Iris Registry Inquiry

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BLUE AGAIN - Duane Meek 1997

BLUE ANEW - Ben Hager 1990

BLUE ASH - A. and D. Willott 2001

BLUE BLAZER - John Clive Russell 1999

BLUE BUBBLES - Bernard Hamner 1990

BLUE BY ME - Udo & Rudolph Wilkeneit 1996

BLUE CANDLE - Cloyd McCord 1996

BLUE CHEER - Larry Lauer 1997

BLUE CHIP STOCK - Paul Black 1998

BLUE COCKATIEL - John Weiler 1990

BLUE COVE - A. Theodore Mueller 1994

BLUE CREVASSE - B. L. C. Dodsworth 1997

BLUE CRUSADER - Schreiner 1998

BLUE EMBERS - Bob Bauer/John Coble 1993

BLUE EYED PRINCESS - Lorena Reid 2001

BLUE EYES CRYING - Jim Hedgecock 1999

BLUE FIN - George Sutton 1997

BLUE FIRE - Darlene Pinegar 1994

BLUE FOR SUE - A. and D. Willott 1998

BLUE FOR YOU - Barry Blyth 1997

BLUE HEELER COUNTRY - Graeme Grosvenor 1998

BLUE HOOKS - Ladislav Muska 1995

BLUE HORNED PAPOOSE - Jean Peyrard 2001

BLUE IMPACT - Lewis & Adele Lawyer 2001

BLUE IT UP - Richard Ernst 1991

BLUE JAY WAY - Larry Lauer 1998

BLUE KENTUCKY GIRL - Schreiner 2002

BLUE LAMP - Cy Bartlett 1999

BLUE LARK - Cloyd McCord 1996

BLUE MOMENT - Duane Meek 1992

BLUE MONTANA SKY - Roger Nelson 1994

BLUE MORNING DAWN - Henry Millhorn 1998

BLUE MOUND - Nadine Yunker 1992

BLUE NOTE BLUES - Richard Ernst 1996

BLUE ON BLUE - Joan Roberts 2003

BLUE PHARAOH - Oscar Schick 1995

BLUE QUILL - George Sutton 1997

BLUE RAIN - Kevin Nilsen 1991

BLUE RECALL - Raymond Smith 1991

BLUE REVIEW - Raymond Smith 1991

BLUE RIDGE BEAUTY - Donald Spoon 1999

BLUE RILL - Bennett Jones 1999

BLUE SERETH - Gary Dunlop & Jennifer Hewi 2000

BLUE SKIRT WALTZ - Schreiner 1999

BLUE SPRITZ - Donald Delmez 1996

BLUE STREAKER - Donald Spoon 1997

BLUE SUEDE SHOES - Schreiner 1996

BLUE ZULU - B. L. C. Dodsworth 1997

BLUE-EYED MAIDEN - A. and D. Willott 1992

BLUE-EYED SUSAN - Larry Lauer 1998

BLUEBERRIES AND CREAM - Darlene Pinegar 1990

BLUEBERRY FAIR - Robert Hollingworth 1996

BLUEBERRY FILLY - Brad Kasperek 1998

BLUEBERRY FROST - Ed Roberts 2000

BLUEBERRY ICE - Jim and Vicki Craig 1997

BLUEBERRY SUNDAE - O. D. Niswonger 2000

BLUEBIRD SPECIAL - Jean Stallcop by DonD 1998

BLUEBIRD'S MELODY - Beryl Pederick 1994

BLUEBLOOD YELLOW - Nathan Rudolph by Lole 1991

BLUELIGHT YOKOHAMA - Akihiko Terada 1995

BLUES CHASER - Duane Meek 1991

BLUES IN STYLE - Lorena Reid 2001

BLUES REVISITED - Lorena Reid 2000

BLUEVAIL OF NIGHT - Glenn G. Stoneking-Jo 1998

BLUE LIBERTY - Bonne Scott 2002

BLUEBERRY TART - Chuck Chapman 2002

BLUE FLIRT - Barry Blyth 2002

BLUE JEAN LADY - Larry Lauer 2002

BLUE PLATE SPECIAL - Joseph Ghio 2002

BLUE DOG - Jim Leonard 2003

BLUE PERSIAN - A. and D. Willott 2003

BLUE SATEEN - D.L. Shepard 2003

BLUE SPIKES - D.L. Shepard 2003

BLUEBERRY BLISS - Schreiner 2004

BLUEBERRY CONFETTI - John Gilbreath 2004

BLUEBERRY SKIES - D.L. Shepard 2004

BLUE MICHELLE - Alison Nicoll 2004

BLUEMOON SAMBA - Akihiko Terada 2004

Blue Throat - Loomis

not registered; appears in certain parentage records.

BLUE ABALONE - Austin 1955
Sdlg. Ob-O1. TB (hybr.) 32" EM-M, VB3L.
Bitone, pale lilac-blue and deep lilac-blue, edged paler; brown haft veins; heavy, bright tangerine beard. Elmohr x Abalone Shell., Rainbow 1955.

BLUE ADMIRAL - Kelway & Son 1959
Sdlg. 309. TB 36" M, B1M.
Medium-blue self. Chivalry X Blue Rhythm., Kelway 1959.

BLUE ANSWER - P. Cook 1958
Sdlg. 9158. TB 34" ML, W4.
S. white; F. light blue, some white on haft. Blue sdlg. 14354 X Prettyfield.,

BLUE ASTERISK - Greenlee 1955
IB E, B3L.
Bitone, S. and F. light flax-blue, deeper blue spot in F. (Cook 10942 x pumila) x Cloud Castle., Greenlee 1955. HM 1958.

BLUE AUDREY - Spinkston 1959
TB 36" ML, B1M.
Medium-blue self; blue-white beard. Helen McGregor X Blue Ensign., Lake MacQuarie Gdn. 1959.

BLUE AUSSIE - Spinkston 1955
TB 36" L, B3M.
Reverse bitone, S. medium blue, F. lighter; blue beard. Sea Gull x Muhlestein tangerine-bearded pink sdlg., Spinkston 1961

BLUE BAND - P. Cook 1950
DB 5" EE, BL/BV3.
Light-blue and blue-violet bitone. Yellow chamaeiris X blue pumila., Longfield 1952. HM 1952.

BLUE BARON - Schreiner 1959
Sdlg. N-875-1. TB 40" M, B1M.
Marine-blue self. (Helen McGregor x Fay sdlg.) X ((Jane Phillips x sdlg. E-398) x (Cloud Castle x Narain))., Schreiners 1962. HM 1963, JC 1963, 1964, AM 1965.

BLUE BEAU - Edythe Burns 1954
TB 38" M, B1M.
Medium-blue self, blue beard. Blue Rhythm x Chivalry.,

BLUE BEYOND - Samuelson 1955
Sdlg. W19-4 1. TB 40" M, B1M.
Intense medium blue, blue beard. (Snow Flurry x sdlg. from Purissima, El Capitan, Helios, hoogiana and E. H. Jenkins) x Great Lakes., Samuelson 1955.

BLUE BLOSSOM - Colquitt 1952
AH 18" L, B1.
Self, deep blue (as in I. giganticaerulea), white signal. Collected., Laurel Bend Farm 1952.

BLUE BLUSH - Etheridge 1956
TB 30" E and repeats, V3.
Bitone, S. light violet, F. medium red-violet edged lighter, pink patch in F; tangerine beard. Melitza x Golden Eagle.,

BLUE BORDER - Kinish 1955
TB 30" M, B1M.
Medium-blue self. Sdlg.: (Anne Page x Theodolinda) X sdlg. (Blue Triumph x Shining Waters).,

BLUE BOUNTIFUL - Wright 1959
Sdlg. 5625. TB 37" M, B3.
S. light blue, F. darker. Lothario X Lady Boscawen sdlg.,

BLUE BOUQUET - Bickle 1954
TB, 34", M, TB 34" M, B1.
Blue self. Pierre Menard X Vanda.,

BLUE BREAKER - Louise Marx 1956
TB 36" L, W2.
Plicata, white and deep violet-blue; light-blue beard. Marx plicata sdlg. X Blue Shimmer., Marx 1956.

