Iris Registry Inquiry

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MISS ANDREA - Lin Flanagan 1993

MISS ATLANTA - David Mohr 1990

MISS BUFFALO - Anna Rettig 1997

MISS BUTTERWORTH - Jim Hedgecock 1993

MISS CAROL - J. R. Allen 1993

MISS DAISY - Donald Sorensen 1998

MISS GERTIE'S BONNET - Dorman Haymon 1999

MISS JESSICA - Don Nebeker 1997

MISS KAY - J. R. Allen 1992

MISS LAURA - Lin Flanagan 1997

MISS LEMON - Phyllis Dickey 1996

MISS LUCIE - George Slade 1990

MISS MAUVE - Richard Tasco 2000

MISS OCHAROVANIYE - V. & N. Gordodelovy 1995

MISS OMI - Bob Thomason 2001

MISS PIGGY - Tom Burseen 1997

MISS PORTERVILLE - George Sutton 1997

MISS PRETTY - Mel Leavitt 1991

MISS SARA - Darlene Pinegar 1992

MISS SEDONA - Tom Magee 1991

MISS SUNSHINE - George Shoop 1994

MISS SWEET - Stan Dexter by Marie Ingerso 1992

MISS VERRET - Richard Goula 1992

MISSION IMPOSSIBLE - George Sutton 1998

MISSION SANTA CLARA - Joseph Ghio 1992

MISSISSIPPI BLUES - James McWhirter by Ab 1999

MISSISSIPPI MAGNOLIA - Truman Scarborough 2001

MISSOULA - Allan Ensminger 1996

MISSOURI AUTUMN - O. D. Niswonger 1996

MISSOURI CLOUDS - O. D. Niswonger 1995

MISSOURI DREAMLAND - O. D. Niswonger 1999

MISSOURI IRON ORE - O. D. Niswonger 1996

MISSOURI LAKES - O. D. Niswonger 1994

MISSOURI METEOR - Jim Hedgecock 1995

MISSOURI MIST - O.D. Niswonger 1999

MISSOURI MOONLIGHT - O. D. Niswonger 1996

MISSOURI ORANGE - O.D. Niswonger 1998

MISSOURI RAINBOWS - O. D. Niswonger 1996

MISSOURI ROSE - Jim Hedgecock 1995

MISSOURI SMILE - O.D. Niswonger 1999

MISSOURI SPRINGS - O. D. Niswonger 1994

MISSOURI STAR - O. D. Niswonger 1998

MISSOURI SUNSET - O.D. Niswonger 1995

MISS DASHADE - Mark Grumbine 2002

MISS MEREDITH - Donald Spoon 2002

MISSUS BEE - Charles Bunnell 2002

MISSISSIPPI FROST - Truman Scarborough 2003

MISSION SOLEDAD - Joseph Ghio 2004

MISS ALAMEDA - Awalt 1959
Sdlg. 58-1-A. TB 38" M. W2V.
White plicata marked light violet. (Sass 49-100 x Belle Meade) X Caroline Jane., Tell 1960.

MISS B. HAVEN - Reynolds 1956
Sdlg. 9ED. TB 36" LM. W2.
Plicata, white heavily stippled orchid-pink; beard tangerine. Memphis Belle X Pink Formal., Reynolds 1957.

MISS BLUEJAY - Davidson 1956
Form of I. missouriensis 24" E. BV4.
S. bright blue-violet; F. ivory, closely veined paler tint, yellow median ridge. Unknown; collected.,

MISS CHRISTINE - E. Watkins 1953
TB 34" M. Y1L.
Yellow-cream self. Spun Gold X Katharine Larinon., Fairmount 1954.

MISS DONNA - Briggs 1955
Sdlg. 5158. TB 36" M. RV3.
S. purple, with whitish rib; F. velvety darker purple, whitish haft area; beard brown-white to gold at heart. Indian Hills X Tiffany.,

MISS GEE GEE - Reva Johnston 1957
Sdlg. 51-11. TB 26" M. B1L.
Frosted pale-blue self, F. flaked dark blue. Azure Skies x Gloriole.,

MISS IOWA - Rushing 1959
Sdlg. 1. TB 38" M. W1B.
White with frosty blue glaze; lemon-yellow beard. Parentage unknown.,

MISS JAN - Hays 1957
TB 38", V1L.
Green veining in center of falls of lavender self; deep yellow beard. Unknown.,

MISS KALAMAZOO - Briggs 1953
TB 30" M. V1.
Violet self, white haft marks; beard gold tipped blue. Indian Hills X Tiffany.,

MISS LAKE CHARLES - W. Levingston 1951
AH 48" M-L. B1.
Virginica. Ultramarine blue, yellow signal, white veins., Collected 1940.

