream; cream haft and beard. Cliff del X Queen's Lace., Brown 1960.

SEAFAIR QUEEN - Brown 1959
Sdlg. 56-40-2. TB 32" M. W1Y.
Ivory white self; lemon beard. Queen's Lace x Plough sdlg.: (Quest x Cliffdel)., Brown 1961.

SEAFURY - Payne 1952
JI (double) 38" M. W4
White bicolor, tinted and veined pale blue-violet. (Sdlg. 61: Otomene x Mahogany) x Swirling Waves., Payne 1953.

SEASCAPE - Fothergill 1956
Sdlg. 4/84. TB 34" ML. B1.
Sea-blue self (Wilson 043/2). Blue Ensign X Pegasus., Orpington 1957.

SEATHWAITE - Randall 1951
TB 38" M. B1L.
Pale blue self. Helen McGregor x Cahokia., Fairmount 1955. English Dykes 1952.

TB 48" M. YD1.
Yellow-tan self. Jean Cayeux X Noontide.,

SEAWAY - Bickle 1954
TB 35" M. B1.
Blue self. Pierre Menard X Vanda.,

SEA - Tim Craig 1964
Sdlg. TR-3-7. TB, 32" (81 cm), E-M
Blue-purple self. Bob's Blue X Kalifa Gulnare. Craig 1965

SEABORNE - D. Palmer 1963
Sdlg. 96-60B. TB, 36" (91 cm), L
Light medium blue self. Celestia X Butterfly Blue. Palmer 1965 HC 1963, HM 1966.

SEA BRIDE - M. Corey 1966
Sdlg. AA 114-1. TB, 38" (97 cm), M
Medium blue self; white-tipped yellow beard. Galilee X Ruffled Starlite. HC 1965.

SEA CAPTAIN - Schreiners 1968
Sdlg. V 170-A. TB, 36" (91 cm), ML
Very soft light silvery blue; bluish beard. R 613-A (((Bluebird Blue x K611-A (Jane Phillips x Cahokia)) x (Distance x Sylvia Murray))) X Galilee. Schreiners 1968

SEAFAIR BALLET - R. Brown 1964
Sdlg. 59-50-2. TB, 48" (122 cm), M-L
Pure white self; white beard. Swan Ballet X Seafair Princess. Brown's Iris Gardens 1965

SEAFAIR PARADE - R. Brown 1963
Sdlg. 58-93. TB, 29" (74 cm), M
S plum brown; F plum brown, violet blaze, chocolate brown at hafts; bronze beard. (Limelight x Cliffdel x Quest)) X Beachleaf. Brown's Iris Garden 1964

SEAFAIR PIRATE - R. Brown 1962
Sdlg. 55-357-20. TB, 33" (84 cm), ML
S golden tan; F darker golden brown; bronze beard. (Chantilly x Cascade Splendor) X Pretty Quadroon. Brown's Iris Garden 1963

SEAFOAM GREEN - M. Framke 1968
Sdlg. 65-F42. TB, 38" (97 cm), ML
Seafoam green self, fluted; greenish gold beard. ((Char-Maize x Emerald Echo) x (Emerald Echo x Woodland Sprite)) X Aqualette. Fleur de Lis 1968

SEA FRET - J. D. Taylor 1963
Sdlg. E-97-14. SDB, 15" (38 cm), M
S white; F white, faint green lines. Green Spot X ((Clear Sailing x Sulina) x sib). Wisley Trials 1963, Orpington 1964

SEAIR - Plough 1964
Sdlg. 59-289-32. TB, 40" (102 cm), EM-L
S base cobalt violet to white at tip; F same color radiates down side, leaving warm-white center; orange beard tipped white. (First Flight x sib to Easter Valley) X Ruffled Skies. Eden Road 1965

SEANCE - Joseph Ghio 1967
Sdlg. 64-252-0. TB, 36" (91 cm), ML
S blue-lavender; F same with reddish cast. Sterling Silver X Twilight Sonata. Bay View 1969

SEA OF STARS - C. Blocher 1969
Sdlg. B-163. TB, 26" (66 cm), M
Lavender-blue with large white flush on F. Marquesan Skies X ((sib to Arctic Flame x Bluebird Blue) x (May Hall x Fay 56-7)). Blocher 1969, 1970

SEA OF TRANQUILITY - C. Blocher 1969
Sdlg. 203 TB, 26" (66 cm), M-L
Very dark blue (midnight blue) self; light lemon beard. B-159 ((B-122 (Bluebird Blue x Arctic Flame sib) x Marquesan Skies)) X B-148 (Marquesan Skies x sib). Blocher 1970 HC 1969.

