Iris Registry Inquiry

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MAGIC BLUSH - Ed Attenberger 2000

MAGIC BUBBLES - A. and D. Willott 1994

MAGIC BUS - Larry Lauer 1999

MAGIC CARPET RIDE - Joseph Ghio 2001

MAGIC CHILD - Barry Blyth 1995

MAGIC DRAGON - Ben Hager 1997

MAGIC DREAM - Lin Flanagan 1999

MAGIC FOUNTAIN - George Shoop 1993

MAGIC INTERLUDE - Ed Attenberger 2001

MAGIC MOONBEAMS - Vincent Christopherson 2001

MAGIC PALETTE - Chun Fan 1994

MAGIC RAIMENT - Frederick Kerr 1993

MAGIC SEA - Lois Belardi 1999

MAGIC SHOW - Keith Keppel 1994

MAGIC STYLE - John C. Taylor 1994

MAGICAL ENCOUNTER - Schreiner 1999

MAGICIAN'S MAGIC - Diana Nicholls 2000


MAGICO - Tommy Blyth 2001

MAGICAL GLOW - Schreiner 2003

Magic Crystal - Nesmith 1956
Sdlg. 49-878.
Changed to Crystal White.

MAGIC CRYSTAL - Nesmith 1957
TB 38" M. W1.
Pure white, beard white, tipped pale blue. Sister of: The Citadel x Crystal White., Fairmount 1958.

MAGIC HALO - Coppedge 1956
Sdlg. 126-54-1. TB 36" LM. V5L.
Blended pearl gray, iridescent gold, mauve and purple, lemon-yellow beard. Sdlg. A8-51 x Mary Randall., Lyon 1958. HM 1958.

MAGIC HILLS - Kelway 1959
TB 36" E-M. V1P.
Pale-violet self. Loomis V20 x Mulberry Rose., Kelway 1959.

MAGIC LANTERN - W. Marx 1954
JI 38" EM. V1L.
Class 5. Pale-lavender self, veined purple on falls. Parentage unknown., Marx 1954.

MAGIC LIGHT - Austin 1955
Sdlg. OGb-31. TB (hybr.) 30" EM. R3.
Silvery rose, crimson to dark maroon blended;, bronze beard. Theseus X Pink Formal (embryo cultured seed)., Rainbow 1955.

MAGIC MELODY - Nesmith 1954
Sdlg. Hall Y-101. TB 39" ML. Y3.
Barium-yellow (Wilson 503/1), F. edged slightly deeper (503). Hall yellow sdlg. X Golden Rule., Fairmount 1955.

MAGIC MIST - Tompkins 1950
TB 38" M. O5.
Buff and flesh-pink blend. (Honeyflow x Chamois) X Nankeen., Fleur de Lis 1950.

MAGIC MOMENTS - Linse 1958
Sdlg. Gannon-1. Arilbred 36" M. Y4.
S. Empire yellow; F. canary yellow, overlaid fine nettings of brown, green and olive brown, white center area, with green stripe; beard gold, lavender at base. (Butterfly Wings x unknown) X Pineapple Sherbet., Easy Breeze 1959.

MAGIC MOOD - Branch 1955
Sdlg. 5358. TB 38" M. O1.
Orange self. Sdlg. 5116; (Bright Song x New Horizon) x sdlg. 5132: ((Harriet Thoreau x Hall 4539) x Hall 4913)., Branch 1957.

MAGIC MORN - Hinkle 1955
TB 36" M. W1.
White self; beard white, yellow at heart. Hinkle sdlg. E-29-1 X Hinkle sdlg. E-27-1.,

TB 44" E. OR1.
Medium-pink self (M & P 1-F-7), tangerine beard. Buneaux sdlg. 4305 x (pink sdlg. x Carabella).,

MAGIC SAILS - Nesmith 1950
Sdlg. 45-33N. TB 36" EM. BL1.
Flax-blue self. Helen McGregor x Saint Regis., Fairmount 1951. HM 1951.

MAGIC SPARK - Payne 1958
Sdlg. 683. JI 40" E. W2.
S. white, royal-purple edging; F. royal purple, small halo, veins of white. (Joyous Cavalier x America) x Royal Sapphire., Payne 1959.