BLUE BRILLIANT - Cassebeer 1959
Sdlg. 723. SIB 26" ML, B3.
S. medium blue, F. slightly lighter, few haft markings. Parentage unknown., Cassebeer 1960.

BLUE CAMEO - Kelway 1956
TB 36" M, B1L.
Pale-blue self. Helen McGregor x unknown., Kelway 1957.Wisley 1956.

BLUE CARESS - Reinhardt 1958
Sdlg. 57-55. TB 34" M, B1P.
Pale-blue self; blue beard. Jane Phillips x ((Azure Skies x Chivalry) x Blue Valley)., Reinhardt 1957.

BLUE CASCADE - Howe 1951
TB 38" M, B1.
Light-blue self. (Purissima x Cloud Castle) x Bay State., Howe 1954.

TB 36-38" M, B3L.
S. light blue, F. slightly darker. Gudrun x Great Lakes., Fleur de Lis 1954.

BLUE CHIP - Mrs. Alex Smith 1950
AH 40" M, BM1.
Medium-blue self. (S & R Blue Chip, Williams, T. A., R. 1937.) Parentage unknown., Conger 1950. HM 1951; Debaillon Award 1957.

BLUE CLIF - Hamblen 1955
Sdlg. 51-28. TB 36-40" ML, BV3.
S. campanula-violet (Wilson 38/1), F. same with silvery lobelia-blue area near haft; pale-lemon beard lighter at tip. Snow Flurry x Chivalry., Mission Bell 1956. HM 1958.

BLUE COAT - W. Marx 1955
Sdlg. 49-77. JI (double) 36" L, B1
Medium-blue self, near delft (M & P); scattered white veins, double. Irojiman x Shimeino-aki., Marx 1955.

BLUE COQUETTE - Thompson 1957
Sdlg. 15-53-7. TB 27" ML, BL1.
Opaque light steel-blue self, F. undertone of cream; beard, waxy blue color of S. and styles. White sdlg.: (?blue x Gudrun) X Chivalry.,

BLUE CORSAGE - Corliss 1955
Sdlg. 55S2. SPU 48" early spuria season, VB1L.
Pale wisteria-blue self. Two Opals x Nies blue sdlg., Fairmount 1956. HM 1958.

BLUE CREST - Crosby 1958
Sdlg. C-57-9. TB 40" E-VL, W1.
White self; deep blue beard. ((Snow Flurry x Cloud Castle) x (Sylvia Murray x Cloud Castle)) X Blue Throat., Mission Gardens 1959.

BLUE DAZE - G. Holleyman 1952
AH 52" M, B1.
Self, smoky lavender-blue, self veined. Collected.,

BLUE DEBUT - Wallace 1955
Sdlg. 52-14. TB 35" M, B1P.
Pale-blue self. Snoqualmie x sdlg. involving Midwest Gem x Hall 42-10, line breeding., Wallace Gardens 1955.

BLUE DENIM - Warburton 1958
Sdlg. BC-300. SDB 14" E, V1D.
Purplish blue self; bluish white beard. Great Lakes x (April Morn x unknown)., Warburton 1959. HM 1959.

BLUE DEW - Pickard 1956
Sdlg. 51-12A. TB 36" LM, B1P.
Pale baby-ribbon blue self. Snow Flurry X Chivalry.,

BLUE DOLL - Warburton 1958
Sdlg. A-506. MDB 9" E, V1L.
Light purplish blue self, light violet spot on F.; white beard. Pigmy Gold X April Morn., Warburton 1958. HM 1959.

BLUE DOLPHIN - Wallace 1956
Sdlg. 5506. IB (TB-onco) 25" EE, BV1.
Blue-violet self, medium tone; blue beard. Snow Flurry X Capitola., Wallace 1956.

BLUE DOUGLAS - A. Bailey 1952
TB 40" LM, BV3.
Blue-violet and blue-purple. Probably The Red Douglas x unknown.,

BLUE ELF - Kavan 1959
Sdlg. 1-57. MDB 4" EE, V1.
Blue-violet self, light-blue beard. Cretica X self.,

BLUE ENCHANTMENT - Elmina Madsen by Wallace 1956
Sdlg. 55-1. TB 38" M, B1M.
Medium-blue self. Registered for originator, Elmina Madsen. Snow Flurry X Great Lakes., Wallace 1956.

BLUE FAIRY - Muhlestein 1953
Eupogoregelia hybrid 38" EM, B1M.
Blue self, medium. Cool Lemonade x Hoogie Boy., Tell 1953.

BLUE FANTASY - C. Branch 1958
Sdlg. 5705. TB 38" M, W1V.
S. icy white deepening to violet at base, F. icy white; beard tipped white; icy blue style. Airy Charm x Wide World., Soo Preme 1961

BLUE FEATHER - Mathews 1952
AH 48" M, B4.
Light blue with white border, yellow signal. Collected.,

BLUE FINCH - Kelway & Son 1959
TB 36" M, B1M.
Medium-blue self. Helen McGregor X Blue Valley., Kelway 1959.

BLUE FLARE - Casselman 1952
TB 50" M-L, B1M.
Self, medium blue. (Sensation x (Purissima x Los Angeles)) X Sierra Blue.,

BLUE FLIGHT - Albright Margaret Y. for originator Howard M. Frazee deceased 1952
Sdlg. 51-lA. TB 32" EM, B1M.
Self, medium blue, blue beard. The Admiral x Albright sdlg. 48-01: (46-04 pink, Muhlestein sdlg. x Great Lakes)., Tell 1954.

BLUE FLURRY - Brown 1954
Sdlg. B6. TB 40" EM, VB1L.
Light wisteria-blue self, throat and beard near white. Snow Flurry x Hall pink sdlg., Brown 1955.

BLUE FOUNTAIN - D. Foss 1955
Sdlg. 52-8-(B). TB 36" M, B1M.
Medium-blue self. Cloud Castle X Sylvia Murray., Foss 1958.

BLUE FRECKLES - Schortman 1954
TB 40" EM, W2B.
Plicata, white and blue. Sdlg. 1-55: (Snow Flurry x Blue Shimmer) x sdlg. O-157L (Tiffany x Gibson Girl)., Schortman 1957.

BLUE FROST - Doriot 1956
Sdlg. 6-55. DB 5" early pumila season, B1F.
Pale-blue self, white beard. Unknown., Doriot 1957. HM 1957; Caparne Award 1959.

BLUE GARDENIA - Bellmer 1958
TB 44" M, B1P.
Pale-blue self. (Great Lakes x Missouri) X Sylvia Murray.,

BLUE GATE - Plough 1959
Onco 32" EM, V5.
S. grayed blue-violet to buff-gray; F. buff-gray, washed and splashed blue-violet; mustard-brown beard. Eastmont sport., Eden Road 1960.

BLUE GENES - Parson 1958
Sdlg. 75. TB 32" ML, B1M.
Medium-blue self, blue beard. Danube Wave X Chivalry.,

BLUE GENTIAN - W. Marx 1958
Sdlg. 56-120. JI (double) 30" L. B2D.
Deep blue with white veins in central portion. From two Higo sdlgs., Marx 1959.

BLUE GIFT - Samuelson 1955
Sdlg. FX 16-4 1. TB 36" M, B1M.
Medium-blue self, lighter along beard. ((Punssima x El Capitan) x (Purissima x blue sdlg.)) X Great Lakes., Samuelson 1956.

BLUE GLACIER - Riddle 1956
Sdlg. E8B. TB 42" M, B1M.
Medium-blue self (lobelia, Wilson 41/2). Lady Boscawen x Great Lakes.,

BLUE GLAD - Freudenbung 1957
TB 36" M, BLM.
Lobelia-blue self. Sky Ranger X Cloud Castle.,

BLUE GRASS - Rawlings 1951
TB 36" EM, B1.
Deep-blue self. Great Lakes X Gloriole.,

BLUE GROTTO - J. H. Grinter 1956
Sdlg. 51-51. TB 36" M, B1.
Gentian-blue self, blue beard; thin wash of white near haft. Unknown.,

BLUE HAVEN - Reynolds 1954
TB 36" M, B1M.
Medium-blue self. Sky Ranger X Great Lakes., Reynolds 1957.

