Iris Registry Inquiry

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HIGH AZURE - Roy Fielding by Philip Eding 1999

HIGH BLUE SKY - Richard Ernst 1998

HIGH CALIBER - George Sutton 1999

HIGH DI - J. T. Aitken 1995

HIGH ENERGY - Mary Dunn 1995

HIGH FLYING - Mary Dunn 1995

HIGH FLYING FORMATION - Margaret Mackenzi 2001

HIGH GRADE - John C. Taylor 1998

HIGH IMPACT - George Sutton 1997

HIGH LONESOME - Sterling Innerst 1990

HIGH MASTER - Barry Blyth 2000

HIGH PITCH - Mary Dunn 1991

HIGH POINT - George Sutton 1998

HIGH POWERED - John C. Taylor 1998

HIGH PROFILE - Schreiner 2000

HIGH RANK - Mary Dunn 1990

HIGH ROLLER - Graeme Grosvenor 1996

HIGH SPLENDOR - Vernon Wood 1994

HIGH STAKES - Schreiner 1999

HIGH TECH - Ben Hager by Roris Gardens 1993

HIGH WINDS - Joseph Ghio 1996

HIGHLAND GAMES - J.T. Aitken 2000

HIGHLAND MIST - Heather Pryor 2001

HIGHLANDS NUGGET - Joyce Ragle 2001

HIGHLINE SNOWFLAKE - Eleanor McCown 1991

HIGHLINE TOPAZ - Eleanor McCown 1994

HIGH DRAMA - Joseph Gatty 1990

HIGH PLAINS DRIFTER - Jim Hedgecock 2002

HIGH SPIRITED - Lynda Miller 2002

HIGH SIERRA SNOW - John Wight 2002

HIGH CLASS - Paul Black 2002

HIGH TREES - Brian Price 2003

HIGH PRIESTESS - Lowell Baumunk 2004

HIGH AND MIGHTY - K. Smith 1957
Sdlg. 51-58. TB 42" L. B1M.
Medium-blue self; flower 8" wide, 5 1/2" high. Keen Valley x Pierre Menard: (split pollen)., Fairmount 1959.

HIGH BARBAREE - Tompkins 1958
Sdlg. 55-54. TB 40" M-L. R1.
Bright red-carmine self. (Suntone x Colorglo) x Defiance., Fleur de Lis 1958. HM 1958.

HIGH FASHION - Crosby 1953
TB 36" ML. Y1L.
Cream self. Gold Ruffles x (Muhlestein pink sdlg., sister to Salmon Shell, x 46-2F)., Tell 1956.

HIGH FIDELITY - Brett 1955
Sdlg. 1951-32B. TB 40" M. Y1P.
Cream self, blue beard. Spring Sunshine x Zantha.,

HIGH HAT - C. Davis 1953
Louisiana 48" M. RVIL.
Self, of light reddish purple (M & P 42-L-10); prominent dagger crest of goldenrod yellow. Col lected clone of I. giganticaerulea X Peggy Mac., University Hills 1954.

HIGH HEAVEN - Plough 1953
TB 36" E-M. R1M.
Sdlg. 48-33-1. Medium-blue self, bright tone, lighter area around beard. Snow Flurry x Great Lakes., Tell 1954.

HIGH HEELS - Linse 1958
Sdlg. Caswin-2. TB 46" VVL. B1.
Wisteria-blue self, lighter area about white beard. Cascadian x Windsor., Easy Breeze 1959.

HIGH NOON - Gibson 1953
TB 38" M. Y2.
Yellow-ground plicata with copper stippling, white area in falls. (Sdlg. 176A: Misty Rose x 115A) x sdlg. 201C.,

HIGH SOCIETY - Sass-Ohl 1959
Sdlg. 55-490. TB 36" M. V3.
S. mauve: F. velvety red-purple, brown hafts; orange-yellow beard. Sass 53-172 X Persian Robe., Melrose 1960.

HIGH TOR - Fielding 1950
TB 42" L. BV1.
Blue-violet self. Snow Flurry x Azure Skies., Sign of the Iris 1952. HM 1952.

HIGH VELDT - Kelway 1957
TB 34" M. R5.
Coffee-red. Ranger X unknown., Kelway 1958.