MAGIC SPELL - Fern Robinson 1956
Sdlg. P-104. DB 4" pumila season. RV1.
Red-violet self, white beard; slim, narrow foilage and flower parts. April Morn X Cretica.,

MAGIC BEAUTY - Kelway 1962
Sdlg. 517 TB, 40" (102 cm), EM
Reddish brown self. Cordovan X Ranger. Kelway 1962

MAGIC CIRCLE - Schreiners 1964
Sdlg. T-1404 . TB, 34" (86 cm), E
S white, touch of blue plicating at edges; F white, small margin of blue plicating. Sib to Rococo X ((Caroline Jane x Belle Meade) x Dotted Swiss). Schreiners 1965

MAGIC DAWN - E. Smith 1960
Sdlg. 59-218. TB, 35" (89 cm), M
S straw yellow, pink cast; F straw, gold washed; light orange beard. Party Dress X Pink Chimes. Smith 1961

MAGIC FLUTE - Beattie 1962
Sdlg. D-18-l. MDB., ,
Golden yellow self. Pygmy Gold X Orange Glint. Raleigh Hills 1962 HM 1963.

MAGIC HOUR - E. Smith 1966
Sdlg. 64-173. TB, 32-34", M
Bluish orchid self with white area around deep tangerine beard. Rippling Waters X Lovely Lettie. Smith's Iris Gardens 1967

MAGIC MORN - Hinkle, TB 1955
, ,
Transferred to Sdlg. L-13-2.

MAGIC MORN - Hinkle 1960
Sdlg. L-13-2. TB, 38" (97 cm), ML
White with pink flush; light pink beard. New Love X May Hall. Wild 1961 HC 1960, HM 1963.

MAGICOLOR - Noyd 1963
Sdlg. N59-84-l. TB, 29" (74 cm), M-L
S orchid, brown overlay; F deep orchid edged brown, brown haft; orange-tangerine beard. Teacher's Pet X (Firecracker x Pink Sensation). Noyd 1963

MAGIC OPAL - Payne 1966
Sdlg. 855 JI, 45" (114 cm), E
Phlox pink with blue halo and veins. Prima Ballerina X 631 (Miss Simplicity x Imperial Robe). Payne 1969

MAGIC PALOMINO - G. Walker 1968
TB, 36-38", ML
S orange-pink; F ivory, amber edge and shoulders, lightly ruffled on sides; tangerine beard. (Cloudcap x Palomino) X Lynn Hall. Nichols 1975

MAGIC ROSETTE - Lloyd Austin 1966
Sdlg. 186 TB flounced, 32" (81 cm), ML
S blend of rose-red and buff, ruffled; F glistening carmine; flounces carmine outside, rose-red inside. (Mulberry Snow x Ruffled Apache) X Flounced Loveliness. Rainbow 1966

MAGIC RUBY - Payne 1962
Sdlg. 259 JI (double), 48" (122 cm), E-M
Prune purple, darker center. (Sishono x Mahogany) X (Otomere x Iso-no-nami). Payne 1964

MAGIC SECRET - Sarro 1964
Sdlg. S-64-l. SDB, 13" (33 cm), EM
S orchid; F orchid, texture veined in violet, lavender beard. Emma Frances X (Happy Birthday x red-violet pumila). Old Brook 1967

MAGIC VALLEY - Vallette 1962
TB, 36" (91 cm), M
S light blue; F medium blue, greyish overall; light blue beard, tipped yellow. Melodrama X Dotted Swiss. Tell, Vallette 1965 EC 1969.

MAGIC CANDLE - J. Meek 1975
Sdlg. J20-1-9. TB, 36" (91 cm), M
S. creamy tan with violet flush at midrib; F. violet with prominent white area around beard; beard cream at tip to soft yellow in throat. JB-1: (Gay Tracery x Milestone) X sib. Corlew 1976

MAGIC CASEMENTS - N. Scopes 1972
Sdlg. 70G5. TB, 36" (91 cm), M
S. ecru, flushed and netted blue; F. brilliant violet-blue. Miss Indiana X 23LC67: (((Sylvia Murray x Whole Cloth) x Gray Lace) x Gracious Living).