BLUE HAWAII - B. Schreiner 1953
TB 42" M, V1B.
Lavender-blue self. Snow Flurry x Sylvia Murray., Schreiner 1954.

BLUE HUSSAR - Tomalin 1950
TB 42" M, B/BD3.
Blue and deep blue bitone. Souv. de Mine. Gaudichau x unknown.,

BLUE ICEBERG - Stanley 1955
Sdlg. 52-7. TB 32" M, W1.
Icy blue-white self. Unknown.,

BLUE IMP - Murawaka 1959
TB 32" M, BL1.
Light-blue self. Distance x Cahokia., River Drive Peony Gdn. 1960

BLUE INTENSITY - Austin 1958
Sdlg. 22B. TB 36" EM, B1.
Intense blue self; yellowish white beard. Berkeley Blue X Chivalry., Rainbow 1958.

BLUE INTERLUDE - Oscar Colin 1954
TB 36" LM, B1M.
Medium-blue self, blue beard. Chivalry X Danube Wave.,

BLUE IVORY - Molly Price 1959
Sdlg. L-59-12. SDB 14" ML, Y2B.
Ivory self faintly shadowed with blue; blue beard; styles blue underneath. Primrose Bonnet x Welch's M549., Cassebeer 1963

BLUE JESTER - Bickle 1954
TB 38" M, B1.
Blue self. Pierre Menard x Vanda.,

BLUE JOY - Austin 1954
Regelia IB 18" E, B1ML.
Medium light blue self, faint lavender flush on F. Selection from very variable imports of hoogiana., Rainbow 1956.

BLUE LACE - Wallace 1957
Sdlg. 56-528-1. TB 31" M, B3M.
S. mqdium blue, some purple infusion; F. medium blue, brushed yellow at hafts. Chivalry X Blue Debut., Wallace 1958.

BLUE LAGOON - W. Marx 1955
JI (double) 36" EM, W1
Near gentian blue self. Mrs. J. A. Hayden X Nagaozan., Marx 1954.

BLUE LEGEND - Kelway 1956
TB 36" M, B1M.
Medium-blue self. Deep Velvet x Chivalry., Kelway 1957.Wisley 1955.

BLUE LILT - P. Cook 1955
Sdlg. 9252. DB 4 1/2" early dwarf. V1B.
L. Light lavender-blue self, thin wash of green; violet-ultramarine blotch at end of cadmium-yellow beard. ((Tall blue x yellow pumila) x (tall blue x blue pumila)) blue pumila., Longfield 1955.

BLUE MARVEL - Dubes 1953
TB 36" M. B1M.
S. silvery edging; slightly lighter area at haft of F. (Sdlg.: Missouri x Great Lakes) X Gloriole., Fleur de Lis 1954. HM 1958.

BLUE MERE - P. Hutchinson 1959
SIB 36" L. B1.
Gentian-blue self. White sdlg. x Gatineau., Orpington 1960.Wisley 1959.

BLUE MESA - Z. Benson 1957
Sdlg. 1-25-1. TB 48" M. B1.
Blue self; yellow beard, tipped white. Helen McGregor x Blue Ensign., Benson 1959.

BLUE MIDGE - W. Marx 1959
MDB 6" E. B1V.
Lavender-blue self. Azurea x I. chamaeiris., Delayed registration.Marx 1955.

BLUE MIRAGE - El Dorado I. Gdn. 1959
Sdlg. E-59-59. TB 34" EM. W1B.
Blue-white with deeper blue vein on F.; light-yellow beard. Porcelain Blue x Wide World., Melrose 1960.

BLUE MIRANDY - Corhiss 1955
Sdlg. 53S1. SPU 40" EE spuria season. BV3.
Bitone, lobelia-blue (Wilson 41) and moorish blue (Wilson 739), small yellow signal. Two seedlings both from Nies line of spurias., Arizona Missions 1958.

BLUE MOON - Scheffy 1952
SIB 36" M. BV1.
Self, medium deep blue-violet., more vivid at center. Name released by Mrs. J. M. Richer.. Unknown.,

BLUE MOTIFE - Linse 1957
Sdlg. Nacap 21-P. TB-onco 38" M. B5M.
S. verbena-violet, wisteria-blue; F. same, blue-based; blue-tipped beard. New Snow x Capitola., Easy Breeze 1958.

BLUE NIGHTSHADE - Walker for Nies-Walker 1956
Sdlg. S-21-55. SPU 50" EM. BV1.
Strong bluish-violet self, moderately deep yellow signal, heavily veined brown blending to strong violet in fall center. Color Guard X Dutch Defiance sdlg., Lyon 1957. HM 1957.

BLUE NOCTURNE - Payne 1959
Sdlg. 385. JI (double) 40" L. V2W
Violet-ultramarine, a few barely perceptible white veins. Night Music X (Warei-hotel x ((Al-fukurin x Kongosan) x Iso-no-naini))., Payne 1964

BLUE ORCHID - W. Marx 1953
JI (double) 30" EM. RY1D
Orchid self, deep tone. Shin Ran X unknown., Marx 1953.

BLUE PARASOL - Bartholomew 1956
Sdlg. 53-13A. TB 38" M. B1L.
Azure-blue self, bright yellow hafts; beard yellow tipped white. (White sdlg. x sib. Bay State) x Chivalry., Cherry lull Gardens 1959. HM 1959.

BLUE PARRAKEET - Waters 1950
TB 40" LM. BL1.
Chicory-blue self. Bandmaster x Azure Skies., Longfield 1950. HM 1953.

BLUE PINAFORE - Tom Craig 1950
SPU 45" M. BPy1.
Pale-blue self, yellow influence. Alice Eastwood x Fifth Symphony., Craig 1950.

BLUE PIXIE - Goodrick 1958
Sdlg. 56-l1. BB 28" ML. B1L.
Light-blue self; white beard. Blue Rhythm X Distance., Goodrick 1959.

BLUE POMPON - W. Marx 1959
JI 40" L. B1D.
Uniform deep blue. Hisakata x Kongo San., Delayed registration.Marx 1955.

BLUE POWDER - Reinhardt 1955
Sdlg. 55-48. TB 36" M. B1L.
Light-blue self (M & P 41-A-7), pale-blue beard. Sdlg. 51-86: (Snow Flurry x Three Oaks) x sdlg. 51-140: (Snow Flurry x Great Lakes)., Reinhardt 1956.

BLUE PRINT - Ellyson 1953
Sdlg. 52-50. TB 40" M. B1M.
Blue self, medium; white beard and haft. Miles sdlg. 2 X sdlg. 48-05: (Elsa Sass x (45-13: Elsa Sass x The Sentinel)).,

BLUE ROBE - Kelway 1958
TB 34" M. B1M.
Medium-blue self. Chivalry x Keene Valley., Kelway 1958.

BLUE RUFFLES - Maxwell introducer for originator Dr. A. J. Barton 1953
TB 38" M. RV1.
Red-violet self, Roman purple to grapejuice (M & P); white at haft; beard tipped white, shading to deep yellow. Two sdlgs. both pedigrees lost., Iris Test Gardens 1954.

BLUE SAILS - Opal Brown 1959
Sdlg. 7-7B4. TB 30" EM. BL1.
French-blue self; pale-yellow beard, tipped blue. Sdlg. 9A2-55 x Swan Ballet., Sunnyhill 1960.

BLUE SAPPHIRE - B. Schreiner 1953
TB 40" E. B1L.
Blue self, light silvery. Snow Flurry x Chivalry., Schreiner 1953. HM 1954; AM 1956; Dykes Medal 1958.

BLUE SCANDAL - Bickle 1954
TB 38" M. B1.
Blue self. Pierre Menard x Vanda.,

BLUE SERENADE - Luhrsen 1955
Sdlg. 1955-9. California (innominata x douglasiana) 12" EL. VB1L.
Light violet-blue self (M & P 44-A-7), golden-yellow signal patch. Unknown., Combsie 1956.

BLUE SERENE - Wills 1950
Sdlg. 194-48. TB 40" M. BL1-wb.
Light-blue self, white beard. Blue Rhythm X St. Regis., Fairmount 1953. HM 1953.

BLUE SHADE - Graham for Sass 1957
BB 24", B1M.
Medium-deep blue self.Melrose, El Dorado Gardens 1958.