HIGH VOLTAGE - C. Davis 1953
Louisiana 48" E. RV3.
S. belladonna-violet (M & P 44-J-7); F. grape juice-purple (M & P 41-L-10), heavily veined darker. Pod parent collected; open pollinated; unknown.,

HIGHBANK HONEY - Farinholt 1956
TB 36-38" M. Y1P.
Pale greenish yellow, color of white-clover honey; heard heavy brown, brown veining at haft. Arctic X old purple and blue bicolor, name unknown.,

HIGHLAND CASCADE - Fothergill 1959
Sdlg. 7-46. TB 40" M-L. W1.
White self. High Seas X ((Snow Flurry x Blue Ensign) x Pegasus))., Tell 1962.

HIGHLAND CLAN - H. Robertson 1952
AH 45" E. RV5.
S. magenta (M & P 52 Ki2) to auricula-purple (M & P 54 i2F), F. same, more blue in center. (Sdlg.: Zama Blanchard x giganticaerulea) x Abbeville Red.,

TB 36" M. W2.
White plicata, stippled red-purple. Tiffany X (San Francisco x Madame Louis Aureau).,

HIGH ABOVE - DeForest 1960
TB, 38" (97 cm), M
Sky blue self. Rehobeth X ((Snow Flurry x Silver Susie) x Chivalry)). Irisnoll 1961 HC 1960, HM 1962, AM 1964.

HIGH ADVENTURE - Schreiner's by Marx Gardens, selector 1967
Sdlg. T 1005-A. TB, 34" (86 cm), ML
S brown washed with lavender; F yellow washed with brown. N790-l (Oriental Glory x Inca Chief) X Olympic Torch.

HIGHBORN - O. Baker 1967
Sdlg. 62-4-D. TB, 32" (81 cm), EML
S pale orange-yellow (Munsell 7.5YR 9/4); F very pale blue (2.5PB 8/5). Toll Gate X Wayward Wind. HC 1967.

HIGH CASCADES - W. Marx 1967
Sdlg. 116-1. JI, 60" (152 cm), L
Light orchid self; darker styles, almost purple. (World's Delight x 103-4) X 102-7.

HIGH COUNTRY - Christensen 1963
Sdlg. 61-E-2-A. TB, 36" (91 cm), M
S light blue; F medium blue; orange beard tipped blue-white. ((Cahokia x Jane Phillips) X Doctor Wanlass) X Whole Cloth. Eden Road '1964 HM 1967.

HIGH ESTEEM - Tompkins 1966
Sdlg. 62-37E. TB, 44" (112 cm), E-VL
Deep pink self, undertoned coral. High Note X Apple Valley. Fleur de Lis 1966 HM 1967.

HIGHFIELD - L. Neel 1963
Sdlg. N-17-63. TB, 36" (91 cm), M
S deep chocolate brown; F same, faint blue flush. (Hall pink sdlg. x Rose Orchid) X Golden Sunshine. Orpington '1964

HIGH FLIER - C. Schirmer 1964
Sdlg. 54N. TB, 38" (97 cm), E-M
Yellow and tan blend, peach on yellow-tan F. Tammy X Gala.

HIGH HOPES - Fail 1960
BB, 20" (51 cm), E-M
Empire yellow self; orange beard. Top Flight X Bang. Tell 1962 HC 1961, HM 1963.

HIGHLANDS ROSE - R. Burns 1963
Sdlg. 4-58-4. TB, 36" (91 cm), ML
Orchid-pink self, white blaze and beard. First Violet X Top Favorite. EC 1963.

HIGH LIFE - Schreiner's 1964
Sdlg. 157-1. TB, 36" (91 cm), L
Large burgundy-red plicata. Karachi X Lucy Lee. Schreiner '1964 HM 1965.

Sdlg. 67-17. SPU, 48" (122 cm), E
S light purple (Nickerson 7.5P 6/8); F vivid yellow (5Y 8/12) veined and bordered light purple. Unknown parentage. Pilley 1968 HM 1969, JC 1969.

Sdlg. 67-38. SPU, 48-60", M
Vivid yellow (Nickerson 5y 8/12) self, veined and bordered reddish purple (2.5PR 5/10). Contradiction X Imperial Song. Pilley's Garden 1970

HIGH NOTE - Tompkins 1961
Sdlg. 58-2H. TB, 42" (107 cm), M-VL
Dark pink self; red beard. Cameo Coral X May Hall. Fleur de Lis 1961

HIGH PRAISE - Schreiner's 1966
Sdlg. V 922-A. TB, 35" (89 cm), L
Very uniform smooth, vivid tone of blue-violet, no haft marks; self color beard with pronounced white tips. Blue Mountains X R 632-3 (First Violet x King's Choice). Schreiner's 1966 HM 1967.

HIGH SIERRA - Gaulter 1966
Sdlg. 63-259. TB, 38" (97 cm), ML
White self. Fleur d+Blanc x Swan Ballet x Mary McClelland x Celestial Snow X sib. Cooley 1967 HC 1966, HM 1968.