MISS LOUISIANA - C. Davis 1954
Louisiana 36-40" EM. BV3D.
Bitone, deep blue-violet (Victoria, M & P 46-J-9), and blue-violet (petunia, M & P 46-K-li). Blue I. giganticaerulea X Haile Selassie., University Hills 1954.

MISS MARTHA - McLeod 1952
Sdlg. TR8-49-1. Eupogoregelia hybr. 21" E. RV5.
TB-regelia. S. very light raspberry veined deep raspberry; F. creamy white to light raspberry, veined deep raspberry-red; veining forms signal patch at tip of dark bronze beard. (Anndelia x True Delight) X Korolkowi Violacea., Tell, Mission Bell 1959.

MISS MATTY - Benbow 1956
DB 5" E. BV1.
Pale blue-lavender self, deep wine spot on falls. I. pumila X Charmante., Orpington 1958.

MISS METUCHEN - Hustler 1956
Sdlg. 52-K-27. TB 36" ML. Y1.
Golden-yellow self, beard same. Golden Russet x Zantha.,

Californicae (innominata hybr.) 6" March to June. V5.
Violet blend, darkest pansy violet to palest. Parentage unknown.,

MISS MOHR - Austin 1953
Eupogocyclus hybr. 27" EM. V5.
S. pale lavender, flushed and penciled pale yellow; F. light buff-chartreuse, flushed light brownish lavender, veined darker. Golden Majesty X Capitola., Rainbow 1953.

MISS NENA - Brown 1954
Sdlg. 384. TB 56" L. RV3.
Light roselane purple and dull magenta-purple edged lighter. Gold beard. Nene X Miss California.,

MISS PEACOCK - Davidson 1956
Form of I. missouriensis 21" E. V1B.
Soft lilac-blue self; F. have peacock-eye zone of deeper color surrounding gold median ridge bordered cream. Unknown; collected.,

MISS PINK - Milliken 1954
TB 36" M. OR3.
Intense flamingo pink, falls little lighter; small smooth buff area at haft. Unknown X Pink Cameo., Milliken 1955.

MISS PINK DOVE - Davidson 1956
Form of I. missouriensis 21" E. VR4L.
S. pastel orchid-pink; F. color on white ground. Collected; unknown.,

MISS PRIM - Sainuelson 1955
Sdlg. C-10-18. TB 40" EM. W1.
White self, creamy white suffusion; yellow beard. Snow Flurry x Rainbow Room., Samuelson 1956.

MISS PURPLE FINCH - Davidson 1956
Form of I. missouriensis 18" E. V1.
Bishop's purple self; F. have golden undertone at median. Unknown; collected.,

MISS REMA - Burge 1959
Sdlg. 59-219. TB 35" M. O1P.
Frosty pink self; tangerine beard. Pink Formal X Twilight Sky.,

MISS SCITUATE - Creelinan 1951
TB 34" ME. OR3.
Army brown and brown flushed rose bitone. Atrous x Louvois.,

MISS SHOW OFF - Jordan 1955
Sdlg. 51-2-1. TB 36" M-L. R1L.
Pink self, apricot tone on shoulders, center deeper; heavy red beard. Clevenger sdlg. 46-36 X Hall sdlg. 42-10.,

JI 48" E W1.
Self of pure white. Sdlg. 82 X sdlg. 82., Payne 1951.

MISS ST. LOUIS - C. Benson 1957
Sdlg. SS-11. TB 32" L. OR1L.
Salmon-pink self. (Salmon Shell x ((SQ 72 x sdlg. 44-67) x (Pink Formal) X Flirtation., Benson 1958. HM 1958.

MISS SYRACUSE - Burgess 1950
TB 36" EM. RV1.
Imperial purple self. Gudrun X Pink Opal.,

MISS UTAH - Wallace 1956
Sdlg. 5442. TB 36" M. OR1L.
Pale-pink self, strawberry beard. Cathedral Bells x Crosby sdlg. 52-6., Wallace 1956.

