Iris Registry Inquiry

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PINK BLINK - J. T. Aitken 1993

PINK BLOOMER - John Durrance 1992

PINK BLUSH - O.D. Niswonger 1999

PINK BO PEEP - Marvin Granger 1994

PINK BUTTONS - Carol Lankow by J.T. Aitke 1996

PINK CADILLAC - George Sutton 1999

PINK CARESSES - Donald Spoon 1997

PINK CAT - Cloyd McCord 1996

PINK CHAMPAGNE - Larry Lauer 2001

PINK CHARMING - Joseph Ghio 1992

PINK COLCHICUM - Siegmar Goerbitz 1991

PINK COTTON CANDY - O. D. Niswonger 2000

PINK CUPID - Vernon Wood 1993

PINK DAMSEL - Akihiko Terada 1999

PINK DANCER - Vernon Wood 1994

PINK DEBUTANTE - Zdenek Krupka 2001

PINK DESIGN - Donald Spoon 1997

PINK ELF - O. D. Niswonger 1994

PINK FANDANGO - R. Schreiner 2001

PINK FANTASY - Pavel Nejedlo 1998

PINK FAWN - John Weiler 1993

PINK FLAMINGOS - Paul Black 1993

PINK GIGGLES - Terrell Taylor 1996

PINK HEART - Ben Hager by Roris Gardens 1993

PINK HUGS - Donald Spoon 1997

PINK INDEED - Lech Komarnicki 2000

PINK JUBILEE - Cleo Palmer 1992

PINK KISSES - Donald Spoon 1995

PINK LENOX - George Sutton 1995

PINK MILLENNIUM - Oscar Schick 1999

PINK MOON - Donald Spoon 1995

PINK NIGHTIE - Paul Black 1991

PINK ON YELLOW - O. D. Niswonger 2001

PINK PARADE - Pavel Nejedlo 1998

PINK PARCHMENT - Cy Bartlett 1995

PINK PEBBLES - Beryl Pederick 1994

PINK PELE - J. T. Aitken 1996

PINK PINK - Donald Spoon 1995

PINK POINT - George Sutton 2001

PINK POTSY - Leo Barnard 1997

PINK PREVUE - Bennett Jones 1990

PINK PROLIFIC - Leslie Donnell 1997

PINK PUPPY - Donald Spoon 1997

PINK QUARTZ - Vernon Wood 1995

PINK REPRISE - Walter Moores 1991

PINK REVELRY - O. D. Niswonger 1998

PINK RIM - O. D. Niswonger 2000

PINK RINGLETS - J.T. Aitken 1995

PINK SERAPH - Howard & Irene Shockey 2000

PINK SMASH - O. D. Niswonger 1998

PINK STARLET - Vernon Wood 1992

PINK TEMPTATION - Stan Dexter by Marie In 1994

PINK THEME - Flora Brile 1990

PINK TWILIGHT - O. D. Niswonger 1998

PINK-ALL-OVER - Kenneth Fisher 1998

PINKERTON - Bob Bauer-John Coble 1998

PINKIE PAWS - Lynda Miller 1991

PINKSATION - Eleanor Kegerise 2001

PINK FLYAWAY - Jim & Vicki Craig 2002

PINK FROSTING - Paul Black 2002

PINK BOOGIE - Don Nebeker 2003

PINK PEPPER - Bob Bauer and John Coble 2003

PINK PINCURLS - Ben Hager by Cooley's Gar 2003

PINK AVENUE - Oscar Schick 2004

PINK PURSUASION - Vincent Christopherson 2004

Pink Choice - Whiting 1948

Pink Magic - D. Hall 1951

PINK ACCENT - Pattison 1952
TB 40" M. R5.
S. shades of pink, F. white, lined pink. Patrice X Aldura., Pattison 1954. HM 1954.

PINK ALLURE - Scheffy 1953
SIB 32" LM. V3.
S. light lavender, F. same finely peppered deeper. Bright pink landscape effect. Selected sdlg. from Mrs. Perry sdlgs. x unknown.,

PINK AND SWEET - Suiter 1955
TB 36" EL. R1L.
Flamingo-pink self. ((Golden Eagle x Buff awn) x Muhlestein 47-72A x Pink Formal) x Pandora.,

PINK BABY - Lucile Miller 1959
Sdlg. 57-19-1. BB 27" E. O1P.
Shell-pink self, darker beard, tipped shell-pink. Happy Birthday X Briar Rose.,

PINK BONNET - Murray 1955
Sdlg. 380-53. TB 44" LM. OR1L.
Salmon-pink self, tangerine beard. Pink Formal x Happy Birthday., Huntington 1956.

PINK BOUQUET - D. Hall 1952
Sdlg. 49-12. TB 32" M. OR1.
Light-pink self. Sunray x pink sdlg. 46-42., Cooley 1953.

PINK CAPRICE - DuBose 1955
Sdlg. Si9-3. Louisiana 36" E. R1.
Warm flesh-pink self, pale golden signal. Opal Dusk x Kraemer Yellow., Lyon 1955. HM 1955.

PINK CARNIVAL - Ulrich 1953
TB 34" M. OR1.
Cameo-pink self, tangerine beard. Loomis SQ-72 x Golden Eagle., Sterling 1954.

PINK CASTLE - Lyon 1958
Sdlg. 53-7-9. TB 36" LM. R1P.
Medium shell-pink self; Chinese coral beard. Convention Queen X June Meredith.,

PINK CAVALIER - Wallace 1955
Sdlg. 50-141. TB 36" LM. O1L.
Light orange self, buds deep orange. (Hall 42-10 x Midwest Gem) X orange-pink sdlg., Wallace 1955.

PINK CHAMELEON - Kallenbach 1956
IB 24" M. YO1.
Deep pink-salmon self, tangerine beard. Half plant has marbled foliage, other half plain green; marbled half has striped bloomstalks and produced a striped seed pod. Pink Lace X Pink Formal sdlg.,

TB 26" L. RL1tb.
Deep pink self, tb. Loomis VQ72 x Hall 42-05.,

PINK CHEEKS - Randolph 1958
TB 38", GY1.
Brilliant greenish-yellow self, upper F. and inner S. flushed yellow-pink. Frances Kent X ((Fantasy x peach sdlg.) x Cherie)., Randolph 1961.

PINK CHIFFON - Voris 1959
Sdlg. P-58-2. TB 40" M-L. O1P.
Peach-shell self. Blonde Dancer X Happy Birthday.,

PINK CHIMES - D. Hall 1956
Sdlg. 53-52. TB 34" M. R1L.
Pink self. Two pink sdlgs., Cooley 1957. HM 1957.

PINK CHOICE - Whiting 1957
Sdlg. 5315. TB 35" M-L. R1.
Light shell-pink self. Love Story X Pink Formal., Soo Preme 1957.

PINK CLOVER - Whiting 1953
Sdlg. 5213. TB 30" ML. VR1.
Light violet-red self (erythrite red, Wilson), peach overlay at haft, peach-pink beard. Sdlg. 4910: (Hall 42-05 x Pathfinder) X Pathfinder., Longfield 1955. HM 1956.

PINK CONFECTION - Muhlestein 1951
TB 38" M. OR1.
True pink self, deep pink beard. (Salmon Shell x Hall 44-09, sister to Hit Parade) X (Muhlestein 49-11, sister to Pink Fulfillment)., Tell 1953.

PINK CORAL - Whiting 1951
Sdlg. 4645. TB 36" M. OR1.
((Marisha x Amitola) x China Maid x (Mirabelle x Cedar Rose)).,

PINK CROWN - Overstreet 1955
Sdlg. 55106. TB 36" ML. VR3L.
S. orchid-flamingo, F. fuchsia-red. Peach pink sdlg. from Lapham's and D. Hall's lines X Tally Ho.,

PINK DEBUT - C. Jonas 1957
Sdlg. 1112-3. IB 20" E. R1L.
Pink self; tangerine beard. Sdlg. 920: ((Matula x Flora Zenor) x Austrian pumila yellow) x Paradise Pink., Longfield 1958. HM 1958.

PINK DELIGHT - Fleck 1954
TB 36" ML. YOR-1.
Peach-pink self, tangerine beard. Sdlg. MGA3: (sister of New Horizon x (Rameses x Far West)) X (Hall pink sdlg. 44-55 x (DeForest 13-45-A))., Fleck 1955.