BLUE SILHOUETTE - Tom Craig 1956
TB 45" M. B1M.
Blue self. Headlands x Mary McClellan., Craig 1956. HM 1959.

BLUE SKIRT - Reinhardt 1957
Sdlg. 55-10. TB 38" M. W4.
S. pure white, F. powder-blue blending to pale blue at end of F.; white beard, tipped blue. Snow Flurry X Madame Maurice Lassailly., Reinhardt 1957.

BLUE SNOWFLAKE - DeForest 1953
TB 40" M. W4.
White-ground bicolor, S. white, lined blue-violet; F. dark blue-violet. Extravaganza x Three Sisters., Irisnoll 1953.

BLUE SOVEREIGN - Kelway 1957
TB 38" ML. B1L.
Pale-blue self. Blue Rhythm x unknown., Kelway 1957.Wisley, as "Atlas" 1956.

BLUE SPICE - Crandall 1957
Sdlg. 56-38. TB 48" M. B1D.
Dark-blue self. Cloud Castle x Sdlg. 48-52: (Hoogiana x Shining Waters)., Crandall 1958.

BLUE SPINEL - Gibson 1956
Sdlg. 22-2A. TB 36" M. B1.
Deep spinel-blue self. Sierra Skies x Danube Wave., Cooley 1961.

BLUE SPOT - Welch 1953
Sdlg. J-522. DB 4" EE.
Blue bicolor. S. Light blue, F. darker, blue-violet, light-blue border. Beard bluish white. Sulina X Nana., Welch 1953.

BLUE STARDUST - Muhlestein 1954
Sdlg. 48-75A. TB 36" LM. B1M.
Cornflower-blue self. (Blue Spire x Gloriole) X Cahokia., Tell 1955.

BLUE STEEL - Fraim 1950
TB 38" L. BM1.
Medium-blue self Missouri X Lake Shannon., Pride 1953. HM 1953.

BLUE STREAK - Newman Mrs. John W. Harracena) for John W. Newman deceased 1952
for John W. Newman, deceased, R. 1952). TB 38" M. W2.
Plicata, white and violet. Name released by William Miles for Groff, originator of an earlier registration. Anitra X Minnie Colquitt.,

BLUE SURPRISE - Austin 1956
Sdlg. 22A. TB 36" EM-ML. B1L.
Light bright blue self, flash of white around cream beard.Rainbow 1957.

BLUE TANGO - Streibich 1955
Sdlg. 54-5. TB 36" EM. B1L.
Light-blue self, bluish white beard. Gulf Lake X Distance.,

BLUE TEAL - Neel 1959
Sdlg. 2-56. MDB 4" E. B2O.
S. medium blue, F. same with olive-brown thuinbprint. I. pumila x (Welch H-503 x Hansel-mayer)., PC, RHS, 1959.Wisley 1959.

BLUE TINSEL - Dubes 1951
TB 36" M. B1.
Light-blue self. Dubes sdlg. (Missouri x Great Lakes) X Gloriole., Fleur de Lis 1954. HM 1953.

BLUE TOUCH - Corliss 1956
Sdlg. 56X51. SPU 50" early spuria season. W1.
White self, faint blue tint usually visible only in early morning or late afternoon. Saugatuck X Two Opals.,

BLUE TOWER - Wallace 1956
Sdlg. 54-2. TB 32" E. W1.
Blue-white self, blue-black beard. Sdlg.: ((Gudrun x Matterhorn) x self) X sdlg. 48-109: (Blended Beauty x Inspiration)., Wallace 1956.

BLUE VALENTINE - Tom Craig 1950
SPU 40" M. BP/Y5.
Pale blue and yellow blend. White sdlg. X Two Opals., Craig 1950.

BLUE VEIL - Glenn 1951
TB 40" EM. B1.
Pale-blue self. Snow Flurry X Chivalry.,

BLUE VISTA - Chamberlain 1959
Sdlg. 55-33A. TB 38" M. B1P.
Pale-blue self; white beard. Canadaway X Violet Grace.,

BLUE WALTZ - W. Marx 1952
TB 40" E. B1L.
Self, light sky-blue. (Punssima x Gudrun sdlg.) X Gloriole.,

BLUE WHISKERS - Welch 1959
Sdlg. N-528. MDB 9" Y1.
Yellow self, violet-blue beard. (Sulina x Cook 1546: blue pumila) X sib of Dream Child., Welch 1960.

BLUE WHISPER - Cassebeer 1954
Sdlg. 590. TB 36" M. B1P.
Pale-blue self. Desert Song X Blue Valley., Cassebeer 1955.

BLUE WILLOW - Hoffman 1954
Sdlg. 531-121. TB 36" M. VB1M.
Bluebird-blue self. Sass sdlg. X Miogem.,

BLUE WITCHERY - Mathews 1952
AH 48" M. B1.
Self, medium-light blue, small yellow sional. Two sdlgs.,

BLUE WIZARD - Soper 1959
Sdlg. 8-59. TB 30" M. B1P.
Pale-blue self; bright-blue beard. Welkin x sdlg. from Welkin., Orpington 1960.

BLUEBEARD - D. Hall 1951
TB 34" M. B1.
Dark-blue self. Name released by original registrant. Sdlg. 47-45 X sdlg. 48-10., Cooley 1955.

TB 36" M. B1M.
Self, medium violet-blue (Wilson 042). Helen McGregor X Cahokia., Fay 1953. HM 1954; AM, RHS, 1958.

BLUEBIT - Adelaide Peterson 1959
Sdlg. 58-1-F. SDB 11" W2B.
Blue-white self; yellow-tipped white beard; blue spot on F. Fairy Flax X unknown.,

BLUEBLOOD - Schirmer 1950
TB 38" EM. BM1.
Blue self. Deep Velvet x Great Lakes., Diehl 1952.

BLUECAPE - Kitton 1956
SIB 42" M. B1D.
Dark-blue self, some reticulations. A Gatineau sdlg., Orpington 1958. HC (BIS) 1956.

BLUEY SNOW CAP - Blyth 1958
TB 38" ML. W4.
S. snow-white, F. white flushed blue. Wabash x White Perfection., Blyth 1958.

BLUE ACCENT - Marvin Olson 1962
Sdlg. 60-19 TB, 34" (86 cm), M
Pure white self; blue-violet beard (Spanish Peaks x Cloudless Sky) X Palmer sdlg. Olson 1966 HC 1961

BLUE ACE - Rosenfels 1963
Sdlg. 5812-1 SDB, 13" (33 cm),
Violet-blue self, matching beard Jane Phillips X Welch J-502 (pumila). Raleigh Hills 1964 HM 1966

BLUEADIAN - Walton 1965
TB, 36" (91 cm), EL
Pale blue self (Wilson 46/3); fades to white Cascadian X Mary McClellan Lorna Linda 1966

BLUE APRON - C. Quadros 1968
Sdlg. 62-23-1 TB, 34-36", M
S pure white; F white from haft to about 1/4 of F, balance sky blue; beard light yellow 59-63 (Melodrama x Whole Cloth) X Emma Cook. C & A Iris 1970 HC 1966

BLUE BALLAD - Branch 1962
Sdlg. 5932 TB, 35" (89 cm), L
Medium blue self Airy Charm X C. Benson 56-6B. Soo-Preme 1963 HM 1964, JC 1964

BLUE BAYOU - Plough 1965
Sdlg. 59-256-7 TB, 36" (91 cm), ML
S bluer tone of Victoria violet(Wilson 738/3); F same with lighter area around beard; beard orange with white tip (High Heaven x Big Game) X ((Chivalry x Blue Rhythm) x Windsor)) Eden Road 1966

Sdlg. 62-18-43 TB, 44" (112 cm), EM
S more vibrant tone than royal purple (Wilson 834/2), slightly lighter than F; F same with clean hafts, lightly laced; Moorish blue beard Granada X (Tistops x Allegiance) Eden Road 1967

BLUE BEAUTY - Hays 1964
TB, 36" (91 cm), M
Dark blue self Dodge City X blue sdlg

BLUEBELL LANE - C. Deforest 1964
Sdlg. 64-40-5 TB, 36" (91 cm), M
Medium lavender-violet self; self beard High Above X Mountain Music. Irisnoll 1966 HC 1965, HM 1967