SEA PATROL - C. Palmer 1969
Sdlg. 6727 IB, 20-24", EM
Near sky blue self; pale yellow beard. Symphony X Blue Denim. Tell 1970 HM 1972, AM 1974, Sass 1976.

SEA SHADOWS - Mrs. L. W. Brummitt 1964
Sdlg. 19-1. SIB, 36" (91 cm), M
S medium blue; F mixed shades of blue, turquoise stylearms. White Swirl X Tycoon. Orpington 1966

SEA SHELL HAVEN - Reynolds 1962
Sdlg. H1-1. TB, 35" (89 cm), E
S mother of pearl, pale lavender trimming; F mother of pearl. Gay Haven X Lynn Hall. Twintrees 1962

Sdlg. 26-61. TB, 36" (91 cm), M
S burgundy-copper; F white edged burgundy-copper. My Honeycomb X Fairy Fable. Cooley 1965

SEASIDE - Opal Brown 1967
Sdlg. 3-1C12. TB, 36" (91 cm), M
Light blue self (between flax blue 642/3 and bluebird blue (42/3); light yellow beard tipped blue. Winter Olympics X Galilee. Brown's Sunnyhill Gardens 1967 HM 1968, JC 1969.

SEASON'S END - Voris 1961
Sdlg. SPPin61-10. TB, , VL
Deep midnight self. Forest Maid X (Spanish Peaks x Pinnacle).

SEA SORROW - C. MacLean by Mrs. MacLean 1967
Sdlg. M65-C12. TB, 36" (91 cm), ML
Black-violet self; ruffled and velvety; brown beard tipped violet. Black Taffeta X Sable Night.

SEA SPRAY - Sass-Graham 1960
Sdlg. OP1. AR, 20" (51 cm), E
S paler than ethyl blue, splashed deeper; F same, deeper blue spots; pale yellow beard. SDB sdlg. X Beatrix. El Dorado 1961

SEA'S TREASURE - D. Lyon 1963
Sdlg. 59-9-3. TB, 36" (91 cm), E-M
Soft chartreuse; hafts, edges deeper, violet influence on F and beard. Carved Jade X 663-51-2 (of green line breeding). Young 1964

SEA TURN - Spofford 1962
Sdlg. MP-004. SIB, 30" (76 cm), M
Oyster white self, gold at hafts, self styles. Parentage unknown.

SEAVIEW - G. Shoop 1966
Sdlg. 60-1. TB, 34" (86 cm), EM
Medium blue self; white beard. Parentage involves Sable, Snow Flurry, Black Florest, Big Game, Palmer 938-C. Shoop 1966

SEA AND SKY - C. Blocher 1977
Sdlg. B-326. TB, 32" (81 cm), M
Soft lavender self; white beard. Skywatch X Sea of Stars. Blocher 1976

SEA ANGEL - A. Brown 1972
Sdlg. M 1291-26. SDB, 11" (28 cm), EM
S. light sea blue (043/3); F. sea blue, overlaid darker blue (40/1); light blue beard; ruffled. Sky Baby X Grace Note. Riverdale Iris 1973

SEA BRIGHT - Schreiner's 1972
Sdlg. C 118-A. TB, 40" (102 cm), L
S. clear frosty blue with overall texture veining; F. same; lemon yellow beard. T 818-1: (P 729-1 x Helen Novak) X Brave Viking. Schreiner's 1972

SEA CHANGE - B. Warburton 1972
Sdlg. 77N-3. SDB, 12" (30 cm), M
S. pale blue; F. same with yellow-green (153D) pattern; pale blue to moss green beard. 119KL-1: ((Snow Flurry x AM-5 blue pumila) x Scot Cream) X Three Smokes. Old Brook 1973

SEA DOUBLE - R. G. Smith G. S
Sdlg. 6630DR. TB, 28" (71 cm), M & RE
S. blue (Nickerson 10PB 6/8); F. same; yellow beard. Beatrice Joynt X Lovely Again. R. G. Smith 1971

SEA DREAM - J. Baldwin 1976
Sdlg. 66-4C. TB, 36" (91 cm), M
Ruffled light blue-violet self; light yellow beard. Melodrama X Rippling Waters.