MAGIC CASTLE - H. Reynolds 1970
Sdlg. 97-68. TB, 39" (99 cm), ML-VL
S. sand tan with slight grey infusion, lavender midribs and infusion in center; F. sand tan with lavender flush around yellow beard; ruffled. Desert Magic X sdlg. from Desert Flower. El Dorado 1970

MAGIC DOT - Schreiner's 1976
SDB, 10" (25 cm), VE
Maroon-rose with intense coppery thumbprint on F.; gold beard. I. pumila X TB. Schreiner's 1977

MAGICIAN - Joseph Ghio 1971
Sdlg. 68-78T. BB, 20" (51 cm), EM
Old gold with purple spot on F.; brown beard. Jungle Shadows X 65-152E: ((Commentary x Native Dancer x (pink sdlg. x (Sharkskin x I. balkana)))) x Claudia Rene). Bay View Gardens 1973

MAGIC LADY - N. Sexton 1977
Sdlg. S9-69. TB, 36" (91 cm), M
S. blue-grey with base and midribs flushed violet-rose; F. rich violet-rose; blue-grey beard. Hidden Magic X (Pink N' Pretty x Java Dove). Sexton 1977

MAGIC LAKE - L. Brummitt 1976
Sdlg. 2961/1. TB, 40" (102 cm), M
S. cream; F. blue-white, cream border; yellow and blue beard. 2689/1: (Shadowed Cloisters x (Starched Fabric x Gracious Living)) X Flamingo Lake.

MAGIC LAND - E. Sellman 1979
Sdlg. C-61. TB, 38" (97 cm), E-M
Ruffled campanula violet (RHS 37) self, edged silver; lemon beard tipped violet. Blue Leather X Winter Olympics. Sellman 1979

MAGIC MAN - B. Blyth 1979
Sdlg. K78-1. TB, 38" (102 cm), ML
S. light blue, deeper infusion around midrib; F. velvety purple, 1/8" band of light blue around edge; tangerine beard. ((Fanfare Orchid x (Arctic Flame x Morning Breeze)) x Latin Tempo) X Cabaret Royale. Tempo Two 1979/80

MAGIC MEMORIES - T. Clark by H. Nichols 1972
Sdlg. 200-Z. TB, 40" (102 cm), EM & RE
Ruffled and fluted deep yellow self; orange and white beard. Crinkled Ivory X Rainbow Gold. Nichols, Sierra Vista 1973

, ,
Name released 1975.

MAGIC MOUNTAIN - B. Williamson 1975
Sdlg. 774-1. TB, 36" (91 cm), M-L
S. white ground, 1/2" light blue plicata edge; blue-violet styles; F. white ground, 3/8" light blue-violet plicata edge, hafts sanded and stitched blue-violet; small blue dart beneath lemon beard. Gatty A70-1: (DancerŐs Veil x Tea Apron) X Kiss. Pacific C

MAGIC POTION - Joseph Ghio 1972
Sdlg. 69-68Y. TB, 40" (102 cm), ML
S. flesh orchid; F. orchid-pink, blue blush in center; tangerine beard. Orchid Brocade X 67-96Z: Clairvoyance sib. Bay View Gardens 1974

MAGIC VIOLET - L. Zurbrigg 1979
Sdlg. H 22 Margo. TB, 34" (86 cm), ML & RE (mid Oct in VA)
Violet with slight red infusion; prominent white crest; blue beard. Violet Supreme X Jolly Goliath. Avonbank Gardens 1980

MAGIC - R. Wallace ered
, ,
Name released 1984.

MAGIC - Ben Hager 1984
Sdlg. T4114PkPrBds. TB, 35" 89 cm, M
S. orchid pink, fading to pink; F. orchid pink to pink white; deep violet beard, tangerine in throat. T3300PkBlBds: (Orchid Song x Vanity sib) X T3635PkBlBds: (T3188Pch: (Carved Cameo x Picture Pink) x Wings of Dreams). Melrose Gardens 1987

MAGIC BLEND - E. Sellman 1985
Sdlg. G-22. TB, 34" 86 cm, M
S. salmon (HCC 412/2); F. pansy violet (033/2); tangerine beard; ruffled; slight sweet fragrance. Ann Revel X Victorian Days. Sellman's Iris 1986