PINK DESIRE - Lucile Miller 1959
Sdlg. 57-10-2. TB 30" M. OLP.
French-rose self, beard same color. Hall pink sdlg. X Happy Birthday.,

PINK DOLL - Dougherty 1955
Sdlg. B30. IB 22" M. R1L.
Pink self, red beard. No-we-ta X flamingo pink.,

PINK DOMINO - Varner 1956
Sdlg. 24. TB 32" M. R5.
Rosy pink with blue splotches. Pink sdlg.: (Cherie x Floradora) X May Hall.,

PINK DOVE - Austin 1954
IB 26" M.
Bitone, lilac-pink and deep lilac-rose, yellow beard, pure white style-arms. Dogrose self ed., Rainbow 1954.

PINK DREAM - Eva Smith 1959
Sdlg. 54-125. TB 38" M. O1P.
Pink self with salmon influsion; tangerine-orange beard. Sdlgs. involving Pink Formal, Sweet Marie, etc.,

PINK DRESDEN - Madsen 1957
Sdlg. 3-SS. TB 34" M. R1L.
Pale-pink self, laced. Ruffled Gem X sdlg. 1-52A., Tell 1963.

PINK DRIFT - Ohl-Sass 1958
Sdlg. 55-306. TB 33" EM. R3P.
S. medium shell-pink; F. light shell-pink; tangerine beard. Memories x Paradise Pink., Melrose 1959. HM 1959.

PINK ECHO - Vallette 1957
Sdlg. 55-4. TB 38" M. RW1L.
Pinkish white self; shrimp beard. Salmon Fuchsia x paler sib 52-1.,

PINK ELEGANCE - Ulrich 1952
TB 36" M. OR1.
Cameo-pink self, bright tangerine beard. Loomis V20 X Golden Eagle., Sterling 1954.

PINK ENCHANTMENT - Muhlestein 1953
TB 34" EM. OR1.
Deep pink self, beard pinkish red. Raspberry Ice Cream X Muhlestein 49-11 (sister to Pink Fulfillment)., Tell 1954. HM 1954; AM 1957.

PINK FANCY - Adelaide Peterson 1959
Sdlg. 58-13-C. IB 18", O1P.
Light shell-pink; tangerine beard. Douglas 1411 (TB) x yellow lilliput, unknown parentage., Peterson 1961.

PINK FASHION - Marvin Olson 1959
Sdlg. 50-20A. TB 36" M. O1P.
Orientpink self. Floradora x (Pink Formal x Hall 47-29)., Salem 1960.

PINK FLAME - Tharp 1953
TB 34" M. R1.
Vivid pink (no salmon) self, beard deep pink, center of flower bright fuchsia-flame. (Gudrun x old Hall sdlg. similar to Melitza) X Pink Formal.,

PINK FLARE - Austin 1955
Sdlg. 26. TB 40" M. R4L.
Salmon-pink and rosy orchid-pink, white veins radiating from tangerine beard. Buffawn X Flora Zenor., Rainbow 1955.

PINK FLUFF - Rutherford 1956
Sdlg. 56-25B. TB 33" M. R1L.
Rich pink self, tangerine beard. Paradise Pink X Pink Classic.,

PINK FROST - W. Marx 1955
JI 42" M. VR1.
Light orchid-pink self, double. Mata Han X unknown., Marx 1954.

PINK FULFILLMENT - Muhlestein 1951
Sdlg. 49-liC. TB 38" M-L. R1L.
Pink self. Sdlg. 47-72: (Gold Ruffles x 45-64-1A: Alice Harding x Dr. Loomis Type Dore) X Pink Formal., Tell 1954. HM 1954, President's Cup 1954; AM 1956.

PINK GARLAND - Chamberlain 1959
Sdlg. 58-1. TB 36" M. O1P.
Deep-pink self; pink beard. Sdlg. 53-2A X Pink Enchantment., Wild 1961.

PINK GIANT - Sass 1954
Sdlg. 50-273. TB 40" M. G1P.
Pale cinnamon-pink self (Ridgway). Sass sdlg. 48-196 (sister to Memories) x Pink Sails., Fleur de Lis, Sass 1954.

PINK GIN - Kelway 1959
Sdlg. 496. TB 34" E. O1P.
Pale-pink self. Pink Cameo X Cherie., Kelway 1958.

PINK ICE - Rudolph 1951
TB 35" M. OR1.
Pink self. Pink sdlg. X (Pink Cameo x New Horizon).,

PINK JOY ROBERTS - J. Roberts 1954
Louisiana 15" L. R1.
Rose-pink self, triangular white signal patch, gold-embossed crest veined deeper pink near center of falls. Collected by great-grandfather of registrant when Acadians landed in La.,

PINK LADY - Ketchum 1953
TB 44" E. OR1.
Pink self. (Cherie x Carabella) X Hall sdlg.,

PINK LASSIE - Suiter 1952
TB 38" E-M-L. OR1.
Pale-pink self. Muhlestein sdlg. 47-26 X Pink Formal.,

PINK LEMONADE - Cassebeer 1954
TB 36" M. RO3.
Reverse bitone, S. coral-pink, F. lighter; yellow shading on shoulders. Twilight Sky x Fantasy., Cassebeer 1955.

PINK LIGHT - Quist 1958
Sdlg. C8-1. TB 38" M. O1P.
Hermos-pink self. Hall 44-05 x (New Horizon x Pink Formal).,

PINK MAGIC - D. Hall 1959
Sdlg. 57-27. TB 34" M. R1P.
Pink self. Sdlg. 54-50 X sdlg. 55-20., Cooley 1961.

PINK MAID - Austin 1953
TB 36" ML. VR3.
S. light orchid-pink, F. deep rose-pink. Snow Flurry X unknown., Rainbow 1953.

PINK MARBLE - Austin 1955
Sdlg. Ob-32B. IB (hybr.) 24" E. VR1L.
Or chid-rose self. Cherie X Capitola (embryo-cultured seed)., Rainbow 1955.

PINK MAUVE - Reg. by Bd. of Dirs. 1952
DB 6" E. RY1.
Self of pink-mauve, yellow beard. Old variety, established in commerce.,

Sdlg. N 2-1. TB 32-36" M. RY1L.
Pink-mauve self. (Ormohr x Indian Hills) X Loomis shell-pink sdlg., Noyd 1956.

PINK MELODY - Harris 1959
Sdlg. 55-32. TB 32" M. R1P.
Pink self. (((Hall 42-10 x Loomis SQ 72) x Chantilly) x Heritage) X June Meredith., Tell 1959.

PINK MINK - Varner 1957
Sdlg. 19. TB 36" EM. R1L.
Deep blush-pink. (Cherie x Floradora) x D. Hall sdlg. 51-28 X May Hall.,

PINK MOHR - Austin 1955
Sdlg. Ob-32-A. IB 24" ML. VR1.
Lilac-rose self; 1/2" soft crimson "signal"; bronzy yellow beard. Cherie x Capitola., Rainbow 1956.

PINK PANOPLY - Cassebeer 1955
Sdlg. 644. TB 32" EM. RO3L.
S. dusty coral, F. salmon-coral, slight overlay lavender-pink; tangerine beard. Paradise Pink X Radiation., Cassebeer 1957.

PINK PAPA - Muhlestein 1956
Sdlg. 49-il. TB 30" EM. R1L.
Baby-ribbon pink self. Sdlg. 47-72: (Gold Ruffles x (45-64-1A: Alice Harding x Dr. Loomis' Type Dore)) X Pink Formal., Tell 1956.

PINK PARASOL - G. Morris 1959
Sdlg. x2-3-56. TB 38" M-ML. O1P.
Orient-pink self with yellow infusion aside red beard. Ballerina X Pink Formal.,

PINK PEARLS - Schuman 1953
TB 36" M. OR1.
Flamingo-pink self, beard same; no haft markings. Sdlg. 47-26 X Pink Formal.,

PINK PETALS - Christie 1953
TB 32" M. YOR1.
Salmon-pink self, bright tangerine beard. (N.Z. Mountain Lake x Hall pink sdlg.) x (Tropic Moon x ((Naranja x Firelight) x (Golden Hind x Red Dawn).,

PINK PETTY - Spinkston 1959
Pink with purplish undertones; tangerine beard. (Radiation x Strathmore) X Pink Formal., Lake M. Garden 1959.

PINK PINAFORE - Austin 1952
Sdlg. 646. TB 34" EM&Re. Y2.
Yellow and orchid pink, light gold edging on F. Mitchell 0-132 selfed., Rainbow 1952.