BLUE BERET - E. Roberts 1966
Sdlg. 13R63 MDB, 6" (15 cm), VE
S bright medium blue: F purple, edged lighter on lower haft; beard light blue Stint X Stint. Roberts 1967 HC 1966, HM 1968

BLUE BERMUDA - Pickard 1961
Sdlg. S7-30-2 TB, 36" (91 cm), M
Hyacinth-blue self Blue Stallion X Regina Maria Pickard 1962

BLUEBERRY MUFFINS - Warburton 1962
Sdlg. ? SDB, 12" (30 cm), E
S tan-buff; F tan-buff, greenish yellow pattern; violet beards (Black Forest x yellow pumila sdlg.) X Red Dandy. Old Brook Gdns, Raleigh Hills 1963 HM 1964, JC 1964, 1965, AM 1966, Cook-Douglas Medal 1967

BLUE BESS - Rays 1961
TB, 36" (91 cm), M
Light blue self, white spot at haft; yellow beard Parentage unknown

BLUE BIDDY - Pickard 1962
Sdlg. C-163 TB, 36" (91 cm), M
Clear medium blue self Lady Ilse X Blue Stallion. Pickard 1963 HC 1962

BLUEBIRD REPEATER - Razeltine 1969
Sdlg. J2-ll-68 TB re, 36" (91 cm), M & re
Bluebird blue (RHS 94B) self; ruffled; yellow beard tipped blue Jane Phillips X Flying Repeater

BLUE BONANZA - W. Bledsoe 1966
Sdlg. 63-37 TB, 40" (102 cm), E-M
S moorish blue (Wilson 739/2); F Victorian violet (738) South Pacific X Dorothy King. Hilldale Gardens 1972 HC 1967

BLUE BOUNTY - Pickard 1965
Sdlg. 59-24 TB, 36" (91 cm), M
Purple-blue with slight red overcast Blue Bermuda X Lady Ilse. Pickard 1966 HC 1965, NTG Award '68

BLUE BURN - McGarvey 1965
Sdlg. 63-4-2 SIB, 32" (81 cm), E
Light blue self; stylearms almost white White Swirl X McGarvey (Med-B-Lt-b-Sty). Old Brook 1968 HM 1969, JC 1969

BLUE CANARY - Hamblen 1966
Sdlg. M63-8C SDB, 10" (25 cm), M-L
S sulphur yellow (Wilson 1/3); F canary yellow (2/2); Gentian blue beard Grace Note X Grace Note sib. Mission Bell 1967 HC 1966, HM 1968, JC 1968, 1969

BLUE CANOPY - M. Knopf 1961
Sdlg. 13-A-101 TB, 38" (97 cm), ML
Silvery blue self White Bouquet X Mission Trails. Knopf 1962 EC 1961

BLUE CAPERS - A. Brown 1966
Sdlg. D 379 MDB, 4" (10 cm), VE
Sea blue self with wash of rose-purple over center; white beard Cute Capers X Rosy Carpet. Brown's Iris Gardens 1967 HM 1968, JC 1969

BLUE CHALICE - M. Leavitt 1967
Sdlg. Ex 1 TB, 36" (91 cm), M-L
Dark blue self Bristol Gem X Allegiance. Palette 1970 HC 1968

BLUE CHIFFON - Schreiners 1966
Sdlg. T 779-B TB, 41" (104 cm), EM
Pure light blue self Eleanor's Pride X Salem. Schreiners 1966 HM 1967

BLUE CLIPPER - Hale 1969
Sdlg. 2 La-H LA, , M
Deep velvet blue self with sheen of red; blue beard with slight yellow edge. Three generations of Dorothea K. Williamson x Fulva X same Hale 1969

BLUE COQUETTE - D. Smith formerly Thompson),TB pson
TB, R. 1957), , ,
Transferred to 67-20-2

BLUE COQUETTE - D. Smith 1969
Sdlg. 67-20-2 BB, 26" (66 cm), M-L
RHS 97C self; pale cream-white beard Light blue sdlg. (May Cloud x Jane Phillips) X violet-blue sdlg. (May Cloud x sdlg. mv. May Cloud, Lavender Mist, Chivalry and Chantilly)

BLUE DAMSON HAVEN - S. Reynolds 1963
Sdlg. 16W TB, 40" (102 cm), E-M
Deep blue-violet, deeper blue beard (Purple Haven x Steel Haven) X (Azure Haven x Alicia) Twin-trees 1964

BLUE DESIGN - El Dorado 1960
Sdlg. 11-59Q TB, 36" (91 cm), LM
S white, lightly stitched blue; F white, blue hafts, crest, beard Sass 53-186 X Azurite. El Dorado Gardens 1963 HM 1964

BLUE DIMPLES - F. Williams 1969
Sdlg. 1/3/2001 MDB, 6" (15 cm), M
Pale blue self with very small blaze on F Green Spot X E2 (Sulina x Carpathia) Williams 1970

BLUE DOVE - Bennett Jones 1968
Sdlg. 832-1 TB, 34" (86 cm), M
S capri blue (52/2); F 52/3 with tangerine beard 745-1 (Frances Kent, Mary Randall, Pink Enchantment, Party Dress lines x Crystal Flame) X 730-1 ((Pink Enchantment x Party Dress) x Fanfare Orchid)). Jones 1969 HC 1968

BLUE DRAGON - Kelway 1962
Sdlg. 324 TB, 40" (102 cm), ML
Medium blue self Blue Valley X Great Lakes Kelway 1962

BLUE DRIFT - L. Brummitt 1967
Sdlg. 1883/1 TB, 39" (99 cm), L
Mid-blue self with brown hafts Starched Fabric X Primrose Drift Tell 1970

BLUE DUCHESS - Kelway 1966
Sdlg. 694 TB, 38" (97 cm), M
Light blue self Jane Phillips X Blue Cameo

BLUE DUET - R. G. Smith 1965
Sdlg. E35AF TB re, 30" (76 cm), E & re
Full brilliant violet self (Nickerson 10PF 5/9) (((Pink Cameo x Autumn Flame) x Autumn Sunset) x Lacy Lu))) X Lovely Again

BLUE DUKE - Arny 1963
LA, 36" (91 cm), M
Moorish blue self Puttytat X HerHighness. Charjoy 1963 HM 1965

BLUE EARTH - Ferguson 1965
Sdlg. 65-B-1 SPU, 40" (102 cm), ML
S dark blue; F dark blue with yellow signal 62-4C(Counterpoint x (Cherokee Chief x Redy Sdlg.)) X dark blue sdlg. Ferguson 1965 HM 1966

BLUE EVENING - Dunderman 1968
MTB, 20" (51 cm), M
Medium blue self From various MTB sdlgs. mv. Widget, Chewink, Siskin, etc

BLUE EVERBLOOMER - Lloyd Austin 1964
Sdlg. 197 TB, 29" (74 cm), ML
Light lavender-blue self Pierre Menard X September Sparkler Rainbow 1965

BLUE FLECKS - Goett 1964
Sdlg. 9D6 SDB, 10" (25 cm), E
S white, heavy blue-violet markings; F white, blue-violet markings Dale Dennis X Knotty Pine Goett 1964

BLUE FLUTE - Kuesel 1961
Sdlg. B-61-2 BB, 26" (66 cm), EM
Medium blue self, blue-tipped beard Major Eff X Zephrine Old Brook 1963

BLUE FORMAL - Schortman 1962
Sdlg. 1151 TB, 36" (91 cm), M-L
Blue self Indiglow sdlg X Sierra Skies. Schortman 1964 HC 1962, HM 1965

BLUE FOX - Kelway 1965
Sdlg. 655 TB, 36" (91 cm), M
Violet-blue self Blue Cameo X Danube Wave

BLUE FRAGRANCE - Roberts 1962
Sdlg. 61B.31 IB, 24" (61 cm), EM
Light blue self, yellow at throat, light blue beard Brite Bee X Rosy Veil. Roberts 1963 HM 1966

BLUE GODDESS - Kelvay 1962
Sdlg. 389 TB, 36" (91 cm), M
Medium blue self Helen McGregor X Blue Valley Kelway 1962

