Iris Registry Inquiry

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I BE PINK - Les Fort 1994

I LOVE YOU - Lilly Gartman by Roris Garde 1993

I REPEAT - Joan Roberts 1998

I SAID YEAH - Tom Burseen 1999

I SEEK YOU - Augusto Bianco 1999

I WEAR PURPLE - David Headrick 2000

I'LL FLY AWAY - Leonard Michel 1994

I'M PRETTY - Ben Hager 1997

I'M PROUD - Carl Boswell 1999

I'M WITH YOU - Robert Dunn 2001

I'M YOUR LADY - Barry Blyth 1999

I'M YOURS - Barry Blyth 1995

I'VE GOT RHYTHM - Schreiner 1998

IAN - Thomas Burge 1990

IATAN TITAN - Kevin Morley 1993

IBIZA - Kevin Nilsen 1995

ICARUS - John C. Taylor 1995

ICE AND INDIGO - A. and D. Willott 1990

ICE BLUE - Alphonse Van Mulders 1990

ICE BLUE PEARL - Donald Spoon 1999

ICE BONBON - Lothar Denkewitz 1990

ICE CHERUB - A. and D. Willott 1999

ICE CREAM TREAT - Richard Ernst 1996

ICE DANCER - Cy Bartlett 1993

ICE ETCHING - Paul Black 1998

ICE FLIGHT - LeRoy Meininger 2001

ICE FOR BRICE - Tom Burseen 2001

ICE GLOW - B. Charles Jenkins 2000

ICE GODDESS - A. and D. Willott 1994

ICE MAGIC - John C. Taylor 1991

ICE PINNACLE - B. L. C. Dodsworth 1997

ICE STORM - Graeme Grosvenor 1998

ICE WINGS - Jim & Vicki Craig 2001

ICED SUNSHINE - Chet Tompkins 1997

ICED TEA - Larry Lauer 1994

ICED VANILLA - Cy Bartlett 1995

ICED WINE - Chuck Chapman 1999

ICELAND - Monty Byers 1990

ICELANDIC MOON - Nora Scopes 1991

ICELANDIC SUMMER - Georg Emke 1996

ICY RUFFLES - James Burch 1993

ICY STRAITS - Vernon Wood 1998

IDA AL LAMINA - Mark Grumbine 2001

IDA EMILY - Ed Attenberger 1996

IDAHO BLIZZARD - Lucille Pinkston 1996

IDEA - Sterling Innerst 1991

IDEAL ROMANCE - Graeme Grosvenor 1999

IDIDIT - Oscar Schick 1996

IDITAROD - Larry Johnson 1998

IDLE DREAMS - Bryce Williamson 1993

IDOL - Joseph Ghio 1998

IDRIS DOT - Dora Sparrow 1991

IF YOU DARE - Graeme Grosvenor 2001

IGRA S OGNIOM - Viktor Sheviakov 2001

IGRA V BISER - Sergey Loktev 2000

IKAR - Adolf Volfovich-Moler 1995

IKE-NO-SAZANAMI - Shuichi Hirao 1992

IKEBANA - Ed Matheny III 1995

IKTOMI - L. J. Duffy 1992

IL NONO - Ladislav Muska by Jimmie Clark 2001

ILA REMEMBERED - Ben Hager 1992

ILIYA PROROK - Viacheslav Gavrilin 1999

ILLINI FANTASY - D. Steve Varner 1991

ILLINI FOUNTAIN - D. Steve Varner 1993

ILLINI ROSE - D. Steve Varner 1996

ILLINI VALOR - D. Steve Varner 1992

ILLULISAT - Ladislav Muska 1995

ILONA KUHLEMANN - Manfred Beer 1995

ILONA LYLE - Harry Foster 1991

IMA KINDA LIMA - Tom Burseen 1990

IMAGE - Mary Dunn by Joseph Ghio 1998

IMAGINARIUM - Duane Meek by Roris Gardens 1993

IMBIRNAYA USLADA - Viktor Sheviakov 2001

IMBUE - Barry Blyth 1996

IMMORTAL LIGHT - Hooker Nichols 1991

IMPASSIONED - John C. Taylor 1995

IMPEACHED - Keith Keppel 2000

IMPECCABLE - George Sutton 2001

IMPECCABLE TASTE - Richard Ernst 2000

IMPERATIVE - Paul Black 1997

IMPERIAL MAGICIAN - John C. Taylor 1990

IMPERIAL OPAL - Bob Bauer-John Coble 2001

IMPERIAL PRESENCE - Lois Rich by EnsataG 1995

IMPERIAL SEAS - Eleanor McCown 1994

IMPERIAL SECRET - Hooker Nichols 2001

IMPERIAL VEIL - Eleanor McCown 1994

IMPERIAL YELLOW - Richard Sloan by JohnW 1990

IMPISH - Barry Blyth 1991

IMPOSTOR IN PURPLES - Eric & Bob Tankesle 1994


IMPRIMIS - Barry Blyth 1991

IMPROVISATION - Ben Hager 1991

IMPUDENT ELF - Sharon McAllister 1993

IMPULSIVE - Joseph Ghio 2001

IN A FLASH - Paul Black 2000

IN A HEARTBEAT - Vincent Christopherson 2001

IN A KISS - Barry Blyth 2001

IN CAMELOT - Pat Otterness 2000

IN CHA - Udo & Rudolf Wilkeneit 1996

IN DEMAND - Graeme Grosvenor 1994

IN DISGUISE - Louise Bellagamba 1995

IN FASHION - Kenneth Fisher 1994

IN FLIGHT - Jim & Vicki Craig 1995

IN FULL SAIL - Marty Schafer-Jan Sacks 1999

IN HEAVEN - Barry Blyth 1992

IN HER GLORY - David Silverberg 1995

IN JEST - Barry Blyth 1994

IN LIMBO - Joseph Gatty by Keith Keppel 1995

IN PERSON - Ben Hager 1990

IN RETROSPECT - Raymond Smith 1991

IN REVERSE - Joseph Gatty by Keith Keppel 1992

IN SUSPENSE - Graeme Grosvenor 1994

IN THE CHIPS - Harold Stahly 1993

IN THE CLOUDS - Vincent Christopherson 2001

IN THE DARK - Sterling Innerst 1990

IN THE GLOAMING - Leslie Donnell 1998

IN THE MIST - Barry Blyth 1996

IN THE MOOD - Schreiner 1994

IN THE MORNING - Sterling Innerst 2000

IN THE RED - Harold Stahly 1995

IN THE STARS - Barry Blyth 1999

IN TOUCH - Ben Hager 1999

IN YOUR DREAMS - Lynda Miller 1999

INCA DOLL - Bennett Jones 1994

INCA ROSE - Oscar Schick 2001

INCAN LEGACY - Les Fort 1990

INCENDIARY - Marky Smith 1996

INCOGNITO TOO - Ken Mohr by Bryce William 1995

INCORRIGIBLE - Perry Dyer 2000

INDEX - Sterling Innerst 1995

INDIAN BEAUTY - John Weiler 1990

INDIAN CANYON - Darlene Pinegar 1992

INDIAN FOOTPRINT - David Sindt by Adamgro 1992

INDIAN IDYLL - Barry Blyth 1993

INDIAN MAIZE - Jim Hedgecock 1999

INDIAN MYTH - Franklin Carr 1990

INDIAN PAINTBRUSH - Vernon Wood 1990

INDIAN SANDSTONE - Richard Ernst 1996

INDIGO DELIGHT - J. T. Aitken 1997

INDIGO DOLL - Carol Lankow by J. T. Aitke 1997

INDIGO MAGIC - Lois Rich by Ensata Garden 1995

INDIGO MOOD - Frank Foster 1990

INDIGO PRINCESS - Schreiner 1992

INDULGE - Roger Nelson 1992

INEZ FERRARI - Jack Dickey 2000

INFERNAL FIRE - Gerald Richardson 1994

INFINI - Glenn Corlew 1992

INFINITY RING - Paul Black 2000

INGELORE - Manfred Beer 2001

INGENIOUS - Barry Blyth 1995

INGLESIDE - Revie Harvey 1990

INGLEWOOD - Margaret Summerill 2000

INGMAR - Gina Guhrn 2001

INITIATION - Helen Reid 1995

INK ON ICE - J.T. Aitken 1994

INKLING - Monty Byers by Phyllis Dickey 1995

INKY DINKY - Paul Black 1991

INKY ELF - A. and D. Willott 1996

INN-KEEPER - John C. Taylor 1997

INNER BEAUTY - Mary Dunn 1990

INNER DELIGHT - Elyse Hill 1999

INNER GLEAM - Jim & Vicki Craig 1995

INNER JOURNEY - Barry Blyth 1995

INNER PEACE - A. and D. Willott 1990

INNIRISHOW - Sterling Innerst 2000

INNOCENT BLUSH - Schreiner 1993

INNOCENT STAR - George Sutton 1998

INNOVATOR - Ben Hager 1991

INNU SPRING - Tony Huber 1999

INSCRUTABLE - Sharon McAllister 1992

INSIDER - John C. Taylor 1996

INSPIRING - John C. Taylor 1998

INSTANT HIT - Schreiner 2000

INSTANT SMILES - Tom Burseen 1997

INSURRECTION - Mitch Jameson 1991

INTAGLIO - Christy Ann Hensler 2000

INTARZIS - Ladislav Muska 1998

INTENSE EMOTIONS - Sterling Innerst 1999

INTERESTING EXPRESSION - Sterling Innerst 1995

INTERPLANET - John C. Taylor 1998

INTO THE WILDERNESS - Timothy Blyth 2001

INTREPIDE - Cayeux 2000

INVASION FORCE - Sharon McAllister 1992

INVASION IN PINK - Carl Boswell by Barbar 1993

INVENTION - Harald Mathes 1994

INVERLOCH - John Glenn 2001

INVINCIBLE - Vernon Wood 1991

INVOCAZIONE - Ladsilav Muska 1996

IO - Jane McKnew 1994

IRENE BENTON - B. Charles Jenkins 1993

IRENE FRANCES - Gerald Richardson 1994

IRGEN - Irina Driagina 1995

IRIDESCENT BRONZE - B. Charles Jenkins 1995

IRIDESCENT ORANGE - Harald Mathes 2001

IRIS LAUVAIN - Ron Busch 1991

IRISH AIR - Barry Blyth 2000

IRISH CHANT - George Sutton 2001

IRISH LAUGHTER - Chet Tompkins 1992

IRISH MASCARA - Jo Tunney 1992

IRISH MIST - Currier McEwen 1999

IRISH MOSS - Bennett Jones 1993

IRISH SPIRIT - Richard Morgan 1997

IRISH SQUIRE - Barry Blyth 2001

IRLEV - Irina Driagina 1995

IRMGARD - Manfred Beer 1991

IRON BUTTERFLY - Perry Dyer 1998

IRON EAGLE - George Sutton 1999

IRONY - William Maryott 2000

IRWELL ANGEL - Ron Busch 1999

IRWELL DELIGHT - Ron Busch 1999

IRWELL GOBLIN - Ron Busch 1999


IRWELL LAKESIDE - Ron Busch 1999

IRWELL ROYAL - Ron Busch 1997

ISABELLA-ROSE - R. E. Nichol by Jean Nich 1997

ISABELLINA - Sydney B. Mitchell by Philip 1999

ISE HOMARE - Society for Japanese Irises 1992

ISEJI-NO-HARU - Kamo Nursery 1999

ISLA NEGRA - Ladislav Muska by Jimmie Cla 2001

ISLA SERLE - Harry Foster 1991

ISLAMEY - Viktor Koroliov 2000

ISLAND CHARM - J.T. Aitken 1991

ISLAND DANCER - George Shoop 1991

ISLAND GOSSIP - Barry Blyth 1996

ISLAND HARVEST - Stan Lott 2001

ISLAND SUNSET - Schreiner 1992

ISLAND SURF - J. T. Aitken 1994

ISLANDS CHEER - Tony Huber 1998

ISLAY - Revie Harvey 1991

ISLE AH CUNDEE - Clifton Kunde 1993

ISLE OF DAWN - Lucy Burton 2000

ISN'T IT ROMANTIC - Barbara Roberts 1999

ISN'T THIS SOMETHING - Allan Ensminger 1992

ISO-NO-ASAKAZE - Shuichi Hirao 1993

ISOBELLE EVE - Alison Nicoll 2000

ISOLADE JANN - Manfred Beer 1999

ISPOVED - Adolf Volfovich-Moler 1999

IT AIN'T SO - Tom Burseen 1999

IT HAPPENS - John Durrance 1990

IT IS - Barry Blyth 1995

IT'S A BEAUTY - Sara Doonan 1992

IT'S A GIGGLE - Barry Blyth 1998

IT'S A KEEPER - Ken Kremer 2001

IT'S A KNOCKOUT - Heather Pryor 2000

IT'S A TRY - Alison Nicoll 1999

IT'S COOL - John C. Taylor 1991

IT'S DELICIOUS - Barry Blyth 1996

IT'S GETTING BETTER - Larry Lauer 2001

IT'S LILAC TIME - Peter Jackson 1997

IT'S MAGIC - William Maryott 1994

ITALIAN AFFAIR - John C. Taylor 1998

ITALIAN ICE - A. and D. Cadd 2000

ITAZIPEJUTA - L. J. Duffy 1992

ITRIEL - Viktor Koroliov 1995

ITTOO - Ed Matheny III 1996

IVAN SHISHKIN - V. & N. Gordodelovy 1995

IVAN TURGENEV - V. & N. Gordodelovy 1995

IVAN-DA-MARIYA - Nina Miroschnichenko 1996

IVEY LOU - Louise Smith 1993

IVOR KNOWLES - F. Knowles by Ruth Knowles 1991

IVORY AND RED - Austin Morgan 1990

IVORY BLUSH - Schreiner 1998

IVORY BUTTONS - Ben Hager 1993

IVORY FASHION - A. and D. Willott 1996

IVORY FAUN - Chet Tompkins 1992

IVORY GODDESS - Frederick Kerr 1997

IVORY WAY - Barry Blyth 1995

IWAI-NO-NISHIKI - Shuichi Hirao 1997

IYUNSKAYA MELODIYA - Sergey Loktev 1999

IZMOROZ - Yuri Pirogov 1997

IZU-NO-UMI - Shuichi Hirao 1993

I'M IN STITCHES - Bonne Scott 2002

INCOMING TIDE - Bonne Scott 2002

ISABELLA SKYE - Bonne Scott 2002

ICED COCKTAIL - Heather Pryor 2002

IDLE CHATTER - Joseph Ghio 2002

I FEEL FREE - Larry Lauer 2002

IL MAGO - Ladislav Muska 2002

IMPERIAL RANSOM - Nerissa Marshall 2002

INDULGENCE - Barry Blyth 2002

INFANTA - Marky Smith 2002

INFRARED - Joseph Ghio 2002

INNER MAN - Sergey Loktev 2002

INSIDE TRACK - Keith Keppel 2002

INTIMIDATOR - Paul Black 2002

IRISH BAYOU - Patrick O'Connor 2002

IRISH CHANNEL - Patrick O'Connor 2002

IRISOVY BOG - Nataliya Khimina 2002

IRON MAN - Peter Jackson 2002

ISLAND SUN - Paul Black 2002

IVORY DICE - James Burch 2002

INNOCENT DEVIL - A. and D. Cadd 2003

ICE CARVING - Christy Ann Hensler 2003

ICE CREAM SOCIAL - Christy Ann Hensler 2003

ICED UP - Chuck Chapman 2003

IDEA FLAME - Sergey Loktev 2003

I FEEL GOOD - Schreiner 2003

IMPRESSION - Marty Schafer and Jan Sacks 2003

I'M REDDY - Joan Roberts 2003

INDIAN ART - Bennett Jones 2003


INHERIT THE WIND - James McWhirter 2003

INKY ICON - Tom Burseen 2003

IN LIVING COLOR - Paul Black 2003

IN LOVE AGAIN - Keith Keppel 2003

INNER VOICES - Lynda Miller 2003

INNOCENCE - Barbara Marsh 2003

INNOCENT PINK - Paul Black 2003

INTO THE WOODS - Ben Hager 2003

INTRIGA - Viktor Sholupov 2003

INTROSPECTION - Lowell Baumunk 2003

INVESTOR - Tom Johnson 2003

INVISIBLE - Paul Black 2003

IRISH GOLD - Larry Lauer 2003

IRISH SNOW - Cy Bartlett 2003

IROKEZ - Sergey Loktev 2003

IT'S ALL GOOD - Richard Ernst 2003

IVAN GROZNY - Viktor Sholupov 2003

IWAN'A IGUANA - Brad Kasperek 2003

ICY WINDS - Marvin Davis 2004

I HEAR MUSIC - Harold Stahly 2004

I'LL BE BACK - J.T. Aitken 2004

IMAGINARY FRIENDS - Vincent Christopherso 2004

IMPERIAL LANTERN - Heather Pryor 2007

IMPROBABLE IMP - Rob Stetson 2004

IMPULSIVE IMP - Barry Blyth 2004

INDIAN SUNRISE - Larry Lauer 2004

INDY EDITH - Tom Burseen 2004

IN JOY - David Silverberg 2004

INTERMEDIARY - Michael Sutton 2004

INVITATION ONLY - Vincent Christopherson 2004

I REMEMBER YOU - Harry Wolford 2004

IRIADE - Bernard LaPorte 2004

IRISH CREAM - George Sutton 2004

IRISH JIG - Keith Keppel 2004

IROQUOIS SCOUT - Jim Hedgecock 2004

IT'S MY PARTY - Larry Lauer 2004

IT'S SO FINE - Larry Lauer 2004

IZZIT - Christy Ann Hensler 2004

Ide Cammerer - Gersdorff 1937


Illini - Hahn 1938

Not introduced; released.

Indian Princess - Gersdorff 1936


Inner Light - Scott 1935

Not introduced; released.

Intrigue - Hinkle 1957
Sdlg. F-6-A. TB etc.
Registered in error, name not available. Name changed to Intriguer.

Iridescence - Nesmith 1931

Originator says not in commerce, obsolete.

Irish Eyes - Collier 1931

Not introduced; released.

