Iris Registry Inquiry

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FIRST ALERT - Paul Black 1997

FIRST CHAPTER - G. F. Wilson 1994

FIRST CONTACT - Donald Spoon 1997

FIRST EMBRACE - Donald Spoon 1997

FIRST ENCOUNTER - Frederick Held 1998

FIRST FAVOURITE - John C. Taylor 1991

FIRST FUSS - Tom Burseen 1993

FIRST INTERSTATE - Schreiner, R. 1990

FIRST LIME - T. J. Betts 2000

FIRST MOVEMENT - Graeme Grosvenor 1990

FIRST REUNION - Larry Gaulter by Cooley's 1990

FIRST ROMANCE - George Shoop 1994

FIRST SENSATION - Richard Tasco 2002

FIRST WAVE - Richard Tasco 2002

FIRST CRUSH - Evelyn Robarts 2003

FIRST ACT - Bob Bauer and John Coble 2004


TB 38" M. W1.
Self, white, warm-toned. Faught Snow Flurry sdlg., selfed.,

FIRST ATTEMPT - Radschlag 1952
TB 32" M. B1L.
Light-blue self. Chivalry X Chicory Blue., Radschlag 1956.

FIRST BORN - McCord 1957
Sdlg. 519-52. TB 36" E-M. W2.
Fancy plicata, white ground, stippled lavender. San Francisco X Jake.,

FIRST CALL - C. Jonas 1954
Sdlg. 715-1. DB 6-8" E. Y4.
Ivory and pink. Noweta x rubromarginata., Longfield 1955.

FIRST CURTAIN - Muhlestein 1951
Sdlg. 51-hA. TB 38" M. R1L.
Pink self. Party Dress X Pink Fulfillment., Tell 1957.

FIRST DATE - Mildred Harrell 1956
Sdlg. 5410. TB 38" M. Y5.
Fancy blend S. cream flushed lavender-pink; F. cream, dotted and striped lavender-pink. Sdlg. 51-9: (Madame Louis Aureau x Mulberry Rose) x Mulberry Rose.,

FIRST FIDDLE - Harper 1954
Sdlg. 9-1-49. TB 36" M. VR1M.
Self, of medium violet-red tone, pale yellow beard, white haft marks. Parentage unknown.,

FIRST FLIGHT - Plough 1956
Sdlg. 5-65-21. TB 33" M. V1.
Bishop's violet self (Wilson 34/3), yellow beard. Quest X Cliff dell., Eden Road 1957. HM 1958.

FIRST KISS - Jacobson 1955
Sdlg. 54-1. TB 38-40" M-L. W1.
White self, gold highlights on F.; beard yellow. Snow Flurry x Loomis sdlg., Jacobson 1958.

FIRST LADY PINK - Plumley 1953
TB 38" M. YO1.
Self, of peach-pink. McKee sdlg. 4883 X Cherie.,

FIRST LIGHT - Kelway 1958
TB 40" L. O5.
Copper-pink self. Tea Rose X unknown.,

FIRST LILAC - Greenlee 1957
IB 18" E. V1L.
Lilac self, yellow beard. ((Sdlg. 10942 x pumila) x Cloud Castle) X sib., Greenlee 1957. HM 1959.

FIRST MATE - Lapham 1953
Sdlg. C-42. TB 36" M. R1.
Bright red self, yellow-toned; light orange beard; smooth haft. (Sdlg. E-5: Lights On x Flamely) x Pacemaker.,

FIRST PROM - Bartholomew 1956
Sdlg. 54-22A. TB 36" M. V1.
Lavender self, no venation; beard yellow tipped white. Cool white sdlg. (parentage lost) x Cloud Castle.,

FIRST VIOLET - DeForest 1951
TB 38" M. V1.
Manganese-violet self. Chivalry X Spanish Peaks., Irisnoll 1952. HM 1953; AM 1955; Dykes Medal 1956.

Sdlg. 58-68V. TB, 36" (91 cm), EM
Pure white self; white beard. Jane Phillips X Frosted Starlight. Cottage Iris 1963 EC 1962, HM 1965.

FIRST EDITION - V. Lorenz 1969
Sdlg. 65-14B. TB, 31-34", E-M
S eggshell white; F clear pink; red-pink beard; ruffled. Fona X Quadros 59-134: 5680 (((May Hall x 5452: (51-21G (Casa Morena x Golden Request) x Mary Randall))) x Very Broad sib. Pacific Coast Hybridizers 1970

FIRST EFFORT - Howe 1965
Sdlg. 9/2. SDB, 12" (30 cm), E
Royal purple self; yellow beard. Fairy Flax X Miss Matty.

IB, 22" (56 cm), E
S yellow gold; F lighter, edged gold; orange beard. Douglas (Helen McGregor x pumila blue) X Green Spot.

FIRST NIGHT - R. Rosenfels 1967
Sdlg. 6220-7. SDB, 10" (25 cm), M
Very deep velvety purple or violet self; matching beard. Black Taffeta X pumila sdlg. 5820-1 (Spring Joy x unknown). Old Brook 1968

FIRST ORBIT - Himottu 1965
Sdlg. 6015A. TB, 36" (91 cm), M
S full violet; F same with lighter haft and narrow blue edge; yellow beard. 622A (Glistenglow x Chivalry) X Violet Harmony. Pride 1966 HC 1965.