BLUE HALO - Randolph 1966
Sdlg. 59212-2 TB, 34" (86 cm), M
S light blue; F light blue with deeper blue center (Blue sib of Serene White x Courtesy) X Wide World

BLUE HENDRED - B. C. Watkins 1969
Sdlg. GH/B C/1 SDB, 11" (28 cm), E
Blue (RHS 94D) self Banbury Cross X I. pumila "Barthii" Orpington Nurseries 1972

BLUE HONEY - Swearengen 1964
Sdlg. S-412 JI (double), 42" (107 cm), M
Spectrum violet self, yellow signal patch surrounded by sailor blue halo Sky and Water X Frances Horton Swearengen 1966

BLUE IDEAL - A. M. Smith 1961
Sdlg. S61-1 TB, 38" (97 cm), M
Sky blue self Blue Sapphire X South Pacific

BLUE JOHN - R. C. Watkins 1969
Sdlg. ATB/WH/AS/2 SDB, 10" (25 cm), E
Blue (RHS 91C) self (Atomic Blue x White City) X Austrian Sky

BLUE KANG - H. Miller 1961
Sdlg. 39-25 TB, 40" (102 cm), M
Hyacinth-blue self Kangchenjunga X Arabi Pasha

BLUE LEATHER - Craig 1963
TB, 38" (97 cm), E-L
Smalt blue self ((Headlands x Mary McClellan) x Steeplechase)) X ((Headlands x Mary McClellan) x (Headlands x Mary McClellan)). Craig 1964 HM 1967

BLUE LEMON - Kuesel 1967
Sdlg. 67-L-lb SDB, 13" (33 cm), EE
Smooth lemon yellow self with sky blue beard Green Meteor X Blueberry Muffins

BLUE LEW - Leslie 1968
Sdlg. 282 TB, 31" (79 cm), M-L
Intense blue self shaded violet; cream beard tipped blue Storm Warning X Pierre Menard Top O' The Ridge 1969

BLUE LINEN - Schreiners 1961
Sdlg. M-989A TB, 40" (102 cm), EM
Wisteria blue self Schreiner sdlg. X Harbor Blue. Schreiners 1961 HM 1962

BLUE MARTINI - Moldovan 1969
Sdlg. 3-67A SDB, 12" (30 cm), E
S turquoise blue, diamond dusted green midrib; F same, definite green spot; beard white tipped yellow Green Spot X Nylon Loveliness Moldovan 1969

BLUE MILLER - T. Brown 1963
Sdlg. L-7A5 BB, 23" (58 cm), M
Pale blue self, very deep blue beard Exotic Blue X Sweet Alice Lee. Sunnyhill 1964 HC 1963, HM 1965, JC 1965, 1966, AM 1967, Knowlton Medal 1969

BLUE MINK - Hamblen 1966
Sdlg. 639E TB, 40" (102 cm), E-L
Slate blue-violet blend with minute gold edge Lilac Champagne X 60-141

BLUE MOSS - Bennett Jones 1966
Sdlg. 1485-1 SDB, 14" (36 cm), M
S medium blue; F olive, washed blue at edges Doriot sdlg. (tall blue-purple x Red Amethyst) X sib. Jones 1967 HC 1966, HM 1968

BLUE MOUNTAINS - Schreiners 1964
Sdlg. P-658-S TB, 38" (97 cm), ML
Medium violet-blue self First Violet X Blue Linen. Schreiners 1964 HM 1965

Sdlg. HR-l TB, 38" (97 cm), E
S white with infusion of light blue; F white with blue wash Hope Jewel X Rococo Hilda's Iris 1966

BLUE NIGHT - E. Rogers 1963
Sdlg. 41A59 TB, 36" (91 cm), EM
Medium violet self Pierre Menard X Blue Sapphire

BLUE NOTE - Palmer 1964
Sdlg. 3361B TB, 36" (91 cm), M
Blue-white self, blue beard (Tranquility x White Bouquet) X CCSnow Ballet x Blue Ensign) x Blue Throat). HC 1964

BLUE OLYMPICS - R. Brown 1965
Sdlg. 60-40-7 TB, 36" (91 cm), EM
Blue bitone; S pale flax blue (Wilson 642/2); F lobelia blue (41/1); beard light blue Galilee X Melodrama Brown's Iris Gardens 1966

BLUE OPAL - E. Smith 1960
Sdlg. 59-60 TB, 34" (86 cm), M
Light sapphire-blue self, light blaze below white beard Cliffs of Dover X Lady Ilse Smith 1961

BLUE PANSY - Keiway 1966
Sdlg. 708 TB, 40" (102 cm), M
Deep violet-blue self Black Hills X Knight Valiant

BLUE PAPILLON - Madsen 1964
AR, 48" (122 cm), EM-L
S lavender blue; F lavender-blue, heavily striped Butterfly Wings X Mary McClellan

BLUE PETTICOATS - Schreiners 1964
Sdlg. S-893-G TB, 34" (86 cm), E-M
White ground plicata with blue cast lavender edges Rococo X Dotted Swiss. Schreiners 1965 HC 1964, HM 1966, JC 1966, 1967, AM 1968

BLUE PLATE - McEwen 1969
Sdlg. 559/62 SIB, 20" (51 cm), M
S 88C; F 88B edged 88D; styles 94D with 100C midribs; haft marks and blaze scarcely noticeable (Gatineau x unknown lavender sdlg.) X sister sdlg

BLUE POLKA DOTS - C. Palmer 1969
Sdlg. 6868 IB, 16" (41 cm), E
White ground edged lavender-blue; pale yellow beard Dotted Swiss X Knotty Pine Tell 1970

BLUE RAVEN - Tompkins 1960
TB, 38" (97 cm), M-VL
Navy blue self (Sass 51-234 x Down Beat) X Dark Boatman Fleur de Lis 1960

BLUE REGAL - Rudolph 1961
Sdlg. 55-33 TB, 36" (91 cm), M
Moorish blue bitone, front half of beard blue C49-64 x Chivalry) X Butterfly Blue

BLUE REJOICE - Dubes-Young 1961
Sdlg. 55-51-2 TB, 38" (97 cm), M-L
Light blue self (Snow Flurry x Azure Skies) X Soo-Preme Sue. Soo-Preme 1962 HC 1961, HM 1963

BLUE RHAPSODY - Kelway 1962
Sdlg. 597 TB, 36" (91 cm), L
Royal blue self Danube Wave X Jane Phillips Kelway 1962

BLUE RIDGE MOUNTAIN - Helen Rogers 1964
Sdlg. 64-8-8 TB, 29" (74 cm), M
Violet-blue self; violet-blue beard Parentage unknown

BLUE SECRET - A. Brown 1967
Sdlg. 63-68-28 SDB, 13" (33 cm), E
S light blue (Wilson French blue 43/3); F same with lobelia blue spot around pale blue beard; small white line below beard separates spot Lovilia X unknown pumila (prob. Blue Capers) Brown's Iris Garden 1968

BLUE SHAWL - Quadros 1961
Sdlg. 59-90 TB, 36" (91 cm), M
S white; F light blue; bluish-white beard (Swan Ballet x Wide World) X Whole Cloth. HC 1961

BLUE SIGNAL - Hansford 1968
SIB, 36" (91 cm), L
Pale blue self with darker blue signal patch Charm of Finches X sdlg. of same

BLUE SILVER - Pickard 1962
Sdlg. C-164 TB, 35" (89 cm), M
Pale blue self Swan Ballet X (((Chivalry x Snow Flurry) x Cahokia)) x Faught 19H))). Pickard 1963 HC 1962

BLUE SMOKE - Kelway 1963
Sdlg. 621 TB, 32" (81 cm), M
Violet blue self Danube Wave X Blue Finch Kelway 1963

BLUE SPACE - Motsch 1967
SDB, 10" (25 cm), E-M
Medium blue self including beard; large green-gold area around beard Green Meteor X ((Blue Shimmer x Sulina) x Green Spot)) Motsch 1968

BLUE SPARKS - Welch 1963
Sdlg. W-400 SDB, 12" (30 cm), E
Blue self, deeper halo around beard White Flax X white chamaeiris sdlg. HM 1966 Welch 1964