Iska - Gersdorff 1937


IT'S MAGIC - Edythe Burns 1954
TB 38" M. R3.
Two shades of red (M&P 6-1-3), and oxheart red (M&P 6-L-5); beard yellow; F. faintly edged like S. Red Amber X Rangitikei., Stock destroyed, not introduced. Name released. HM 1998

ICE CANYON - Voris 1955
Sdlg. PinEx52i. TB 34-38" ML. W4.
Amoena. S. white, F. pale ice blue. Extravaganza x Pinnacle., Voris 1955.

ICE CARNIVAL - E. Watkins for Dr. Robt. I. Graves deceased; 1950
Sdlg. 47-68B. TB 38" M. V1L.
Orchid blue self, light. (Originally named Ice Maiden, which name was released in error, as it had been issued to Mrs. Mary Tharp in 1940. The name Ice Carnival was released to Dr. Graves in 1941 for an earlier seedling which was never introduced; it is h

ICE CAVERN - Voris 1955
Sdlg. WWC5310. TB 34-36" M. W1.
White self, blue beard. Courtesy x White Wedgewood., Voris 1957.

ICE GROTTO - H. Miller 1957
Sdlg. D7-3. TB 38" M.
White flushed pale blue. Kanchenjunga X Cefn Bryn.,

ICE HARBOR - G. Carison 1958
Sdlg. 55-7A. TB 38" E. V2.
S. methyl violet; F. white, stitched and dotted methyl violet. Gypsy Baron x Blue Shimmer.,

ICE 'N' LIME - Tompkins 1958
Sdlg. 54-383. TB 39" E-L. W4.
S. pure white, F. lime-yellow. ((Lamplit Hour x (Shah Jehan x Burning Bronze)) x Pinnacle) X Sass 50-429., Fleur de Lis 1958.

ICEBREAKER - J. Lewis 1955
Sdlg. 5111. TB 40" M. B1L.
Light-blue self. Sdlg. 4907: (Sylvia Murray x Winter Carnival) X Sylvia Murray.,

ICECAPADE - Pierce 1951
TB 38" M. B1.
Pale-blue self. Snow Flurry X Chivalry.,

ICED LIME-ADE - Vallette 1954
TB 36" ML. G1.
Self of lime green, lighter area in center of falls edged deeper; lemon beard. (Spindrift x Peachblow) x ?.,

ICY BLUE RUFFLES - Heiser 1956
Sdlg. 7. TB 34" M. BLP.
Icy blue self, golden beard. Snow Flurry x Cloud Castle.,

IDA JACK HALL - Trichel 1950
AH 36" M. RD1.
Maroon-red self. Unknown parentage.,

IDA STONE - Gorton 1951
AH 42" M. R1.
Red self. Parentage unknown.,

IDAHO GOLD - Eva Smith 1958
Sdlg. 54-104. TB 40" LM. YLF.
Deep yellow self; deep orange-yellow beard. Mary Randall x Thotmes III., Smith 1959.

IDAHO SUNSET - Oshlo 1954
TB 40" M. Y1M.
Golden-yellow self, on tan side, few haft marks. Midwest Gem x Prairie Sunset.,

IDALIZA - Merry 1954
TB 40" M. R1L.
Blush-pink self, tangerine beard. Parentage unknown.,

IDEAL TALK - Hamacher 1958
Sdlg. S-10-50. TB 38" M. B1.
Sky-blue self, slight haft veining; lemon-yellow beard. Snow Flurry x Chivalry.,

IL PENSEROSO - Fothergill 1956
Sdlg. 6/A. TB 36" ML. Y1D.
Brown self. Brownland X Veda Brice., Leavesden 1958.

ILLINI - Varner 1955
Sdlg. V-55-3. TB 33" M-LM. B1M.
Medium-blue self. (Great Lakes x Blue Shimmer) X Chivalry.,

ILLINI GOLD - Varner 1955
Sdlg. V-55-2. TB 36" M. Y4.
Bicolor, both S. and F. yellow and white. Zantha X Hall-bred sdlg., Varner 1960.

ILLINI KNIGHT - Varner 1955
Sdlg. V-55-B. TB 32" M. RV1D.
Deep red-toned violet self. Dark Mood X Sable.,

ILLUSTRIOUS - D. Hall 1952
TB 36" M. B1M.
Medium-blue self, slight brush of lighter blue at haft. (Name transferred from 1947 registration of seedling not introduced.) Chivalry x Bandmaster., Cooley 1953.

ILLYRICA TRIESTE - Randolph 1957
Acq. I-48A. MTB 22" E. B1M.
Medium lavender-blue self. Collected clone of I. illyrica from hillside overlooking Trieste, Italy., Collected by L. F. and Fannie R. Randolph.

IMAGINATION - Branch 1957
Sdlg. 5560. TB 28" E. V1M.
Rosy lilac self. Mary Randall X sdlg. 5360: (New Horizon x (Harriet Thoreau x D. Hall sdlg. 4539))., Branch 1959. HM 1960.

IMAM ADIB - C. White 1955
Sdlg. 14-55. TB hybr. 34" M. Y5.
Blended primuline yellow and brown, beard primuline yellow. Unknown., Craig 1956.

IMAM AHMID - C. White 1955
Sdlg. 37-55. TB hybr. 35" M. V4.
Blended bicolor of pale lilac veined light lobelia, F. old gold dusted gold; beard old gold. Unknown., Craig 1956.

IMAM ASMARA - C. White 1955
Sdlg. 24-55. IB hybr. 22" M. YO5.
Blend of buffs and purples; beard dark tawny olive. Unknown.,

IMAM JABAN - C White 1%5)
Sdlg. 5-55. TB hybr. 30" M. Y3.
S. oyster white, cream lines; F. primuline yellow edged lighter; beard straw yellow. Unknown., Craig 1956.

IMAM JINNAH - C. G. White 1955
Sdlg. 18-55. IB hybr. 20" M. Y5.
Yellow veined citron yellow and burnt lake, signal patch burnt lake; beard livid brown. Unknown.,

IMAM MARIB - C. White 1955
Sdlg. 58-55. IB hybr. 27" M. V4.
Blended bicolor, vinaceous lavender, deep slate violet, tan, dark brown, and deep purple; beard Verona brown. Unknown.,

IMAM RAZIN - C. White 1955
Sdlg. 16-55. TB hybr. 38" M. Y3.
S. cream veined primuline yellow; F. primuline yellow veined dark vinaceous brown highlighted lemon-chrome, blackish red-purple signal; beard aniline yellow. Unknown.,

IMAM SALAH - C. White 1955
Eupogocyclus hybrid 25" M. Y3.
S. sulphur yellow, faintly veined Martin's yellow; F. overtone of amber yellow, dusky purple patch; wax-yellow beard. Parentage unknown., Craig 1956. HM 1960.

IMAM SALEM - C. White 1955
Sdlg. 8-55. DB hybr. 12" M. V5.
Blend of gray, violet, mulberry and brown, signal patch coral-red surrounded brown.Craig 1956. HM 1960.

IMMORTAL HOUR - Fothergill 1956
Sdlg. L/142. TB 38" ML. W1.
Pure-white self. Helen McKenzie X Dorothy King., Mission, Tell 1959.

Sdlg. 57-21-1. TB 40" ML. V1.
Amethyst-violet self, white at haft; orange beard. Mary Randall X Twenty Grand., Eden Road 1959.

IMPERIAL FAN - Noma Greene 1956
Sdlg. 82-3-16. TB (hybr.) 36" M. V2.
Fancy plicata in amethyst tones, golden haft and beard, deep blue signal patch; intricately onco-veined. Sheriffa x Patrice.,

IMPERIAL MANTLE - Ethel Johnson 1952
TB 40", MRV1.
Red-purple self, bronze haft blending into red-purple. Sdlg.: Ourika x Edna Hicks x Master Charles.,

Sdlg. 49-82B. JI (double) 48" ML. VR1.
Beet-red self (M & P), deep yellow signal. Fascination x Karahashi., Marx 1955.

IMPERIAL ROBE - Payne 1951
JI 50" M. V3.
Bitone of royal purple to mulberry purple. Sdlg. 30: (Rishono x Iso-no-nami) X sdlg. 128: (sdlg. 3 x Otomene)., Payne 1951.

JI 40" ML. RV3.
S. red-violet, F. same but near beet-red. Oriole x Karahashi., Marx 1953.

IMPERIAL WOMAN - C. and K. Smith 1957
Sdlg. 55-61. TB 41" ML. BV1.
Smooth blue-violet self, pale violet beard. Smith blue sdlgs. 52-27 X 51-9., Fairmount 1958.

IMPOSSIBLE - Vallette 1957
Sdlg. 54-1. BB 24" M. Y1L.
S. pale lemon-ice, opening from purple buds; F. same color, deeper at haft; purple shows through when first open. Sdlg. 52-5: (Florentine x Spindrift) Pretty Pansy., Vallette 1960.

IMPROMPTU - Bennett Jones 1953
Sdlg. 25. TB 40" M. O1.
Bright apricot self. (Dogrose x Melitza) X Floradora.,

INCA CHIEF - Mitsch 1952
TB 32" M. Y1D.
Mustard-tan self of vibrant tone. Mexico x Tobacco Road., Schreiner 1952. HM 1952; AM 1954.

INCA EMPIRE - Sass 1955
Sdlg. 50-417. TB 38" M. Y5D.
Dark blend, brown and yellow. (Long line of sdlgs. involving Golden Age, Prairie Sunset, Casque d'Or, Matula) X (Long line of sdlgs. involving Ossar, Midwest Gem, Dore, Prairie Sunset, Tobacco Road.),

INCANDESCENT - Plough 1957
Sdlg. 53-14-10. Onco-TB 26" EM. Y5.
S. straw-yellow; F. dark brownish yellow with molasses-red radiating from beard; yellow-brown beard. Inca Chief X Asoka of Nepal., Eden Road 1958.

TB 40" LM. O1.
Orange self. Lyell sdlg. 42-115 X Copper Rose., Hill's Farm 1957.

INCHALONG - P. Cook 1953
Sdlg. 746. DB 4" E. Y3.
S. barium-yellow, F. citron-yellow (Ridgway); beard white, hairs lightly tipped lemonchrome. Sdlg. from (Socrates x pumila) x sdlg. from (chamaeiris Balkana x mellita)., Longfield 1954. HM 1954.

INDIAN BAY - Scharff 1956
Sdlg. 52-28-74. TB 36" EM. R1.
Brownish red self. Cordovan x ((Firecracker x x Ola Kala).,

INDIAN BRIDE - Brown 1955
Sdlg. 1323. TB 40" M. Y1.
Golden-tan self, heavy yellow beard. Chamois X Mellowglow., Brown 1956.

INDIAN LAND - Voris 1953
TB 34-36" M-VL. OR1.
Red-henna or coppery red self. Bryce Canyon x Veishea.,

INDIAN SARI - Anley 1956
IB 26" M. OY.
Apricot-orange self, tangerine beard. Apricot sdlg. 4/49 X Angela Borgia.,

TB 30" M. V1L.
Lavender self. Cigarette X Mulberry Rose., Kelway 1958.

INDIGLOW - Schortman 1957
Sdlg. S156. TB 34" M-L. VB1.
Violet-blue self, orange to blue beard. Sdlg. 036: (Sable x Destiny) x Chivalry., Schortman 1959. HM 1959.

INFANTRY BLUE - Brett 1955
Sdlg. 53B-b95b. TB 38" M. B1L.
Clear light-blue self. Snow Flurry X Lake Shannon.,

INFINITE GLORY - Hamacher 1955
TB 34" E. R1.
Deep rose self, deep red-tangerine beard. Cherie Pink Formal.,

INGE JORDAN - Hanselmayer-Jordan 1958
MDB 6" EE. V1L.
Light lilac-blue self, large light-brown spot on F. I. pumila coll. by I. Jordan in Russia., Hanselmayer 1957.

INGENUE - Lapham 1955
Sdlg. 5-52. BB from TB breeding 24" M. R1L.
Self of light safrano pink (Ridgway), deep grenadine-red beard. Paradise Pink X Pink Formal.,

INK SKETCH - Fran Smith 1954
TB 38" M. V1D.
Deep violet self ("blue-black"), dark blue beard. Brunhilde X Black Forest.,

INK SPOT - W. Marx 1951
DB 6" E. V1.
Deep bluish purple self. Buzzer x unknown., Marx 1951.

INKY - Reinhardt 1953
DB 7 1/2" E-M dwarf. V1D.
Black-violet self. Sass Dark Ruby x sdlg., Reinhardt 1954.

Sdlg. N4-2. TB 40" M. V3.
Dark purple and "black" purple; light-blue beard. Black Forest x Storm King., Tell, Noyd 1956.

INLAND SEA - K. Smith 1955
Sdlg. 52-46. TB 32" M. B1ML.
Medium light-blue self, few marks around beard. Sister of Lady Ilse X involved blue breeding.,

INNER LIGHT - Rundlett 1955
Sdlg. 5376. TB 34" M. W2.
White with blue-violet. Fertile both ways. Aldura X Snow Crystal., Rundlett 1956.

INNUENDO - Babson 1957
Sdlg. F-21-3. TB 35" M. Y5.
S. brown tinged lavender; F. beige washed rose-lavender, deeper at haft; beard, bronze tipped yellow. Figurine x Savage., Melrose 1958.

INSIDE PASSAGE - Opal Brown 1953
TB 40" EM. BV1D.
Dark blue-violet self; old gold at hafts. Rainbow Room X Chamois.,

INSIDE STORY - Linse 1958
Sdlg. L-M-55-12. Arilbred 32" M. V5.
S. mauve; F. mauve, orchid and Nile green, henna at haft; brown beard; gold edge on F. Lady Mohr x Snoqualmie., Easy Breeze 1959. HM 1959.

INSIGNIA - W. Snyder 1950
TB 38" M. W/Y5.
White and yellow blend. Snyder sdlg. X Snyder sdlg., Snyder 1950.

INTERLUDE - Sass. 1951
Sdlg. 48-273. TB 36" M. R5.
Russet and red-toned blend. (Called Gay Heart before registration.) ((Prairie Sunset x Matula) x (Sunset Serenade x Mattie Gates))., Sass 1951.

INTERMEZZO - Tompkins; revised parentage). TB 38" M-L. V 1.
TB 38" M-L. V1.
Petunia violet self, brown haft. (William Mohr x Mussolini) x (Gloriole x Shining Waters).,

INTRIGUE - W. Marx 1951
DB 8" E. V4.
Gray and bronze purple blend, orange beard.Marx 1951.

INTRIGUER - Hinkle 1959
Sdlg. F-6-A. TB 36" EM. B1M.
Blue self, including beard, some darker on falls. Regina X Zara., Harvest Lane 1959. HM 1959.

INVERNESS - E. and A. Watkins 1956
Sdlg. 51-49. TB 36-40" ML. W1.
White self, beard white. Helen McKenzie X Major Eff., Fairmount 1957. HM 1957.

INVESTMENT - Tom Craig 1951
SPU 40" L. Y1M.
Golden-yellow self. (Russet Flame x Sunny Day) x Wadi Zem Zem., Craig 1951. HM 1959.

IRENE BROWN - Brown 1959
Sdlg. 55-183-26. TB 40" EM. O1P.
Clear pink self, coral beard. Pink Formal X Happy Birthday., Brown 1960.

IRENE GEROW - Hafner 1956
Sdlg. 7-52. TB 38-40" M. R1.
Clear ruby-red self. (Name transferred from 1955 registration, not introduced.) Wabash x unknown.,

IRIDESCENCE - Nesmith 1954
Sdlg. 49-12B. TB 37" ML. R1L.
Pink self (Tyrian rose, Wilson 24/3), beard pinkish tangerine. Sdlg. 47-hA: (45-8B x Pink Cameo) x Radiation., Fairmount 1955.

IRIS LURE - Murray 1954
Sdlg. 71-48. TB 40" LM. Y4.
Lemon-yellow ground, white area in both S. and F.; yellow beard. Gudrun X Grand Marshal., Norwood 1955.

IRISH EYES - Lyell 1955
Sdlg. 48-52. TB 36" M. B1M.
Medium-blue self, beard light yellow tipped white. Great Lakes X sdlg. 45-11-1., Hill 1957.

IRISH HOLIDAY - Small 1950
TB 28" L. W/VR2.
White and purple plicata. Elsa Sass X Miss America.,

IRISH LEGEND - B. Small 1952
TB 30" M. Y5.
Yellow-brown blend. ((Kalinga x Jean Cayeux) x Fortune) x Favor.,

IRISH LINEN - Fay 1954
Sdlg. 51-60. TB 40" M. W1.
White self, yellow beard. Cliffs of Dover X sister sdlg., Fay 1958. HM 1958.

IRISH LUCK - Small 1950
TB 28" M. OP/YL3.
Cream and yellow bitone. Ohl sdlg. 4032 x Hall sdlg. 43-04.,

IRISH WHIM - Muhlestein 1957
Sdlg. 57-109. TB 40" ML. GW1.
Green-white self. Purissima X Azure Lake., Tell 1958.

IRISTOCRAT - Clara Rees 1957
TB 38" ML. Y1L.
Cream, light yellow at haft. ((Loomis SQ-72 x Midwest Gem) x Ruffled Bouquet) x Hall's 42-10., Rees 1957.

IRMA MELROSE - DeForest 1955
Sdlg. 53-8-A. TB 40" M. Y4.
S. lemon-yellow (Ridgway); F. lemon-tinted white, bordered lemon-yellow; faint peppering around beard only indication of plicata parentage. Caroline Jane X Rodeo., Irisnoll 1956. HM 1956.

ISHII - Kerr 1956
Sdlg. 54-4D. Onco 26" E. RV5.
Blend of reddish plum, veined and dotted red; velvet black signal patch; beard mustard yellow. Sdlg. 53-44-B: (gatesii x susiana) X Atropurpurea., Melrose 1957.

ISLAND BOY - K. Craig 1958
Sdlg. K-107. TB 30" M. Y5.
S. powdered gold to macaroon, F. powdered gold. T. Craig sdlg. (involving sibs to Savage and Hazel Reed) X War Dance., Craig 1958.