PINK PIXIE - Ruth Goodrick 1958
Sdlg. 56-10. BB 26" M. O1P.
Deep pink self; darker area at center of F.; brilliant red beard. Sunray X Paradise Pink., Goodrick 1959.

PINK PLUME - Schreiner 1951
TB 36" M. RV1.
Orchid-pink self. Harriet Thoreau X ((Angelus x (Matula x sdlg.))., Schreiner 1951. HM 1952; AM 1954.

PINK POMP - Madsen 1956
Sdlg. 13-51. TB 34" M. R1L.
Intense pink self. (Sdlg. 10-49G (sib to Pink Formal) x (Hall shrimp pink x Pink Formal) X Pink Enchantment., Tell 1956.

PINK PONY - W. Scott 1954
Sdlg. 54-1. TB 38" M. RO4.
Reverse bicolor. Beard bright tangerine. S. pink, F. white edged light pink, darker area at haft.,

PINK PORCELAIN - Crosby 1954
TB 36" EM. OR1L.
Pink self. C-52-6: (sister to Pink Formal x Muhlestein 48-34) X Pink Fulfillment., Tell 1956.

PINK PRELUDE - Small 1950
TB 30" M. RL1.
Medium-pink self. Spindrift sdlg. X Melitza sdlg.,

PINK PRINCESS - MacLean 1954
TB 38" ML. R1L.
Light-pink self, pink beard. Pink Cameo x sdlg.: (Flora Zenor x Mount Washington).,

PINK PROMISE - Dougherty 1955
Sdlg. B31. TB 38" M. R1L.
Pink with red beard. Two flamingo-pinks.,

PINK PURITY - Lucile Miller 1959
Sdlg. 57-10-1. BB 28" VL. O1P.
French-rose self, beard shade darker. Hall pink sdlg. X Happy Birthday.,

PINK RHYTHM - Ulrich 1953
TB 34" M. OR1.
Flamingo-pink self, tangerine beard. Pink Cameo x Golden Eagle., Sterling 1954.

PINK RIBBON - Suiter 1952
TB 40" EM. OR3.
Pink bitone, F. a shade lighter than bright pink S. Muhlestein 47-26 X Pink Formal.,

PINK ROGER - Spinkston 1959
Pale-salmon self, matching beard. ((Lapham Hi x Cherie) x (Cigarette x Tell sdlg.)) x (Radiation x Strathmore)., Lake M. Garden 1959.

PINK ROSA - Chambers 1959
TB 34" ML. O1P.
Pale-pink self; tangerine beard. Rosa Barone x Conchell Pink.,

PINK SAILS - Sass 1950
Sdlg. 48-27. TB 36" M. RL1.
Medium-pink self. Sdlg. 45-134 x Sunset Serenade., Sass 1950.

PINK SERENITY - Bro. Charles 1957
Sdlg. 55-16. TB 30" M. R1L.
Salmon-pink self. Sdlg. 51-51 X Enchanted Pink., Mission 1958.

PINK SHADOWS - Wills 1956
Sdlg. 86-54. TB 36" M. O3.
Shell-pink bitone; pink-tangerine beard. (Fantasy x (Spindrift x Overture)) X Dolly Var-den.,

PINK SHELL - Knowlton 1954
Sdlg. 47-33B. TB 34" M. R1L.
Pink self, rounded shell-like form. Old Parchment X Pink Reflection.,

PINK SPLENDOUR - Murawska 1959
TB 40" M. O1P.
Pink self. (Mary Randall sdlg. x Party Dress) X Pink Formal., River Side 1960.

PINK STAR - Ulrich 1951
TB 36" M. OR1.
Flamingo-pink self, tangerine beard. Golden Eagle X Loomis V-20., Sterling 1953.

PINK SUNSET - Branch 1957
Sdlg. 5547. TB 35" M. RY5M.
S. clear pink, shading apricot; F. apricot; tangerine beard. Dream Dust X (Pink Tower x Pink Formal)., Branch 1958.

PINK SUPREME - Lauck 1951
TB 38" M-VL. OR1.
Deep-pink self. Hall sdlg. 45-39 X Pink Formal.,

PINK SURPRISE - Hamacher 1957
TB 34" E. R1L.
Deep-pink self, yellow at haft; tangerine beard. Pink Sensation X Happy Birthday.,

PINK SYMPHONY - Austin 1955
Sdlg. TP-32. TB 38" M.
Pink self, yellow hafts, scarlet-tangerine beard. Pink Sensation x Nelson sdlg. 47., Rainbow 1957.

PINK TEA - Corey 1957
Sdlg. 84-P-1. TB 36" M. OR1.
S. pink shading honey-apricot; F. same with less pink; intense coral-red beard. (Evening Star x Sugarplum) X unknown., Corey 1959.

PINK THRILL - Hamacher 1955
Sdlg. S-41-iO. TB 36" E. RL1.
Medium-pink self, red-tangerine beard. Pink Sensation x Happy Birthday.,

PINK TINT - Zickler 1956
Sdlg. TG 45-20. TB 36" M. R1L.
Pale-pink self, yellow beard. (Melitza x Flora Zenor) X Golden Eagle.,

PINK TORCH - Brizendine 1959
Sdlg. B-31-56. TB 36" M. O1P.
Pink self; red beard. (Pink Fulfillment x Party Dress) x (Break of Dawn x Twilight Skies).,

TB 34" E. OR3.
S. medium pink (M & P 1E7); F. peach-pink (M & P lAiO); red beard. (Buneaux 43-5 x pink seedling) X Fantasy., Howe 1955.

PINK TRIUMPH - Louise Marx 1956
JI 30" EM. VR1.
Light-orchid pink, styles shaded pink. Mata Han X Karahashi., Marx 1956.

PINK UNICORN - Austin 1959
Sdlg. 547. TB 36" M. O1P.
Horned beard. Sdlg. x Twilight Sky., Rainbow 1960.

PINK VALENTINE - Murray 1958
Sdlg. 20-K-55. TB 38" M. R1P.
Rose-pink self; bright tangerine beard. (Carabella x Pink Formal x (Twilight Sky x Rosy Red)., Murray 1959.

PINK VANITY - Weyland 1956
Sdlg. 54-70. TB 36" L. R1L.
Pink self. Truly Yours x Happy Birthday.,

PINK VELVET - Schreiner 1954
TB 36" ML. RY1L.
Pearly orchid self. Harriet Thoreau X ((Angelus x ?) x (Matula x Schreiner sdlg. 8-37).,

PINK WINE - Schreiner 1953
TB 34" ML. RY1L.
Light orchid self. Harriet Thoreau x ((Angeles x ?) x (Matula x Schreiner 8-37)).,

PINK WONDERLAND - Rutherford 1959
TB 34" M. O5P.
Mellow orange-pink self; tangerine beard. (Hi Time x Pink Formal) x Helen Louise.,

PINKABELL - Beaumont 1954
TB 28" L. W1.
White self, hafts brushed pale blue. Great Lakes X yellow sdlg. of Rameses.,

PINK-A-BOO - Tompkins 1954
Sdlg. 50-2. TB 30" ML. RO1.
Deep shell-pink self, rich pink beard. Hall 42-46 x Overture, Fleur de Lis 1954.

PINKETTE - Vallette 1958
Sdlg. A62-C3. TB 36" E-M. O1P.
Creamy shell-pink, yellow hafts and beard. Creamglo x Frances Kent.,

PINK AMBER - E. Roberts 1966
Sdlg. 65R8. SDB, 14" (36 cm), E
S pale pink; F same with buff-pink spot and amber-chartreuse haft marks; beard tipped red. (Tall orchid sdlg. x Barium Gold) X ((Twilight Sky x white pumila) x (Desert Song x white pumila)). Roberts 1967

PINK BALLET - N. Rudolph 1969
Sdlg. 65-74. TB, 28" (71 cm), EM
S dawn pink (Wilson 523/3); F peach-pink (512/3); pink beard. 63-25 (inv. Pink Ice, Fleeta and May Hall) X sib. Lakelawn 1969 HC 1968.

PINK BONNY - Freudenburg 1965
Sdlg. 62-2. TB, 28" (71 cm), EM
Venetian pink self (Wilson). Lilyann X Happy Birthday. Freudenburg 1966 HC 1964.