HIGH TOWER - E. Smith 1960
Sdlg. 59-638. TB, 40" (102 cm), LM
S ivory-white; F same, edged cream; lemon beard. Limelight X Tranquility. Smith 1961

HIGHWAY MAN - F. Bush 1961
Sdlg. 36 TB, 34" (86 cm), EM
S medium red; F wine red, gold haft and beard; gold styles. Burgundy Rose X Chantilly. Flossie's Gard 1962

HIGH AND WIDE - E. Christensen 1971
Sdlg. 7A8-17. TB, 38" (97 cm), M
Pink self; red-tangerine beard. Spring Love X Coral Butte. Evergreen, Silver State 1972

HIGH BID - H. Neubert 1971
Sdlg. 79-67J. TB, 36" (91 cm), M
Indian yellow self; burnt orange beard. Palisades X Olympic Torch. Newbert 1972

HIGH COAST - F. Day 1972
Sdlg. FD-11. CA, 15" (38 cm), E
Deep lavender with purple veining and orange center on F. 1966 seed of unknown parentage from George Stambach.

HIGH CONQUEST - Ed Roberts 1977
Sdlg. R-27. TB, 36" (91 cm), M
Rich gold-yellow self; white blaze on F.; gold-yellow beard. Kingdom X Carolina Gold. Ed Roberts 1978

HIGH JINKS - F. Williams 1969
, ,
F Williams 1970

HIGHLAND CHIEF - J. Gibson 1972
Sdlg. 18-7D. TB, 36" (91 cm), M
S. blend of light Indian lake red over light mimosa yellow ground; F. rich mimosa yellow ground with rich plicata border of Indian lake red; nasturtium orange beard; ruffled, serrated. 5-5B X 142-4A. Gibson 1973

HIGHLAND DANCER - S. Street 1970
Sdlg. J-21. AB-MED, 12" (30 cm), M
S. light violet (2.5P 7/7) veined yellow-brown-violet; F. light olive-brown, flecked dark brown; brownish yellow beard; full yellow stylearms. (Dizzy Dame x Kalifa Baltis) X Kalifa Hirfa. Street 1971

HIGHLAND THISTLE - Bennett Jones 1972
Sdlg. 924-1. TB, 34" (86 cm), M
Lavender-pink self; tangerine beard. (((Frances Kent x Mary Randall) x Frost and Flame) x Beattie 59-41) X Fay 62-30. B Jones 1973

HIGHLAND WATERS - L. Peterson 1974
Sdlg. LP 72-200. TB, 35" (89 cm), M-L
Gentian blue (HCC 42/1) with faint touch of lavender; yellow beard tipped white. LP 70-5: (Lilac Champagne x (Eleanor's Pride x Orange Pagoda)) X 70-20: (((La Negra Flor x Orange Parade) x (62-17: inv. line of red breeding x Mary Randall)) x Prince Indigo

Sdlg. 71-34. SPU, 42" (107 cm), M
Deep reddish purple (Nickerson 10P 3/9) self; yellow signal. Fireplace X Connoisseur. Cordon Bleu 1976

Sdlg. 70-18. SPU, 48" (122 cm), M
S. violet (Nickerson 10PB 3/10); F. same with very small yellow signal patch. Golden Lady X Spring Plum. Cordon Bleu 1971

HIGHLINE HALO - E. McCown 1975
Sdlg. 72-16. SPU, 40" (102 cm), M
S. vivid yellow; F. vivid yellow with tiny white border; white crests. 67-10: (Imperial Song x Thrush Song) X Highline Lavender. Bay View Gardens 1982

Sdlg. 73-15. SPU, 48" (122 cm), L
Yellow self with brown veining. Highline Lavender X 70-8: (Dark and Handsome x Imperial Song). Cordon Bleu 1978

Sdlg. 70-2. SPU, 40" (102 cm), M
S. brown (Nickerson 2.5YR 4/7) with purplish tinge; F. orange-yellow, veined and bordered purplish brown. Big Plum X 65-5. Cordon Bleu 1976

HIGH MEADOW - J. Welch 1979
Sdlg. 6342B. TB, 34" (86 cm), ML
Ruffled mimosa yellow (Wilson 602/3); self beard. Watkins 58-45A: (Cloudless Sky x Cherito) X Sarah Ashcroft. J Welch 1983

HIGHNESS - Joseph Ghio 1979
Sdlg. 75-172G. TB, 36" (91 cm), ML
Warm pink, shading to white in center of F.; tangerine beard. Pink Angel X Entourage. Bay View Gardens 1981