Sdlg. 55-502. JI (double) 42" E.
Bicolor. Red-purple (near amaranth) surrounding white center. Mivuki-Guruma X Choseiden., Marx 1956.

ISLAND SKY - Edythe Burns 1954
TB 38" M. B1M.
Medium-blue self (campanula), yellow b e a r d. Blue Rhythm X Chivalry.,

TB 48" M. Y3.
Creamy yellow bitone. Parentage l6st; out of "bred for pinks.",

ISLANDER - C. Benson 1959
Sdlg. 57-8. TB 38" M. B1M.
Gentian-blue self. ((Jane Phillips x (Spanish Peaks x Cloudless Sky)) X Starlift., Benson 1960.

ISLE OF SKYE - Fothergill 1957
Sdlg. 7-22. TB 46" ML. B1L.
Palest blue, suffused from heart of bloom with gentian blue; blue beard. Pegasus X (Jane Phillips x Arabi Pasha)., Orpington 1959.

ISLE OF WIGHT - Goodman 1957
Sdlg. 16327. TB 44" M. W1.
Pure white self. Paratrooper x Cahokia., Goodman 1958.

ISLE ROYAL - Savage 1956
Sdlg. S.C.5. TB 34-36" M. V1B.
Violet-blue self, beard same. Chivalry X sdlg. S.A.5: (Great Lakes x Sable)., Savage 1958.

JI (double) 39" M.
White.Marx 1950.

JI semi-dbl.
Deep crimson; white center and veins; white S. and styles flushed crimson.Marx 1951.

IVORY BLACK - DeForest 1951
Sdlg. 428. TB 38" M. V1D.
Self of deep violet, "near black," with black beard. Sdlg. ((Her Grace x Sable) x Storm King) x (Her Grace x Black Forest)., Irisnoll 1957.

IVORY GLEAM - Murrell 1954
TB 42" M.
Bitone. S. and F. ivory, edged gold. White City X Aubanel., Orpington 1955.

IVORY GLOW - Payne 1952
JI (double) 40" M. Y1
Ivory-white self. (Sdlg. 82: Ai-tukurin x Osa-maru-mivo) x (sdlg. 57: Perfect Peace x sdlg. 3)., Payne 1953.

IVORY MANTLE - Payne 1958
Sdlg. 522. JI (single) 38" M V4.
S. lilac; F. ivory white veined and tinted mauvette. (Ai-fukurin x Iso-no-nami) x (Celestine x (Frances E. Cleveland x Shirinami)) X self., Payne 1959.

IVORY PETALS - Sass 1952
Sdlg. 48-206. TB 36" M. Y1L.
Cream-buff self, slight bluish cast through center of flower and same blotch around beard. ((Jean Cayeux x brown sdlg.) x (Siegfried x Dore)) X sdlg. from Blue Shimmer x yellow plicata., Sass 1952.

IVORY SATIN - Goodman 1955
TB 38-40" M. W1.
White self, deep golden throat and beard. Royal Ermine x white sdlg., Goodman 1958.

IVORY SNOW - Nesmith 1957
Sdlg. 54-50-A. TB 37" M. W1.
Pure-white self, beard tipped white. Crystal White x H.F. Hall sdlg. W-63 (white)., Fairmount 1958.

IVORY SUPREME - Carpenter 1952
TB 40" M. Y3.
Yellow bitone. S. pale yellow, F. overlaid ivory. On Guard x Ming Yellow., Carpenter 1953. HM 1953.

IVORY WORK - Wills 1953
Sdlg. 22-49. TB 37" M. Y3.
S. cream, F. ivory bordered deeper cream. Star Shine X Amandine., Fairmount 1955. HM 1957.

I. AURANITICA - Dinsmore etc. 1933 1969
AR species Onc., 12" (30 cm), L
Typica, dark gold; variants bronze to light brown, lightly speckled; brown signal; self beard. Aril Society 1969

IBERIAN GEM - J. Holden 1967
Sdlg. Ha22a. AR, 12" (30 cm), M
S yellow-white, delicately veined purple (RHS 158B); F grayed purple, heavily veined and dotted darker purple; dark signal. I. lortetii X I. iberica. Holden 1970 EC 1967. HC 1967.

I. CAMILLAE - Grossheim 1940 1969
AR Onc. species, 20-40 cm., ML
Variable; brown or cinnamon-purple selfs; whitish background completely covered with fine dots and veining; occasional yellow base forms; beard yellow in brown forms. Aril Society 1969

ICE AGE - Edinger 1960
Sdlg. 4-57A. TB, 38" (97 cm), E
S white, light green texture veins; F same. Snow Flurry X Regina Maria.

ICE BOUND - C. Benson 1964
Sdlg. 64-35. TB, 36" (91 cm), M
Chaste white self, white beard. (Henry Shaw X ((Jane Phillips x (Spanish Peaks x Cloudless Sky)) x Starlift)) X Van Cliburn. C. Benson 1970 HC 1964.

ICE FAIRY - Witt 1962
Sdlg. 59-09-1W. MTB, 21" (53 cm), M
S white; F light blue. Pewee X Mrs. Andrist. NW Hybridizers, Witt, Dunderman 1966 HM 1968, JC 1969.

ICE FLOE - C. James 1963
Sdlg. 68-16. TB, 36" (91 cm), M
Blue-white self, lemon beard tipped blue. White City X Great Lakes.

ICE FOLLIES - F. Brown 1966
Sdlg. 60-102. TB, 36" (91 cm), M
Creamy white self. Henry Shaw X (Berta B x Full Dress). Landsend Gard 1966 HC 1964.

ICH LIEBE DICH - M. Wolff 1964
Sdlg. 62-162-2. BB, 19" (48 cm), M-L
Empire yellow self, lighter below self beard. Yellow Dresden X Maid of Honor.

ID - McGarvey 1965
Sdlg. McG-65-Ch-l. Chrysographes (SIB species), 20" (51 cm), M
Black self with very small gold veins. From seed obtained from Wisley. Old Brook 1969

IDA FLORA - L. Clark 1961
AR, 30" (76 cm), E
S grey-lavender veined henna; F combined brown, henna and copper; dark henna signal; brownish beard. Susiana X Jallah Effendi.

Sdlg. 59-344. TB, 38" (97 cm), M
S gold; F white with gold border; rich orange beard. Palomino X (Thotmes III x Sunray). Smith's Iris Gardens 1962 HM 1965.

IDAHO CHIEF - Eva Smith 1961
Sdlg. 59-126. TB, 34" (86 cm), LM
Cream and red-violet plicata; golden brown beard. Taholah X Dancing Waters. Smith's Iris Gard 1962

IDAHO CREAM - E. Smith 1960
TB, 38", (97 cm),
Pale cream self; cream beard. Mary Randall X High Tor. Smith, Tell 1961 HM 1962.

IDAHO KID - E. Smith 1960
Sdlg. 58-8. TB, 34" (86 cm), M
S golden tan; F light brown; orange beard. Inca Chief X Cairo. Smith 1961

IFTAH EL-BAB - Flesh 1962
Sdlg. F-2. AR, 35" (89 cm), VE
S erythrite red, veined oxblood; F deeper, patterned deep maroon; bronzy-brown beard; 44 chrom. Kalifa Abra X CGW F-2. Flesh Gard 1963 HM 1966.

I GO KUM - Swearengen 1964
Sdlg. 250 JI (double), 34" (86 cm), M
Violet at deep chrome-yellow signals, deepening through blue-violet to Roslyn blue. Frances Horton X Sky and Water. Swearengen 1966

IKE BABY - McCaffrey 1964
Sdlg. 30 TB, 40" (102 cm), M
Pink self; orange beard. Radiation X Blue River. McCaffrey 1969

ILA NUNN - Charles Arny 1967
Sdlg. 1C-64. LA, 36" (91 cm), ML
White self with bright yellow line crest; edges ruffled. Dora Dey X Tressie Cook Charjoy 1969 HC 1968.

ILLIANA - Greenlee 1964
Sdlg. 60-210. IB, 20" (51 cm), E
S light grey-orchid; F darker grey-orchid. Char-Maize X Pearl Shell. Eden Road 1965 HM 1967, JC 1967, 1968.

ILLINI ENCORE - Varner 1966
Sdlg. 613 SIB, 40" (102 cm), EML
S white with light violet tint; F white overlaid with etching of light violet. (Tealwood x Snow Crest) X 63-1 (Tealwood x Tealwood). Varner 1968 HC 1967, HM 1969, JC 1969.

ILONKA - Steiger 1964
JI (double), 28", (71 cm),
Dark blue-lavender. F3 Higo-Care strain.

I. LYCOTIS - Aril Society 1969
AR Onc. species, 12" (30 cm), ML
S variable red to violet, strongly veined; F same but slightly darker in most forms; beard usually bronze. Aril Society 1969

IMAN ONCO - White-Muhlestein 1961
AR, 12" (30 cm), E
White overlaid with dotting and netting of steel gray; maroon-brown signal. Parentage unknown. Tell 1962 HC 1963.

IMARET - Wilkes 1961
Sdlg. 18-GM-59. AR, 30" (76 cm), E-M
S white; F medium yellow; light brown signal. Kalifa Gulnare X Imam Ahmid. Tell 1962 HM 1963, JC 1963, 1964, C. White Memorial Award 1966.

Sdlg. 895 JI (double), 40" (102 cm), M
Spectrum violet, F and styles trimmed with white border. 425 (30 x 87) X 669 (Red Titan x Imperial Robe). Payne '1964 HM 1966.

IMPACT - Kamps 1965
Sdlg. 63-27. TB, 30" (76 cm), M
Warm white; yellow beard tipped white. Arctic Skies X sib to Arctic Flame. Moldovan 1967 HM 1968.

Sdlg. 1066 JI (double), 38" (97 cm), E
Pale amparo purple self. (Princess Aurora x Imperial Robe) X Prima Ballerina. Payne 1969

Sdlg. 66-6. SPU, 48" (122 cm), M,
S deep purple (Nickerson 5P 3/9); F orange-yellow (10 YR 8/10) bordered deep purple.

Sdlg. 67-1. SPU, 50" (127 cm), E
Deep purple-red (Nickerson 10RP 3/10) self; very small yellow signal. Perky Maid X Banners of Blue. Van Dusen 1967 HM 1968.

IMPERIAL CROWN - L. Brummitt 1960
Sdlg. 524-2. TB, 42" (107 cm), M-L
S yellow; F crimson edged yellow. Dandy X Gaylord. Orpington 1962

Sdlg. 1309 JI, 38" (97 cm), LM
Hyacinth violet self with white halo and veins. 799 (Warei-hotei x 226) X Mai-ohgi. Payne 1969

Sdlg. 65-18. SPU, 48" (122 cm), M
S brilliant violet (Nickerson lOPB 5/9); F brilliant yellow (5Y 9/9), veined and bordered brilliant violet. Counterpoint X White Heron. Van Dusen 1967 HM 1968.

IMPERIAL IMP - Payne 1962
Sdlg. 323 JI, 28" (71 cm), M
12 petals, Pale violet, densely veined spectrum violet. 138: (Rishono x 20: ((Ai-fukurin x Kongo-san) x Iso-no-nami)) X 236. Payne 1964

IMPERIAL LADY - Kelway 1960
Sdlg. 520 TB, 36" (91 cm), M
S coffee; F red. Cordovan X Red Gleam. Kelway '59

IMPERIAL LILAC - Schreiner's 1963
Sdlg. R116-A. TB, 36" (91 cm), M-L
Lilac lavender self, uniform throughout; light lemon-yellow beard. Amethyst Flame X Lavish Lady. Schreiner's 1963 HM 1965.

Sdlg. 60-11. JI (single), 45" (114 cm), E
S deep lilac, edged white; F white, soft purple markings. From two Marhigo sdlgs. Marx 1961

Sdlg. 66-15. SPU, 48" (122 cm), M
S deep purple (Nickerson 5P 3/9); F orange yellow (10YR 8/10); bordered deep purple. Spring Plum X Ferguson sdlg. "Inflation." Van Dusen 1967 HM 1968.

Sdlg. 1117 JI, 43" (109 cm), M
Cotinga purple with hairline edging; styles prune purple. Cobra Dancer X Confetti Shower. Payne 1969

Sdlg. 1272 JI, 38" (97 cm), M
Blends from wistaria violet to Bradley's violet; styles tipped nigrosin violet. Red Tital X 1043 (Magic Ruby x 580). Payne 1969

Sdlg. 65-26. SPU, 60" (152 cm), M
S pale violet (Nickerson 10PF 8/4); F light violet (lOPB 7/6); yellow signal; ruffled. Dutch Defiance X Blue Pinafore. Van Dusen 1966 HM 1967.

IMPERIAL RUSSET - Burns-Cammer 1961
Sdlg. 58.-52. TB, 34" (86 cm), M-L
Golden tan self, slight brown tone at haft. Parentage unknown.

Sdlg. IV-1. SPU, 60" (152 cm), M
S cream-white; F yellow bordered cream. Lark Song X unknown. Van Dusen 1965 EC 1964, HM 1966.

Sdlg. 989 JI, 41" (104 cm), LM
S fluorite violet; F same with blue halo; styles fluorite violet. Hisakata X Debonair Prince. Payne 1969

Sdlg. 1234 JI, 34" (86 cm), M
6 petal. White center; edges heavily stippled hyacinth violet (Ridgway). 739 (82F4 x 34F5) X Debonair Prince. Payne 1969

Sdlg. 999 JI, 47" (119 cm), M
6 petal. Hyacinth violet; mulberry purple halo and veins. 226 (62 x 110) X Violet Splendor. Payne 1969

IMPISH VIXEN - El Dorado 1963
Sdlg. 58-173. BB, 18" (46 cm), M
Red-brown self. F2 Sass brown sdlg. X Defiance. El Dorado 1963

INDEED - Ben Hager 1963
Sdlg. 11I1298B. IB, 21" (53 cm), E
S light lemon-yellow; F crystalline white; lemon edge; white beard. Dale Dennis X Bloomin' Love. Melrose 1964 HM 1965.

INDEPMO - Street 1963
Sdlg. M-1-1. SDB, 12" (30 cm), E
Blackish purple self; orange beard. Blazon X (Fior de Nondo x Andromachi). Brizendine 1965

INDIAN DANCER - M & L Crawford 1963
BB, 24" (61 cm), M
Medium brown self, small white blaze at yellow beard; brown veins at haft. Char-Maize X Cloth of Gold. Peggy's Iris Patch 1965

INDIAN DOLL - Greenlee 1968
Sdlg. 64-8. IB, 16" (41 cm), E
Bright red self. Greenlee sdlg. (sib to 59-4 x 59-4) X Agatine. Greenlee 1968

INDIAN ECHO - Carstensen 1965
Sdlg. C8-62. TB, 36" (91 cm), L
Coffee brown S; F shade deeper; beard to match. Nebraska Sunset X Wild Honey. Nick's 66

INDIANETTE - Zurbrigg 1963
Sdlg. 58-3-U. MDB, 8" (20 cm), EE
Red-purple self; pale blue beard. Fairy Flax X April Morn. Avonbank 1963 HM 1966.

INDIAN FIRE - Greenlee 1966
Sdlg. 1B65-4. IB, , E
S bright red; F bright red, deeper red spot. Quechee X Red dwarf 40-chrom (called Red 40). Greenlee 1968

INDIAN FRINGE - R. Blodgett 1967
Sdlg. 64-09. TB, 32" (81 cm), M
Yellow ochre (Wilson 07/1) self. Rainbow Gold X Schroeder 60-64-21. Blodgett 1968 HC 1967, HM 1969.

INDIAN HEAD - J. Tucker 1966
Sdlg. 123B. TB, 35" (89 cm), ML
Dark red-bronze self. 953X (Mary Randall x Constant Comment) X Caribou Trail. Southern Meadows 1967

INDIAN PUEBLO - M. Walker 1967
Sdlg. S-75-61. SPU, 36" (91 cm), M
S deep yellow heavily overlaid mahogany brown; F same with heavier overlay. Sunny Day X Driftwood. Schreiner's 1971

INDIAN SILK - G. Mayberry 1965
Sdlg. 61-3-1. TB, 36" (91 cm), ML
S lavender-mulberry; F lavender flushed violet; hafts olive-tan, slight reticulations; beard yellow. Formal Affair X Martel. Tell 1970

INDIAN SPRING - E. Christensen 1964
Sdlg. 6l-E-4-B. TB, 35" (89 cm), M
Dark magenta self lighter at hafts; red-tangerine beard. Fortune's Gift x (Pink Cameo x Inca Chief) X (Alexia sdlg. x Annette). Eden Road 1965

INDIGENT ARAB - J. Holden 1967
Sdlg. Ha16a. AR, 15" (38 cm), E
Gray ground heavily veined and dotted brown (RHS 200A/B); F same but heavier to almost solid; darker signal; brown beard. I. susiana X I. atropurpurea.

INDIGO IMP - C. Elkins 1966
Sdlg. 61-E-1S. TB, 36-38", EM
Blue self. (Black Forest x Black Mischief) X Sable Night. Echo Hill 1967 HM 1968.

INK DROP - Tim Craig 1966
Sdlg. 19 MDB, 6" (15 cm), EE
Roman purple self which darkens to egg plant black toward center of F. Moonchild X Black Baby. Craig 1966 HM 1968.

INKWELL - Voris 1962
Sdlg. WHDC-1. TB, 33" (84 cm), M
Self, between quadroon and octoroon. Whirlaway X Dark Chocolate. Voris 1968

INNSBRUCK - Blocher 1964
TB, 32" (81 cm), M
Medium blue self. Galilee X Allegiance. Blocher 1964

IN ORBIT - J. Gibson 1960
Sdlg. 41-5E. TB, 30" (76 cm), EM
S rosy tan; F white, fine red-lined fancy; orange beard. Taholah X Sdlg. Cooley 1963 HM 1964.

INSTANT SUNSHINE - Tompkins 1969
Sdlg. 66-117A. TB, 36" (91 cm), MVL
Chrome yellow self; ruffled; light yellow beard. Tinsel Town X Silence. Fleur de Lis 1969

INTEGRITY - Gaskill 1966
Sdlg. 62-72. TB, 34" (86 cm), E
Self with red beard. Happy Birthday X D. Hall pink sdlg. Greenbrier 1967 HC 1966, HM 1968.