MISS WALLA WALLA. - Grant 1958
TB 29" L. V5L.
S. pale lavender; F. pale pink, tan border; red beard. Mary Randall X Palomino.,

MISS WHITE CANARY - Davidson 1956
Form of I. missouriensis 20" E. W1.
White self, golden median ridge and few lines radiating outward into blade of falls. Unknown; collected.,

MISS WILMA - Ethel Brown 1952
TB 34" M. W2.
White with purple border, orange beard. Minnie Colquitt X unknown.,

MISSIE - Warburton 1958
Sdlg. BC-303. SDB 13" E. B1L.
Very pale purplish blue self, deeper flush aside white midline; white beard. Fairy Flax X Whitone.,

MISSION GLORY - Hamblen 1954
TB 36" ML. O1.
Golden-brown self, lighter around haft. Bryce Canyon X Garden Glory.,

MISSION MELODY - Hamblen 1954
Sdlg. 51-70. TB 38" EM. VR3.
Orchid-pink bitone. Floradora x Cherie., Mission Bell 1955.

MISSION ROSE - Bro. Charles 1955
Sdlg. 51-77. TB 36" M. R1.
Old-rose self, red beard. Mary Randall x D. Hall pink sdlg., Mission 1955.

MISSION STARLITE - Hainblen 1954
Sdlg. 51-66B. TB 36" ML. BV1L.
Self of light blue-violet, deep violet haft, few haft marks; beard blue into throat. Chivalry X White Wedgewood., Mission Bell 1956. HM 1956.

Sdlg. 1778. TB 36" VL. V5.
S. pansy violet; F. heliotrope blaze, edged lighter than garnet-brown hafts and border; orange brown beard. Spanish Peaks x Inca Chief., Knopf 1958.

MISS CAMEO - Tim Craig 1966
Sdlg. ME2. TB, 40" (102 cm), M
Cameo pink self. Cloudcap X June Meredith. Craig 1966

MISS COQUETTE - Payne 1966
Sdlg. 1199 JI, 32" (81 cm), EM
Raisin purple with white veins; many curled white styles and stamens, tinted on ends. 562 (246 x 236) X 758 (610 x 36F4). Payne 1969

MISS DIANE - Willis 1961
TB, 39" (99 cm), M-L
Pink self. Happy Birthday X (Fleeta x Cloud Cap).

Sdlg. 66-22. TB, 34" (86 cm), M
White self; ruffled and laced; red beard. Rippling Waters X Moon Crest. C. Benson 1970 HC 1966.

MISSEY REVELEY - F. Chowning 1966
LA, 30" (76 cm), M
S cadmium orange; F same with overlay of light red. From two unnamed Chowning seedlings. University Hills 1966

MISS FAIRFAX - A. Watkins 1968
Sdlg. 63-22-a. TB, 30" (76 cm), M
Deep blue self; blue beard. Mt. Repose X Allegiance. Old Brook 1968

MISS HOSPITALITY - Frank Foster 1969
Sdlg. F-67. TB, 32" (81 cm), M
Light pink self; coral pink beard; slightly ruffled. ((One Desire x (Pink Clover x One Desire)) X Chi-Chi. Mesa Iris 1971

MISS IDAHO - E. Smith 1964
Sdlg. 64-439. TB, 36-38", M
Pure white self; pale yellow beard. ((Idaho Gold x Celestial Snow) x (Cliffdel sdlg. x Desert Tan)) X Gracie Pfost. Smith's Iris 1966

MISS ILLINI - Varner 1965
Sdlg. 3159 TB, 35" (89 cm), EML
Deep yellow self. Illini Gold X Rainbow Gold. Varner 1966 HM 1967, JC 1968, AM 1969.

MISS INDIANA - P. Cook 1960
Sdlg. 14658 TB, 36" (91 cm), M
S white, tinged violet; F Dauphin's violet. 21655 (amoena) X Whole Cloth. Cook 1961 HC 1960, HM 1962, JC 1962, 1963, AM 1964.

