Iris Registry Inquiry

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ICED SUNSHINE - Chet Tompkins 1997

ICED TEA - Larry Lauer 1994

ICED VANILLA - Cy Bartlett 1995

ICED WINE - Chuck Chapman 1999

ICED COCKTAIL - Heather Pryor 2002

ICED UP - Chuck Chapman 2003

ICED LIME-ADE - Vallette 1954
TB 36" ML. G1.
Self of lime green, lighter area in center of falls edged deeper; lemon beard. (Spindrift x Peachblow) x ?.,

ICED LEMONADE - A. & D. Willott 1985
Sdlg. 80-27. SDB, 12" 30 cm, E-M
S. ruffled pale yellow; F. warm white, yellow hafts; pale yellow and blue beard. Erin Lad X Sylvan Spring. Willott 1986

ICED OPALS - Helen Monroe 1984
Sdlg. U5140. TB, 36" 91 cm, M
Ruffled white, lemon yellow beard tipped white. Cream Taffeta X Pink Angel. Pacific Coast Hybridizers 1987