PINK CANDLES - W. Ferguson 1969
Sdlg. 69-16. SPU, 46" (117 cm), M-L
S salmon pink; F rather gray. Fireplace X 58-8 (Wadi Zem Zem x Two Opals). Cordon Bleu 1973

PINK CASTLE - D. Lyon, TB 1958
, ,
Transferred to Sdlg. 56-74-3.

PINK CASTLE - D. Lyon 1960
Sdlg. 56-74-3. TB, 32" (81 cm), M
Medium deep shell pink self; red beard. Oriental Pearl X Convention Queen. Lyon 1961 HC 1960, HM 1963.

PINK CEDAR - N. Rudolph 1961
Sdlg. 57-56. TB, 32" (81 cm), L
Light brownish tan, pink glow; peach beard. Fay sdlg: (Pink Cameo x New Horizon) X Formal Lady. HC 1960.

PINK CHEER - Plough 1968
Sdlg. 62-619-2. TB, 35" (89 cm), EM
S very pink (Wilson 13/3); F slightly lighter and warmer pink; saturn red beard (13/2). Cherry Malott X One Desire. Eden Road 1969

PINK COCKATOO - Moldovan 1962
Sdlg. 62-15. TB, 36" (91 cm), M
S pink flushed white at base; F white, pink hafts; red-pink beard. Lipstick X Irish Lullaby.

PINK CUSHION - A. Brown 1966
Sdlg. M 474-2. SDB, 12" (30 cm), E
Clear pink self (Wilson 412/2); tangerine beard. M 62-7 (Memphis Belle x Carpathia) X sister sdlg. Brown's Iris Gardens 1967 HM 1968, JC 1969.

PINK DARLING - A. Brown 1966
Sdlg. 60-99-28. BB, 24" (61 cm), EM
Clear pink self; carrot red beard. Techny Chimes X Yellow Dresden. Brown's Iris Gardens 1967 HM 1968.

PINK DIVINITY - E. Tams 1966
Sdlg. 18-63. TB, 34" (86 cm), E-M
Clear medium pink self with white flush down center of F; red beard; ruffled, lightly laced. L'lita X Arctic Flame. Tell 1967 HC 1963, HM 1968.

PINK DUET - R. G. Smith 1965
Sdlg. C 13DR. TB, 30" (76 cm), M & Re
Pale red self (Nickerson 2.5R 9/3). Cook 17259 (pink sdlg. x June Meredith) X Happy Birthday. R Smith 1967 HC 1966.

PINK ECHO - Vallette, TB 1957
, ,
Name released.

PINK EMPEROR - Carstensen 1961
Sdlg. C-6-57. TB, 36" (91 cm), M-L
Raspberry-pink self, blue streak under pink beard. Pink Giant X Hall 44-05. Nick's Iris 1962

PINK ESSENCE - E. Walters 1963
Sdlg. RW-60-2. TB, 38" (97 cm), M
Salmon pink self. D. Hall pink sdlg. X Dolly Varden.

PINKETTE - Vallette, BB 1958
, ,
Vallette 1964

PINK FAVORITE - A. Blodgett 1969
Sdlg. 67-32. TB, 36" (91 cm), M
Light pink self; laced; deeper pink beard. Lipstick sib X (Lipstick sib x Career Girl). Blodgett 1970 HC 1969.

PINK FIESTA - C. Jack 1969
Sdlg. 64-73-2. TB, 32" (81 cm), L
Deep pink self; ruffled; deeper coral beard. Hamblen 7-10 (Rosedale x Pink Enchantment) x (Fair Luzon)) X Jack sdlg. (Melodrama x (Pink Intensity x Hooker 7B7, Dolly Varden, Hi Time, and Gloriole)).

PINK FLIGHT - R. Gilmer 1960
TB, 42" (107 cm), M-L
Pale pink self. New Snow X Pink Cameo.

PINK FLIRT - Reinhardt 1961
Sdlg. 60-80. TB, 34" (86 cm), M
S ribbon pink; F white, slight pink cast, edged pink, pink hafts; dark pink beard. From two sdlgs. Reinhardt 1962

PINK FLOUNCE - M. Knopf 1961
Sdlg. 13-A-6. TB, 34" (86 cm), E
Deep pink self; orange beard. Parentage unknown. Knopf 1962

PINK FLURRY - Marilyn Sheaff 1961
Sdlg. 59-17. TB, 36" (91 cm), E-M
Flamingo-pink self, white blaze; tangerine beard. Fay 51-40: (Hall pink sdlg. x (New Snow x Pink Cameo)) X Pink Formal. Sheaff 1962 HM 1964.

PINK FRINGE - N. Rudolph 1966
Sdlg. 63-60. TB, 34" (86 cm), M
S pink (Wilson 420/2); F same, lighter in center; pink beard. 61-78 (Pink Ice x 59-61) X 61-30 (Pink Ice x 59-55). Moldovan 1967 HC 1966, HM 1968.

PINK GABLES - Bakke-Messer 1965
Sdlg. 63-1-B. TB, 30" (76 cm), M
Apricot-pink with touches of cream; deep apricot beard. Mary Randall X Orchid Ruffles.

PINK GALAXIE - J. Rusk 1968
Sdlg. R 67-2. TB, 36" (91 cm), M
Pink self. Arctic Flame X Flaming Heart. HC 1968.

PINK HAVEN - Reynolds 1962
Sdlg. 9AA-4. TB, 37" (94 cm), EM
Baby ribbon pink self. Pink Enchantment X Gay Haven. Twintrees 1962 HC 1962.

PINK HAZE - W. McGarvey 1969
Sdlg. McG-69-Pink-1. SIB, 38" (97 cm), M
Pink self (opens Munsell 5RP 6/10 or 5/10 and quickly fades to 8/5). McG-60-inroy-P-l (Royal Ensign x Royal Ensign) X McG-63-2-2-2 (White Swirl x Royal Ensign-P-sdlg.) McGarvey 1980

PINK HONEY - Arny 1962
Sdlg. 12-62. LA, 36" (91 cm), M-L
Shell pink self, large steeple-shaped yellow crests. Louise Arny X June Clouds. Charjoy 1962

PINK HORIZON - Schreiners 1967
Sdlg. Y 1322-A. TB, 40" (102 cm), M
Evenly colored flamingo pink self including beard. Court Ballet X P 101-3 (Pink Fulfillment x May Hall). Schreiners 1968 HM 1969.

PINK ICE - Rudolph, TB 1951
, ,
Transferred to Sdlg. A-57-10.

PINK ICE - Rudolph 1960
Sdlg. A-57-10. TB, 34" (86 cm), M
Pale pink self. 55-55 X Fleeta. Moldovan 1962

PINKIE LEA - Tom Craig 1966
Sdlg. 63-0-39. TB, 36" (91 cm), EM-M
Rosebloom self. Miss Peach X (Pink Formal x Goodun). Craig 1966

TB, 36" (91 cm), MVL
Deep pink self. Tell 56-1-B (((Gold Ruffles x sib Pink Salmon) x Pink Formal)) x Pink Enchantment))) X sib. Tell 1966

PINK IVORY - Muhlestein 1962
Sdlg. 61-3. TB, 36" (91 cm), EM
Ivory self, lightly flushed pink; peach beard. (Gold Ruffles x Chantilly) X sib to Utah Cream. Tell 1962

PINK LILACS - Vallette 1964
Sdlg. K-11-F84. TB, 36" (91 cm), EM
Rosy lilac self; blue-white beard tipped lemon. Mission Rose X Pretty Carol.

PINK LURE - Hooker 1963
Sdlg. 240 TB, 38" (97 cm), M
Intense pink self, more lavender than orange; tangerine beard. 7B7: (inv. Dolly Varden, Hi Time, Gloriole) X Fleeta. Tell 1965 HC 1964.

PINK MAGNOLIA - Opal Brown 1968
Sdlg. 6-15A5. TB novelty, 28" (71 cm), M
No standards; F (6) Orient pink (RHS 36D), deeper veining in heart; beard 41C. L4E1 (inv. Pink sdlgs.) X Candle Flame. Brown's Sunnyhill Gardens 1970

PINK MIDGET - A. Peterson 1962
Sdlg. A-39. IB, variable height, VL dwarf season
Medium-toned peach-apricot; self beard. Lillipinkput X (Brownie x Pink Sensation). Old Brook, Peterson 1966 HM 1967.

PINK N' PRETTY - Sexton 1961
Sdlg. 53-57. TB, 38" (97 cm), M
Peach-pink self. Nomohr X ((Party Dress x Happy Birthday) x Pink Cameo). Sexton 1962 HM 1965.