INTENSITY - Ferguson 1968
Sdlg. 66-4. SPU, 44" (112 cm), EM
Bright orangy yellow self. Elixer X Yellow Wings. Ferguson 1968 HC 1968, HM 1969, JC 1969.

INTERIM - Salsman 1961
Sdlg. M57-1. IB, 20" (51 cm), EM
S white; F deep yellow. Baria X Goldbeater. Raleigh Hills 1962 HM 1963.

INTOXICATION - C. Schirmer 1964
Sdlg. 4W. TB, 36" (91 cm), LM
Pink self; pink beard. One Desire X (Radiation x Breathless). HC 1969.

Sdlg. 454 JI (double), 36" (91 cm), E
S none; F white and light blue-violet blend, progressively darker from large yellow signal to end of F; stylearms white with bright lavender tips and edges. Ocean Mist X Rose Anna. Hazzard 1967

INVERTHORN - C. James 1964
Sdlg. 410-27. TB, 40" (102 cm), M
French blue, whitish green flush below yellow beard. Cliffs of Dover X Chivalry.

IONA - D. Sturdevant 1963
Sdlg. 59-6-1. IB, 24" (61 cm), E-M
Light blue self, light blue beard tipped blue. Dancing Deb X Blue Flash.

IPANEMA - D. Lorenz 1968
Sdlg. 65-34A. BB, 27 1/2", M
Apricot-pink self, ruffled and laced; coral-tangerine beard. Quadros 59-134 X Flaming Heart.

IPPISSISSIM - Stults 1966
Sdlg. 62-26. TB, 35" (89 cm), EE
S clear medium yellow; F white with hafts and border matching S. Golden Fleece X Jake.

IRA S. NELSON - Arny 1969
LA, 36" (91 cm), M-L
Rose bengal self; bright yellow triangular crests. Mrs. Mac X Joyce's Choice. Charjoy 1969 EC 1968. HC 1968.

IRENE NEECE - Muhlestein 1966
Sdlg. T 61-5-1. TB, 32'36", M-L
Bishop's violet self. Mademoiselle X Heather Halo. Tell 1967 HC 1966, HM 1968.

IRENE'S DREAM - J. Tufts 1964
Sdlg. D21. MDB, 6" (15 cm), VE
Reddish purple self; purplish red spot on F; violet beard. Parentage unknown.

IRIS CORSAGE - E. Smith 1966
Sdlg. 64-348. Novelty TB, 34" (86 cm), ML
S pale chartreuse; F chartreuse blended with ivory and gold; tangerine beard. Margie Lee X Mary Randall x Palomino. Smith's Iris Gardens 1967

IRISDALE - Knowlton 1964
Sdlg. 57-3A. TB, 36" (91 cm), M
S deep blue-purple; F white, narrow border blue-purple. Purple and white plicata. Bright Contrast X Bazaar.

IRISH BROGUE - Schmelzer 1962
Sdlg. 15 TB, 39" (99 cm), EM
S brass, slight red cast; F same with green blaze. Grand Teton X Captain Gallant. Schmelzer 1963 HM 1966.

IRISH CHARMER - Pickard 1965
Sdlg. 262 TB, 36" (91 cm), M
S soft clear pink; F pink underside with topside white with ribbon of pink. Picora Pink X Esther Fay. Pickard 1966 HC 1965, HM 1968.

IRISH CLOUD - Kelway 1966
Sdlg. 645 TB, 38" (97 cm), L
Pale violet self. Elizabeth Arden X Magic Hills.

Sdlg. N64-60-65. TB, 36" (91 cm), M-L
Greenish yellow self with green beard. 61-32-2 (Green Tinge x Woodland Sprite) X 61-32-a (sib to above). Noyd 1969

IRISH DOLL - A. Brown 1962
Sdlg. D421-1. MDB, 8" (20 cm), E
S white; F green, near uranium; ivory beard. White chamaeiris sdlg. X Green Spot. Brown's Iris 1963 HM 1964, Caparne Award 1969.

IRISH DREAM - G. Hinkle 1964
Sdlg. T-23-4. TB, 36" (91 cm), M
Light lemon-cream self including beard. Lasata X (Le Beau sdlg. x Yesteryear sdlg.). Wild & Son 1971

IRISH EMERALD - G. Rees 1961
Sdlg. 3-A-60. TB, 38" (97 cm), L
Smoke-screen green self; creamy beard. Lois Aven X mixed pollen.

IRISH LILT - A. Brown 1966
Sdlg. M 843-3. SDB, 11" (28 cm), E
S ivory white; F blue-green with cream beard. Irish Doll X Aqua Green. Brown's Iris Gardens 1967 HM 1968, JC 1968, 1969.

IRISH LULLABY - Moldovan 1961
Sdlg. 60-28. TB, 36" (91 cm), M
Lacy pink self; tangerine beard. Court Ballet x sib. Moldovan 1965 HC 1962, HM 1966, JC 1966, 1967, AM 1968.

IRISH SEA - E. Roberts 1968
Sdlg. 67R11. SDB, 12" (30 cm), E
Light green self; azure blue beard. Goett 5D1 X Laurie. Median Iris Test Gdn, Moldovan 1969 HC 1968.

IRISH WHISPER - R. Rosenfels 1967
Sdlg. 6012-2. MDB, 8" (20 cm), E-M
S clear white; F yellow-green; light yellow beard with white tip. Lilli-Green X Green Spot. Old Brook 1967 HM 1968.

IRRESISTIBLE - Zurbrigg 1963
Sdlg. 57-15. lB, 16" (41 cm), M
S bright ivory; F lemon yellow. (Sound Money x Pink Formal) X Ablaze.

Sdlg. 61-37. TB, 36" (91 cm), M
Black-purple self with glistening overlay. Edenite X One Desire.

ISLAND HOLIDAY - James Gibson 1969
Sdlg. 77-4B. TB, 34" (86 cm), ML
S gold flushed brown; F cream ground, deep yellow and brown markings; gold beard. Golden Filigree X Wild Ginger. Cooley 1970

ISLE OF DREAMS - A. Brown 1966
Sdlg. M 531. IB, 26" (66 cm), E
S pale icy blue; F near white; white beard. M 202-25 (Snow Flurry x Snow Elf) X Whole Cloth. Brown's Iris Gardens 1967

Sdlg. l-7A. MDB, 9", (23 cm),
Purple bitone; brown beard. I. italica, collected. Campiglia, Italy. 40 chrom. Randolph 1961

ITASCA'S PRIDE - Ryan 1962
Sdlg. 55-4. TB, 35" (89 cm), M
Apricot self. June Bride X Temple Bells.

ITSA DILLY - McCracken 1962
Sdlg. MC-59-l. TB, 39" (99 cm), M
Light to medium pink; tangerine beard. Ballerina X (Pink Talcum x Mary Randall).

ITSA DOOZEY - Tompkins 1968
Sdlg. 64-301. TB, 44" (112 cm), ML
Magenta violet self; ruffled; self beard. ((Mountain Music x Flag Ship) x (Violet Hills x Flag Ship)) X (Mountain Music x High Above). Fleur de Lis 1968

I. URMIENSIS - Aril Society 1969
AR Onc. Species, 9" (23 cm), L
S light cream to deep yellow; F same (tend to be selfs); deeper yellow signal in darker forms; self beard. Aril Society 1969

IVORY AND INK - E. Smith 1962
Sdlg. 61-24. MDB, 7" (18 cm), E
S ivory; F pale chartreuse, veined green and violet, bordered ivory. Green Spot X unknown. Smith 1963 HM 1965.

IVORY FLUTE - Rex Brown 1968
Sdlg. 63-86-14. TB, 36" (91 cm), EM
S greenish ivory-white, ruffled and lacy; F greenish ivory-white and touch of smooth light yellow at haft, very fluted and ruffled; light yellow beard. Queen's Choice X Lovilia. Brown's Iris Gard 1969

IVORY GOWN - E. Smith 1962
Sdlg. 61-94. TB, 40" (102 cm), M
Ivory cream self, pale yellow shoulders. Idaho Gold X Celestial Snow. Smith's Iris Gard 1963 HM 1966.

IVORY LACE - Rex Brown 1963
Sdlg. 58-97-9. TB, 34" (86 cm), EM-L
Ivory self, lighter blaze, light yellow beard. Seafair Queen X Queen's Choice. Brown's Iris 1964

IVORY MAIDEN - Brummitt 1961
Sdlg. 15-8. Douglasiana, 21" (53 cm), M
S ivory; F ivory with rose zone. Amiguita X douglasiana sdlg.

IVORY MOONLIGHT - Spofford 1963
Sdlg. DS-005. Sib, 22" (56 cm), EM
White self, greenish-yellow hafts, green glow at heart. Parentage unknown.

IVORY PALACES - Carlson 1962
Sdlg. 57-27-B. TB, 36" (91 cm), EM
S ivory; F ivory, amber edges and hafts; pale yellow beard; pink buds. Spanish Peaks X Twenty Grand. Cedar Lake 1963

IVORY TOUCH - Hamblen 1967
Sdlg. M63-13C. IB, 15" (38 cm), M-L
Cream self with gold midrib and whiskering on F; orange beard. Gold Buttons X H9-163: (Doriot blended purple sdlg: I. mellita x pink sdlg. x Hamblen small pink sldg. mv. Pink Tower, Radiation, Pink Enchantment, Cathedral Bells). Mission Bell 1968

IVORY WINGS - Stack 1965
Sdlg. 56-20. TB, 33" (84 cm), E
S warm white or ivory; F ivory; yellow on haft. (Easter Sunrise x Snow Flurry sdlg.) X (Snow Velvet sdlg. x yellow sdlg).

IVY GREEN - Hinkle 1964
Sdlg. 12-22-1. TB, 32" (81 cm), M
White self, green influence white beard tipped cream. Dear Bob X Brave Viking.

TB, 32" (81 cm), M
Light yellow self. (Pink Formal x Party Dress) X Whole Cloth.

IVYHOLM RUFFLES - A. Johnson 1968
TB, 34" (86 cm), M
S white; F violet. Mary McClellan X Whole Cloth. Merton Calvert Award 1967.

IVY LEAGUE - D. Nearpass 1968
Sdlg. 4-66-18. TB, 36" (91 cm), M
S white; F light blue; yellow beard; ruffled. 9-61-6 (Snow Flurry x Whole Cloth) X Brave Viking. Tell 1969

IBAB - A. Brown 1974
Sdlg. M 961-5AB. AB-MED (1/4), 14" (36 cm), E
S. light blue, veined and rimmed golden yellow; F. golden yellow, marked rosy violet; lavender styles with blue midrib; yellow beard tipped blue. Saffron Charm X Green Lilt. Riverdale Iris 1974

IBERIAN QUEEN - J. Holden 1979
Sdlg. Hjl7a. AB (2/3), 26" (66 cm), EM
S. white with very pale violet flush; F. light lavender center, blending to 1/2" buff rim; dark brown beard. Hh32: (((I. samariae x I. camillae) x ((I. gatesii x I. calcaria) x I. antilibanotica)) x Wilkes sdlg.: ((Imam Salah x Jabal Kerak) x unknown)) X

ICE BALLERINA - C. Wyatt 1973
Sdlg. W-4-70. TB, 32" (81 cm), ML & RE
Ruffled white self; white beard. Fall Primrose X Double Indemnity. Crook Creek 1973

ICE CREAM CASTLE - C. Benson 1974
Sdlg. 74-24B. TB, 36" (91 cm), M
Ruffled chaste white self; white beard. Night Frost X Gateway Parade. C. Benson 1981

ICE CRYSTAL - A. & D. Willott 1978
Sdlg. 78-165. SDB, 11" (28 cm), L
Ruffled pure white self; white beard. Delicate Air X unknown. Willott 1982

ICE CUBE - Tim Craig 1970
Sdlg. R6-70. SDB, 14" (36 cm), L
Cold seafoam self; pineapple yellow thumbprint at haft; gold beard tipped seafoam. Kid X Green Spot.

ICE FIELD - A. Reid 1977
Sdlg. M5/73. IB, 16" (41 cm), E
White with green overlay on F. 'Snow Queen' X unknown.

ICE PALACE - T. Martin 1974
Sdlg. 71-21. IB, 21" (53 cm), M
Pale aqua, quickly fading to white, inconspicuous haft markings; light yellow beard. Dear Love X Babbling Brook.

ICE PRINCESS - J. Saia 1971
Sdlg. 66-1-1. TB, 38-40" (97-102 cm), M
Ice blue buds which open to cool white; white beard. Pacific Panorama X Celestial Snow. Saia 1972

ICE SCULPTURE - Ben Hager 1973
Sdlg. T2592PB. TB, 36" (91 cm), M
Pale blue self. ((Golden Stairs x (Queen's Lace x (Babson E61-1 x Figurine))) x Morning Breeze) X M. Dunn 64-167: (Winter Olympics x Valimar blue sib). Melrose 1975

ICY FIRE - J. Gibson 1970
Sdlg. 161-6B. TB, 36" (91 cm), M
White self with violet cast; red beard. Lorna Lee X Tahiti Sunrise. Gibson 1971

IDAHO BELLE - E. Smith 1973
Sdlg. 71-7. TB, 33" (84 cm), M
Lacy coral pink with yellow glow in center of F.; soft orange beard. Laced Charm X Esther Fay. Smith's Iris 1973

IDAHO BLUEBIRD - E. Smith 1973
Sdlg. 74-34. MDB, 7" (18 cm), E
Soft blue with touch of green veining on F.; yellow beard. Deep Lavender X unknown.

IDAHO GEM - E. Smith 1971
Sdlg. 679349. TB, 34" (86 cm), M
Soft golden copper, flushed rose, old gold shading on haft; orange beard; fluted F. Gracie Pfost X Butterscotch Kiss.

IDAHO SUNSHINE - E. Smith 1972
Sdlg. 68-61. TB, 37" (94 cm), M
Frilled golden yellow self; orange beard. Spanish Affair X Limelight. Smith's Iris 1973

AR, 9" (23 cm), M
S. warm cream (RHS 27D), finely veined and peppered grey-purple (79C); F. warm cream, heavily and coarsely stippled purple (79C), small darker signal; purple (79A) beard. Selected clone of I. damascena.

IDA RED - B. Clark 1978
TB, 36" (91 cm), EM
Deep red-wine; gold-bronze beard. Adam X Fire Ruby. Haltom Road 1979

I DO - L. Zurbrigg 1973
Sdlg. 69-25-W. TB, 32" (81 cm), EM & RE (Sept-Oct in VA)
S. white with slight cast of violet and greenish yellow, green at midrib; F. white with some green texture veining in center; white beard tipped pale yellow; ruffled. Grand Baroque X Amy. Avonbank 1974

IDOL'S EYE - Ben Hager 1973
Sdlg. 2230D. SDB, 13" (33 cm), E
Ruby red self; self beard. Regards X Cherry Garden. Melrose Gardens 1973

IDYLLIC - H. Schmelzer 1970
Sdlg. B-2 S. TB, 34" (86 cm), ML
Nasturtium orange self; self beard. (Apricot Royal x Bright Magic) X Bright Butterfly. Schmelzer 1971

IGLOO - Ben Hager 1977
Sdlg. T2792Wh. TB, 38" (97 cm), ML
Blue-white to pale blue around midrib and haft; pale yellow beard. Grand Waltz X Madeira Belle. Melrose Gardens 1978

ILA CRAWFORD - Ben Hager 1976
Sdlg. S447C. SPU, 36" (91 cm), M
Ruffled white self; orange-yellow signal. Marilyn Holloway X Allegory. Keppel, Melrose 1976

ILAH - G. Plough 1975
Sdlg. 69-14-59. TB, 36" (91 cm), E-L
S. heliotrope (636/3) with lighter (636/2) tips; F. white blending to heliotrope (636/2) on edges and tips; white beard tipped orange, deeper in throat. Silver Shadows X Dream Time. Eden Road 1976

ILGENGOLD - E. Berlin 1979
Sdlg. 102-B-Mitte. LAEV, 35" (90 cm), M
S. light yellow; F. strong yellow with clear brown markings. Colchicine-treated seed of I. pseudacorus of unknown origin. Schoeppinger Irisgarten 1980

ILLINI CHARM - S. Varner 1974
Sdlg. V273. SIB, 24" (61 cm), E-L
Light wine and lilac. Sensenbach #6 X Tealwood. Illini Iris 1975

ILLINI JOY - S. Varner 1974
Sdlg. 915B. TB, 36" (91 cm), ML
Apricot self (RHS 29A/B); tangerine beard. Monticello X Rainbow Gold. Illini Iris 1974

ILLINI MOON - S. Varner 1975
Sdlg. 989. TB, 32" (81 cm), EM
Cream-white self; light yellow hafts and beard. 271: (((Good and Plenty x Mary Randall sdlg.) x Enchanted Pink) x Angel Curls) X 3107: (Lipstick x Lipstick). Illini Iris 1976

ILLINI PEACE - S. Varner 1975
Sdlg. 1283. SIB, 33" (84 cm), ML
White self, slightly ruffled F.; flat umbrella shape. Wisley White X Wisley White. Illini Iris 1976

ILLINI REPEATER - S. Varner 1971
Sdlg. 712. TB, 34" (86 cm), EM & RE
S. plum red plicata markings on cream ground; F. cream ground with plum red plicata edge and slight center line of plum red. Full Circle X Memphis Lass. Illini Iris 1972

ILLINI SUN - L. Whitten 1973
Sdlg. 5-C69. TB, 36" (91 cm), M-L
Fluted medium yellow self; darker yellow beard. Radiant Sun X 33A-66: (Illini Gold x Coraband).