FIRST SEA LORD - J. Collins 1961
Sdlg. 142-2. TB, 36" (91 cm), L
S pale wisteria-blue; F violet-blue; pale blue beard, tipped yellow. (The Admiral x Shining Waters) X Melodrama. Collins 1966

FIRST SNOW - Sexton 1965
Sdlg. 26-60. TB, 36" (91 cm), M
White self. (Violet Harmony x Swan Ballet) X Celestial Snow. Sexton 1966 HM 1969.

FIRST SNOWFALL - Lloyd Austin 1962
Sdlg. 938 TB, 36" (91 cm), Re
Pure white self. Lady Moon X Canadaway. Rainbow 1962

FIRST SNOWFLAKES - Schmelzer 1964
Sdlg. C-1-3-2. TB, 40" (102 cm), E-L
Snow white self. Celestial Snow X Arctic Flame. Schmelzer 1965

FIRST TIME - Welch 1963
Sdlg. W-301. MTB, 18" (46 cm), L
S deep yellow; F white ground plicata; bronze beard. (Widget x Daystar) X (yellow MTB x unknown). Welch 1963 HM 1965.

Sdlg. Z-71-1. TB, 36" (91 cm), M
White self, flushed pale pink; ruffled. 18-S (SQ 70 twice and sdlgs of Cherie, Fantasy, Chantilly, Gussie, Sugarplum, Cherito) X Lace Flounces. HC 1965.

FIRST VOYAGE - M. Walker 1964
Sdlg. S-90-l6. SPU, 40" (102 cm), M
Medium blue-violet self with large golden-yellow signal. Morningtide X unknown. Schreiner's 1965

FIRST BLUSH - G. Corlew 1978
Sdlg. 961-6A. TB, 33" (84 cm), E-M
S. light pink; F. slightly lighter, shading to color of S. at haft; pinkish red beard. Pink Sleigh X Cornerstone. Corlew 1981

FIRST FLUSH - B.L.C. Dodsworth 1976
Sdlg. EB 19. TB, 36" (91 cm), M
Pale pink self. Pink Fringe X Esther Fay. British Iris Society 1981

FIRSTLING - E. Hobbs 1974
Sdlg. 62-1. SDB, 10" (25 cm), M
White self; white beard. Sunaire X Thisbe. Riverdale Iris 1974

FIRST STAR - A. & D. Willott 1973
Sdlg. 70-71. SDB, 11" (28 cm), M-L
Greenish yellow with deep yellow spot on F.; deep blue beard. Nylon Loveliness X Pastel Gem. Willott 1974

FIRST COMMUNION - Nancy Bartlett 1983
Sdlg. 9A4. TB, 36" 91 cm, M
Ruffled pure white; white beard, gold in throat. Piety X Winter Olympics. Bartlett 1985

FIRST DAWN - B. Madsen 1985
Sdlg. 1. TB, 28" 71 cm, M
S. ruffled pale yellow, faint bluish rim; F. creamy yellow, darker ruffled edge; beard creamy yellow in throat, soft lavender tip. Ghio sdlg. X sdlg. inv. Danish Lace, Celestial Waltz and white sdlg. Melrose Gardens 1987

FIRST ENDEAVOR - L. E. Fort 1987
Sdlg. 82-4-A. TB, 36" 91 cm, M
S. peach pink (RHS 38H), edged pink; F. peach pink (38C), flushed pale yellow (23D), edged pink; red (32A) beard; laced and ruffled; pronounced sweet fragrance. Paradise X Brown 78-1F1, Art Center sib. Fort Iris 1988

FIRST FRUITS - Ben Hager 1984
Sdlg. S690c. SPU, 48+ 122 cm, E-M
Orchid pink, small yellow signal. (Media Luz x sdlg.) X Red Clover. Melrose Gardens 1984

FIRST HURRAH - L. Peterson 1980
Sdlg. LP 77-17A. AB OGB-, 28" 71 cm, ML
Between indian blue (HCC 51/2) and capri blue (52/2); reddish tangerine beard. Fluted Haven X Nicosia. Aril Society, Peterson 1981

Sdlg. L94-1. TB, 32" 81 cm, E
S. ivory cream (M&P 10-A-1); F. ivory cream, touched reed yellow (10-J-1) at hafts; sunflower to chrome yellow beard; fluted and ruffled; slight sweet fragrance. Paradise X Dream Affair. Keppel 1985

FIRST SERGEANT - L. Danielson 1987
Sdlg. LD-07. AR OH, 12" 30 cm, E-M
S. violet blue; F. greenish white ground, coarsely veined black, bright pink stripe between maroon beard and dark red signal. I. camillae X I. paradoxa. Aril Society, Pleasure Iris 1988 HM 1991

FIRST STEP - A. & D. Willott 1982
Sdlg. 78-217. SDB, 11" 28 cm, E-M
S. white ground plicata bordered deep purple; purple styles; F. white ground plicata bordered and striped deep purple; orange and purple beard; ruffled. Concord Touch X Stitch Witch. Willott 1983

FIRST WALTZ - G. Shoop 1986
Sdlg. 81-24. TB, 36" 91 cm, M
S. pink; F. rose pink; tangerine beard; ruffled. Beverly Sills X Custom Made. Shoop 1986