PINK NUGGET - W. Mick, Jr. 1969
Sdlg. M-63-67. TB, 29" (74 cm), ML
S light yellowish pink (Munsell 2.5YR 9/3); F brilliant yellow (2.5Y 9/9); bright orange beard. M-23-64 (inv. line of sdlgs.) X OM-4-64 (inv. line of sdlgs.). Mick 1970

PINKOMINE - J. Brown 1962
Sdlg. E-10. TB, 33" (84 cm), ML
Deep pink with cerise cast; F deeper, prominent stylearms; cerise beard. (Pink Enchantment x Mary Randall) X (May Hall x Pink Fulfillment).

PINK PAL - Kuesel 1962
Sdlg. P-62-11. TB, 36" (91 cm), EM
Pink self; heavy tangerine beard. (Happy Birthday x Fleeta) X Palomino.

PINK PANORAMA - C. James 1963
Sdlg. 334-11. TB, 36" (91 cm), L
Venetian pink self, azalea pink beard. Party Dress X Flamingo Bay.

PINK PARFAIT - James 1962
Sdlg. 434-4. TB, 48" (122 cm), E
Rhodamine pink self; tangerine beard. From sdlgs. inv. Maytime, Fantasy, Cloudcap, SD 72, Overture.

PINK PASSION - Pickard 1960
Sdlg. 56-38-A. TB, , E
Deep pink self; tangerine beard. Top Flight X (Cahokia x Meiss: 177c). Pickard 1961

PINK PERSONALITY - D. Christie 1966
TB, 42", (107 cm),
Cool pink self with red beard. (Pink sdlgs. x Pink Enchantment) X Pink Enchantment. Wanganui 1968

PINK PETITE - Judy 1962
Sdlg. 5410-A. BB, 20", (51 cm),
Rose-pink self; tangerine beard. Hall pink sdlg. X Technicolor. Old Brook 1965

PINK PIROUETTE - W. Newhard 1968
Sdlg. 702 TB, 30" (76 cm), EML
S Orient pink (RHS 36A); F peach (29D); tangerine-red beard. Rippling Waters X Alice Christy. Pallette Gardens 1970 HC 1968.

PINK PLATTER - Tom Craig 1966
Sdlg. 63-0-5. TB, 30-34", EM-M
Rose dawn self (gray light orange-red). (Pink Formal x Goodun) X (((Mt. Washington x Flora Zenor) x Cheri)) x Beaucatcher))). Craig 1966

PINK POPCORN - Kohler 1964
Sdlg. 60-8A. TB, 34" (86 cm), M
Medium pink self; light tangerine beard. ((Cloudcap x Chantilly) x June Bride) X Happy Birthday.

PINK PRIDE - A. Brown 1963
Sdlg. M-188-6. IB, 15" (38 cm), E
Bright pink self; light yellow at hafts; tangerine beard. (Memphis Belle x Carpathia) X B-305-4: (inv. Palomino, Heritage, and others). Brown's Iris Gard 1964 HM 1965.

PINK PUPPET - Hite 1965
Sdlg. 57-126. TB, 30" (76 cm), EM
Rose-orchid self; raspberry shoulders. (Happy Birthday x B 118) X A-1. Hite 1965

PINK PUSSYCAT - C. Tompkins 1969
Sdlg. 65-55A. TB, 36" (91 cm), ML
Pink self with white central area on F; pink beard. ((Sdlg. (Cameo Coral x Cameo Coral) x Password) X ((Sdlg. (Password x Mary Randall) x Cameo Coral)). Fleur de Lis 1969

PINK RAINBOW - H. Plumley 1968
Sdlg. 6322 TB, 36" (91 cm), M-L
Strawberry pink self; red beard with blue tip. Frost and Flame X (5908 x Ice Carnival).

PINK REVERIE - A. Brown 1968
Sdlg. M 1205-3. IB, 22" (56 cm), E
Pink self with slight orchid influence, ruffled; bright saturn red beard. Pink Pride X Pink Pride. Brown's Iris Gardens 1969

PINK REWARD - Peterson 1962
Sdlg. A-38-A. IB, 19" (48 cm), E
Clear peach self, darker peach beard, some yellow at hafts. Lillipinkput X (Brownie x Pink Sensation). Peterson 1963 HM 1964.

PINK RIPPLES - Paquet 1960
Sdlg. 5506-3. TB, 29" (74 cm), M
Pink with whisper of violet; tangerine beard. Happy Birthday X Mary Randall. Landsend 1961

PINK SETTING - Muhlestein 1969
Sdlg. 960 TB, 34" (86 cm), VL
Baby ribbon pink self; darker pink beard. 49-19A ((Elmohr x Golden Eagle) x Pink Formal)) X (Party Dress x Pink Fulfillment). Tell 1969

PINK SILK - C. Harrison 1963
TB, 36" (91 cm), M
Silky pink self; red beard. Palomino X (Pink Cameo x Pink Formal).

PINK SNOWTOP - W. McGarvey 1969
Sdlg. McG-69-Pink ameo 1. SIB, 40" (102 cm), M
S opens light purplish pink (Munsell 5RP 8/5) but fades immediately to white; F pink, opens to moderate purplish pink (2.5RP 7/8); stylearms white. McG-60-inroy-P-l (Royal Ensign x Royal Ensign) X McG-63-2-2-2 (White Swirl x Royal Ensign-P-sdlg.)

PINK SPOON - Lloyd Austin 1961
Sdlg. 8203 TB, 34" (86 cm), L
Light, slightly bronzy, pink self. Happy Birthday X Unicorn. Rainbow 1962

PINK SPRITE - Crosby 1962
Sdlg. C-56-38B. BB, 30" (76 cm), EM-L
Deep pink self. Flamingo Bay X sib to Convention Queen. Tell 1962 HC 1961.

PINK STARLIGHT - Nitchman 1960
Sdlg. 56-37. TB, 34" (86 cm), M
Light pink self; white beard. (Snoqualmie x Chantilly) X Song of Songs.

PINK SUNBONNET - Geneva Wilson 1962
TB, 42" (107 cm), ML
Mauve-pink self; tangerine beard. (Happy Birthday x Cloudcap) X Dolly Varden. Hilltop 1963

PINK TAFFETA - Rudolph 1965
Sdlg. 65-29. TB, 31" (79 cm), EM
S rose-pink (Wilson 427/1); F rose-pink (427/2). 63-29 (Fay 56-06: sib to Arctic Flame x 59-31) X 61-42 (Pink Ice x 59-55). Moldovan 1968 HM 1969, JC 1969.

PINK TAILOR - C. Blyth 1967
TB, 38-40", ML
S flesh pink; F same; tangerine beard. White sdlg. (Pierre Menard x Happy Birthday) X Mary Randall. Sunnyside Gardens 1969/70

PINK TASSEL - Lloyd Austin 1964
Sdlg. 218 TB, 40" (102 cm), M
S light rose pink; F deep rose, frilled rose-pink bearded spoons. Sierra Sunset X (Pink Formal x Unicorn). Rainbow 1965

PINKTEEN - Quist 1963
Sdlg. 88A-l. BB, 18" (46 cm), EM-L
Shell pink self, touch of yellow at shoulders; orange pink beard. Mary Randall X Frost and Flame. HC 1963.

PINK TIGER - El Dorado Gard. 1964
Sdlg. 88-61B. TB, 33" (84 cm), M-L
S dusky pink; F dusky pink veined dark rose, heavy red beard. From Sass sdlgs. inv. Step Up, Black Forest, and sdlgs. El Dorado 1965

PINK VELVET - R. Schreiner, TB 1953
, ,
Name released 1968.

PINK WHIRLS - Voris 1960
Sdlg. PsoHB-535. TB, 36" (91 cm), M-L
Deep pink self. Happy Birthday X (Pink Sensation x Overture. Voris 1963

PINK WHISTLE - L. R. Smith by G. Hanson, selector 1966
Sdlg. 63-7P. TB, 32" (81 cm), M
Clear pale pink self; darker pink beard; ruffled stylearms, slightly darker. June Meredith X Fleeta. Riverdale 1967

PINK WINE - R. Schreiner, TB 1953
, ,
Name released '68.