MAGIC CHARM - A. & D. Willott 1980
Sdlg. 78-211. SDB, 12" 31 cm, M
Ruffled medium yellow (RHS 9B); light blue beard. 75-3: (Delicate Air x Blueberry Muffins) X 73-36: (Cincinnati Kid x Laced Lemonade). Willott 1981

MAGIC HOPE - J. Gibson 1983
Sdlg. 37-9E. TB, 36" 91 cm, M
Ruffled and laced yellow-orange ground plicata, stitched grey purple, deeper tone on F. edged orange; yellow-tipped beard. Queen in Calico X 73-4H: (Kilt Lilt x (Orange Plush x 14-9A)). Gibson Iris 1984

MAGICIAN'S APPRENTICE - Maryott's Gardens 1988
Sdlg. J125G. TB, 36" 91 cm, E
S. dark iridescent red purple; F. dark smooth velvety purple black; dark beard tipped old bronze; heavily ruffled; red leaf base. Witches' Sabbath X Houdini. Maryott's Gardens 1989 HM 1994

MAGIC JEWEL - D. Albers 1989
Sdlg. 8713. SDB, 9" 23 cm, M
S. light mauve lavender; F. mauve infused violet, green gold texture veining; violet beard; slight fragrance. Be Magic X Gimlet Jewel. Redbud Lane Iris 1991

MAGIC KINGDOM - Monty Byers 1988
Sdlg. D230-2. TB, 34" 86 cm, ML-L
S. light orange infused pinkish in center; F. orange hafts, blending to brown violet, silvery center; red orange beard, long silvery white horns; ruffled. Blowtorch X B-37-5: (Sky Hooks x Condottiere). Moonshine Gardens 1989

MAGIC KISS - C. Tompkins 1986
Sdlg. 83-53. TB, 40" 102 cm, M-L
S. ruffled creamy opaque white; F. fluted bright orchid blue; red beard. Comanche Drums sib X (((Dream Lover x Misty Dawn) x Festive Skirt) x (((Pretty Nancy x Cimbay) x Camelot Rose sdlg.) x Rippling Clouds)) Fleur de Lis 1986

MAGIC MOON - D. S. Varner 1986
Sdlg. V4100. TB, 35" 89 cm, M
White; white beard tipped yellow. 1240: (Winter Olympics x Miss Illini) X Bobby. Illini Iris 1987

MAGIC RAY - Hilmary Catton 1987
Sdlg. C79-20-2. SDB, 12" 30 cm, M
S. deep cream; lemon styles; F. cream, edged lemon, deep chartreuse rays from orange beard. Spring Bells X White Lightning. Wyuna 1987

MAGIC SHADES - F. Dyer 1981
Sdlg. D-82-77-D. SDB, 12" 30 cm, M
S. white; F. dark violet, edged white; yellow beard. D-102-71-D: (Fairy Flax x Pogo) X Lilli-Richtone. Dyer's Iris 1981

MAGIC SHADOWS - F. Dyer 1981
Sdlg. D-6-72-T. BB, 26" 66 cm, M
S. red with yellow blend; F. dark red with golden blend, golden yellow edge; light orange beard. Inca Chief X D68-67-T: (Party Dress x Palomino). Dyer's Iris 1981

MAGIC SONG - H. Stahly 1988
Sdlg. 81-17. TB, 36" 91 cm, M
S. peach, slight violet infusion at midrib; F. peach tan hafts, blending to deep rose below tangerine beard; ruffled; slight sweet fragrance. 78-1 2: (Peach Float x (Barcelona x ((Mary Randall x Edenite) x (Licorice Stick x Black Swan)))) X 78-24: (Barcel

MAGIC WISH - Ben Hager 1989
Sdlg. T4584VyPkBlBds. TB, 29" 74 cm, E
Pink; blue beard. Magic X T4121PkLvBds: (((Carved Cameo x Picture Pink) x Wings of Dreams) x (Vanity sib x ((One Desire x Adorable You) x Pink Taffeta))). Melrose Gardens 1990

MAGIC WORLD - Ben Hager 1988
Sdlg. T4395RfV. TB, 37" 94 cm, M
Amethyst violet; soft yellow beard. T4098B0: (Silver Flow x Irene Nelson) X T3541Lv: (inv. Mixed Emotions and Orchid Flash x Silver Years). Roris Iris 1989