Iris Registry Inquiry

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COPPER AND SNOW - Barry Blyth 1995

COPPER CYMBAL - Ron Mullin 1996

COPPER GEM - Cleo Palmer 1993

COPPER LADY - Heather Collins 1994

COPPER TIPS - Jean Witt 1990

COPPER TRIDENT - Ben Hager 1991

COPPER BUBBLE BATH - A. and D. Cadd 2002

COPPER BROWN - C. Oshlo 1955
TB 30" M. YO1.
Copper and brown self, beard same. Tobacco Road x sdlg. S167.,

COPPER CABLE - Kelway 1959
TB 32" M. YO5D.
Copper self. California Rose X Cordovan., Kelway 1959.

COPPER CANYON - Tompkins 1950
TB 38" M. OD1.
Copper-orange self. (Arab Chief x Tobacco Road) X Copperclad, Fleur de Lis 1950.

COPPER CHARM - Ulrich 1952
TB 36" M. R3.
Red-brown and copper rose. Brown Thrasher X Prairie Sunset., Sterling 1953.

COPPER CORONET - Riddle 1956
Sdlg. G-9-G. TB 40" M. RO1.
Garnet-brown self (Wilson 00918/3), yellow haft marks. Sunset Blaze X Cascade Splendor.,

COPPER GIANT - Brown 1956
Sdlg. 1178-7. TB 40" E-L. RO1.
Brightest copper-brown. Prairie Sunset Pretty Quadroon., Brown 1958.

COPPER GOLD - Nesmith 1952
TB 39" M. Y5.
Blend of tans and browns. Deep-yellow sdlg. x brown-tan sdlg. Originator, H. F. Hall., Fairmount 1952.

COPPER HALO - Gibson 1956
Sdlg. 38-2AA. TB 34" M-L. Y2.
S. orange-copper on cream, F. cream-white patch in center, edged copper. Travertine Rose X sdlg. 1441 (from seedling crosses)., Cooley 1958. HM 1958.

COPPER HARBOR - Savage 1955
Sdlg. 5B43. TB 38" M. YO1D.
Copper-brown self, golden glint; golden-bronze beard. Mexico x Tobacco Road., Savage 1958.

COPPER LIGHT - Fleck 1954
TB 30" M. OY3.
Yellowish copper and brownish brass. Tiffany X Royal Scot., Fleck 1955.

COPPER MEDALLION - Schreiner 1951
TB 38" M. O1.
Copper self. Bryce Canyon X Sunset Serenade., Schreiner 1951. HM 1953.

COPPER PENNY - Ulrich 1954
TB 36" M. YO5.
Apricot-copper blend, orange beard. Burmese Gold X Bryce Canyon., Sterling 1955.

COPPER PRINCE - Barton 1951
Sdlg. B4957. TB 36" M. RO5.
Copper-and-red bicolor. Casa Morena x Bryce Canyon.,

COPPER SKY - DeForest 1957
Sdlg. 52-16. TB 38" M.
Medium brown, blended orange, self; orange beard. Brown sdlg. x brown sdlg., Irisnoll 1957.

COPPERCLAD - Tompkins revised parentage of 1949
Sdlg. 46-22. TB 36" M. O1.
Orange-copper self. Arab Chief X Honeyflow.,

COPPERHEAD - Reinhardt 1953
TB 34" M. O1.
Copper-brown self, yellow-flush in center of falls. Mexican Magic X Susitna Sunset., Reinhardt 1955.

COPPERITA - Greenlee 1957
MDB 4" EE. R1.
Copper-red self, yellow beard. (Papoose x Blondie) X Welch sdlg. J 509., Greenlee 1957.

COPPERSTONE - Oscar Colin 1954
TB 40" M. R3D.
Medium and darker brown, blue blaze below tan beard. Casa Morena x Bryce Canyon.,

COPPER BROCADE - Gibson 1965
Sdlg. 1127PTB. TB, , M
Copper-brown plicata; S copper brown; F copper-brown on white. Copper Halo X 51-54.

COPPER CRAFT - C & K Smith 1966
Sdlg. 64-24. TB, 32" (81 cm), M-L
Tawny orange ~Ridgway 13) to garnet brown(Wilson 00918/1); edges slightly laced. (Mary Randall x Castles in Spain) X Millionaire. Mrs K Smith 1970

COPPER CURLS - L. Swearengin 1969
Sdlg. 65-162. TB, 30" (76 cm), M
S deep buff-yellow; F deep buff-yellow with brick red brushed on; beard yellow tipped brown; ruffled. Volunteer Fireman X Jallah Effendi. Eden Road 1972

COPPER DOLL - Carstensen 1963
Sdlg. C-20-63. TB, 34" (86 cm), L
Orange-yellow self, matching beard. Bold Copper X Sass 48-267(deep yellow). Nick's Gdn 1964

COPPER ELF - Kitton 1963
SIB, 24" (61 cm), L
Suffused copper on pale base, self. From two Sibirica hybrid sdlgs. Orpington 1967

COPPERETTE - W. Schortman 1966
Sdlg. 64151 SDB, 12" (30 cm), M-L
Yellow ground plicata with red-orange markings. Copper Halo X plicata sdlg. 7112. Schortman 1967

COPPER GIRL - M. Beck 1967
Sdlg. 6301 TB, 38" (97 cm), M-L
S light coppery tan; F copper-tan, haft marked yellow; orange beard. Copper Medallion X (Thotmes III x Inca Chief).