BLUE SPIDERWEB - Walker Ferguson 1966
Sdlg. 65-6. SPU, 40" (102 cm), E-M
S. medium blue with lighter lines; F. light blue, heavily lined dark blue. 63-F (Bloomin' Fool x Ruffled Moth) X Premier. Ferguson 1966 EC 1961, HM 1968

BLUE SPOON - Hazeltine 1969
Sdlg. E3-1A-68 TB, 34" (86 cm), M
Bluebird blue (RHS 94B) self; yellow beard tipped blue Jane Phillips X Flying Repeater

BLUE STAGHORN - Muhlestein 1963
Sdlg. 59-34 TB, 36" (91 cm), E-M
Lavender-blue, pale lemon-yellow beard; white-tipped projections on lower portion of S Praiseworthy X 52-24 (Faught H-20 x Alicia) Tell 1963

BLUE STALLION - Pickard 1960
Sdlg. 54-32A TB, , M
Dark blue self Keene Valley X (Black Forest x Pierre Menard) Pickard 1961

Sdlg. 1268 JI, 42" (107 cm), EM
Blends from roslyn blue to light violet; darker halo and veins; center hyacinth blue Sky and Water X Cobra Dancer Payne 1969

BLUE SUNUP - L. Peterson 1966
Sdlg. LP 63-1000 TB, 34" (86 cm), ML
S pale steel-gray tinted yellow; F powder blue, narrow band of silver tinsel on both S and F; throat, styles and beard primrose yellow Eleanor's Pride X Orange Pagoda

BLUE SUPERIOR - J. Brown 1962
Sdlg. D-16-A TB, 38" (97 cm), M-L
(Pierre Menard x Helen Novak) X (Cahokia x Allegiance)

Sdlg. 3LaH LA, 12-14", M
S deep blue, reddish cast; F deep blue, reddish cast, yellow stripes on 1/3 in center; yellow beard Third generation cross of Dorothea K. Williamson X Fulva Hale 1969

BLUE TATOO - Tompkins 1963
TB, 38" (97 cm), E-L
White with dotted violet-black border and arrow beard ((Blue Shimmer x Tiffany) x DeForest P42) X (Dotted Swiss x Azurite) Fleur de Lis 1963

BLUE THREAD - Sturdevant 1963
Sdlg. 59-18-1 MTB, 15" (38 cm), M-L
S white, fused lilac tips; F white dark blue veining; yellow beard Playboy X unknown YlF

BLUETONE - Payne 1965
Sdlg. 862 JI (6-petal), 46" (117 cm), E
White uniformly stippled light blue-violet, darker at center 346 (30 x 87) X 612 (Pillar of Fire x Magic Ruby) Payne 1969

BLUE TOY - Craig 1969
Sdlg. NIl 37 SDB, 12" (30 cm), E
Chicory blue self (Patricia Craig x Steeplechase) X light blue pumila sdlg Craig 1969

Sdlg. W-302 MTB, 20" (51 cm), M of TB season
Blue bicolor; S lavender-blue; F dark violet; yellow beard Blue diploid border iris X recessive white table iris. Welch 1965 HM 1966

BLUE TULIP - Knocke 1962
Sdlg. K-S TB, 38" (97 cm), M
Fancy, blue self with green mid-ribs; tulip-shaped, no beard or anthers. Cliffs of Dover X Harbor Blue. Tell 1964

BLUE TWIST - Hoffmeister 1965
Sdlg. 649-1 BB, 22" (56 cm), M
French blue self; 5 43/3 (Wilson); F 43/2; beard blue. 622-3 (Snow Flurry x Arabi Pasha) X Blue Ensign

BLUE VISION - A. Brown 1968
Sdlg. M 1059 IB, 22" (56 cm), E
Light blue self (Wilson flax blue 642/1); ruffled; light blue beard TB 58-33-9 blue (Starlift x Lady Ilse) X Pearl Shell Brown's Iris Gardens 1969

BLUE VOID - Voris 1966
Sdlg. AZiC 65-2 TB, 34-36", M
Deep blue self Ice Cavern X Azurite

BLUE WADI - Corliss 1964
Sdlg. 61S3 SPU, 50" (127 cm), L
Light French blue, light yellow signal; fine blue veins cover segments Blue Corsage X Wadi Zem Zem Coward 1968

BLUE WARBLER - J. Tucker 1969
Sdlg. ShY BB, 25" (64 cm), EML
S light blue with very heavy infusion on lower 2/3rds; F light blue, veined; white beard 24 ((950B (South Pacific x Muted Music) x Allegiance)) X 224B ((947 (Wide World x South Pacific) x Allegiance) Southern Meadows 1971

Sdlg. 1428-8 TB, 36" (91 cm), M
Cigar brown self; blue spot on F; gold beard Quechee X Carnton

BLUE ALABASTER - T. Muhlestein 1971
Sdlg. 314. TB, 36" (91 cm), EML
Slightly reverse blue-white bicolor; S. bluer than F.; pale yellow beard tipped blue. Broadmeadow X Top of the World. Tell 1971

BLUE AMBITION - E. Heimann 1979
Sdlg. EH 70-31-31. TB, 27 1/2" -31" (70-80 cm), M
Medium blue self. Wenatchee Skies X (Blue Baron x Allegiance). Weilbacher Staudengarten 1985

BLUE BALLERINA - F. Knowles 1971
Sdlg. DI/71/1. CA, 15" (38 cm), M
S. near white; F. near white with thumbprint of black tracery and intense violet-purple flash. Unknown parentage. S Linnegar 1975

BLUE BEACON - Mrs. D. Mountford 1978
Sdlg. D.K.W.-Y 1. LA, 50 1/2" (127 cm), M
Blue self backed with creamy yellow. Dorothea K. Williamson X yellow sdlg. Warrimoo Iris 1978/79

BLUE BEE - John J. Taylor 1970
Sdlg. 67492. AB, 30" (76 cm), M
S. pale violet (RHS 85C) veined slightly darker overall; F. yellow-grey (160D) with small brown (165A) signal and dotting around beard; stylearms yellowish with pale violet rib; yellowish crests; blue beard tipped bronze-yellow. Blue Gate X onco B.

BLUEBERRY CRISP - F. Williams 1979
Sdlg. 71/21. SDB, 12" (30 cm), E-M
Dark blue self; blue beard. Bit-O-Cata X 66/83.

Sdlg. 2895/2. SDB, 14" (36 cm), M
S. yellow; F. greenish yellow; blue beard. Blueberry Muffins X 2504/1: (Eye Shadow x Landscape).

Sdlg. 214-1. TB, 36" (91 cm), E-M
S. light blue-violet, deeper blue-violet in center; F. pale blue-violet; white beard, yellow in throat; lightly ruffled. 149-4: ((Galilee x sdlg.) x (Enchanted Snow x Celestial Swan)) X Surf Rider. Country Village Garden 1977

BLUEBERRY TRIM - J. Gibson 1973
Sdlg. 44-9C. TB, 32" (81 cm), M
S. cream ground, rimmed with speckles of dauphine violet, golden brown at base; F. heavy-textured soft cream, 3/8" unusual border of dauphine violet; hafts touched golden brown; yellow beard. Border Happy X self. Gibson 1974

BLUE BIRD CANYON - J. McCaskill 1976
Sdlg. L.H. 70-109-B. CA, 18" (46 cm), M-L
S. light bluebird blue, paler veining; F. medium bluebird blue, veined blue at outer edge, turning purple around purple signal; small mustard yellow center; light bluebird blue stylearms with darker flush on crest. Unknown parentage. McCaskill 1977

BLUE BIRD'S SONG - R. Jeffries Jeff
Sdlg. J657 B1.B. IB, 17" (43 cm), E-M
S. bluebird blue (Wilson 042/3); F. French blue (43/3); blue (43/2) beard. First Violet X Truce. Kansas Rainbow Garden 1970

BLUE BISQUE - M. Dunderman 1976
Sdlg. T-371. MTB, 23" (58 cm), M
Pale blue self; light yellow beard tipped white. 56R38 pale blue MTB: ((L-759 blue x Pixakeet) x Gingham Blue) X 56R37. Dunderman 1976

BLUE BRIDGE - H. Briscoe 1978
Sdlg. 72 202A. SIB, 28" (71 cm), EM
Light blue self; lighter blue stylearms and veins. Blue Cape X Cambridge.