IL MAGNIFICO - N. Scopes 1972
Sdlg. 215/69. TB, 36" (91 cm), M-L
Deep purple self. Maddalena X Royal Touch. Orpington Nurseries 1973

IMAGE MAKER - B. Williamson 1979
Sdlg. 777-1. TB, 34" (86 cm), M-L
S. light citrus lemon; F. full citrus lemon; yellow-orange beard. Baroque Prelude X Buttonwillow. Pacific Coast Hybridizers 1983

IMAGINE - B. Blyth 1972
Sdlg. D 227-3. TB, 34" (86 cm), E-M
S. orchid-pink; F. deeper orchid-pink with blue infusion around pink beard. Rhythm and Blues X Sunset Snows. Tempo Two 1973/4

IMITATION SKY - T. Muhlestein 1974
Sdlg. 128 A. TB, 36" (91 cm), M-L
Azure blue self; light lemon yellow beard. Ivy League X Crowning Glory. Tell 1974

IMMOLATION - Ben Hager 1977
Sdlg. T2780WRd. TB, 36" (91 cm), M
Red sienna blend; yellow beard. T2222B: (((Tall Chief x Foray) x (Caldron x Captain Gallant)) x (Huntsman x Craig red sdlg.)) X Vitafire. Melrose Gardens 1978

IMPALA - L. Gaulter 1973
Sdlg. 67-14. TB, 34" (86 cm), M
White trimmed yellow, purple stripes radiating from haft on F.; tangerine beard. Claudia Rene X long line of sdlgs. inv. Claudia Rene. Cooley's 1974

IMPELLING - J. Boushay 1979
Sdlg. 71-BE-19. BB, 21" (54 cm), M
Pink and yellow blend with more yellow on hafts; persimmon orange (Wilson 710) beard. 69-BO-11: (Kingdom x Ultrapoise) X unknown. J. & J. Iris 1979

IMPERIAL BALLET - D. Palmer 1970
Sdlg. 1766R. TB, 36" (91 cm), M
Ruffled violet self; white beard tipped pale blue. 13463A: (Seaborne x (Frost and Flame x Lipstick)) X 14463B: (((Butterfly Blue x (Faught white sdlg. x Spanish Peaks)) x sib) x Van Cliburn). Echo Hill 1971

Sdlg. 70-8. SPU, 40" (102 cm), M
Vivid yellow (Nickerson 56 8/12), heavily veined brown (overall effect is deep bronze); tiny yellow signal. Driftwood X Imperial Night. Cordon Bleu 1971

IMPERIAL GOLD - E. McCown 1978
Sdlg. 73-11. SPU, 54" (137 cm), M
Brilliant yellow self. Imperial Bronze X Woodwind. Cordon Bleu 1978

IMPERIAL MELODY - K. Van Dexter 1971
Sdlg. 2-M-68. TB, 37" (94 cm), M
Strong purple (Nickerson 7.5P 4/10) self with vivid greenish yellow hafts, striped moderate brown (7.5 YR 4/5) Violet Harmony X Marion Hamilton. Maplecroft Iris 1973

IMPERIAL PLUM - E. McCown 1973
Sdlg. 71-18. SPU, 40" (102 cm), L
Deep purple (Nickerson 5P 3/9) self; small yellow signal. 67-36: (Imperial Night x Imperial Song) X Red Oak. Cordon Bleu 1974

IMPERIAL RUBY - E. McCown 1973
Sdlg. 70-5. SPU, 48" (122 cm), M
Deep purple-red (Nickerson 7.5RP) self; small yellow signal. Dark and Handsome X Imperial Burgundy. Cordon Bleu 1977

IMPERIAL SWAN - A. Howe by Mrs. Howe 1974
Sdlg. 68/19. TB, 36" (91 cm), M
Ruffled white with yellow hafts. Aurelian X 5/69B.

IMPERSONATOR - S. Babson 1974
Sdlg. V90-5. Flat TB, 38" (97 cm), M
S. none; F. full blue-violet, lighter area ln center; white beard. Tambourine X Shipshape. Melrose Gardens 1975

IMPISH SMILE - M. Reed 1973
AB-MED, 12-15" (30-38 cm), EM
S. blue-violet; F. slightly darker, prominent veining, lighter around dark violet beard. Unknown parentage. Sierra Vista 1973

IMPOSSIBLE DREAM - H. Schmelzer 1976
Sdlg. 42N5. TB, 40" (102 cm), M
Deep violet self; self beard; frilled. Matinata X Bunch o' Violets. Schmelzer 1976

INAMORATA - C. Tompkins 1977
Sdlg. 72-668B. TB, 38" (97 cm), M-VL
Heavily ruffled pale medium pink self; self beard. (((Pink Pussycat x May Hall) x (Pink Pussycat x Flaming Heart)) x ((Cameo Coral x Grand Teton) x Pink Pussycat)) X (Irish Lullaby x Ovation). Fleur de Lis 1975

INA ROGERS - T. Muhlestein 1971
Sdlg. 63-40. TB, 36" (91 cm), M-L
Petunia violet self. Fona X Dresdenette. Tell 1971

INAUGURATION - N. Henderson 1975
Sdlg. 74-2A. TB, 36" (91 cm), M
S. warm white, shading to pale yellow at base; F. oxblood red (RHS 183C) with very narrow whitish border; yellow beard. Wine and Roses X Milestone.

INCA IDOL - Earl Roberts 1973
Sdlg. 73R6. MDB, 5" (13 cm), E
S. medium blue; F. solid plum spot edged lighter blue; pale blue beard. Brownett X Spring Joy.

INCANTATION - Joseph Ghio 1977
Sdlg. 73-130B. TB, 32" (81 cm), EM
S. deep blue; F. blue-white; blue-white beard. Sea Venture X Mystique.

INCA SPIRIT - C. Swearengen by E. Welch 1971
JI, 45" (114 cm), M
Off-white with lavender cast, heavy mulberry (RHS 77A) stripes radiating from solid bluish eye at haft, which blends into near white; ruffled mulberry crest. Mulberry Pie X Sky and Water."

INCA STAR - Earl Roberts 1973
Sdlg. 73R5. MDB, 6" (15 cm), EE
S. bright yellow; F. deep gold, edged yellow; white beard. Brownett X Spring Joy. E Roberts 1975

INCA TOY - Earl Roberts 1973
Sdlg. 73R7. MDB, 5" (13 cm), E
Medium blue with purple-maroon spot and neat blue edge on F.; white beard. Brownett X Spring Joy. E Roberts 1975

INDEPENDENCE PASS - R. Jeffries 1977
Sdlg. J65-53-A. TB, 40" (102 cm), E-L
Pale wistaria blue (Wilson 640/3) self; orange-yellow beard tipped white. All Eternity X Celestial Snow. Kansas Rainbow Gardens 1977

INDIAN JEWEL - A. Brown 1973
Sdlg. M 1596-17. SDB, 11" (28 cm), L
S. white; F. enamel blue (Wilson 48/3) blending to white at edge; white beard blending to yellow in throat. M 1260-2: (Green Lilt x Grace Note) X unknown. J. & J. Iris 1974

INDIAN LORE - H. Schmelzer 1977
Sdlg. 45 M 74. TB, 38-40" (97-102 cm), EML
Indian lake self with large blue blaze on F.; deep bronze beard. Merry Monarch sib X War Lord. Schmelzer 1977

INDIAN MAIDEN - G. Stambach 1971
Sdlg. CI-1-65. CA, 13-15"" (33-38 cm), E
Rose red self; small yellow signal. Claremont Indian X unknown.

INDIAN MOON - F. Gadd 1972
Sdlg. 39-68A. TB, 32" (81 cm), M
Ruffled buttercup yellow self; yellow beard. Yelloba X ((Golden Masterpiece x Riviera) x (Techny Chimes x Frances Kent)). Wethersfield 1974

INDIAN POW WOW - A. Brown 1971
Sdlg. M 1404-18. SDB, 13" (33 cm), EM
S. creamy tan, lighter at edges and darker midribs; F. dark brown; flax blue beard, M 1293-7: (Snow Troll x Grace Note) X Gingerbread Man. Brown's Iris 1972

INDIAN PRINCESS - M. Hamblen 1975
Sdlg. H70-34A. TB, 36" (91 cm), M-L
S. near greyed purple (RHS 187A); F. violet (88C) bordered with deeper tone of S. color; orange beard with blue base at tip. Cosmopolitan X (Touche sib x Commentary). Mission Bell 1976

INDIAN SIGN - Schreiner's 1970
Sdlg. A 462-A. TB, 36" (91 cm), E
Light golden tan to light russet with bluish lavender blaze on F., deep brown shoulder markings on hafts; brown-orange beard. Wenatchee Kid X Tahitian Bronze. Schreiner's 1970

INDIAN SUNSHINE - G. Stambach 1973
Sdlg. 72-70. CA, 16" (41 cm), L
Yellow self. Stambach sdlg. X Claremont Indian.

INDIAN TERRITORY - Joseph Ghio 1979
Sdlg. 74-64V. TB, 38" (97 cm), EM
Red-brown self; red-brown beard. Malaysia X 71-19C: (Show Time x (Ponderosa x New Moon)). Bay View Gardens 1980

INDIAN TRAIL - K. Carstensen 1970
TB, 35" (89 cm), M
Ruffled brown self; matching beard. Celestial Sunset X Homecoming. Nick's Iris 1971

INDIGENT ARAB - J. Holden 1967
, ,
Name transfered to sdlg. Ha32a in 1973.

INDIGENT ARAB - J. Holden 1973
Sdlg. Ha32a. AR (OH), 18" (46 cm), M
S. silver grey ground with light brown veining; F. same, heavily veined brown; small dark brown signal; brown beard. I. lycotis X (I. gatesii x I. calcaria). Aril Iris Farm 1973

INDIGO AMO - A. Morgan 1978
Sdlg. M78-12. TB, 36" (91 cm), M
S. white; F. indigo with precise lighter rim; yellow beard. Unknown parentage. Iris Test Gardens 1981

INDIGO CROWN - A. & D. Willott 1976
Sdlg. 74-13. SDB, 10 1/2" (27 cm), M
S. medium violet-blue; F. olive-green; deep violet-blue beard. 70-8: (Fairy Frolic x Blueberry Muffins) X Blueberry Muffins. Willott 1976

INDIGO RIM - J. Gibson 1977
Sdlg. 39-8A. TB, 46" (117 cm), M
S. aconite violet with white center; F. pure white with narrow intense aconite violet rim; yellow beard tipped deep violet. Bold Overture X Stepping Out. Gibson 1974

IN DREAMS - B. Blyth 1972
Sdlg. D227-4. TB, 34" (86 cm), M-L
Soft creamy apricot-buff self; self beard. Rhythm and Blues X Sunset Snows. Tempo Two 1973/74

INEFFABLE - L. Zurbrigg 1970
Sdlg. 68-81-6. TB, 35" (89 cm), M & RE
White with influences of pale violet and pale yellow; stigmatic lip distinctly deeper violet; pale yellow beard, deeper in throat. Swiss Majesty X Grand Baroque.

INEZ CONGER - C. Arny 1973
Sdlg. FW3-71. LA, 42" (107 cm), M
White self; large orange signal. Ila Nunn X Gulf Surf. Charjoy 1973

INFATUATION - G. Corlew 1974
Sdlg. 721-3A. TB, 32" (81 cm), M
Very light true pink self; white beard tipped tangerine-pink. Cherub Choir X Pink Taffeta. Corlew 1977

INFERNO - Schreiner's 1973
Sdlg. D 950-1. TB, 40" (102 cm), M
Rich ruby with velvety sheen of plum wine shadings; subdued orange-brown beard. Y 728-A: (Ruby Mine x Gypsy Jewels) X War Lord. Schreiner's 1975

INFINITY - W. Newhard 1972
Sdlg. 558. TB, 36" (91 cm), ML
Light blue-violet with touch of brown on hafts; white beard. Amethyst Flame X Rippling Waters. Palette 1972

TB, 36" (91 cm), EM
Light blue with violet cast. ((Pink Tailor x Mary Randall) x (Gray Lace x Belle Meade)) X Winter Olympics. Sunnyside Gardens 1971/72

INGLEBOROUGH - B.L.C. Dodsworth 1979
Sdlg. EB 38. TB, 38" (97 cm), M
Mulberry (RHS 80A) self. Annabel Jane X Mulberry Wine. Dodsworth 1983

INGRID - Rogers-Johnson 1944
, ,
Name released 1972.

INGRID - C. Gantz R. 1972) 1972
Sdlg. 64-200. IB, 22" (56 cm), E
S. dark yellow (Nickerson 5Y 6/7) flushed maroon; F. yellow with pale violet blaze; orange beard. Mary Randall X (Pink Formal x Carpathia). Old Brook 1973

Sdlg. 6/29. TB, 36" (91 cm), M-L
White with blue infusion at base of S.; tangerine beard. 4/51B: (Lula Marguerite x Georgie Ernst) X Arctic Flame. Linnegar 1974

INHERITANCE - S. Babson 1977
Sdlg. V141-9. TB, 36" (91 cm), EM
Pale orchid self, fading to white; full orchid beard. S40-6: (Claremont Classic x High Above) X P106-1: (Apropos x Commentary). Melrose Gardens 1978

IN LOVE - B. Blyth 1979
Sdlg. K30-2. TB, 34" (86 cm), E-M
S. pink with faint violet infusion around midrib; F. pastel lilac, deepening toward coral-red beard, pink area around hafts. Sostenique X Love Bandit. Tempo Two 1979/80

INNER ACCENT - A. & D. Willott 1978
SDB, 11" (28 cm), M
White ground plicata with purple markings on inner half of both S. & F.; purple stylearms; beard purple and white. Carousel Princess X 73-17: (Carousel Princess x Tiffy). Willott 1982

INNER CIRCLE - Joseph Ghio 1976
Sdlg. 72-64Q. BB, 24" (61 cm), E-M
Light blue with deep red-blue blot on F.; blue beard. (Passport x Skylab) X Dialogue. Bay View Gardens 1977

INNOCENT HEART - A. Howe by M. Howe 1974
Sdlg. 8/33. IB, 15" (38 cm), E
S. yellow; F. yellow, flushed brown-red; yellowbeard. Merry Note X unknown. Linnegar 1975

INSCRIPTION - J. Boushay 1978
Sdlg. 73-Q-5. SDB, 12 1/2" (32 cm), M
S. mimosa yellow (Wilson 602); F. slightly lighter with heliotrope thumbprint; tangerine beard tipped yellow. M 1671-15: (Pink Cushion x unknown) X M 1704-11: ((Pink Cushion x Lenna M) x (Pink Cushion x Lenna M)). J. & J. Iris 1978

INSTANT CHARM - Opal Brown 1974
Sdlg. 9-10F2. TB, 38" (97 cm), M
S. neyron rose (RHS 56B); F. same, lavender saturation at crinkled edges and amber-pink blend at hafts; coral beard. (Rippling Waters x (Pipes of Pan x Dawn Flight)) X sib. Brown's Sunnyhill Gardens 1974

INSTANT LOVE - M. Hamblen 1976
Sdlg. H71-39. TB, 34" (86 cm), E-L
S. light red (RHS 49C); F. creamy light red; orange-red (32A) beard. Country Lilac X Carolina Delight. Mission Bell 1977

INSTIGATOR - Rex Brown 1975
Sdlg. 71-12-2. TB, 38" (97 cm), M-L
S. aureolin yellow (Wilson 3/1); F. heliotrope (636/3) with 3/8" band of caramel; yellow beard. 69-2-4: (Gala Affair x Gala Madrid) X Punchline. J. & J. Iris 1976

IN TEMPO - B. Blyth 1974
Sdlg. F126-1. TB, 36" (91 cm), VE-M
S. soft pink; F. purple-black; tangerine-red beard. Barcelona X Outer Limits. Tempo Two 1974/75

INTENSE DEEP GOLD - A. Morgan 1979
Sdlg. M76-79. TB, 36" (91 cm), M-L
Deep gold self. Trustworthy X N73-77. Iris Test Gardens 1981

Sdlg. M78-21. TB, 35" (89 cm), L
Laced deep gold self. Unknown parentage. Iris Test Gardens 1981

INTERPLAY - Ben Hager 1970
Sdlg. BB2047A. BB, 26" (66 cm), M
S. pale orchid; F. light orchid; pale yellow beard. T1577B: ((Native Dancer x Progenitor) x Glittering Amber) X TlS75D: ((Native Dancer x Progenitor) x June Meredith). Melrose Gardens 1970

INTERPOL - G. Plough 1972
Sdlg. 66-161-18. TB, 36" (91 cm), ML
Fluted black from purple side; beard same with each hair tipped mustard. 64-63-22: (Study in Black sib x Black Swan) X Charcoal sib. Eden Road 1973

IN THE BEGINNING - L. Roach 1977
Sdlg. 56-29A. TB, 39" (99 cm), EM
S. smoky overlay on mimosa yellow (between 0862/3 and 602); F. same with darker flush on center, brown veins at haft radiating from orange beard. Char-Maize X ((Alta California x Indian Chief) x Lucre). Riverbank Gardens 1977

IN THE BUFF - R. Sobek 1979
Sdlg. 721-2. IB, 26" (66 cm), M
S. Spanish orange (near RHS 26D); F. paler than S. (27A) with richer orange hafts;beard orange in heart, white toward end. Charmaine X Platinum Gold. Sobek 1979

IN THE PINK - L. Peterson 1974
Sdlg. LP 71-42. TB, 34" (86 cm), M-L
Rose-pink (HCC 427/1) self; deeper pink beard. Paris Gown X LP 69-18: (May Orchid x ((La Negra Flor x Orange Parade) x Tantallon)). Peterson 1975

INTROIT - F. Carr 1970
Sdlg. 66-10-C. TB, 34" (86 cm), ML
Heliotrope (HCC 636/2) self with small white area emanating from beard, subdued reddish tangerine haft markings; reddish tangerine beard. Rippling Waters X Orchid Brocade. Carr 1973

INTUITION - Joseph Ghio 1975
Sdlg. 71-137B. TB, 33" (84 cm), ML
Dark blue self; green-brown beard. ((((Frosted Starlight x Wizard sib) x (First Courtship x ((Ca-hokia x Pierre Menard) x (Black Forest x Chivalry))) x sib) x sib) X Shipshape. Bay View Gardens 1977

INTY GREYSHUN - A. Ensminger 1978
Sdlg. 71-26. BB, 26" (66 cm), M
Amethyst violet (HCC 35/1) with white flecks and stripes;white beard with light yellow base; laced. Stepping Out X 69-31: (((58-6 x My Happiness) x (Frost and Flame x Belle Meade)) x ((60-36 x Dutch Doll) x Rococo)). Varigay Gardens 1979

INVOKING - A. Brown by J. Boushay 1975
Sdlg. M 1565-9. SDB, 11" (28 cm), M
S. mauvette (Wilson 537/3) with brown base; F. mauvette with brown center; white beard tipped yellow. M 1376-3: (Wine and Roses x Baby Jewel) X self. J. & J. Iris 1975

INYO - E. Soults 1970
Sdlg. 657. TB, 30" (76 cm), ML
Violet with red-brown at hafts; violet-blue beard. Twilight Zone X Commentary. Inyo Gardens 1972

IOLANI - R. Stuart 1975
Sdlg. S 66-72. BB, 18" (46 cm), E
S. light yellow; F. white-yellow blend, yellow rim; yellow beard; ruffled. White Dot X Tulare. Old Brook 1975

IONE - Lawler 1924
, ,
Obsolete. Name released 1976.