Sdlg. 57-43. TB, 29" (74 cm), M-L
Creamy yellow self, creamy yellow border. From two sdlgs. Mission Gard 1962

MISSION SUNSET - Reckamp 1962
Sdlg. 59-6. TB, 38" (97 cm), M
S golden apricot, pink glow; F golden apricot, chartreuse overlay. (Techny Chimes x Fleeta) X Celestial Glory. Mission Gardens 1963 HC 1962, HM 1964, AM 1966.

MISS LACE - Sturges 1960
Sdlg. 103-A. TB, 34" (86 cm), E-M
Light violet self. Ola Kala X Chantilly. Soo-Preme 1961 HC 1960, HM 1962.

MISS MAGIC - Plough 1965
Sdlg. 60-11-24. TB, 30" (76 cm), M
S pale veronica violet (Wilson 639/3); F same suffused and striped darker veronica violet (639/1); giving a bitone effect; brownish hafts; bright orange beard. Striped Butterfly X (Courtesy x Inky Bluebird). Eden Road 1966

Sdlg. RF 200-64. TB, 35" (89 cm), M
Ivory self; lavishly laced, ruffled; gold beard. Rippling Waters X Queen's Lace. Foss 1970

MISS MORENA - Riddle 1962
Sdlg. 56-62-A. TB, 44" (112 cm), L
S dark tan blend, flush of violet; F dark tan blend, violet flush at tip of brownish yellow beard. Copper Cornet X Inca Chief.

MISS ORCHID - Tim Craig 1966
Sdlg. MEl2. TB, 40" (102 cm), M-L
Ecclesiastic orchid-pink self. Cloudcap x Orchid and Flame X LaRosita. Craig 1966

MISSOURI BELLE - C. Schirmer 1961
Sdlg. 22K. TB, 38" (97 cm), M
Pink self with yellow suffusion at haft. Picture Bouquet X Breathless.

MISS PAM - Tim Craig 1966
Sdlg. 23ME. TB, 45" (114 cm), M
Baby pink self. Pink Platter X Cloudcap x Nike. Craig 1966

MISS PEACH - Tim Craig 1963
Sdlg. 63P-97. TB, 40" (102 cm), M
Trianon pink self. (((Mount Washington x Flora Zenor) x D. Hall 44-5O) X ((Mount Washington x Flora Zenor) x Ballerina)).

MISS RICHLAND - Nacke 1961
Sdlg. 204-58-A. AR, 36" (91 cm), M
Plum purple self, no veining or spot, pale yellow beard. Snow Flurry X Capitola. HC 1965.

MISS RUFFLES - M. Wright 1964
Sdlg. 62-36. BB, 19" (48 cm), M-VVL
S gentian blue; F cream overlaid gentian; blue beard tipped orange, self styles. Lula Marguerite X Chivalry. Tell, Stover 1967 HC 1966, HM 1968, JC 1968, 1969.

MISS SALTILLO - R. Thomas 1967
Sdlg. 3-66-1. TB, 35" (89 cm), M-L
S white on inside and gold on outside, heavily laced edges; F underside gold, outside pure white with precise 1/4" border of crepy lace of gold around all petals, ruffled. Golden Sunshine X Golden Garland. Thomas, Palette 1969 HC 1968.

MISS TASMANIA - M. Calvert 1967
TB, 36" (91 cm), M
S white; F bright blue with white markings in center; white beard. Whole Cloth X Amigo.

MISS TEENAGE - E. Cook 1967
Sdlg. 14359 BB, 27.5" (70 cm), M
Light rose-pink self. 18253 X June Meredith. Cook 1968

MISS VIRGINIA - F. Brown 1965
Sdlg. 60-212A. TB, 38" (97 cm), M
S white with pale orchid wash; F burgundy or botticelli-red. ((Melodrama x (Taholah x Melodrama)) X Taholah. Landsend 1965 HC 1964.

MISS WARREN - Hamacher 1960
Sdlg. S-59-X. TB, 36" (91 cm), E
Vivid yellow self; orange beard. S-l-46 X Trim.

MISS WASHINGTON - M & L Crawford 1963
TB, 36" (91 cm), M
Blend of golden lilac. (Frieda Mohr x unknown) X Chantilly.