SEA FROST - B. Blyth 1973
Sdlg. E137-1. SDB, 11" (28 cm), ML
S. wistaria blue, deepening toward base; F. soft blue-white; white beard tipped gold in throat; heavily ruffled. Serenity X Red Heart. Tempo Two 1973/4

SEA GATE - H. Briscoe 1978
Sdlg. 72 204A. SIB, 32" (81 cm), M
Light blue with bright blue stylearms and veined hafts. Gatineau X Sea Shadows.

SEA HORSE - M. Brummitt 1972
Sdlg. 19/2. SIB, 36" (91 cm), L
S. medium blue; F. mixed shades of blue; blue styles with dark stripe. White Swirl X Tycoon. British Iris Society 1983

SEA LITE - M. Shoup 1977
Sdlg. 75-10A. SDB, 13" (33 cm), E-M
Very light blue-white self; azure blue beard. Frosted Ice X Kentucky Bluegrass. Shoup 1978

SEA LYRIC - E. Smith 1970
Sdlg. 64-363. TB, 38" (97 cm), M
S. light blue; F. white, bordered blue; yellow beard tipped white. Margie Lee X (Mary Randall x Palomino). Smith Iris Gardens 1970

SEA MELODY - S. Varner 1974
Sdlg. 669. TB, 32-36" (81-91 cm), ML
Medium light blue (RHS 111D) self; pale tangerine beard. Beauty Blue X Eleanor's Pride. Illini Iris 1974

SEA OF AMETHYST - L. Rich 1971
Sdlg. K61-4B. JI (6-petal), 40" (102 cm), ML
White, heavily brushed and sanded light amethyst. K59-2: (Maddocks sdlg. x Worley sdlg.) X K59-6: (Maddocks sdlg. x Marx sdlg.). Melrose Gardens 1971

SEA OF GALILEE - N. Sexton 1974
Sdlg. 54-67. TB, 36" (91 cm), M
S. light French blue; F. deep blue; blue-white beard. Babbling Brook X (Poet's Dream x Mixed Emotions sib). Sexton 1974

SEA PEARL - C. Arny 1978
Sdlg. LBL-6-75. LA, 24" (61 cm), M
Light grey-blue self'; lighter blue stylearms; light yellow signal. Ellene Rockwell X Clyde Redmond. Charjoy Gardens 1978

SEA QUEST - G. Shoop 1971
Sdlg. 67-30-1. TB, 36" (91 cm), EM
S. white; F. medium blue; red-orange beard. Fanfare Orchid X Behold. Shoop 1971 HM 1994

SEA SKIPPER - F. Carr 1977
Sdlg. 73-64-E. TB, 36" (91 cm), ML
Light to medium blue self; yellow beard tipped white. Prized Possession X Shipshape.

SEA SONG - H. Nichols 1978
Sdlg. 1958-3. IB, 18" (46 cm), M-L
Sea lavender self with mahogany hafts; lavender beard tipped orange. Puppet X Commentary. Nichols 1978

SEASON'S PRIDE - E. Christensen by J. Stump 1974
Sdlg. 8H9-2. TB, 34" (86 cm), E-M
S. light orchid; F. deeper orchid, brown hafts; red beard. ((June Bride x Briar Rose) x (Glittering Amber x Dancing Light)) X Silver Canyon sib. Evergreen Iris 1975

SEA VENTURE - Bennett Jones 1971
Sdlg. 67-64-1. TB, 34" (86 cm), M
S. pale blue, flushed deep marine blue at base; F. pale blue; yellow beard; ruffled. Avis X Eternal Love. B Jones 1972