IONE - C. Arny 1976
Sdlg. RoPf-2-72. LA, 42" (107 cm).,
Flat rose-pink self; large triangular-shaped yellow signal. Deneb X Dora Dey. Charjoy 1976

IONE MORGAN - A. Morgan 1978
Sdlg. M76-4. TB, 34" (85 cm), E-M
S. light tan-amber; F. red with light amber rim; yellow beard. Howdy Folks X Stunning. Iris Test Gardens 1981

IRENE NELSON - Bennett Jones 1975
Sdlg. 68-46-1. TB, 34" (86 cm), M
S. violet (HCC 735/1); F. white, violet border; tangerine beard. ((((Frances Kent x Mary Randall) x Frost and Flame) x Beattie 59-41) x Blue Dove) X (((Frances Kent x Mary Randall) x Frost and Flame) x Blue Dove). B Jones 1976

IRENE PAYNE - F. Payne 1976
Sdlg. 6-8. TB, 40" (102 cm), E
S. dark blue with very small and faint white mark; F. white with 3/4" edge of dark blue and very faint blue stippling. Siva Siva X Rococo.

Sdlg. B-12-1. TB, 34" (86 cm), M-L
Iridescent lavender-orchid self; yellow beard tipped orchid. Brass Accents X Henry Shaw.

IRISH BABY - D. Rawdon 1977
Sdlg. 7514-2. MDB, 4 1/2" (11 cm), E
S. greyed white (RHS 155A); F. light yellow (3C), edged white (155D); white beard, yellow in throat. Golden Fair X Carpathia. Riverdale Iris 1978

IRISH BELLE - A. Brown 1972
Sdlg. H 1402-10. SDB, 10-11" (25-28 cm), M
S. light chartreuse-green; F. medium chartreuse-green; light blue beard. M 1278-19: (Lilli-Var x Grace Note) X Gingerbread Man. J. & J. Iris 1973

IRISH COLLEEN - L. Blackley 1977
Sdlg. 71-13. BB, 17" (43 cm), EM
Greenish white self, slightly deeper in throat; white beard tipped yellow in throat. Gold Lightning X (Frances Kent x sdlg.).

IRISH CROCHET - W. Vallette 1974
BB, 24" (61 cm), EM-ML
Laced greenish cream. (plicata sdlg. x pink sdlg.) X Green Flare. Come 'N' Look Gardens 1975

IRISH HEART - Earl Roberts 1974
Sdlg. 73R13A. SDB, 12" (30 cm), EM
S. white; F. greenish yellow, wide white border; white beard. Music Maker X Canary Caper.

IRISH LADY - H. Hite 1972
MDB, 6" (15 cm), E
S. white; F. green, bordered white. A-24-57: (G-61 x Green Spot) X Welch H-501. Hite 1972

IRISH LASS - A. Ensminger 1976
Sdlg. 173-1. SDB, 12" (30 cm), M-L
S. agathia green (HCC 60/3); F. butterfly blue (645/3); blue beard. 71-9: (Spring Salute x ((Patience x Welch N-503) x (Jungle Shadows x I. pumila))) X 71-2: ((Jungle Shadows x I. pumila - sibbed) x ((Jungle Shadows x Cretica) x Kavan 11-66)).

IRISH SPRING - B. Roe 1972
Sdlg. C-22-VFS. TB, 34" (86 cm), M
Ruffled white, pale green overlay on F., deeper green shoulders; pale lemon beard. Majestic Swan X A97: (inv. Char-Maize, Appointee,Cool Valley, Summit). Pacific Coast Hyb 1973

IRISH TOUCH - L. Peterson 1973
Sdlg. LP 66-13AA. AB, 20" (51 cm), EM
Pale pastel green-chartreuse; deeper greenish beard. Imaret X Soni Ce. Peterson 1973

IRISH TUNE - G. Plough 1977
Sdlg. 73-40-40. TB, 35" (89 cm), E-L
Greenish tint of sulphur yellow; yellow beard. Green Eyed Lady X Prideof Ireland. Eden Road 1978

IRISH WHISKEY - D. Lorenz 1971
Sdlg. 69-30E. TB, 32" (81 cm), L
Ruffled intense golden yellow, lighter in center of F.; self beard. Tinsel Town X Reta Fry.

IRISOYA - W. Eberle 1978
Sdlg. 65/65/alpha. TB, 35 1/2" (90 cm), L
Light blue-lilac with yellow sheen; mustard crests with lilac veining; yellow beard. Jane Phillips X Tan Boy.

IRRESISTIBLE YOU - J. Patterson 1970
Sdlg. 1568. TB, 38" (97 cm), M
S. pale yellow, rose midrib; F. deep rose; yellow beard. (Miss Indiana x Bounding Main) X Crinkled Beauty. Patterson 1970

ISHMAEL - J. Boushay 1976
Sdlg. 72-E-6. SDB, 13" (33 cm), M-L
S,violet (Wilson 36) with tan blended on top half; F. yellow-brown with maroon (2030) on hafts and down both sides; bluebird blue beard. Gingerbread Man X M 1404-23: ((Snow Troll x Grace Note) x Gingerbread Man). J. & J. Iris 1977

ISLAND FIESTA - G. Plough 1978
Sdlg. 74-72-4. TB, 35" (89 cm), E-L
S. solid bluebird blue (042/3); F. white with brushed overall patternof blue (042/1& 042/2), hafts edged barium yellow (053/1); barium yellow beard. Pencil Sketch X Sketch Me. Eden Road 1979

ISLANDS OF LIGHT - B. Williamson 1971
Sdlg. 2568. BB, 26" (66 cm), M
S. cream, finely veined yellow; F. cream-white, deeper cream border and shoulders; cream beard. Light and Lovely X 64-44: (Flaming Heart x Glittering Amber). Pacific Coast 1973

ISLE OF CAPRI - F. Spahn 1976
Sdlg. 72A1. TB, 37" (94 cm), EM
S. pure orange, slightly deeper at hafts; F. orange, slightly lighter near intense orange-red beard; ruffled. Kingdom X New Moon. Spahn 1977

ISLE OF ZOAR - F. Gadd 1971
Sdlg. 6-C-42. AB, 36" (91 cm), E
Medium blue (RHS 1018) self; black beard. 52-37: (Spanish Peaks x Jane Phillips) X Capitola. Wethersfield Iris 1972

I SPY - L. Zurbrigg 1970
Sdlg. 65-26A-20. TB, 36" (91 cm), EM & RE
S. blended brown and violet, showing some veining but self effect; F. blended dark red, white veining at haft; yellow-orange beard. Northern Spy X Double Majesty. Avonbank 1971

ITSA GIRL - G. Slade 1978
Sdlg. 74-1-3. TB, 34" (86 cm), M
Pink, lightening to almost white in center of F.; tangerine beard. Pink Peace X Coral Ice. Slade's Iris 1980

IT'S HERE - E. Jaeger 1973
Sdlg. 70-2. BB, 24" (61 cm), E-M
S. snow white; F. lemon yellow; pale yellow beard. From two Jaeger sdlgs. Jaeger 1975

IT'S TOPS - B. Tolman 1979
Sdlg. 73-29-A. SDB, 14-16" (36-41 cm), M
S. gold; F. gold, washed brown; gold beard. 71-1-9: (Tulare x Grace Note) X Gingerbread Nan. Tolman 1979

ITTI BITTI WHITE - F. Williams 1972
Sdlg. N-I. MDB, 6" (15 cm), E
White self; creamy white beard. (Green Spot x Allah) X ((April Morn x White Mite) x sib). Williams 1973

IVORY PLUMES - G. Plough 1979
Sdlg. 74-90-9. TB, 33" (84 cm), EM
Heavily ruffled rich ivory-cream, clean lemon yellow hafts; light orange beard tipped white. Snow Basin X Cream Taffeta. Eden Road 1980

IVORY SHIMMER - C. Palmer 1975
Sdlg. 7433. SDB, 12" (30 cm), E
S. white with yellow tint; F. ivory-white to pale cream, pale yellow tipand very pale yellow narrow rim, medium yellow haft veining; yellow beard tipped light yellow. 6840: (Tinkerbell x Knotty Pine) X unknown. C Palmer, Riverdale Iris 1976

, ,
Sunnyside Gardens 1969/70

IVYHOLM SHIRLEY - A. Johnson 1971
TB, 33" (84 cm), M
Apricot-orange self. Rippling Waters X Orange Chariot.

IYAMA STAR - J. Shook 1976
Sdlg. 1H5. JI, 30" (76 cm), M
Dark red-violet, yellow signal, blue halo extending 1/2" into petals, purple veining; self stylearms and cockade. Good Omen X O-H5: (Good Omen x unknown). Shook 1976

IZONYA - J. Holden 1979
Sdlg. Hh27a. AB (2/3), 16" (41 cm), EM
S. pale blue-violet; F. cream center, blending to blue-violet; small black signal. Hd25: ((I. samariae x I. barnumae) x ((Austin 510-OY x #7) x Austin 510-OY-60)) X Wilkes sdlg.: (((Imam Salah x Imaret) x Imam Salah) x Almost). Aril Iris Farm 1979

IAPETUS - S. Innerst 1987
Sdlg. 1540-2. JI 6 F., 34" 86 cm, M
Ruffled light ground, sanded and veined deep blue violet to red violet, blue violet halo; deep red violet styles. 928-1: ("Marihiri" x Valiant Prince) X Frostbound. Ensata Gardens 1988 HM 1990, AM 1994, Payne 1997

I BLESS - L. Zurbrigg 1984
Sdlg. P 35Re. IB, 18" 46 cm, M & RE Oct in VA
Lightly ruffled cream; creamy yellow beard. I Do X Baby Blessed. Avonbank Gardens 1985

ICE ANGEL - Albert Faggard 1988
Sdlg. FV-1-81. LA, 36" 91 cm, M
White, diamond dusted icy blue; pure white style arms, pencil line gold crests. Sdlg. (light blue) X unknown. Faggard 1991

ICE BALLET - L. Gartman 1981
Sdlg. 178-25W. TB, 33" 84 cm, M
Lacy blue white; red beard. Carved Cameo X Entourage. Hillview Gardens 1982

ICE BOWL - K. Bastow 1980
AR, 15" 38 cm, E
White, prominent yellow beard. Selected clone of I. Hoogiana Alba.

ICE CASTLE - J. McWhirter 1983
Sdlg. J77-47-1. TB, 38" 97 cm, M
Ruffled bluish white, blended blue purple in heart, slight gold shoulders; yellow beard tipped blue. Cup Race X J74-40-1: (Goodnight Irene X Coastline). Cottage Gardens 1983

ICE CAVE - M. Wright by C. Lankow 1985
Sdlg. T72. TB, 39" 98 cm, M
S. ice blue (RHS 97C), slightly deeper at base; F. blue white, some pale blue on hafts; light blue beard tipped pale yellow. Unknown parentage. Kirkland Iris, Riverdale Iris 1986

ICE CHALET - Paul Black 1981
Sdlg. B-80-27. SDB, 14" 36 cm, M
S. icy white with blue infusion at base and up midrib, grey green veining; F. icy white with bluish cast, grey green thumbprint at hafts; lavender blue beard; ruffled; pronounced sweet fragrance. Stockholm X Chartreuse Babe. Mid-America Gardens 1982

ICE CHIP - O. D. Niswonger 1986
Sdlg. 4-80B. SDB, 12" 30 cm, M
Starchy white, pale blue spot around white beard. Starry Eyed X unknown, probably self. Cape Iris 1986

ICED LEMONADE - A. & D. Willott 1985
Sdlg. 80-27. SDB, 12" 30 cm, E-M
S. ruffled pale yellow; F. warm white, yellow hafts; pale yellow and blue beard. Erin Lad X Sylvan Spring. Willott 1986

ICED OPALS - Helen Monroe 1984
Sdlg. U5140. TB, 36" 91 cm, M
Ruffled white, lemon yellow beard tipped white. Cream Taffeta X Pink Angel. Pacific Coast Hybridizers 1987

ICE FESTIVAL - J. Allen by J. Hedgecock 1987
Sdlg. R3C. TB, 32" 81 cm, M
Ruffled pale blue white; pale blue beard, gold in throat. Sapphire Hills X Rebecca Anne. Comanche Acres 1988

ICE 'N LEMON - Dale Johnson 1987
Sdlg. 1-183. TB, 32" 81 cm, M
S. white, edged primrose yellow (RHS 4B); F. white, yellow shoulders and edge; beard white to primrose (4A) in throat; lemon fragrance. Debby Rairdon X Ad Astra. Johnson's Iris 1988

ICE PALACE - T. Martin 1974
IB, ,
Stock destroyed and name released 1985.

ICE PALACE - Frank Foster 1985
Sdlg. 79-464C. TB, 35" 89 cm, M
Ruffled light silver blue with frosty sheen; bluish yellow beard. 395C: (Age of Aquarius x Snow Goddess) X 79-501-11A: ((Alabama Bound x Henry Shaw) x (Age of Aquarius x Meadow Brook)). Vagabond Gardens 1986

ICE REVIEW - Opal Brown 1987
Sdlg. 82-9C1. TB, 35" 89 cm, M
Lightly ruffled cool white, greenish midrib, light blue flush in heart; cerulean blue beard. 73-687: (inv. Blue Miller, Winter Olympics, Goodness, Bluebell Lane, Queen's Favor, Silver Trail) X Song of Norway. Brown's Sunnyhill Gardens 1987

ICHIBAN - A. Faggard 1984
Sdlg. FF-2-80. LA, 36" 91 cm, E
Wine red to fuchsia red, long and narrow green yellow-gold crest on all parts; blended green yellow style arms. Delta Star X sdlg. Faggard 1986

ICY PEAKS - A. Vogt 1981
Sdlg. E-2569. JI 6 F., 31" 79 cm, M
White with light violet (RHS 88D) veining, yellow green (1A) signal; dark violet (88A) style arms. Flush O' Violet X Scheherazade. John Wood 1988

IDAMANTES - E. Woerfel 1982
Sdlg. 18/78. TB, 35" 90 cm, M
S. lilac with white center; F. lilac with white center; yellow beard. (Stepping Out x Salem Lass) X Buttercup Bower. Fachgruppe Iris 1983

IDA MARY PATTISON - H. Briscoe 1981
Sdlg. 7746A. IB, 17" 43 cm, M
Ruffled light blue; gold beard. Baby Baron X 7266E: (Mrs. Nate Rudolph x (Ruffled Imp x Atomic Blue)). 4-Square Iris 1983

IDA'S FLASH - H. Sprowls 1988
Sdlg. H-86-127. TB, 31" 78 cm, E
S. red lavender; F. red maroon, lighter throat, darker maroon center; old gold beard. Ida Red X White Lightning. Nortex Iris 1989

IDLE GOSSIP - H. Rowlan 1987
Sdlg. 84 LA 2. LA, 33" 84 cm, M
Ruffled dark red purple (RHS 58A), large gold lancehead signal; self styles and crests. Dr. Dormon X Bold Copy. Comanche Acres, Rowlan Irises 1988

IDOL'S DREAM - Evelyn Kegerise 1981
Sdlg. 76-56-Y. TB, 36" 91 cm, E-M
Ruffled medium yellow; yellow orange beard; slight fragrance. Country Manor X 70-20-A: (Moon River x West Coast). Evelyn Kegerise 1982

IDRIS - D. Sparrow 1987
Sdlg. 83/1. CA, 11" 28 cm, M-L
S. white, softly shaded mist blue; F. mist blue wash, pale mustard blaze, pale violet ray. Santa Rita X open pollinated sdlg.