MISS ARKANSAS - F. Chowning 1973
Sdlg. FC 1. LA, 30" (76 cm), M
Carnelian (RHS 172B) self with gold signal. FC 49-AA: (I. nelsonii x I. foliosa) X W. B. MacMillan. Melrose Gardens 1978

MISS BIRGIT - W. Reinermann 1976
Sdlg. 11.1.75. TB, 31" (79 cm), M
Ruffled red self. War Lord X Vitafire. Schoppinger Iris 1977

MISS BOND COUNTY - M. Redenbo 1979
Sdlg. 10036A. TB, 39" (100 cm), M-L
Ruffled light salmon pink (RHS 27B); tangerine beard. 7108A: (Cloud Dancer x Esther Fay) X 6038C: ((Briscoe 61-61A: Gay Princess x Frilly Fringes) x Buckles sib to 66-10: (Rainbow Gold x Ultrapoise)). Redenbo 1980

MISS CHARMING - T. Berndt 1977
Sdlg. 34N. TB, 36" (91 cm), M-L
Ruffled and laced pink-rose self; pink beard. Pink Taffeta X Floral Lace. Berndt 1978

MISS COMMENT - J. Gibson 1973
Sdlg. 18-9B. TB, 34" (86 cm), M
S. gold, flushed lavender and tan; F. blend of light rhodamine purple to pale red-violet, golden yellow haft; golden yellow laced edge; gold beard. 94-7E: (46-4A x Belgian Lace) X 19-7AP. Gibson 1974

MISS FIFFA - P. Edwards 1970
Sdlg. K 710. IB, 18" (46 cm), M
S. cream, flushed lavender through center; F. cream with delicate veining from beard to edges, varying with season from deep gold to medium chocolate brown; light yellow beard. Soaring Kite X (Knotty Pine x Brassie). Edwards 1971

MISS GOLDILOCKS - B. Hamner 1971
Sdlg. 67-37. BB, 20-26" (51-66 cm), M
S. near white, slight infusion of Indian yellow at midrib; F. Indian yellow (RHS 17C), ruffled; beard slightly deeper yellow-orange. (Fox Charm x Campus Flirt) X (Gibson sdlg. x Campus Flirt). Hamner 1972

MISSION MUSIC - J. McCaskill 1977
Sdlg. S-72-34. CA, 15" (38 cm), M
S. pale cobalt violet, darker veining, ruffled; F. light cobalt violet, darker veining, cream fan with yellow center streak and violet dotting; pale cobalt violet styles, lightly brushed darker on crest. Unknown parentage. McCaskill Gardens 1978

MISSION RIDGE - G. Plough 1972
Sdlg. 68-72-18. TB, 38" (97 cm), E-L
S.white; F. center area white, blending to veronica violet (639/1) at edge; beard yellow deep in throat with white tip; lightly fluted. 68-17-13: (Pipes of Pan x Emma Cook) X Fuji's Mantle. Eden Road 1973

MISS JUNIOR-MISS - E. Smith 1970
Sdlg. 66-158. TB, 34-36" (86-91 cm), EM
Ruffled peach self; orange beard. Unknown parentage. Smith's Iris Garden 1970

MISS JUPITER - L. Zurbrigg 1973
Sdlg. 68-118C-FF. TB, 38" (97 cm), VL
S. yellow; F. tan to brown hafts, blending to yellow; flounces same color scheme; yellow beard. 65-45 Spear: (Golden Unicorn x Crinkled Ivory) X Super Flounce. Avonbank 1975

MISS KELAT - C. Slade 1977
Sdlg. 70-3-1. TB, 36Ó (91 cm), M
White self; dark orange beard. Alaskan Crown X Rippling Waters. Slade 1979

, ,
Obsolete. Name released 1976

MISS KITTY - M. Herd 1976
Sdlg. H-A1-MK. TB, 33" (84 cm), ML
S. yellow, reverse white with orchid flush; orchid stigmatic lip and lines on stylearms; F. white with orchid flush, yellow border and reverse; green midribs on reverse of F.; yellow beard. Point Lace X Crinkled Gem. Herd 1978

MISS MID-AMERICA - H. Danielson 1971
Sdlg. 69-1. AB, 30" (76 cm), M
Clean deep yellow; large reddish black signal; brownish yellow beard. (Imam Salah x Imaret) X 65-6-10: (Imam Salah x Jabal Kerak). Mount Clare Iris 1972

MISS MIDORI - J. Alves 1971
Sdlg. 64-279 J. TB, 36" (91 cm), M-L
Light yellow green self; lightly ruffled F.; light yellow-green beard. Muhlestein 25-20 X Nona.

