Iris Registry Inquiry

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KING CLOVIS - Eric & Bob Tankesley-Clarke 1994

KING IN CALICO - Cloyd McCord 1996

KING OF ANGELS - Monty Byers by PhyllisD 1996

KING OF FIRE - Cloyd McCord 1996

KING REX - Kirk Strawn 1993

KING TUSH - Brad Kasperek 1997

KING'S BOUNTY - Bernard Hamner 1995

KING'S DREAM - John C. Taylor 1994

KING'S SIGNET - Robert Jeffries 1991

KINGDOM COME - Tom Burseen 1999

KINGLY WHITE - D. Steve Varner 1993

KING LOUIS - Mary Dunn, deceased, by Jose 2002

KING JEHU - James Whitely 2003

KING SOLOMON'S MINES - Elm Jensen 2003

KINGSTON GLORY - Noel Lapham 2003

KING OF SWING - Akihiko Terada 2004

KING'S PAGE - Lech Komarnicki 2004

KING COLE - Kelway 1957
TB 36" E V1D.
Deep violet self. Loomis V-20 X Mulberry Rose., Kelway 1958.

KING DAVID - Tom Craig 1951
TMB 40" E. BY1.
TB-onco hybrid. Self of deep blue-purple, heavily veined. Acropolis x Capitola., Craig 1951.

KING HENRY - C. White 1957
Sdlg. 60-55. Onco-bred 18", R5.
Deep cool red, with ground of rose dust; entire flower veined with plum to port wine. Unknown., Craig 1957.

KING O' THE HILLS - Hazel Grapes 1956
Sdlg. 54-26. DB 5" EE. Y4.
Variegata. S. clear medium yellow, F. red-brown, wide border same as S.; beard light yellow. Sulina X Nana., Franklin 1956.

KING O' THE ROCKS - Hazel Grapes 1956
Sdlg. 56-3. DB 4'/2" EE. V1L.
Light-lavender self, violet blotch at end of white beard. Sulina X unknown., Franklin 1957.

KING OF SIAM - Buss 1952
TB 42" M. Y4.
Yellow bicolor, buff and dark red-purple. Extravaganza X Madame Maurice Lassailly.,

KING PINK - Wallace 1952
Sdlg. 48-7. TB 50" LM. OR1.
Salmon-pink self, red beard. (Sdlg.: Kalinga x Golden Madonna) x (sdlg.: T46-72C (Nylon x Golden Eagle)., Wallace 1953.

KINGPIN - Lyon 1955
Sdlg. 610-51-1. TB 36" M. R5.
Red-toned blend. S. medium oxblood red; F. slightly deeper, splashed deep violet-purple at end of beard; overfiush of brown; beard deep antique Indian yellow. Auburn X Savage., Lyon 1956.

KING'S CHOICE - Schreiner 1957
Sdlg. L-393-1. TB 38" ML. B1D.
Rich midnight-blue self. Top Hat X (Black Belle x Blue Glow)., Schreiner 1957. HM 1958.

KING'S CROWN - Shinkle 1953
MDB 8" E. RV1.
Royal-purple self, velvety F.; snow-white beard. Dwarf sdlg. B-41-SB x Peewee., Shinkle 1954.

KING'S GUARD - Meitzler 1959
Sdlg. SL-1. TB 38" M. V1D.
Aconite violet self. Unnamed x Sable., Meitzler 1960.

KINGWOOD CENTER - Brinker 1958
Sdlg. 6-B-55. TB 37" M. Y5L.
Rich tan self, brown markings on haft; yellow beard. Tobacco Road x Arab Chief.,

KING CALCASIEU - Holleyman 1964
Sdlg. 60-39. LA, 30" (76 cm), M
Deep reddish-purple self, darker edges, yellow-green signal patch. Marquis de Lafayette selfed. Charjoy 1969

KINGDOM - Fay 1963
Sdlg. 62-8. TB, 38" (97 cm), M
Clear yellow, small white spot below yellow beard. (Waxing Moon x sib to Celestial Sunlight) x (50-08 x Techny Chimes) X (57-28 x (Waxing Moon x sib to Celestial Sunlight). Moldovan 1964 HM 1964, JC 1965, 1966, AM 1967.

KING HAROLD - C. Hall 1966
Sdlg. L10/1. TB, 40" (102 cm), M
Mid-blue self. Blue-for-Beryl X Arabi Pasha. BIS SC 1966

KING OF HEARTS - Tuller 1963
Sdlg. 17x-86F. BB, 27" (69 cm), M-L
Rose-copper blend, lilac on F, yellow and copper styles, 6 lemon beards. Rhythm X 3F (6-bearded).

KING OF NEPAL - Rex Brown 1960
Sdlg. 55-10-5. AR, 30" (76 cm), M
S brown, splashed darker; F dark red-brown dotted and splashed; brown-orange beard; variegated foliage. Mattie Gates X Asoka of Nepal. Brown's Iris Gard 1961 HM 1963.