IDSON - L. Reid 1985
SIB 40 chrom., 28-30" 71-76 cm, E
Deep purple, shading to black around signal, white and yellow signal, heavily stitched black purple. Id X unknown. Laurie's Garden 1985

IDYLWILD - Joseph Ghio 1987
Sdlg. PL-312X. CA, 18" 46 cm, ML
White ground washed blue, edged white. ((Simply Wild x Camp Capitola sib) x (Big Wheel x (Pacific Moon x California Native))) X Miramar. Bay View Gardens 1988 HM 1992, AM 1994, Mitch 1996

IGNACIO - Joseph Ghio 1987
Sdlg. PM-231-G3. CA, 12" 30 cm, ML
Rusty red, edged gold. (PQ-218-0: (Banbury Candy x Gone Native) x Foreign Exchange) X PO-207R, Elberta Peach sib. Bay View Gardens 1988

IGNITION - H. Stahly 1989
Sdlg. 8-1-A. BB, 24" 60 cm, M
S. deep violet; F. slightly deeper violet; red beard; lightly ruffled. (75-1-BB: ((Mary Randall x Edenite) x (Orange Chariot x Barcelona)) x 75-20: ((Orange Chariot x Barcelona) x ((Licorice Stick x Black Swan) x Pretty Carol))) X sib. Stahly 1989 HM 1992

ILLA JEAN - J. Meek 1985
Sdlg. 66-5-2. TB, 33" 84 cm, M
Heavily ruffled mauve; self beard. Noyd 69-8-5: Symphonette x sib) X Sweetheart Waltz. D. & J. Gardens 1985

ILLINI CROWN - D. S. Varner 1985
Sdlg. V9147. SIB, 34" 86 cm, M
S. medium deep wine red; F. deep wine red, small white signal veined red. V477: (Tealwood x self) X Deep Shade. Illini Iris 1986

ILLINI DAME - D. S. Varner 1987
Sdlg. 5106. SIB tet., 34" 86 cm, M-ML
S. slightly lighter than F.; ice pink styles with light aqua lavender midrib; F. medium rose lavender. Dance Ballerina Dance sib. Illini Iris 1988 HM 1990

ILLINI FLIRT - D. S. Varner 1984
Sdlg. V9214. SIB tet., 30" 76 cm, M
S. white, tinted pale pink; styles blended white; F. violet pink. Dance Ballerina Dance sib. Illini Iris 1985

ILLINI GLORY - D. S. Varner 1987
Sdlg. 5062. SIB, 28" 71 cm, E-M
Very dark maroon red, small white signal. V9240: (V698, red sdlg., x Ann Dasch) X Illini Ruby. Illini Iris 1989 HM 1991

Sdlg. 6038. SIB, 27" 69 cm, E-M
S. aqua, dappled light purple; styles dappled lilac purple; F. dappled bright medium purple. Friendly Welcome X Sole Command. Illini Iris 1989 HM 1991

ILLINI RUBY - D. S. Varner 1987
Sdlg. V477M. SIB, 28" 71 cm, M
Red, white signal. Mutation of V477, Tealwood X self. Illini Iris 1990 HM 1992

ILLINI STARDUST - D. S. Varner 1988
Sdlg. 3153. SIB diploid, 24" 61 cm, M
Bright light blue, veined deep blue, white signal veined deep blue; bright light blue styles. V969: (Avon sib x Sally Kerlin) X self. Illini Iris 1989

ILLUSION IN LACE - B. Roberts 1982
Sdlg. PT 52-2. TB, 37" 94 cm, L
S. light orchid, deeper at base and edge; dark orchid pink style arms; F. bright medium rosy orchid, edged deeper, white hafts with darker rosy orchid lines, white area around beard, bluish line down from tip of dull orange beard, laced. Pink Taffeta X Cr

I LOVE LACE - J. Durrance 1985
Sdlg. D82-31. TB, 35" 89 cm, M
Ruffled and laced light lavender; tangerine beard. Instant Charm X Hamblen H71 -20. Long's Gardens 1985

ILSE WENDEL - E. Heimann 1980
Sdlg. 7484. TB, 31.5" 80 cm, M
Medium blue. Shipshape X Sapphire Hills. Schoeppinger Irisgarten 1981

IMAGETTE - B. Blyth 1983
Sdlg. Pl5-B. SDB, 12" 30 cm, EM-M
S. white ground, stitched lavender pink; F. white, 1/8" lavender pink plicata edge deepening toward hafts; burnt tangerine beard tipped lilac. Sniffs 'N' Sneezes X Tiger Rouge. Tempo Two 1983/4

IMAGINE ME - B. Blyth 1989
Sdlg. U71-1. TB, 34" 86 cm, E-M
S. apricot, coral apricot flushing around midrib; F. slightly deeper, darker at hafts; bright tangerine beard. Magharee sib X Street Dancer. Tempo Two 1989/90

IMAGINE THAT - Monty Byers 1989
Sdlg. C80-22. TB, 36" 91 cm, M
S. pale blue; F. medium violet blue; white beard tipped red orange, big violet blue flounces; heavily ruffled. (Actress x Sky Hooks) X Condottiere. Moonshine Gardens 1990

IMBERTUS REX - A. Wirz 1984
JI 3 F. diploid, 28" 71 cm, M
Red violet (RHS 85B), veined dark violet (86B), thin white edge; violet (87C) style arms. Unknown parentage.

IMBRI - David Johnson 1983
Sdlg. SX8OA. SDB, 13" 33 cm, M
S. light red violet, dark blue highlight up midrib; F. light red violet with subtle dark blue ray pattern, tiny white blaze around blue beard; lightly ruffled; slight sweet fragrance. Serenity X self. Riverdale Iris 1983

I'M JUST BLUE - B. Blyth 1989
Sdlg. S257-2. SIB, 30" 76 cm, L
Royal blue. Marilyn Holmes X Cleve Dodge. Tempo Two 1989/90

Sdlg. 80/88. JI 3 F. diploid, 32" 80 cm, EM-L
Pure white. 76/19(4): (white Hirao sdlg. x 71/30: 1968 sdlgs. going back to mixed Hirao seeds) X 77/66(1): (74/51: 1966 and 1971 sdlgs. going back to World's Delight and Hirao white sdlg. x unknown). Seaways Gardens 1986

IMMORTALITY - L. Zurbrigg 1982
Sdlg. P 33 Alba. TB, 30" 76 cm, M & RE summer and fall in VA
Ruffled pure white; white beard; slight sweet fragrance. I Do X English Cottage. Avonbank Gardens 1982 AM 1990

IMOGENE PEARL - G. Miller 1987
Sdlg. GM-3-83-1. TB, 36" 91 cm, E-M
S. pale blue, fading to near white; faded blue style arms with darker blue stripe down center; F. darker blue to purple; white beard tipped blue, yellow deep in throat; lightly ruffled; slight sweet fragrance. Patricia Craig X Lord Baltimore. Shepard Iris

Sdlg. BVW84-11. JI 6 F., 38" 97 cm, ML
Blended blue and orchid with a few faint white rays in center, orange signal; white styles edged blue. lnv. sdlgs. Bush 1990

IMPERIAL ORCHID - A. Van Mulders 1985
Sdlg. 29s-84. TB, 38" 97 cm, M
Ruffled violet purple (HCC 33/1); white blue beard. Master Touch X Pink 'N' Mint. Jardinart-Van Mulders Nurseries 1985

IMPERIAL PINK - H. Danielson 1984
Sdlg. T-82-9. TB, 30" 76 cm, ML
Rose pink; deep red rose beard. Entourage X Tangerine Sunset. Pleasure Iris 1985

IMPERIAL SUN - E. McCown 1984
Sdlg. 78-23. SPU, 36-48" 91-122 cm, M
Glowing sulphur lemon to golden orange in center of F.; orange signal. Ripe Wheat X 76-20: (Archie Owen x 71-20). Cordon Bleu 1984

Sdlg. 23-4. TB, 33" 84 cm, M
Ruffled concord grape violet; bluish beard. Celestial Ballet X Cotton Carnival. Pacific Coast Hybridizers 1988

IMPETUOUS - J. Boushay 1980
Sdlg. 71-AT-42. BB, 26" 66 cm, M-L
Ruffled flax blue (Wilson 642/2), lightening to near white below white beard. Babbling Brook X Azure Lace. J. & J. Iris 1980

IMPRESSIONIST - Joseph Ghio 1987
Sdlg. 80-108-P3. TB, 38" 97 cm, L-VL
S. salmon pink; F. maroon, edged salmon pink. 76-196J: (Artiste x Tupelo Honey) X Far Corners. Bay View Gardens 1988 HM 1990

IMPRESSIONISTIC GAL - Clarence Protzmann 1989
Sdlg. 84-28-12. TB, 32" 81 cm, M
Ruffled and wavy warm white, stitched lavender rose on edge; white beard tipped lavender rose; slight fragrance. Laced Cotton X Fuji's Mantle. Protzmann 1990

IMPULSE - B. Blyth 1983
Sdlg. N1l-1. IB, 18" 46 cm, M-ML
Brilliant gold; gold beard. Thundercloud X Pulse Rate. Tempo Two 1983/84

I'M YELLOW - C. Boswell 1983
Sdlg. 223-76-1. SDB, 11" 28 cm, M
S. bright yellow; F. medium yellow, darker yellow edge and spot around blue beard. (Pink Kitten x Pink Cushion) X (Buttercup Charm x Grey Pearls). Boswell Iris 1984

INAUGURAL BALL - Joseph Ghio 1987
Sdlg. 82-124-J3. TB, 40" 102 cm, EM-L
Metallic red purple; blue beard. Titan's Glory X Bubbling Over. Bay View Gardens 1988 HM 1990

INBAL - D. Shahak 1984
Sdlg. S.T.72.25.C. AR OH, 25.5" 65 cm, M
S. purple (RHS 76D), gently veined and dotted a little darker; F. greyed white (165C), gently dotted a little darker, brown (200D) signal; yellow beard. Spiced Coffee X Ha 12: (I .gatesii x I. hermona). Tira Nurseries 1983

INCANTATION - Joseph Ghio 1977
, ,
Stock destroyed and name released.

INCANTATION - Joseph Ghio 1986
Sdlg. 81-111B. TB, 38" 97 cm, E-L
S. light blue, deeper flush at midrib; F. white; light blue beard. 78-106G: ((Surf Rider x (Sea Venture x Mystique)) x(Crushed Velvet x Intuition)) X 77-109C: ((Sea Venture x Mystique) x (Surf Rider x (Sea Venture x Mystique))). Bay View Gardens 1987

INCA OFFERING - A. & D. Willott 1980
Sdlg. 78-127. MDB, 6" 15 cm, M-L
S. bright full yellow (RHS 12A); F. deep red brown (172A), edged full yellow; yellow beard. 72-25-5: (Mystic Midnight x Banbury Ruffles) X Inca Idol. Willott 1981

INCA QUEEN - B. Blyth 1983
Sdlg. N85-1. TB, 34" 86 cm, M
S. pastel blue; F. paler pastel blue with chartreuse overlay; vivid deep blue beard. Tranquil Star X Evening Echo. Tempo Two 1984/5

INCENTIVE - Ben Hager 1987
Sdlg. T3933PlmSp. TB, 36" 91 cm, M
Deep plum purple, white spot in center of F.; yellow beard. T3343DpBr: (T2759Br: (T2324Br: ((Babson sdlg. x Brass Accents) x Golden Bonanza) x Tucson) x Dutch Chocolate) X T3341 RfBr: (Conversation Piece x T2759Br). Melrose Gardens 1987

INCHES - P. Blyth 1986
Sdlg. 5-3-1. MDB, 5-6" 13-15 cm, M-L
S. chartreuse; F. creamy chartreuse, 1/8" chartreuse edge, olive halo on each side of blue purple beard; ruffled. Little Kingfisher X Manchu Coffee. Tempo Two 1986/7

IN CONCERT - B. Blyth 1984
Sdlg. P124-B. TB, 35" 89 cm, M-ML
S. near white, faint blue hue on midrib; F. white, veined and edged lavender, deeper at edge; white beard. Sapharine X Asha Michelle. Tempo Two 1984/5

IN DEPTH - Ben Hager 1987
Sdlg. S846VNoSg. SPU, 38" 97 cm, LM
Deep violet blue, inconspicuous yellow signal. S520: ((Port of Call x Farolito) x (Connoisseur x Red Oak)) X Purple Profundo. Melrose Gardens 1988 HM 1990, AM 1994

INDIANA JONES - Frank Foster 1986
Sdlg. 83-Y160. TB, 34" 86 cm, M
Ruffled golden yellow; cream yellow beard; slight spicy fragrance. 1981-403C: (Kentucky Derby x Alabama Bound) X West Coast. Vagabond Gardens 1988

INDIAN CAPER - O. Brown 1988
Sdlg. 82-5A8. TB, 34" 86cm, EM
Brown (RHS 174B) changing with age to bronze near center of F.; orange beard. Gold Galore X Pharaoh's Gold. Roris Gardens 1989

INDIAN CERAMICS - O. D. Niswonger 1986
Sdlg. 58-79. TB, 34" 86cm, M
S. deep red brown; F. bright violet with red-brown band; yellow beard tipped white. Mulberry Crush X Gladish 8-77: ((Denver Mint x Meghan) x Brown Lasso). Cape Iris 1986

INDIAN PAINT - N. Scopes 1988
Sdlg. 1OPC. CA, 10-12" 25-30 cm, M
S. light maroon; F. dark maroon with brilliant gold markings; lightly ruffled. M. Brummitt sdlg. X Hargraves sdlg.

INDIAN SUNDANCE - L. Danielson 1984
Sdlg. JP-82-9. AR OH, 16" 41 cm, M
S. greenish white, veined blue (overall effect is smoky); copper styles, crest darker than F.; F. yellow, heavily stitched and veined red-brown, dark maroon signal; orange beard. Judean Pixie X Shahak 211. Pleasure Iris 1984

INDIAN WELLS - J. Holden 1980
Sdlg. Hk8a. AB OGB, 24" 61 cm, EM
S. pale buff-yellow; F. slightly darker with faint rose blush surrounding dark red-purple signal; buff-yellow beard. Hf9a: (((I. gatesii x I. sari) x (I. gatesii x I. auranitica)) x I. auranitica) X W. Wilkes sdlg.: ((MG10Sa1 x W7) x Arjuna Aga). Aril Iri

INDIGO FLIGHT - T. Naylor 1988
Sdlg. T74/3/3. IB, 23" 59 cm, M
Indigo blue; dark blue beard. Jane Taylor X blue sdlg. of unknown parentage. V. H. Humphrey 1993

INDISCREET - Joseph Ghio 1987
Sdlg. 82-113-HH1. TB, 38" 97 cm, EM
S. magenta; F. salmon ground, heavily stitched magenta at edges; tangerine beard. Gigolo X 80-57J: (((73-311: ((Ponderosa x Honey Rae) x (((Commentary x Claudia Rene) x Claudia Rene) x (New Moon x Ponderosa))) x Osage Buff) x (Vanity x Anon)) x ((Flareup

INDOCTRINATION - S. Innerst 1985
Sdlg. 1657-1. TB, 36" 91 cm, M-L
S. medium yellow; F. medium red; gold bronze beard. 423-1: (Frivolity x Irish Charmer) X Flamenco. Innerst 1988

INDUCEMENT - Ben Hager 1988
Sdlg. T4099TlPr/Bl. TB, 40" 102 cm, M
S. light purple; F. light blue, fading to white with age, edged light purple; pale yellow beard. T3324OcLc: (((Babson sdlg. x Morning Breeze) x Dream Time) x Grand Waltz) X Irene Nelson. Melrose Gardens 1989

INDY - R. Hollingworth 1984
Sdlg. 80I3C9. SIB 28 chrom. diploid, 32" 81 cm, VE
S. mid-deep red violet with blue influence; lighter style arms with prominent light blue midrib; F. mid-deep red violet, blue lines radiating downward, blaze almost absent. 7712: (Varner O-62: (Dreaming Spires x Tealwood) x unknown) X 77L1: (Dreaming Spir

INFINI - G. Corlew 1986
Sdlg. 1169-2D. TB, 32" 81 cm, M
S. white with very pale violet plicata dotting; F. white, precisely stitched violet at edge; soft yellow beard tipped white. Spinning Wheel X Crystal Ball. HM 1996

INFINI - G. Corlew 1986
, ,
Not introduced or distributed. Name released 1992. HM 1996

INFINITE GRACE - M. Hamblen 1981
Sdlg. 75-103A. TB, 36" 91 cm, ML
S. warm white, flushed light pink at midrib and base; F. medium pink (RHS 36A) rimmed lighter, amber hafts; red (33B) beard tipped whitish. 71-57: (67-70: ((Fashion Show x Melodrama) x (Garden Party x (Convention Queen x (Snow Flurry x Chivalry)))) x Thea

INFLAMED - S. Innerst 1981
Sdlg. 1225-1. SDB, 12" 30 cm, M
Bright yellow with large brown red spot on F.; bronze yellow beard; slight fragrance. Be Dazzled X Byword. Innerst 1982

INGA IVEY - M. Hamblen 1984
Sdlg. H78-105-5. TB, 36" 91 cm, M
S. rosy pink (RHS 73A); F. deeper, center lightens after opening, leaving a wide laced rim of deeper toned pink; deeper rosy pink beard; fluted and ruffled; spicy fragrance. Glory Bound X Sunday Chimes. Mission Bell 1985

INGENUITY - C. Palmer 1982
Sdlg. 8131. SDB, 15" 38 cm, E
Lightly ruffled lavender with red violet veining on hafts and shoulders of F.; orange beard tipped white. 7626: (((Wilma V x unknown) x Little Titan) x (Wilma V x Brownie)) X unknown. Palmer's Iris 1983

INGLENOOK - M. Hamblen 1982
Sdlg. M76-25B. SDB, 12" 30 cm, ML
Cream, flushed greenish blue (RHS 124D), chartreuse (154C) halo; violet blue (89A) beard. ((Sunny Heart x Blue Canary sib) x Canary Isle) X Sapphire Jewel. Mission Bell 1983

INGLESIDE JOY - Fred Stephenson 1982
Sdlg. 79-12. TB, 34" 86 cm, M
S. cream (RHS 158B); serrated creamy yellow style arms; F. creamy tan (162B) infused brownish lavender, deeper tan (164B) haft markings; orange beard, cream bearded horn; heavily ruffled. Miss Jupiter X Royal Trumpeter. Stephenson 1988

INLAID - S. Innerst 1981
Sdlg. 1169-3. SDB, 13" 33 cm, M
Ruffled white, large blue spot on F.; white beard; slight fragrance. Gentle Smile X Mystic Symbol. Innerst 1982

INLAND PASSAGE - L. Gaulter 1986
Sdlg. 81-55. TB, 36" 91 cm, L
Lightly fluted violet blue; white beard. Portrait of Larrie X Victoria Falls. Cooley's Gardens 1986

INLAND PRINCE - B. Hamner 1984
Sdlg. 79-057. TB, 34" 86 cm, EM
Lightly ruffled light rose beige (RHS 165D); gold beard. 75-126 X Good Earth. Hamner's Iris 1984

INLAND PRINCESS - B. Hamner 1987
Sdlg. 84-121. TB, 37" 89 cm, E-M
Ruffled and heavily laced spanish orange, small white area on F.; orange beard. Blushing Diana X Arctic Blond. Hamner's Iris 1988 HM 1990

INLAND QUEEN - B. Hamner 1985
Sdlg. 77-037. TB, 35" 89 cm, M
Ruffled and laced peach (RHS 27A). ivory wash in center of F.; red beard. Beauty Crown X Party Parfait. Hamner's Iris 1985

Sdlg. Acl-53. TB, 36" 91 cm, E-M
S. light pink, tiny flutes at edge; F. rose pink on lower portion, lighter on upper portion, 3/8" white band just inside outer narrow rose pink edge; orange yellow beard. M79-21-1 X M79-38-5. Iris Test Gardens 1983

INNER FIRES - J. Witt 1987
Sdlg. 74-02-OK. MTB, 24" 61 cm, E
S. medium orange brown, yellow orange in heart; F. medium orange brown, dark brown spot, orange beard; purple leaf base. Street B160A: (Kinglet x Zingara) X Lilli-Richtone. Witt 1983 AM 1993

INNER VISION - Ben Hager 1984
Sdlg. T3674TWh. TB, 36" 91 cm, M
S. lightly laciniated and laced blue white; F. fluted and lightly laced white; white beard, tangerine in throat. Wings of Dreams X Beverly Sills sib. Melrose Gardens 1985

TB, 35" 89 cm, M-VL
Ruffled glistening white; near white beard; fragrant. Memorandum X White Lightning. Powell's Gardens 1983

INNOCENT EGO - Ben Hager 1982
Sdlg. SB82Wh. SIB, 36" 91 cm, M
Pure white with touch of yellow deep in throat. Swank X Super Ego. Melrose Gardens 1982

INPUT - Ben Hager 1989
Sdlg. MSD444OY/BrPc. SDB, 11" 28 cm, M
S. amber yellow; F. bright yellow, dark brown plicata edge; white beard tipped yellow; miniature flowers, multiple stems. Combo X Toasty sib. Melrose Gardens 1990

INSIDE PASSAGE - O. Brown 1953
, ,
Stock destroyed. Name released 1984.