PINK AMULET - G. Plough 1975
Sdlg. 67-70-2. IB, 19" (48 cm), E-L
S. azalea pink (618/3); F. same, infused with cream; shrimp red beard. 62-248-11: ((Flaring Ivory x First Curtain) x Little Dolly) X Lillipinkput. Eden Road 1976

PINK AND GOLD - W. Schortman 1974
Sdlg. 1972-12. TB, 34" (86 cm), M
S. light violet; F. same, edged yellow; yellow beard. Laced sdlg. 68-13 X 70-19.

PINK ANGEL - N. Rudolph 1972
Sdlg. 70-75. TB, 29" (74 cm), E
S. light pink (RHS 49C); F. light pink, blending to pale pink at center, deeper pink haft; sharp pink beard. Pink Sleigh X Cream Taffeta. Rudolph 1973

PINK ATTIRE - H. Schmelzer 1975
Sdlg. 38N20. TB, 36" (91 cm), M
Medium pink self; pure pink beard. 20 X Pink Taffeta. Schmelzer 1975

PINK BASSINET - D. Wall 1974
Sdlg. 67-42B. BB, 20" (51 cm), M
Ruffled pale pink self; red beard. Ruffled Valentine X Dear One. Old Brook 1975

PINK BOWS - G. Shoop 1975
Sdlg. 70-8. TB, 36" (91 cm), EM
Lightly ruffled pink self; pink beard. 67-11: (inv. One Desire, Pretty Poise, Hamblen H5-35, Spanish Affair) X 67-10: (inv. Old Parchment, Golden Majesty, One Desire, Pretty Poise, May Dancer, Spanish Affair, Hamblen H5-35). Shoop 1975

PINK BUBBLES - Ben Hager 1979
Sdlg. BB3201Pk. BB, 20" (51 cm), EM
Clear light pink self; pale tangerine beard. Pink Pirouette X Vanity. Melrose Gardens 1980

PINK CHALLENGE - Opal Brown 1975
Sdlg. 9-22D5. TB, 34" (86 cm), M
Deep azalea pink self; ruffled F.; coral beard. Milady X 7-20B25: ((Chinese Coral X pink sdlg.) x (Dawn Flight x Cashmere)). Brown's Sunnyhill Gardens 1975

PINK CONFETTI - J. Gibson 1975
Sdlg. 32-0A. TB, 38" (97 cm), M
Ruffled cream ground plicata marked magenta rose-pink; white beard tipped magenta to orange in the throat. 1-8B: Frosty Kiss sib X 3-7A. Gibson 1976

PINK DAYDREAM - N. Paquet 1979
Sdlg. 3-78. TB, 32" (81 cm), M
Ruffled Orient pink (Wilson 416/2) self; tangerine beard. Irish Lullaby X New Moon. Paquet 1980

PINK EMBER - J. Gibson 1972
Sdlg. 4-8A. TB, 37" (94 cm), M-L
S. rose-pink with violet-pink veining, ruffled; F. rose pink with violet-pink stitched rim; persimmon orange beard. Summer Silk X 17-6A. Gibson 1973

PINK ENTRY - L. Peterson 1973
Sdlg. LP 70-11A. AB, 24" (61 cm), EM
Soft medium pink, usually flecked deeper pink; medium yellow beard with narrow signal at end of deep reddish color. LP 62-126A: (Snow Flurry x Asoka of Nepal) X Dove Song. Peterson 1974

PINKEVA - F. Gadd 1979
Sdlg. 24-74. AB (1/4), 15" (38 cm), E
Phlox pink self; yellow beard. Lady X Amethyst Accent. Wethersfield Iris 1980

PINK FEATHERS - S. Woodside 1972
Sdlg. 80-1-C. TB, 34" (86 cm), E-M
Light pink with deeper hafts which are touched cream, lighter area around light tangerine beard; ruffled, lightly laced. Signature X Coming Sun. Sierra Vista 1973

PINK FROLIC - M. Granger 1975
Sdlg. BA66-20. LA, 25" (64 cm), E
S. light to moderate purplish pink (Nickerson 10P 7/7) with light reddish purple edge and strong reddish purple splashes running lengthwise; F. light reddish purple (10P 6/9) to strong reddish purple near tip; small greenish yellow signal. 8Q64-21: (Bramb

PINK GAME - D. DeHaan 1976
Sdlg. 21-32-A. TB, 30" (76 cm), L
S. medium pink; F. deeper pink, bordered color of S.; pinkish orange beard. Camelot Rose X Flaming Heart. Doris Iris 1976

PINK HARMONY - R. David by G. Gable Davi
Sdlg. 42-71. TB, 31" (78 cm), E-M
Ruffled pink with pastel shading toward blue, lighter area below tangerine-red beard. Lilting Melody X Pink Magic.

PINKIE - S. Foote 1971
Sdlg. 66-2-11. TB, 28" (71 cm), M & RE
Ruffled pink self; soft rose-pink beard. Remembered Melody X One Desire. Foote 1972

PINK KEWPIE - M. Wright 1976
Sdlg. BB27. BB, 24" (61 cm), E
Blend of pale, light and full pink, giving a light red effect; red beard. La Nina Rosa X Lankow 65-J-2. Wright 1976

PINK KITTEN - V. Wood 1976
Sdlg. 73-1. IB, 20" (51 cm), E
Blue shade of pink, lined deeper on F.; tangerine beard tipped lighter. 69-2: (New Frontier x Signature) X Dove Wings. Corlew 1977 HM 1978, AM 1980, Sass 1982.

PINK LOLLIPOP - J. Marsh 1976
Sdlg. 70-115. BB, 22" (56 cm), E-L
S. ruffled light pink; F. fluted light pink; bright blood red beard. 67-20 pink sdlg. X 67-90 pink sdlg. Marsh 1976

PINK LULLABY - C. Terrell 1972
Sdlg. T66-67. TB, 32" (81 cm), M
Laced magenta (HCC 198), even color on pink side; self beard. Court Ballet X (Pink Dresden x Flaming Heart).

PINK MADONNA - J. Saia 1976
Sdlg. 73-7A. TB, 36" (91 cm), EM-L
Ruffled and laced light pink self; deep pink beard tipped blue. Kimzey X Pink Taffeta. Saia 1980

PINK 'N' MINT - Schreiner's 1979
Sdlg. H936-A. TB, 36" (91 cm), M-L
S. light shrimp to salmon-pink; F. frosty uranium to light lime green; light coral beard. D 990-3: (Bro. Charles 59-12 x Pink Horizon) X Pink Taffeta. Schreiner's 1979

PINK ODD BALL - E. Smith 1973
Sdlg. 70-13. TB, 31" (79 cm), E
Laced bright salmon-pink, gold at haft; bright tangerine beard. Unknown parentage.

PINK PALACE - N. Paquet 1978
Sdlg. 6-78. TB, 36" (91 cm), M
Ruffled and laced pink self; tangerine beard. Irish Lullaby X New Moon. Paquet 1979

PINK PEACE - N. Sexton 1971
Sdlg. 134-B-63. TB, 36" (91 cm), M
Ruffled azalea pink with orchid flush; self beard. New Frontier X Rippling Waters. Sexton 1971

PINK PERSIAN - E. Buckles by D. Niswonger 1973
Sdlg. B 70-5. TB, 33" (84 cm), M
Ruffled pink self; salmon-pink beard. Rio Roso X B66-20: (Angel Lyric x Court Ballet). Niswonger 1973

PINK PICOTEE - D. Nearpass 1973
Sdlg. L-72-1. TB, 32" (81 cm), M
S. light pink (Nickerson 2.5R 8.5/4); F. creamy light pink (7.5R) with violet plicata markings and 1" white spot below light tangerine beard. April Melody X J-69-10: ((((Prettyfield x New Adventure) x Miss B. Haven) x Captain's Lady) x Jealous Lover). Nea

PINK PINNACLE - J. Baldwin 1978
Sdlg. 70-61P. TB, 33" (84 cm), E-M
S. white, midrib flushed pink; F. orange (RHS 27B), ruffled; orange-red beard. (Glittering Amber sdlg. x Rippling Waters) X Sunset Snows.