KING OF SOHO - Steiger 1964
JI (single), 30" (76 cm),
Dark red-violet, white center. F3 Higo-Care strain.

KING'S COUNTY - Quadros 1967
Sdlg. 56-302A. TB, 34-36", EM
S apricot-orange; F same; tangerine beard. Mary Randall X (Pink Sensation x Spindrift).

KING'S COURT - Marx 1960
Sdlg. 60-25. JI (double), 57" (145 cm), VL
Beet red, some white veining. From two Marhigo sdlgs. Marx 1961

KING'S FORREST - McGarvey 1965
Sdlg. McG-65-For-1. I. forrestii (SIB), 20" (51 cm), M
Clear yellow self; type true to species. McG-62-For-1 X McG-62-For-1. Old Brook 1969

KINGS HIGHWAY - C & K Smith 1962
Sdlg. 60-8. TB, 37" (94 cm), EML
Light golden-yellow self. From sdlg. inv. Silver Hawk, Golden Hawk, Cascade Splendor, etc. Smith 1965 HC 1963.

KING SIZE - Tim Craig 1966
Sdlg. 10 AR, 26" (66 cm), E
Pale afterglow blue self. Cascadian X Kalif a Gulnare. Craig 1966

KING'S LACE - M & L Crawford 1963
TB, 36" (91 cm), M
Purple self, lighter around creamy white beard. Chantilly X Black Mischief.

KING'S MOUNTAIN - Wills 1960
Sdlg. 57-57. TB, 38" (97 cm), M-L
Medium rose-red self; gold beard. Carnton X Hyblaze. Fairmount 1962

KINGSTON - D. Lorenz 1967
Sdlg. 65-32-B. TB, 34" (86 cm), E-M
S clean blue-white; F sky blue; white beard; ruffled. Amethyst Flame X Whole Cloth.

KINGSTON HARBOR - Bennett Jones 1969
Sdlg. 828-1. TB, 33" (84 cm), M
Cobalt (Wilson 44/3) self; turkey red beard. 734-1: 424 (((Limelight x Gold Ruffles) x sib)) x Frost and Flame))) x 420: ((Pink Enchantment x Party Dress) x ((Spindrift x Jeb Stuart) x Courtier)) x 184: ((Spindrift x Jeb Stuart) x Carabella)) x Fanfare Or

KING'S TROPHY - Tuller 1965
Sdlg. 18X-177X. TB 6 bearded, 36" (91 cm), ML
S none; F Wilson 41/3; beard orange; haft markings olive. 79F X King of Hearts.

KING'S VELVET - H. Riggs 1969
Sdlg. 1-H-11. TB, 36" (91 cm), M
S dark maroon; F slightly darker. (Maroon Sheen x Pacemaker) X Pacemaker.

KING CREOLE - M. Dunn 1979
Sdlg. L15-73. LA, 30" (76 cm), M
S. light blue-violet; white styles with touch of violet on edge; F. deep blue-violet, deep yellow spear with touch of green in center. Charlie's Michele X Mac's Blue Heaven. Bay View Gardens 1980

KING OF CLUBS - M. Granger 1972
Sdlg. 64-20. LA, 18" (46 cm), M
S. deep reddish purple; F. same with dark reddish purple border around medium yellow signal patch and extending in narrow line down center. Smoky purple sdlg. X Wheelhorse. Granger 1973

KING OF DIAMONDS - B. Blyth 1979
Sdlg. K38-2. TB, 42" (107 cm), ML
S. cream with deeper lemon infusion around midrib, ruffled; F. cream with lemon area 1/3 way down from hafts, slightly deeper lemon 1/4" line around lower part of petal and 1/2" inside edge; white beard tipped gold. Lime Crystal X Harbour Watch. Tempo Two

KING'S BISHOP - Bennett Jones 1972
Sdlg. 927-1. TB, 36" (91 cm), M
Blue-violet self; red beard. Shoop 61-9-2: (inv. breeding for red-bearded blues) X 705: (inv. breeding for red-bearded blues). B Jones 1973

KING'S FANCY - J. Holden 1977
Sdlg. Hb11a. AR (OH), 20" (51 cm), EM
Silver-grey self, lightly covered with fine brown-purple veining and dotting; dark red-brown signal; brown beard. (Sylphide x I. haynei) X (I. gatesii x I. hermona). Aril Iris Farm 1977

KINGS OF KARNAK - W. Hawkinson 1973
Sdlg. AB 71-19. AB, 28" (71 cm), E
S. grey ground, veined and dotted violet; F. creamy grey ground, veined and sanded violet; yellowish beard tipped brown. Grand Vizier X (Kalifa Baltis x Blue Gate). Sierra Vista 1973

KING'S PICK - E. Sellman 1975
Sdlg. C-36. TB, 36" (91 cm), M-L
S. garnet brown (HCC 918/3); F. magnolia purple (30) with garnet brown edging; orange-yellow beard. Royal Tapestry X Wild Peacock. Sellman 1975

KING'S RAIMENT - E. Smith 1973
Sdlg. 71-30. TB, 33" (84 cm), M
S. old gold; F. wine red, bordered old gold; bright orange beard. Mauve Magic X unknown.