INSIDE PASSAGE - Opal Brown 1984
Sdlg. 79-2C9. TB, 36" 91 cm, EM
Ruffled deep royal blue; self beard. Navy Strut X Five Star Admiral. Brown's Sunnyhill Gardens 1984

IN SMOKE - B. Blyth 1983
Sdlg. N64-1. TB, 34" 86 cm, M-ML
S. smoky light beige pink; F. smoky pastel lilac, deepening toward hafts, fluted; tangerine red beard. Child of Fortune X Chimbolam. Tempo Two 1984/85

Sdlg. 28-4F. TB, 38" 96 cm, ML
S. blend of smoky violet and brown on yellow ground, veined dark violet; F. stitched smoky violet on yellow band, white signal; brownish yellow beard. 7-OB: (102-6E x Wild Ginger) X 32-2C: (Blueberry Trim x Smoke Rings). Gibson 1982

Sdlg. 59-7A. TB, 38" 96 cm, ML
S. yellow orange; F. yellow orange, flushed red purple, 1/2" red purple edge, white area surrounding orange beard; heavily ruffled. Touch of Midas X Chamber Music. Gibson Iris 1985

INSTANT REPLAY - M. Granger 1981
Sdlg. CC72-12. LA, 20-22" 51-56 cm, M
Medium to deep blue violet (double including petaloids). Double Talk X CO69-1: (Creole Can-Can x Queen O' Queens). Granger 1982

IN STITCHES - L. Reid 1987
Sdlg. HCS 74-1. CA-SIB, 20-24" 50-60 cm, M
S. violet (RHS 85D), veined deeper (86D); violet styles with light yellow overlay; F. outer third violet (85D), large gold signal cut by deep violet (86A) veins, deep violet (86A) halo effect of veining below and around signal. AIS-MC-R2-3, Mirza Citronel

INSTRATING - A. Bouldin 1983
Sdlg. 2-7-A. TB, 31" 78 cm, M
S. beige with lavender infusion up midrib; F. deep red violet; bronze beard. Wine and Roses X Licorice Stick. Bouldin 1983

INSTRUCTOR - S. Innerst 1985
Sdlg. 1977-1. TB, 36" 91 cm, E-M
S. cream to mid-yellow; F. same, edged mid-blue, blue beard tipped bronze; slight musky fragrance. Spinning Wheel X Burgundy Brown. Innerst 1986 HM 1990, AM 1994

INTEGRA - Glenn Corlew 1988
Sdlg. 1233-5A. TB, 36" 91 cm, M
White; yellow orange beard tipped white. Showman X Mais Oui. Cooley's Gardens 1992

INTENSE STUDY - T. Betts 1986
Sdlg. 746H. LA, 36" 91 cm, E
Vibrant dark violet blue (RHS 83A), yellow pipe signal; dark violet styles. Starry Dusk X Clyde Redmond.

INTERMISSION - C. Tompkins 1989
Sdlg. 84-131A. TB, 38" 97 cm, ML
S. white, faintly tinted blue; F. white ground washed blue, old rose and violet, 1/4" blue white edge with faint touch of chestnut on each side of lemon beard. (((Cimbay x Latin Lover) x (Cimbay x Treasure Key)) x ((Cimbay x Latin Lover) x (Starburst x Ci

Sdlg. B81-30. TB, 36" 91 cm, M
S. bright gold yellow; F. rusty garnet; bright yellow beard; ruffled; pronounced spicy fragrance. Radiant Summer X Gypsy Caravan. Mid-America Gardens 1989

INTERVALE - S. Eardley 1987
TB, 36-37" 91-94 cm, E-M
S. white; F. rosy lilac; bright tangerine beard; lightly ruffled; slight spicy fragrance. Cloverdale X Frost and Flame.

IN THE MONEY - Joseph Ghio 1987
Sdlg. PM-208JJ. CA, 10" 25 cm, ML
Bright deep gold. PO-207R, Elberta Peach sib X Roaring Camp. Bay View Gardens, Longview Iris 1988 HM 1991

INTIMATE - D. Sindt 1984
Sdlg. 523. SDB, 11" 28 cm, M
Delicate pink; peach styles; light orange beard. Betsey Boo X 400: ((Melon Honey x Roberts 65R11-5, Lenna M sib) x Blyth E-138-1: (Serenity x Regards)). D Sindt 1985

INTO THE NIGHT - Schreiner's 1989
Sdlg. S 351-1. TB, 36" 91 cm, M
S. deep blue violet (RHS 93A); F. ruffled and fluted velvety midnight purple (130A), narrowly edged lighter blue violet; yellow beard. Unknown parentage. Schreiner's 1989 HM 1991

IN TOTO - C. Boswell 1989
Sdlg. 158-72AM. AB 1/4, 16" 40 cm, E-M
S. light violet, light maroon at base; F. maroon around brown beard, blending to rose, then tan at edge. Magic Secret X Onco G Plus. Adamgrove 1993 HM 1995

IN TOWN - B. Blyth 1985
Sdlg. Q101-8. TB, 38" 96 cm, EM
S. blue lavender, slightly deeper at midrib; F. velvety blue purple, 1/4" lavender edge; tangerine beard, lavender on tip. Tomorrow's Child X Magic Man. Keppel 1988, Tempo Two 1988/9 HM 1990

INTREPID - K. Mohr 1989
TB, 36" 91 cm, M
Ruffled dark lavender violet; pale lemon to white beard. ((Cup Race x Babbling Brook) x Five Star Admiral) X God Bless. Pacific Coast Hybridizers 1989

INVADER - D. S. Varner 1980
Sdlg. V8192. SIB, 30" 76 cm, ML
S. light medium deep blue; F. medium deep blue from lavender side; contrasting light blue style arms. V321: (Royal Herald x Tealwood) X 1103: (Little Tricolor x Tealwood). Illini Iris 1981

INVISIBLE HANDS - E. Hunt by S. McAllister 1988
Sdlg. ORB 84-3. AB OGB+, 28" 72 cm, E-M
S. white; golden yellow style arms; F. golden yellow, blood red veining on signal area; yellow beard. Esther, the Queen X Sierra Fawn. Aril Society 1988

INVISIBLE INK - Ben Hager 1983
Sdlg. MD3504RecWh. MDB, 6-8" 15-20 cm, E
White; light yellow beard. MD2697BlPc: (2248D: ((Knotty Pine x Grace Note) x Zip) x 2261F, sib) X Mini-Spark. Melrose Gardens 1984

INVITATION - Schreiner's 1982
Sdlg. H 105D. TB, 34" 86 cm, VE & RE
S. white with slight blush of creamy pink white; F. light apricot pink; deeper orange tangerine beard. Inv. long line of flamingo and yellow amoenas. Schreiner's 1982

IPSUS - S. Innerst 1981
Sdlg. 944-1. JI 6 F. diploid, 36" 91 cm, M
Ruffled navy blue, gold signal. Star at Midnight X Thunder and Lightning. Bush, Innerst 1981

IRA WOOD - I. Wood by C. McEwen 1982
Sdlg. WT371/18A. SIB tet., 36.5" 92 cm, M
Rich dark blue violet, inconspicuous yellow white signal. Orville Fay sib X Ewen sib. Seaways Gardens 1982

IRENE'S LOVE - T. Gladish 1980
Sdlg. 1-77. BB, 24" 61 cm, E-M
S. yellow; F. light violet, rimmed brown; yellow beard. 72-8: (Denver Mint x Meghan) X Brown Lasso. Cape Iris 1981

IRIS BOHNSACK - A. Ensminger 1980
Sdlg. 77-57. BB, 25" 64 cm, M
White ground, striped imperial violet (HCC 33/1); yellow beard tipped violet. Faydy Girl X Doodle Strudel. Varigay Gardens 1981

IRISH BUTTER - D. Shepard 1988
Sdlg. 84D62. TB, 34" 86 cm, E-L
S. greenish gold; F. greenish gold with heavy golden brown whiskers extending overall, 1/2" yellow edge; ruffled. Good Morning America X (Rose Tattoo x Mirror Mirror). Shepard Iris 1988

IRISH COFFEE - T. Betts 1982
Sdlg. 826J. LA, 40" 102 cm, M
Very dark dusky purple (RHS 79C), gold signal; creamy style arms. Ila Nunn X tan sdlg. Mardon Gardens 1983/84

IRISH FROLIC - T. Wight 1986
Sdlg. 79-7. SDB, 13" 33 cm, E & RE
Lightly ruffled icy green; light mustard beard; slight spicy fragrance. Dodo X arilbred sdlg. of unknown parentage. Wight's Iris 1986

IRISH HALO - D. S. Varner 1984
Sdlg. 3014. SDB, 12" 30 cm, E-M
S. white; F. ruffled light green; white-tipped beard. C. Palmer 72-59 X Ida Mary Pattison. Illini Iris 1985

IRISH MIST - D. Silverberg 1984
Sdlg. 78-45B. TB, 36" 91 cm, EM
Ruffled pale creamy yellow. Soft Moonbeam X Rookwood Blue.

IRISH TEMPER - K. Shaver by Hooker Nichols 1986
Sdlg. 78-30-2. SDB, 12" 30 cm, E-L
S. medium red; F. deeper, edged lighter; orange beard. (((Cherry Garden x Bloodspot) x self) x Chartreuse Babe) X (((Merry Orchid x Rippling Waters) x (Mademoiselle x Wine and Roses)) x Latin Lover). Hillcrest Iris 1987

IRISH TRICK - B. Blyth 1986
Sdlg. R29-1. SDB, 14" 36 cm, E-L
S. champagne buff to lilac cream; F. red brown, 1/8" edge of S. color; lilac blue beard; heavily ruffled. Helter Skelter X Real Coquette. Tempo Two 1986/7

Sdlg. 79-67. TB, 42" 107 cm, E
S. light olive green with darker olive rim and darker green veining; F. dark olive green with darker green veining, olive midrib and style arms, light green haft markings; light olive to mustard beard. Song of Erin X green arilbred sdlg. Wight's Iris 1983

IRIS IRENE - J. Gatty 1985
Sdlg. J56-1. TB, 30" 76 cm, M-L
S. polar bear (M&P 9-B-2) flushed peach (9-A-5) to orient pink (9-A-6); F. flared, ruffled and heavily laced deeper buff (9-B-5), flushed peach, slightly paler in center, hafts overlaid golden peach (9-G-6); fire red beard. F69-1, Mannequin sib, X F60-1:

IRONSIDE SALUTE - H. Danielson 1984
Sdlg. D-81-1. AB OGB+, 24" 61 cm, EM
S. light blue, brown lines on base; F. chartreuse cream, brown signal and beard. Esther, the Queen X Dee Mouse. Pleasure Iris 1984

Sdlg. Ac 6-43. TB, 37" 93 cm, E-L
S. light smoky rose; F. ebony cerise, widely edged light rose, red narrow inner rim; orange beard. Glorious Conqueror X Double Identity. Iris Test Gardens 1986

ISABELLE - Vilmorin 1906
, ,
Listed as obsolete in 1939 Check List. Name released 1988. HM 1991

ISABELLE - B. Warburton 1988
Sdlg. Bs/B-1. SIB, 27" 69 cm, L
S. cream; cream and yellow styles with curled crests and green heart; F. open bright yellow, then fade to pale yellow with dark yellow veining with green influence; heavily ruffled. Butter and Sugar X Bellissima. Joe Pye Weed's Garden 1989 HM 1991

ISLAND GIRL - G. Shoop 1985
Sdlg. 79-14-1. TB, 34" 86 cm, M
S. lavender and rosy tan; F. straw, yellow and apricot blend; tangerine red beard; ruffled. Hula Girl x 76-5: (Hula Girl sib x Dutch Magic). Shoop 1985

ISLAND SONG - Francis Rogers 1989
Sdlg. F-510-B. TB, 34" 86 cm, E
S. light lavender (RHS 76C); F. white ground, violet blue (90A) plicata markings on edge and veining around beard; purple beard tipped yellow; ruffled; sweet fragrance. Spinning Wheel X Theatre. Meadowbrook Gardens 1991

ISLE OF ERIN - F. Gadd 1985
Sdlg. 68-80. TB, 32" 81 cm, M
S. chartreuse green (HCC 66C); F. slightly darker; dark yellow beard; lightly ruffled. Pride of Ireland X Indian Moon. Wethersfield Iris 1986

ISLE OF MAY - F. Spahn 1986
Sdlg. 81K2. TB, 35" 89 cm, M-L
S. silvery light lavender; F. ruffled silvery light lavender, slightly deeper edge; light yellow beard. 79C9: (Sunrise Symphony x Louise Watts) X 76G3: (Grand Waltz x Springtime Fantasy). Spahn 1987

ISRAELI ROSE - G. Timbs 1980
Sdlg. 75-3. AB OGB +, 30" 76 cm, EM
S. pale lavender violet, veined pale violet around edge; F. pale lavender violet, slightly deeper violet veining on upper half, rose violet signal; beige beard tipped brown. Dorcas X Werckmeister clone #1: (Bronze Beauty x (Teucros x I. susiana)). Aril So

ISTANBUL - Monty Byers 1989
Sdlg. D41-114. TB, 34" 86 cm, M & RE
S. clear tuscan yellow; F. warm white with yellow glow at hafts, overlaid with deep bright red purple stripes over upper third which then soften considerably, culminating in narrow pale reddish stitched edge with hint of tan; indian yellow beard; ruffled;

I SURRENDER - J. Durrance 1983
Sdlg. D82-13. TB, 36" 91 cm, E-M
White; white beard. Heavenly Angels X Frost Line. Long's Gardens 1983

IT - G. Slade 1985
Sdlg. 81-8-1. TB, 35" 80 cm, M
S. beige; F. cream ground, stitched reddish purple at edge, lighter area at end of greenish brown beard. Showcase X 76-33-2: (Stepping Out x Etched Amoena). Slade Iris 1986

IT'S A BOY - Dorman Haymon 1989
Sdlg. 23-84-2. LA, 27" 69 cm, M
Fluted and lightly ruffled pale lavender blue (RHS 92B), gold steeple signal edged dark blue; cream style arms shading to lavender tipped blue; slight fragrance. Charjoy's Jan X Strange Romance. Deep South Garden 1990

IT'S A HONEY - L. Powell 1986
TB, 36" 91 cm, M-VL
Honey tan; orange beard. Brandy X Carolina Honey. Powell's Gardens 1987

IT'S DELIGHTFUL - Dale Johnson 1987
Sdlg. S-102. SIB diploid, 36" 91 cm, M
S. wistaria blue (RHS 92C) veined darker; light bluebird blue (94B) styles edged white, blue rib; F. wistaria blue, washed bluebird blue (94B), antique gold signal, veined blue with small white area. S-42 X Silver Illusion. Borbeleta Gardens, Johnson's Ir

IT'S LOVE - B. Blyth 1986
Sdlg. S16-A. SDB, 12" 31 cm, M-L
S. lemon; F. lemon gold, 1/4" pale lemon line below lemon beard. Capricornia X Barley Sugar. Tempo Two 1986/7

IT'S MINE - P. Kokich 1980
LAEV, 25.5" 65 cm, M
White with very pale green infusion, thumbspot of deeper hue stitched and etched lavender. Inv. I. pseudacorus sdlgs. Flowervilla 1981/2

IT'S WILD - Joseph Ghio 1989
Sdlg. PK-279Y2. CA, 12" 30 cm, ML
S. strong gold; F. gold, mahogany maroon spot in center, deepening to near-black in center. Roaring Camp X Wildman. Bay View 1990 HM 1993

IVORY AND ROSE - A. Morgan 1985
Sdlg. Ac 6-24-4. TB, 36" 91 cm, E-M
S. ivory; F. rose, tan wire rim on outer edge, brown inner rim; yellow beard. Brimmed Cerise Neglecta X Brimmed Light Red. Iris Test Gardens 1985

IVORY CREAM - C. McEwen 1987
Sdlg. T5 79/227. SIB tet., 38" 97 cm, EM-L
Ruffled cream white (RHS 11D), yellow signal veined green; feathered midrib on styles. T4 76/64(6): ((67/110(2) x Cambridge) x Dear Dianne sib) X T1 74/136D: (Cambridge x Wing on Wing). Pope's Perennials, Seaways Gardens 1987

IVORY FLARE - W. Marx by K. Keppel 1982
TB, 36" 91 cm, E
S. milky white; F. same with golden shoulders. Unknown parentage. W Marx Gardens 1973

IVORY KEYS - W. Plotner 1989
Sdlg. 393. TB, 38-40" 97-102 cm, M
S. ivory buff; F. same, dark yellow orange haft markings, center slightly orchid purple (RHS 75B); tan brown (167C) beard; slight spicy/musky fragrance. Summer Sandman X Hamblen H-103-A: (((Fashion Show x Melodrama) x (Garden Party x (Convention Queen x B