SEA WONDER - H. Fletcher 1972
Sdlg. 60/20 Z. TB, 30" (76 cm), E-M
S. white; F. blue. Gilston Grange X Whole Cloth. S Linnegar 1974

SEA ADVENTURE - B. Tolman 1980
Sdlg. 71-31-1. TB, 32" 81 cm, M
Ruffled medium lilac blue; white beard. (Virginia Louise x Azure Lace) X self. Tolman 1980

SEA AND MIST - H. Stahly 1984
Sdlg. 77-8. TB, 36" 91 cm, M
S. very pale blue; F. pale blue with medium deep violet overlay on center half; blue beard; ruffled. Ivy League X River Patrol. Stahly 1985

SEA BASS - L. Danielson 1984
Sdlg. IB 82-28. AR OH, 9" 23 cm, M
S. white ground, sparsely veined purple; F. greenish white ground, heavily veined and dotted maroon brown, maroon black signal and beard. Iberian Gem X 70-D19. Aril Society, Pleasure Iris 1985

SEA CHANTY - C. Helsley 1982
Sdlg. 32-80. SIB, 28" 71 cm, EM
S. blue (RHS 98C); F. same, veined dark blue violet (96A), dark blue violet signal; turquoise midrib on style arms. White Swirl X Sky Wings. Helsley 1983

SEADANCER - J. T. Aitken 1982
Sdlg. 80-5A. SDB, 12" 53 cm, M
Sea green, washed deep blue on all petal edges and base; deep blue styles and throat; frost-tipped deep blue beard. Summer Nights X Dixie Pixie. Aitken's Salmon Creek Garden 1985

SEA DRIFT - R. Raabe 1982
Sdlg. U-80-12. LA, 35" 89 cm, E-M
S. methyl violet (HCC 39/2); F. methyl violet (39/1). Emma Hansen X A-9: (Clyde Redmond x self). Delta Country Iris 1982/83

SEA EMPRESS - F. Rogers 1987
Sdlg. F-202-C. TB, 39" 97 cm, E
S. light rose purple blend (RHS 78C); F. slightly darker (80C), buff at edge. greyed yellow at hafts; yellow beard tipped white; laced and lightly ruffled; pronounced sweet fragrance. Crushed Velvet X Lilac Treat. Meadowbrook Gardens 1988

SEAFREEZE - S. Asmus 1988
Sdlg. 85-69A. SDB, 10" 25 cm, M-L
S. medium light blue violet; F. medium blue violet; blue violet beard; slight sweet fragrance. Happening X On Fire.

SEA GYPSY - G. Shoop 1983
Sdlg. 75-11. TB, 36" 91 cm, M
Medium to light blue; tangerine beard; ruffled; slight fragrance. 72-26 blue bicolor X 72-28 pink bicolor. Shoop 1983

SEA HAVEN - B. Hamner 1984
Sdlg. 78-023. TB, 36" 91 cm, M
Ruffled deep blue (RHS 95A); white beard tipped yellow. Victoria Falls X Avalon Bay. Hamner's Iris 1984

SEA HOLLY - H. Catton 1982
Sdlg. C75-14-5. SDB, 9" 23 cm, M
S. pale grey violet with green midrib; F. same, washed antique gold; bright violet beard. Zing X Gingerbread Man. Wyuna Gardens 1982/83

SEA JEWEL - D. Albers 1985
Sdlg. 8200-D. SDB, 11" 28 cm, M
S. cream; F. very light ice blue with star dusting, banded lighter; yellow and white beard; slight sweet fragrance. Daisy X That's It. Borbeleta Gardens 1987 HM 1990

SEA KNIGHT - R. Morgan 1985
Sdlg. L63-D. LA, 20-25"151-64 cm, EM
Very dark blue; orange line signal. New Offering X Clyde Redmond. Bois d'Arc Gardens 1989

SEA LORD - John C. Taylor 1989
Sdlg. M9-D. LA, 36" 91 cm, L
Blue (RHS 99B), yellow signal. Cammeray X Secret Spell. Rainbow Ridge 1990/91

SEA LURE - E. Robarts 1986
Sdlg. OS-SR-3. TB, 36" 91 cm, M
S. light blue; F. lightly ruffled pale blue white; light yellow orange beard. Ocean Shores X Surf Rider. Stahly 1986

SEA MUSIC - N. Scopes 1987
Sdlg. 5/64. TB, 36" 91 cm, M
S. pale blue; F. ruffled pale blue, deeper in heart; deep blue beard. Song of Norway X Cobweb Morning.