PINK PLEASURE - G. Shoop 1979
Sdlg. 74-21. TB, 36" (91 cm), M
Lightly ruffled deep rose-pink self; pink beard. Sdlgs. inv. Bright View, Pink Bows and sibs crossed. Shoop 1979

PINK PLIC - L. Noyd 1970
Sdlg. N61-87-62A. TB, 34" (86 cm), M
Deep pink with a few plicata markings at haft; tangerine beard. N58-47-3: ((Firecracker x Pink Sensation) x (Firecracker x (Pink Cameo x Pink Formal))) X N59-106-12: (Pin Up Girl sib x New Adventure). Noyd 1971

PINK POM POM - B. Hamner 1979
Sdlg. 72-3. TB, 26-29" (66-74 cm), E-M
Ruffled and laced pink (RHS 36B) self; deeper pink beard. ((China Gate x sdlg.) x (Nike x New Frontier)) X (Picture Perfect x New Moon). Hamner 1979

PINK POPPET - L. Brummitt 1973
Sdlg. 2328/8. IB, 17" (43 cm), M
Peach pink self. True Rose X Roberts 65R12A. Linnegar 1974

PINK PRAIRIE - F. Dyer 1978
Sdlg. D-40-74-D. SDB, 13" (33 cm), M
Pink self; pink beard. Lillipinkput X W. Brown 59-3: (Happy Birthday x Palomino). Dyer 1978

PINK ROMANCE - B. Tolman 1970
Sdlg. 65-127-2. TB, 36" (91 cm), M
Light pink self; tangerine beard. 62-3-3: (Cliffs of Dover x (Happy Birthday x Cathedral Bells)) X 62-68-1: ((Song of Songs x Clara B) x (Party Favor x Jan Elizabeth)). Tell 1970

PINK SACHET - Walter Moores 1978
Sdlg. 73-9. TB, 30" (76 cm), M
Pink self with blue undertones; light red beard. Tule Rainbow X (Summer Pink x Lunar Fire). Moores 1979

PINK SKY - W. Ross 1973
Sdlg. D-1-61. TB, 28" (71 cm), E
Light pink self; red beard. Marlin Maid X Pink Chimes.

PINK SLEIGH - N. Rudolph 1970
Sdlg. 67-40. TB, 30" (76 cm), M
S. blue-pink with touch of lavender (Wilson 530/1); F. blue-pink (530/2) with lighter area at center; ruffled, laced; red beard. 65-50 X Pink Taffeta. Rudolph 1970

PINK SPLASH - H. Schmelzer 1972
Sdlg. 16. IB, 22" (56 cm), M
True medium pink self; pure pink beard. Pink Cushion X Splash o' Pink. Schmelzer 1973

PINK SUNDAE - Fred Stephenson 1972
Sdlg. 6623-2. BB, 25" (64 cm), M-L
Pink (RHS 36B) self, slightly darker veining on F.; orange-pink beard. F. Brown 62-216: (Sugar Babe x pink sdlg.) X 61-57: (Point Lace x Arctic Flame). Ingleside 1974

PINK SWIRL - C. Wedow 1973
Sdlg. W-70-1. BB, 26" (66 cm), ML
Medium pink blended toward orange; pink beard. Irish Lullaby X Arctic Flame. Wedow 1974

PINK VANILLA - L. Gaulter 1978
Sdlg. 73-58. TB, 38" (97 cm), M-L
Ruffled apricot-pink self; deep tangerine beard. From inv. selected sdlgs. of several generations of Glendale X Glenbrook. Cooley's Gardens 1979

Sdlg. 81-114-1N. TB, 30" 76 cm, EM & RE Aug-Oct in OH
Ruffled light pink (RHS 36C), light streak of violet (84C) below orange beard. Jean Guymer X Vanity. Hall's Flower Garden 1988

PINK BALLERINA - N. Rudolph 1981
Sdlg. 78-32. TB, 30" 76 cm, M
S. lavender pink; F. light lavender pink with lavender veining; lavender beard tipped pink; pronounced fragrance. Beige Ruffles X Pink Sleigh. Klehm Nursery 1983

PINK BELLE - V. Wood 1983
Sdlg. 79-9. TB, 34" 86 cm, E-M
Pink (RHS 49C); tangerine pink beard. 76-38: (((New Frontier x Signature) x 68-36) x (Glendale x Pink Divinity)) X 75-32: ((Pink Divinity x (El Monsour x Christmas Time)) x Pink Sleigh). Corlew 1984

PINK BETTERMENT - L. Peterson 1984
Sdlg. LP 82-33. AB OGB, 26" 66 cm, M
S. rich pink with very faint lavender overlay; F. slightly darker; black beard; tailored; slight sweet fragrance. Esther's Son X Heart Stealer. Aril Society, Peterson 1985 AM 1994

PINK BLUE GENES - O. D. Niswonger 1989
Sdlg. 58-83. TB, 33" 84 cm, M
Pink; beard tangerine in throat and blue on outer half. Rudolph 79-05 X 46-80: (Singing Skies x Lilac Thrill). Cape Iris 1990 HM 1993

PINK BOA - J. Hoage 1987
Sdlg. H 79-70. TB, 34" 86 cm, ML
Lightly feathered light pink; tangerine beard. H 72-12: (Pink Sleigh x After All) X Fashionable Pink. Long's Gardens 1988

PINK BUNNY - W. Ackerman 1981
Sdlg. D-413-26. JI 9 F. diploid, 35.5" 93 cm, L
Lavender pink (RHS 76D) with contrasting (75A) veining, yellow (13A) signal; upright, fluted petaloids. D-5 (7-135) X self. Bush 1986

PINK CANOPY - George Bush 1989
Sdlg. 86-40. JI 6 F. diploid, 36" 91 cm, ML
Orchid pink, lime yellow signal; orchid styles. Inv. sdlgs. Bush 1990

PINK CAPER - G. Shoop 1986
Sdlg. 82-B. SDB, 9" 23 cm, E-M
Ruffled and flaring pink peach; bright deep tangerine red beard. Bright Vision X Blushes. Shoop 1986

PINK CELEBRITY - J. Stadler 1988
Sdlg. H9/90. TB, 36" 91 cm, E-M
Ruffled light coral pink; deep coral pink beard; slight fragrance. Valentine Roses X Vanity. Celestial Gardens 1989

PINK CRYSTAL - A. & D. Willott 1984
Sdlg. 82-15A. SDB, 11" 28 cm, E-M
Ruffled light pink, lighter in center of F., veined deeper around beard; light orange beard tipped white. 78-200A: ((Munchkin x Laced Lemonade) x Green Haze) X 80-47: (Erie Islands x (Cherished x Greenlee white pumila GX-9)). Willott 1986

PINK DACE - Jill Copeland 1988
Sdlg. 86-12. JI 6 F. diploid, 23.5" 60 cm, E-M
Violet blue (RHS 92A), fading to white (155C), sanded pink, yellow signal; white styles. Sdlg. X self. Ensata Gardens 1993 HM 1996

PINK DIABLO - D. Marquart 1988
Sdlg. SHV-2. TB, 36" 91 cm, M-L
Mid-pink; pink beard, blue horns. Sky Hooks X Vanity.

PINK DIMITY - L. Reid 1987
Sdlg. D658-7. JI 6 F. diploid, 36" 91 cm, M
Lightly ruffled medium pink (RHS 55D) ground, veined light maroon (74B), mauve (74C) halo around gold signal; mauve (74C) styles. Valiant Prince X Marx MX 4. Laurie's Garden 1987 AM 1994

PINK DRAGEE - N. Scopes 1989
Sdlg. 1/52B. BB, 19" 48 cm, M
Lightly ruffled peach pink; peach pink beard; slight fragrance. Little Dolly Daydream X Sunset Star.