HIGH REGARDS - A. Schliefert 1975
Sdlg. 68-93. TB, 34" (86 cm), M
White ground plicata stitched blue-violet; blue-violet beard. 64-193A: (Dot and Dash x Tea Apron) X Stepping Out. Schliefert 1975

HIGH RISE - Graeme Grosvenor 1979
Sdlg. GE11-2. TB, 42" (107 cm), M
S. blue (RHS 106B); F. purple (82A), edged blue (106B); yellow beard tipped white. Veneration X Rellie. Rainbow Ridge 1980/81

HIGH ROAD - F. Chowning 1973
Sdlg. FC 16. LA, 30" (76 cm), M
Pale buttercup yellow (RHS 158A) flecked and spotted with tiny maroon spots. Missey Reveley X Missey Reveley.

HIGH SCORE - L. Zurbrigg 1976
Sdlg. L 10 LEE. TB, 36" (91 cm), EM
S. white with light violet and golden yellow veining; F. white with faint violet tint; bordered golden yellow; yellow beard. O My Goodness X Ah Sweet Mystery.

HIGH STEPPER - C. Gates 1978
Sdlg. Q-70-5. TB, 36" (91 cm), M
S. amethyst violet; F. white ground, bordered and stitched amethyst violet; violet beard tipped gold. High Life X Stepping Out. Long's Gardens 1979

HIGH STYLE - R. Rees Rees
TB, 36" (91 cm), E-M
Ruffled magenta rose self; red beard. ((Desert Song x Pink Formal) x June Meredith) X June Meredith. Rees 1970

HIGH TEA - F. Knocke 1977
Sdlg. K098. TB, 36" (91 cm), M
Laced and ruffled white with yellow-picoted edge; yellow beard. K-120: (Glamorous x Denver Mint) X Radiant Sun. Tell 1977

HIGH TENSION - C. Tompkins 1973
Sdlg. 70-34A. TB, 34" (86 cm), M-L
S. bright cerise pink; F. same with deeper, brighter overlay; cerise red beard. (Camelot Rose x Wine and Roses) F-2 X ((Cameo Coral x Cameo Coral) x Password). Fleur de Lis 1972

HIGH AMBITION - L. Flanagan 1989
Sdlg. 83038-1. AB OGB, 28" 71 cm, M
S. light tan violet blend; F. smooth rosy tan blend, red violet signal area around dark red brown beard; lightly ruffled; slight fragrance. Heart Stealer X Desert Princess.

HIGHBORN KINSMAN - Hooker Nichols 1982
Sdlg. 8206H. SDB, 14" 36 cm, M-L
Ruffled deep lemon with gold halo on F.; orange gold beard. Captured Spirit sib X 791lA: (Oliver x Marinka). Hillcrest Iris 1985 HM 1990

HIGH-CLASS GIRL - Hooker Nichols 1988
Sdlg. 8867B. TB, 36" 91 cm, M-L
Ruffled rosy violet purple, white hafts and veining on F.; coral beard. 83111M: (Taj Rani x ln Tempo) X Sorceress. Hillcrest Gardens 1996

HIGHCLERE - S. Lott 1980
Sdlg. VSC. BB, 22" 56 cm, M-L
Yellow (RHS 13B), small white blaze on F.; self beard tipped white. Vegas X Tussah Silk. Tempo Two 1981/2

HIGH CONTRAST - E. Robarts 1987
Sdlg. 7-9-1. TB, 40" 102 cm, M
S. light violet blue; F. very pale violet blue; light orange beard; ruffled; slight fragrance. (Christmas Time x Pink Sleigh) X Sea Lure. Stahly 1987

HIGH FALUTIN - M. Dunn 1982
Sdlg. M78-664-1. TB, 38" 97 cm, M
Medium orchid violet; self beard. Lucy Blocher X Mary Frances. MAD Garden 1984

HIGH FIVE - H. Stahly 1988
Sdlg. 80-8. TB, 34" 86 cm, M
Ruffled and fluted ice white; light blue beard. Frost Line X 77-1: (Ivy League x River Patrol). Stahly 1988

HIGH FLIGHT - H. Shockey 1986
Sdlg. 81-201-3B. TB, 36" 91 cm, M
Near white; blue beard, heavily frosted white; slight spicy fragrance. Good Morning America X Song of Norway. Arilian Acres 1987