MISS MIO - F. Williams 1973
Sdlg. PII. SDB, 12" (30 cm), M
S. yellow, tinted white; F. yellow, edged same as S.; white-yellow beard. Green Spot X G 21: ((New Snow x Welch J-505) x sib). Williams 1974

MISS MONTANA - R. Diettert Diet
TB, 40-42" (102-107 cm), M
Heavily ruffled light yellow (RHS 12B) self; yellow beard. Snow Flurry X Happy Birthday. Taylor 1975

MISS MOUNTAIN VIEW - E. Sellman 1971
Sdlg. B-22. TB, 36" (91 cm), E-M
Heavily ruffled methyl violet (RHS 39) self, deep color saturation with metallic sheen; self beard. Polka Time X Allegiance. Rees Iris 1972

Sdlg. 38-2. BB, 27" (69 cm), E-M
S. greyed yellow (RHS 160C) blended with pale violet (84D); F. dark red-violet (71A) edged with light violet (80B); yellow-green (153D) beard. Child Star X Mexicali. Burch 1983 , Knowl 1990

MISS OKLAHOMA - C. Palmer 1977
Sdlg. 7636. SDB, 11" (28 cm), E
S. white with yellow base and midrib, lightly veined yellow; F. white with large yellow spot; pale yellow beard tipped pale blue. 7302: (Crimson Velvet x Lenna M) X Dove Wings. C Palmer, Riverdale Iris 1978

MISSOURI GAL - D. Niswonger 1976
Sdlg. Sp 16-72. SPU, 40" (102 cm), M
S. pale blue; F. yellow with 1/4" edging of pale blue. Port of Call X unknown. Niswonger 1976

MISSOURI TWILIGHT - E. Hemphill 1971
Sdlg. 04-71. TB, 36" (91 cm), M
S. blue-purple blend, ruffled; F. same; yellow beard; fragrant. Elmohr X Bandmaster.

MISS PERKY - K. Vaughn 1971
Sdlg. 70-CAE-1. MDB, 8" (20 cm), ML
S. crisp white; F. pale lavender-blue with turquoise blue flush below white beard. Curtsy X Angel Eyes.

Sdlg. 10-70. TB, 36" (91 cm), M
S. white; F. white with navy blue on bottom edge; white beard. (Pacific Panorama x Celestial Snow) X Skylab sib. Sexton 1977

MISS PETITE - M. Wright 1971
Sdlg. BB-68-15. BB, 19" (48 cm), M
S. lightly ruffled creamy yellow; F. deep yellow-cream, bordered color of S., deeper yellow brushed smoothly on hafts; deep yellow beard, orange deep in heart. Miss Ruffles X Yellow Dresden. Wright 1973

MISS PHOTOGENIC - Opal Brown 1975
Sdlg. 70-8A5. TB, 36" (91 cm), ML
S. salmon with pink infusion; F. ruffled salmon; Chinese coral beard. 8-18F5: (pink sdlg. x Radiant Light) X 8-16E6: (pink sdlg. x Irish Lullaby). Brown's Sunnyhill 1975

MISS PRISS - O. Quesnel 1973
Sdlg. 69-2. TB, 36" (91 cm), ML
S. pink (near Wilson 523/3); F. same with lighter area on upper part, lightly ruffled and laced; matching beard tipped mandarin red (71/1). (Chinese Coral x Prairie Blaze) X Irish Lullaby. Petite d'Anet 1976

MISS REGION TWENTY-ONE - A. Ensminger 1978
Sdlg. 73-3. SDB, 8" (20 cm), ML
Pale mimosa yellow (HCC 602/3) with canary yellow (2/2) spot pattern on F.; cadmium orange beard. 71-20: (Spring Salute x ((Jungle Shadows x Cretica) x Kavan 11-16)) X 71-9: (Spring Salute x ((Patience x Welch N-503) x (Jungle Shadows x pumila))). Varigay

MISS SCARLETT - Walter Moores 1979
Sdlg. 73-21. BB, 22" (56 cm), EM & RE (Oct in TX)
Red self with slight violet cast in center of F.; bronze beard. Red Polish X Burnt Offering. Moores 1980