PINK EMPRESS - Cleo Palmer 1989
Sdlg. 8571. IB, 22" 56 cm, E
Ruffled pink, light orange shoulders, white area at tip of beard veined pink; red beard. Mlle. Modiste X 8102: (Miss Oklahoma x (Dove Wings x ((Wilma V x unknown) x Little Titan))). Palmer's Iris 1990 HM 1992

PINK ENCORE - Eva Smith by A. Mueller 1983
TB, 30-32" 76-81 cm, E & RE
S. pink, shaded darker pink at center; ruffled; F. pink, shaded darker pink around red pink beard. Unknown parentage. Mueller 1983

R. 1979, , ,
Wethersfield Iris 1980.

PINK FROTH - Keith Keppel 1985
Sdlg. 76-122B. TB, 34" 86 cm, E
S. lavender pink (M&P 43-D-1) suffusion on creamy white ground; F. white, 1/2" solid lavender pink edge, deeper (43-1-4) hafts; rhodonite pink (43-G-1) styles; white beard tipped tangerine pink; ruffled and lightly laced. 72-30E: (68-39D: (((Irma Melrose

PINK GALA - Vernon Wood 1989
Sdlg. 86-31. TB, 36" 91 cm, E-M
Lightly ruffled pink (RHS 49C); tangerine beard. Pink Belle X W78-17: (Mais Oui x Carved Pink). Cottage Gardens 1990 HM 1993

PINK GRACES - R. Johnson 1981
Sdlg. K-86A. TB, 32" 81 cm, M
Heavily laced medium pink; pink beard. Peach Beauty X 70-2: (Peach Beauty x 65-31). Royal Iris 1981

PINK HYACINTH - G. Bush 1987
Sdlg. P-83-2. SIB, 18" 46 cm, VVE
Light orchid pink. Unknown parentage. Bush 1987

PINK INTERLUDE - W. Simon 1984
Sdlg. 45-64-9. TB, 32" 81 cm, ML
Heavily ruffled and laced deep pink; pink beard. Pink Challenge X Love Sonnet. Simon 1985

PINKISH AMO - A. Morgan 1987
Sdlg. C8-41. TB, 40" 102 cm, E-L
S. white; F. pink with white striations; yellow beard. Right On X unknown. Iris Test Gardens 1986

PINK JADE - J. Gatty 1988
Sdlg. L89-2. TB, 34" 86 cm, ML
S. opera pink (M&P 1-AB-8) flushed peach (9-A-5); F. clear light pink (1-A-2) with paler white jade (10-A-2) center, hafts flushed bisque (11-A-3); indian orange (1-D-12) to honeydew (9-B-8) beard tipped white; slight fragrance. G57-1: (D47-2, Playgirl si

PINK JAMBOREE - W. Luihn 1980
Sdlg. 76-9. TB, 36" 91 cm, M-L
Light rhodamine pink (HCC 527/3); brick red (016) beard; heavily laced F. Pink Sleigh X (Tahiti Sunrise x ((Kiss of Fire x Arctic Flame) x Gaulter 62-15)). Luihn 1981

PINK LAMB - C. Blaylock 1984
Sdlg. 4-77. BB, 26" 66 cm, M
Ruffled pink; red beard. Pink Angel X Pink Taffeta. Blaylock 1985

PINK LIPS - George Bush 1989
Sdlg. 89-29. JI 3 F. diploid, 18" 46 cm, M
S. pink; pink style arms; F. cream veined orchid pink, yellow signal. Inv. sdlgs. Bush 1990

PINK MEMORIES - E. Burger 1985
Sdlg. L-20. TB, 35" 89 cm, M
S. medium pink; F. paler pink, deepening toward edge; coral pink beard; ruffled; slight fragrance. Probably Irish Lullaby X Crystal City. Mid-America Gardens 1985

PINK MYSTERY - L. Marx by C. McEwen 1988
JI 6 F. tet., 35" 89 cm, M
Pink (RHS 75B), greenish yellow signal; white styles tipped pink (75B). Probably Mata Hari x "Karahashi". Laurie's Garden, Seaways Gardens 1990

PINK 'N' BLUE - L. Powell 1981
TB, 32" 81 cm, M-L
Soft pure pink; pink beard, 7/8" blue tip; pronounced sweet fragrance. Two Pinks X Rose Hermosa. Powell's Gardens 1982

PINKNESS - Monty Byers 1988
Sdlg. D28-100. TB, 36" 91 cm, M & RE
Medium pink; orange pink beard; pronounced sweet/spicy fragrance. Vanity X Coral Charmer. Moonshine Gardens 1989

PINK PACADERM - D. Spence 1988
Sdlg. S83-107-3. TB, 30" 76 cm, M
Baby ribbon pink; watermelon pink beard, 1/2" upcurved pink horns occasionally ending ln 1/4" pink spoons. Miss Jupiter X Almond Parfait. 21st Century Gardens 1988

PINK PANTHER - A. & D. Willott 1988
Sdlg. 83-22. SDB, 14" 33 cm, E-L
Pale pink, light amber hafts; light blue beard. 80-47: (Erie Islands x 78-126: (Cherished x Greenlee GX-9)) X Coral Wings. Willott 1988

PINK PEAKS - M. Schafer & J. Sacks 1988
Versicolor, 9" 23 cm, M
S. dark pink with distinct notched peak; dark pink styles with pure white curls on tip; F. dark pink with red purple veining, white signal veined red purple. Unknown parentage - seed from SIGNA. Joe Pye Weed's Garden 1988

PINK PETTICOAT - L. Donnell 1984
Sdlg. 80-23-6. TB, 34" 86 cm, M
S. pale pink (RHS 63D); F. deeper pink (74C), blending to lipstick pink at hafts; red beard. 78-19-21: (Dingley Dawn x Latin Tempo) X Venetian Dancer.

PINK POETRY - H. Rowlan 1987
Sdlg. 83 LA 64. LA, 29" 74 cm, M
Ruffled shell pink (HCC 516/1), yellow steeple signal; creamy white styles, shell pink crests; slight spicy fragrance. Bryce Leigh X Winter's Veil. Comanche Acres, Rowlan Irises 1988

PINK PRELATE - B.L.C. Dodsworth 1988
Sdlg. EB 108. TB, 40" 102 cm, M
Ruffled pale pink; pink beard. EB 81 X Vanity.

PINK PURIST - Tomas Tamberg 1986
Sdlg. STT103. TB, 29.5" 75 cm, E-M
Pure pink; pink beard; slight sweet fragrance. Sigrid Fiedler X STT34: Tamberg blue pink sdlg. x Pink Taffeta).

PINK RAYS - F. Dyer 1989
Sdlg. D-14-86-1. BB, 26" 86 cm, M
Pink; ruffled F.; red orange beard; slight musky fragrance. D-7-77-B: (April Melody x Peach Glow) X Tulare. Dyer's Iris 1989

PINK RIOT - G. Plough 1980
Sdlg. 75-7-62. TB, 31" 79 cm, M
Deep pink (HCC 18/2); poppy red beard. Flaming Pink X Venetian Pink. Eden Road 1981

PINK ROSE - M. Hamblen 1985
Sdlg. 79-3B. TB, 30" 76 cm, M-L
S. pink (RHS 38C); F. deeper pink (37B), hafts marked deeper, orange (29C) signal; red orange (34C) beard; ruffled. Lovely Kay X Far Corners. Mission Bell 1986

PINK SAPPHIRE - Melba Hamblen 1989
Sdlg. H80-31D. TB, 34" 86 cm, M-L
S. pink (RHS 36B); F. blue violet (87C); orange red beard tipped blue (91A); ruffled. 78-117A: (((Tipperary x Lilac Flame) x Dream Lover) x ((((Sunset Blues x Marvalon) x Panoramic) x Shipshape) x (Nobleman x Valley West sib))) X 78-46A: (72-23D: (Sienna

PINK SASH - F. Gadd 1984
Sdlg. 50-69. TB, 30" 76 cm, M
S. very pale light pink; F. slightly darker pink; pink beard; ruffled. 24A-70: (Pink Tea x Heartbeat) X Court Ballet. Wethersfield Iris 1985

PINK SONG - D. Meek 1988
Sdlg. 261-6-7. TB, 37" 94 cm, E-M
S. off-white with slight flushing of pink on midrib; F. off white, luscious pink area on each side of hafts that bleeds to mid F. like a pink blush; coral beard; heavily ruffled. 30-2-3: ((Corduroy and Lace x Snowline) x Corlew 106A) X Gatty pink sdlg. Ro

PINK SPARKLE - Ben Hager 1984
Sdlg. SB96. SIB, 39" 99 cm, M
S. white, tinged orchid pink; styles same; F. mottled deep mallow pink, buff bronze signal area. Sparkle X Rose Quest. Melrose Gardens 1985

PINK SWAN - J. Gibson 1983
Sdlg. 98-9A. TB, 35" 89 cm, M
Ruffled, fluted and lightly laced red purple (RHS 65B); red (39A) beard. Playgirl X Perfectly Clear. Gibson Iris 1984

PINK TEPEE - F. Gadd 1982
Sdlg. 29-76. TB, 34" 86 cm, M-L
S. white; F. phlox pink (HCC 625/2); tangerine beard; ruffled. 12-62: ((Prettyfield x Mystic Melody) x Champagne Music) X 24-72: ((Prettyfield x Frost and Flame) x June Meredith). Wethersfield Iris 1983

PINK TUTU - N. Rudolph 1986
Sdlg. 83-05. TB, 31" 79 cm, L
Heavily ruffled blue pink; slight sweet fragrance. 81-06 X 81-10. Klehm Nursery 1987