HIGH FRONTIER - L. Flanagan 1984
Sdlg. 78013-1. AB OGB, 28" 71 cm, E
S. light violet tan blend; F. rich red tan blend, dark red signal; bronze beard; slight sweet fragrance. Falcon Flight X 72007-12: (Esther, the Queen x Desert Dove sib). Aril Society 1985

HIGH HERITAGE - O. Ollis 1982
Sdlg. 75-0-11. TB, 34" 86 cm, E-M
S. light yellow; F. white with wide yellow band; gold yellow beard; lightly ruffled; slight sweet fragrance. New Moon X Debby Rairdon. D Lutz 1983

HIGH HO SILVER - Monty Byers 1988
Sdlg. D89-102. TB, 36" 91 cm, E-M & RE
Lightly ruffled silvery grey to silver white, tan gold hafts; light ground beard tipped gold; slight musky fragrance. I Do X Moonlit. Moonshine Gardens 1989

HIGHLAND HAZE - Keith Keppel 1985
Sdlg. 78-80A. TB, 34" 86 cm, E-M
S. pale lavender pink (M&P 41-A/B-1) shaded and suffused pale orchid mauve (41D-6); F. pinkish white (41-A-1), edge sanded pale mauve (41-C-3), rosier (6-1-3/4) haft suffusion; warm white beard tipped peachy orange; pronounced sweet fragrance. Rancho Rose

HIGHLAND LASSIE - M. Brizendine by J. & L. Fry 1988
Sdlg. MB-1-75. SDB, 9" 23 cm, M
Blue orchid; deeper style crests; blue beard. (MB-38-63 x MB-17-66) X Myra. J & L Iris 1988

Sdlg. 83-3. SPU, 36-48" 91-122 cm, M
Ruffled lavender pink, shaded brown yellow in throat, yellow signal. 79-16: (Ripe Wheat x 75-5) X Highline Amethyst. Cordon Bleu Farms 1986 Nies 1991

HIGH OFFER - S. Varner 1981
Sdlg. V755. SIB, 38" 97 cm, E-M
Lustrous deep blue-purple. Dreaming Spires X Tealwood. Illini Iris 1982

HIGH PEAK - B.L.C. Dodsworth 1987
Sdlg. EB 122. TB, 44" 112cm, M
S. white; F. lavender blue; white beard; ruffled. Annabel Jane X Dialogue. British Iris Society 1989

HIGH PRAIRIE - F. Dyer 1982
Sdlg. D-40-80-D. SDB, 12" 30 cm, M
S. light blue to violet blend; F. red violet blend, bordered blue, blue blaze down center; yellow beard tipped blue; ruffled. D-171-73-D: (Easter Bunny x Snow Elf) X Gingerbread Man. Dyer's Iris 1982

HIGH SONG - D. C. Anderson 1988
Sdlg. A-1-DC9. TB, 37" 94 cm, L
S. light blue; F. medium light violet blue, edged lighter; medium orange beard tipped blue. Song of Norway X Sugar Coated Love sdlg. Brown's Iris Garden 1990

HIGH STANDARDS - R. Hollingworth 1986
Sdlg. 82D3C2. SIB tet., 44" 112 cm, M
S. dark blue purple; blue purple styles; F. blue purple, white and gold-yellow signal. 79F1: (Dreaming Spires x unknown) X Blue Pennant. Borbeleta Gardens, Windwood Gardens 1987 AM 1992

HIGH STREET - H. Stahly 1984
Sdlg. 77-26. TB, 37" 94 cm, M
Ruffled pale cream, slight blue pink tinge on F., touched yellow at hafts; light yellow beard. 70-4: (Esther Fay x Whole Cloth) X Pink Ballet. Stahly 1985

HIGH TRIBUTE - Ed Roberts 1986
TB, 32" 81 cm, M
Medium to deep orange self, ruffled F.; tangerine beard; spicy fragrance. High Bid X Holiday Magic. Ed Roberts 1988

HIGH WATERS - B. Blyth 1989
Sdlg. V71-2. TB, 38" 96 cm, E-EM
Light blue violet; pale blue beard. Perfect Couple X Pledge Allegiance. Tempo Two 1989/90

HIGHWAY WALKER - J. Shook 1986
Sdlg. R-3-401. JI 6 F., 32" 81 cm, M
Aster violet, yellow signal; narrow short styles tipped aster violet. Amethyst Umbrella X Enamor. Shook 1987

HIGH WIRE - Schreiner's 1989
Sdlg. XY 999. SDB, 10" 25 cm, E
S. very pale lavender (RHS 76D); F. red purple (59C), white wire rim, darker spot around purple violet beard. Unknown parentage. Schreiner's 1989