MISS SPOKANE - D. Guild 1978
Sdlg. 78DG58. MTB, 18-20" (46-51 cm), M-L
S. yellow (RHS 11B); F. violet-blue (90C) with lighter edge; orange beard. 71DG173: (Kinglet sdlg. #2 x Brown Crown) X unknown. Guild 1979

MISS TYRONE - W. Clouser 1972
Sdlg. R69-34. TB, 36" (91 cm), M
S. buffy olive with violet midrib; F. plush red-violet, clean hafts slightly buffy copper; light violet beard tipped orange; ruffled. Lilac Champagne X (Toll Gate x Prince Indigo).

MISS UMBRELLA - L. Powell 1975
Sdlg. 73-32. TB, 35 1/2" (90 cm), M-VL
S. opalescent cream; F. lavender-blue; orange beard tipped cream. Pipes of Pan X Two Pinks. Powell 1976

MISS VENUS - L. Zurbrigg 1973
Sdlg. 68-118C-A. TB, 34" (86 cm), VL
S. pale red; F. pale red-orange including flounces; pale tangerine beard. (Golden Unicorn x Crinkled Ivory) X Super Flounce. Avonbank 1975

MISS VICKIE - T. Muhlestein 1970
Sdlg. 131. TB, 40" (102 cm), E-M
White self; pale yellow beard. Mayberry M 61-16-3: ((Frilly Fringes x Queen's Lace) x Queen's Lace) X Laced Charm. Tell 1970

MISSY - L. Freudenburg 1974
Sdlg. 73-1. BB, 24" (61 cm), M
S. frilled and fringed bronze-buff, gold veining; F. violet-purple, 1/4" dark bronze border; gold beard. Amigo's Guitar X Martel. Freudenburg Iris 1975

MISSY LU - Frances Ehle by G. Hanson 1979
Sdlg. BB41-2. BB, 18" (46 cm), M-L
Ruffled and laced French blue self; orange beard tipped white. Polka Lace X Miss Ruffles. Riverdale Iris 1979

MISS ADVENTURE - L. Powell 1984
TB, 35" 89 cm, M-VL
Buff-pink. 1/2" lavender edge on F.; red beard; slight sweet fragrance. Dream Lover X New Covenant. Powell's Gardens 1985

MISS BRENDA - G. Slade 1982
Sdlg. 78-26-1. TB, 34" 86 cm, M
S. yellow (near RHS 11 B); F. reddish brown, edged yellow; orange beard. Watermelon Wine X Colby Ridge. Slade's Iris 1982

MISS CARLA - John D. Taylor 1985
Sdlg. D.9/l. IB, 22" 56 cm, M
Cream with blue infusion, yellow hafts; ruffled F.; blue beard. (Sunrising x Muggsy) X Brown Lasso. British Iris Society 1989

MISS COLLEEN - Lin Flanagan 1989
Sdlg. 85014-2. AB 0GB-, 15" 38 cm, L
S. pale beige blended violet; F. pale beige with rosy violet flush over center; light orange beard; ruffled; slight fragrance. Vanity X 78001-6: (Thunderstorm x Mayfest). Aril Society 1991

MISS EDNA - S. Stevens 1988
Sdlg. 82-40-3. TB, 30" 76 cm, M
Ruffled white; prominent bushy marigold beard farther than normal down F.; slight spicy fragrance. (Miss Dolly Dollars x C. Benson sdlg.) X Lemon Curls. Hahn's Rainbow Iris, Roderick Iris 1989

MISS EUREKA - L. Christlieb 1983
Sdlg. TB-80-19-1. TB, 39.5" 100 cm, ML
Ruffled blue white; white beard tipped yellow-orange; slight sweet fragrance. Emissary X Diamond Blue.