SEA OF JOY - Schreiner's 1985
Sdlg. N 67-A. TB, 38" 97 cm, M
Ruffled blue; near white beard. Victoria Falls X I 40-3: (Miriam Steel sib x Sailor's Dance). Schreiner's 1985

SEA PILOT - E. Roderick 1972
, ,
Stock destroyed and name released 1980.

SEA PILOT - E. Roderick 1980
Sdlg. B-7910. TB, 36" 91 cm, ML
S. white; F. ruffled medium blue; yellow beard. Ruffled Ballet X Misty Shadows. Roderick 1981

SEAPORT - Keith Keppel 1988
Sdlg. 80-130B. TB, 35" 89 cm, E
S. near chicory blue (M&P 42-AB-7) paling to near white in very center; F. white, bright dark violet (43-I-12) hafts and 3/4" margin; blue (42-A-6) beard tipped bronze in throat; pronounced sweet fragrance. Charmed Life X 76-126A: (((Vaudeville sib x Mont

SEA QUEST - G. Shoop 1971
, ,
Not distributed and stock destroyed. Name released 1989 HM 1994

SEA QUEST - G. Shoop 1989
Sdlg. 82-30. TB, 34" 86 cm, M
S. blue with lavender influence; F. white; red beard; lightly ruffled. 79-14 sib X sib, involved parentage. Roris Gardens 1990 HM 1994

SEASHORE - Joseph Ghio 1980
Sdlg. 75-170V. TB, 36" 91 cm, ML
Ruffled dark blue; greenish brown beard. Maestro Puccini X Intuition. Bay View Gardens 1981

SEA SPELL - B. Hamner 1982
Sdlg. 78-444. TB, 32-34" 81-86 cm, ML
Light blue, lightly ruffled F.; blue beard tipped mustard. (Sweetwater x Jack R. Dee) X (Sea Venture x Jack R. Dee). Hamner 1982

SEA SYMPHONY - B. Martin 1980
Sdlg. 77R1. TB, 35" 89 cm, L
S. light blue, deeper at base; F. blue white with inconspicuous blue lines in heart; yellow beard tipped white; ruffled. Ocean Shores X unknown. Long's Gardens 1982

SEA URCHIN - J. T. Aitken 1988
Sdlg. 80-5A. SDB, 10" 25 cm, M-L
S. lavender; F. yellow; violet beard. Dixie Pixie X Summer Nights. Aitken+s Salmon Creek Garden 1988 HM 1990, AM 1993

SEA WISP - H. Rowlan 1983
Sdlg. 80 LA-12. LA, 36" 91 cm, M
Wisteria blue (RHS 92C), raised yellow line signal edged white. F. A. C. McCulla X Dixie Deb. Rowlan Irises 1984

SEA WOLF - J. T. Aitken 1980
Sdlg. 78-16A. TB, 36" 91 cm, VE-M
Heavily ruffled deep blue purple with lighter flush around blue black beard. Navy Strut X Mystique. Aitken's Salmon Creek Garden 1985

SEA WORLD - Monty Byers 1989
Sdlg. D160-103. TB, 35" 89 cm, EM-M & RE
S. light blue misted pale green at midrib; F. light blue, greenish shoulders, pale greenish misting in center; blue beard tipped yellow in throat; ruffled; slight musky fragrance. Rio Vista X B-8-2: (Cease-Fire x Sky Hooks). Moonshine Gardens 1990

SEAWORTHY - C. Lankow 1983
Sdlg. 80-2-2. SDB, 10" 25 cm, E-M
S. light violet blue (RHS 97C); F. light violet blue, slightly infused light cinnamon brown; light blue beard; pronounced sweet fragrance. Cotton Blossom X Blue Trinket. Kirkland Iris, Riverdale Iris 1984