COPPER MAGIC - E. Smith 1965
Sdlg. 64-315. TB, 36" (91 cm), M
S copper-brown; F lighter brown; beard orange. Plum Delight X Lob Trail. Smith's Iris Gdns 1966

COPPEROPOLIS - Babson 1960
Sdlg. H87-l. TB, 38" (97 cm), M
Copper-brown self. ((Mexico x Sultan's Robe) x (Sultan's Robe x Remembrance)) X Cordovan. Melrose 1960 HM 1961.

COPPER STRIKE - S. Street by J. Witt, 1968
Sdlg. B79B. MTB, 23" (58 cm), M
Light copper self; yellow-orange beard. Eversweet X Zingara. Witt 1971

COPPER URN - K. Craig 1960
Sdlg. 8-K-5. TB, 34" (86 cm), M-L
S Havana rose to rose ash; F copper leaf to henna. ((China Maid x Tiffany) x Aztec Copper)) X Island Boy. Craig 1960

COPPER VALLEY - H. Hite 1967
Sdlg. H-45. TB, 34" (86 cm), ML
Bright copper self including beard. Bryce Canyon X Rocket. Hite 1968

COPPERCANA - C. DeForest 1970
Sdlg. 70-23. TB, 38" (97 cm), M
S. bright coppery rose, blending to light golden brown at edge; F. same; bright orange beard. Gracie Pfost X (Tonalea x Golden Chance). Irisnoll 1971

COPPER CAPERS - J. Gibson 1970
Sdlg. 56-6B. TB, 36" (91 cm), M
S. orange; F. orange lined garnet red; orange beard; ruffled. 55-2PJ: (Wild Ginger x 35-0PLA) X Happy Holiday. Gibson 1971

COPPER CHIEF - W. Welch by H. Hite 1979
Welch A-515. MDB, 4" (10 cm), E
Light red-brown self; white beard. Canary Caper X pumila. Hite 1980

COPPER CLASSIC - E. Roderick 1977
Sdlg. 7526. TB, 30" (76 cm), L
Spanish orange self; tangerine beard. West Coast X New Moon. Roderick 1979

COPPERDOWN - R. C. Watkins C. W
Sdlg. T2 BMF.2. SDB, 12" (30 cm), M
S. cream (RHS 13D); F. ochre (13A). Blueberry Muffins X ((Clear Sailing x (Sulina x Nana)) x Green Spot).

COPPER FLAME - R. Blodgett Blod
Sdlg. 73-63. TB, 34" (86 cm), M
S. deep copper; F. bright gold, shading to deep copper on lower half; coral-red beard. Tint of Sunset X (Apollo's Gift x (Chinese Coral x Orange Triumph)). Blodgett Iris 1978

COPPER MOUNTAIN - Schreiner's 1978
Sdlg. H 439-B. TB, 38" (97 cm), EM
Rich copper-brown self; gold beard. C 65-3: ((Bang x O 174-1) x October Ale) X Arroyo. Schreiner's 1978

COPPER BELL - Elvan Roderick 1989
Sdlg. 8506. TB, 36" 91 cm, L
S. copper brown blend washed yellow; F. copper brown, yellow wash at hafts; burnt orange beard. Copper Classic X Copyright. Roderick Iris 1991

COPPER CUTIE - D. Spence 1987
Sdlg. S83-65-1. SDB, 11" 28 cm, M
S. tan with copper infusion; F. tan, large burgundy spot, fine copper edge; tan yellow beard. (Concord Touch x Dancing Damsel) X (Derring-Do x Runaway). 21st Century Gardens 1987

COPPER EDGE - N. Rudolph 1985
Sdlg. 79-20. BB, 24" 61 cm, L
S. rosy tan, edged tan; gold styles; F. white, 3/8" yellow band; yellow beard. Antique Band X 77-47: (73-83 x Chartreuse Ruffles). Klehm Nursery 1986

COPPER GLAZE - M. Hamblen 1985
Sdlg. M79-2A. BB, 24" 61 cm, E-L
S. yellow (RHS 13B); F. yellow (14C), cinnamon (172C) hafts and beard; ruffled and laced. Picayune X Sienna Star. Mission Bell 1986

COPPER LACE - L. Wolford 1983
Sdlg. OR-83-2. TB, 34" 86 cm, M
S. copper, slight mauve influence around outer edge; F. warm copper, lighter hafts with almost inconspicuous veining; bright tangerine beard; ruffled and heavily laced. (Bosky Dell x Ice Sculpture) X Springtime Fantasy sib. Skyline Gardens 1986

COPPER NUGGET - Schreiner's 1980
Sdlg. H 511-B. TB, 35" 89 cm, M
Tailored rich copper chocolate brown; self beard. A 474-4: ((Olympic Torch x Dark Chocolate) x Applejack) X E 1068-A: ((Wild Ginger x Taste of Honey) x (R 1013-14 x 5 777-1)). Schreiner's 1980

COPPER POND - L. Danielson 1985
Sdlg. BP 82-9. AR OH, 14" 36 cm, M
S. light lavender, veined and dotted maroon; rust styles and crests; F. copper, peppered brown, edge veined brown, greenish yellow area around maroon signal. H. Danielson LH-1 X Brown Prince. Aril Society, Pleasure Iris 1986

COPPER SEQUINS - J. Burch 1983
Sdlg. 40-15. TB, 37" 94 cm, M-L
S. brownish orange (RHS 167A); F. same, blending to dark brownish orange (172C) lightly infused violet; yellow orange (23A) beard. Hi Top X Meadowlark Fringe.