MISS GWINNETT - H. Turner 1986
Sdlg. 1192-80-1. TB, 34" 86 cm, M
S. coffee tan with light yellow infusion; F. coffee tan edge, light lavender center, heavily ruffled; yellow beard; slight fragrance. Punchline X Joyce Terry. Snellville Iris 1986

MISSION SANTA CRUZ - Joseph Ghio 1982
Sdlg. PQ-255D. CA, 12" 30 cm, M
Glowing rosy red-magenta. Gone Native X Emigrant. Bay View Gardens 1983

Sdlg. L73-80-1. LA, 34" 86 cm, M
S. rusty brown; gold styles flushed rust; F. rusty brown, large area in center washed gold, lime green signal. L13-74-14: (Ila Nunn x Her Highness) X Ann Chowning. Bay View Gardens 1985 AM 1991

MISS JEANIE - B. Hamner 1986
Sdlg. 81-21-2. TB, 35" 89 cm, M-L
Pink with white spot on F.; red beard. Beauty Crown X (Party Parfait x Melissa Sue). Hamner's Iris 1986

MISS JENNY - D. Rawdon 1980
Sdlg. 733-2. SDB, 14" 35 cm, M
S. white; F. yellow (RHS SA); orange beard tipped white. Baby Dragon X Lilli-White.

MISS KATIE - M. Soules 1980
Sdlg. 4172. TB, 28" 71 cm, M
S. white with very light yellow infusion, bordered light yellow; F. medium yellow, yellow beard; ruffled; fragrant. 72R45: ((Moldovan 60-3 x Sing Along) x Sing Along) X Spring Cheddar. Soules Garden 1981

MISS OHIO - A. & D. Willott 1980
Sdlg. 79-193. IB, 23" 58 cm, M
Ruffled full yellow (RHS 12B) with creamy-white area in center of F., brown (165B) flecks on hafts and around edge of F.; deep yellow beard. 77-45: ((Carousel Princess x Tiffy) x Gunga Din) X Anon. Willott 1983

MISSOURI BLUE - O. D. Niswonger 1986
Sdlg. Sp 14-77. SPU, 44" 112cm, M
Deep blue self, small gold signal. Walker Ferguson dark sdlg. X Crow King. Cape Iris 1987 AM 1993

MISSOURI RIVERS - O. D. Niswonger 1989
Sdlg. Sp 3-86. SPU, 38" 97 cm, M
Ruffled blue, yellow blaze on F. Missouri Streams X unknown, probably self. Cape Iris 1990 HM 1992, AM 1994, Nies 1998

MISSOURI STREAMS - O. D. Niswonger 1982
Sdlg. Sp 10-79. SPU, 38" 97 cm, M
Light blue with yellow spot on F. Marilyn Holloway X Sp 6-72. Cape Iris 1983

MISSOURI SUNRISE - D. Niswonger 1981
Sdlg. 10-78. TB, 32" 81 cm, E-M
S. pink with a touch of buff; F. deep yellow with hint of orange, lightly ruffled; tangerine beard. Happy Harmony X 2-72: ((Java Dove x ((Happy Birthday x Glittering Amber) x Marilyn C)) x Sunset Snows). Cape Iris 1982

MISSOURI WINE - C. Sutton by J. Hedgecock 1988
Sdlg. CA 82-053. TB, 32" 82 cm, M
Ruffled claret wine; self beard. Carolina Dusk X Lombardy. Comanche Acres 1989

MISS RIGHT - M. Wright by C. Lankow 1985
Sdlg. H9. IB, 20" 51 cm, EM-L
S. light lemon yellow (RHS 9C); F. lighter, deeper yellow at hafts; white beard tipped yellow. Unknown parentage. Kirkland Iris, Riverdale Iris 1986

MISS SEPTEMBER - W. Plotner 1989
Sdlg. 83-351. TB, 38-40" 97-102 cm, E-M
S. pink (RHS 37D); F. apricot pink 129D). creamy white center below orange (33B) beard; ruffled; slight spicy fragrance. 79-131: (Pretty Please x Stately Mansions) X Tompkins 79-308: (Easy Grace x Pretty Please). Wildwood Gardens 1989

MISS TOOTSIE - B. Hamner 1989
Sdlg. 86-50. TB, 30" 76 cm, E-M
S. white; F. ruffled peach pink (RHS 27B). edged white; tangerine beard tipped white. (7S-1 1 x Peach Sundae) X (Peach Sundae x Beauty Crown). Hamner's Iris 1989

MISSY YORKTOWNE - S. Innerst 1983
Sdlg. 1097-1. TB, 36" 91 cm, M-L
White self; white beard tipped lemon. Lemon Mist X Madeira Belle. Innerst 1984