KING'S RHAPSODY - N. Earnshaw-Whittles 1976
Sdlg. N15/PL/72. TB, 38" (97 cm), M
S. royal purple; F. white with royal purple plicata markings on edges. Stepping Out X (High Life x Kingdom). British Iris Society 1985

KING'S ROBE - Earl Roberts 1975
MDB, 4" (10 cm), EE
S. red-wine; F. rich velvet spot in darkest maroon, edged wine; light blue beard. From Russian pumila strains E Roberts 1976

KING'S SILK - M. Rogers 1970
Sdlg. 64-8. AB, 22" (56 cm), E
Medley of colors including brownish shade of oxblood red near edges, through shades of beetroot purple with flush of violet-blue below beard, veined brownish shade in throat and on hafts; styles shade of electric blue, ending in color of S.; blue beard ti

KING'S X - R. Jeffries 1977
Sdlg. J69M12-A. BB, 21" (53 cm), E-M
S. white ground with sea lavender (Wilson 637/1) plicata markings; darker sea lavender style-crests; F. white ground, lightly sanded and dotted sea lavender on edge; orange beard tipped light lavender. J65-7 plic: (First Violet x Truce) X Paper Doll. Kans

KING KONG - K. Durio 1980
Sdlg. TU-2-79. LA, 24-30" 61-76 cm, M
S. dark violet (slightly bluer than F.); F. dark violet (more red than S.); full yellow triangular signal patch with dark red violet webbing; full violet style arms narrowly edged yellow. Professor Claude X Professor Ike. Louisiana Nursery 1980

KINGLY AIR - E. Robarts 1987
Sdlg. 115-A. TB, 39" 99 cm, M
Lightly ruffled full blue violet; self beard; slight fragrance. Epic X Neptune's Pool. Stahly 1987

KINGLY DIGNITY - O. D. Niswonger 1989
Sdlg. 55-83. TB, 34" 86 cm, M-L
Pale blue, darker blue around hafts of F.; pale yellow beard. Premonition X Coral Beauty. Cape Iris 1989 HM 1993

KING NECHES - A. Faggard 1984
Sdlg. FB-1-80. LA, 30" 76 cm, M
Rich dark blue purple, large white steeple crest; blue purple style arms. Unknown X Mac's Blue Heaven. Faggard 1986

KING OF KASHMIR - L. Clark by V. Ross 1980
Sdlg. B66A-1. AR OG, 14" 36 cm, E
S. ruffled deep purple; F. deep purple, black signal; bronze beard. (Austin W83-0 x I. susiana) X Kerr 53-44. Aril Society 1980

KING OF KINGS - D. S. Varner 1982
Sdlg. S0135. SIB, 33" 84 cm, ML
White with green veining, green shaft on F. Ode to Love X Illini Encore. Illini Iris 1983 , Mor-W 1990

KING'S CASTLE - M. Hamblen 1981
Sdlg. H74-81T. TB, 36" 91 cm, M-L
Ruffled dark royal purple (RHS 83A); near black beard. H71-178E: (Nobleman x Valley West sib) X His Lordship. Mission Bell 1982

KING'S CLOAK - B. Blyth 1981
Sdlg. M46-1. TB, 36" 91 cm, M
S. creamy white, deeper toward midrib; F. deep purple, 1/8" border of pale blue; deep gold beard. (Panoramic x Latin Love) X Embassadora. Tempo Two 1981/82

KING'S COURTESAN - B. Roberts 1985
Sdlg. PA88-11. TB, 36" 91 cm, M
S. light pink flushed orchid, deeper orchid edge, rib and base; F. light pink blending to white in center, deeper hafts; coral red beard; heavily laced. Pink Angel X Silver Shower. Christian Hill Gardens 1985

KINGSLAND ROYALE - R. & L. Miller 1984
Sdlg. 279. TB, 40" 102 cm, E
Royal purple, light campanula violet blaze on F.; lobelia blue beard tipped bronze in throat. Mulberry Wine X Navy Strut. Miller's Manor 1984

KING'S RUBY - B. Hamner 1989
Sdlg. 84-104. TB, 30-32" 76-81 cm, M
Lightly ruffled smooth maroon; self beard. Good Earth X Lady Friend. Hamner's Iris 1989

KING'S TRIBUTE - Schreiner's 1984
Sdlg. I 193-5. TB, 36" 91 cm, ML
Rich indigo blue violet; deep indigo violet beard. Dark Triumph X Navy Strut. Schreiner's 1984