BLUE BUMBLE - A. & D. Willott 1977
Sdlg. 73-70D. SDB, 10 1/2" (26 cm), M
Smooth medium blue, flushed deeper at base; large deep violet-blue, wing-like spot on F.; light blue beard. Royal Bee X 71-35: (Delicate Air x Blueberry Muffins). Willott 1977

BLUE BURGEE - C. McEwen 1971
Sdlg. T267/4 Z. SIB (56± chrom), 15" (38 cm), M
S. blue-violet (RHS 89C), velvety; F. darker (89B), blue-violet (89A) blaze streaked yellow with white fringe. 61/Cas 22: (Snowy Egret x unknown) X 61/Cas 18: (Blue Moon x unknown). McEwen 1972

BLUE CAPHEN - T. Berndt 1973
Sdlg. 7066. TB, 36" (91 cm), M
Blue self; white beard tipped yellow; ruffled, fluted. Rippling Waters X Sterling Silver. Berndt 1975

BLUE CASTLE - W. Welch by H. Hite 1979
Welch O-505. MDB, 5" (13 cm), E
Medium blue self; blue beard. L-512 X unknown. Hite 1980

BLUE CHAMBRAY - F. Williams 1973
Sdlg. N22. SDB, 12" (30 cm), M
Blue self; dark blue beard. Blue Denim X K20: (G25 x Deep Lavender). Williams 1974

BLUE CHANTEUSE - W. McGarvey 1975
Sdlg. 75-70-18-B-1. SIB, 38" (97 cm), M-L
Light blue (Munsell 5PB 7/7) self; self stylearms. Blue Burn X 68-65-50-B-1: (White Swirl x Super Ego). McGarvey 1977

BLUE CHARMER - M. Rudolph 1972
Sdlg. 68-49. TB, 30" (76 cm), M
Violet-blue (RHS 89C) self, ruffled F.; orange beard tipped blue. Ellen Manor X 63-31: ((Galilee x 59-59) x (Galilee x 59-59)). Rudolph 1972

BLUE COMMENTS - W. Welch by H. Hite 1979
Welch O-510. MDB, 5 1/2" (14 cm), E
Light blue self with paler spot on F.; white beard. I. pumila X I. pumila. Hite 1980

BLUE CREPE - Lucille Kavan 1976
Sdlg. 16-67. SDB, 10" (25 cm), EM
Ruffled light blue self, creped edges; white beard. N 550 white pumila hybrid X Dr. Jonas' aphylla. Ennenga Iris Garden 1992

BLUE DANCER - J. Marsh 1978
Sdlg. 72-31. TB, 33" (84 cm), M
Ruffled medium blue (RHS 116D) self. 70-90 X Five Star Admiral. Marsh 1978

BLUE DEVIL - R. Lewis Lewi
Sdlg. 685. TB, 34" (86 cm), M
Lightly ruffled dark blue self; self beard. Deep Space X Allegiance.

BLUE ETCHINGS - B. J. Brown 1972
Sdlg. 15-68. TB, 34" (86 cm), E-M
Light blue self marked darker blue at hafts; yellow beard tipped white. (1-60 x Jane Phillips) X Celestial Snow. Pod and Pollen 1973

BLUE EYES BROWN - G. Slade 1978
Sdlg. 75-7-1. TB, 34" (86 cm), M
Brown with blue blaze in center of F.; orange beard. Primpoise X On Target. Slade's Iris 1980

BLUE FASCINATION - W. Schortman 1970
Sdlg. 19841. TB, 36" (91 cm), M-L
Fluted medium blue self; yellow to white beard. Music Maker X 4182: (Fragrant Sapphire x Blue Formal). Schortman 1971

BLUE FORTY - C. McEwen 1970
Sdlg. S66/99A. SIB (40 chrom.), 30" (76 cm), M-L
S. blue (RHS 99B); blue (99C) styles with 99A along rib; F. blue (99D) with blue (99B) streaking and stippling; violet (88A) blaze. Hansford mauve line from I. bulleyana X sib. McEwen 1971

BLUE GILT - R. Busch Busc
Sdlg. D 179/1. TB, 38" (97 cm), M
S. white, mid-ribs flushed cream; F. lavender, haft flushed and veined gold, faint gold margin; yellow beard. Emma Cook X unknown. Busch 1976/7

BLUE GUEST - Mrs. F. Love 1975
SIB, , M
Royal blue self. I. chrysographes X unknown. Hauauru Gardens 1978

BLUE HEIRESS - M. Reinhardt 1976
Sdlg. 72-45. TB, 34" (86 cm), M
Ruffled, fluted and lacy medium blue, lighter around beard. Gay Charmer X 67-27: (Gay Charmer x Van Cliburn). Reinhardt 1977

BLUE ILLUSION - G. Wagner 1975
Sdlg. 6-C-2. JI (6 petals), 36" (91 cm), M
Medium blue, marbled white; white styles marbled blue. Swearengen marbled sdlg. X 63-9-B: (Hisakata x Sky and Water). Millennium Gardens 1975

BLUE JADEITE - C. Palmer 1972
Sdlg. 6947. SDB, 14" (36 cm), EE
Light pearl blue, flushed chartreuse to olive on F.; yellow beard. 6612: (Cloud Castle x Sulina) X 6611: ((Blue Sapphire x Pierre Menard) x Sulina). Tell 1972

BLUE JUNIATA - R. Thomas Thom
Sdlg. 71-1. TB, 34" (86 cm), E-M
Hyacinth blue (HCC 40/2) self; white beard. Skywatch X Cross Country. Thomas 1973

BLUE KIWI - L. Delany 1972
SDB, 10" (25 cm), EML
Blue-lavender self; red in throat; sky blue beard. From Spring Joy sdlg. Richmond Iris 1972/3

BLUE LASSIE - D. Niswonger 1978
Sdlg. Sp 9-72. SPU, 40" (102 cm), M
Blue with white infusion on F.; yellow signal. Moon By Day X unknown. Niswonger 1978

BLUE LUSTER - Opal Brown 1973
Sdlg. 70-1E4. TB, 38" (97 cm), M
S. blue (between RHS 93C and D), ruffled; F. violet-blue; blue beard. Bluebell Lane X Violet Favor. Brown's Sunnyhill Gardens 1973

BLUE MADRIGAL - W. Ferguson 1972
Sdlg. 72-B-1. SPU, 40" (102 cm), M
Deep purple; brown signal. Purple Knight X Red Clover. Ferguson 1972

BLUE MARIONETTE - M. Reinhardt 1975
Sdlg. MT-75-1. MTB, 20" (51 cm), M
S. veronica blue (M&P H9/43); F. slightly darker flush around bright lemon beard; blue veining. T65-2: ((T-50-24 x E. B. Williamson #12) x T69-1, tiny blue amoena) X Butternut. Reinhardt's Iris 1976

BLUE MARLIN - Jill Copeland 1979
Sdlg. 78-025. JI (double), 28" (71 cm), M-L
Ruffled blue-violet (RHS 89C), light yellow halo; blue-violet (89A) stylearms; prominent (14G) signal. Star at Midnight X Marx 164. Hazzard 1981

BLUE MINK - M. Hamblen 1972
Sdlg. H63-117B. TB, 34" (86 cm), M-L
S. violet-blue (RHS 90D); F. same with chartreuse-yellow (8A) hafts; yellow-orange(17B) beard. ((((Desert Song x Vatican Purple) x Pink Fulfillment) x (((Pink Fulfillment x Clara B) x (Desert Song x Vatican Purple)) x Queen's Lace))x(Frilly Fringes x Blue

BLUE MOUSTACHE - G. Protzmann 1977
Sdlg. 73-8. TB, 34" (86 cm), M
Ruffled pure white self; blue beard. ((The Citadel x Black Onyx) x (Snow Goddess x Black Onyx)) X ((Royal Canadian x Celestial Snow) x sib crosses). Protzmann 1979

BLUE PENNANT - C. McEwen 1971
Sdlg. T267/4 A. SIB (56± chrom.), 30" (76 cm), M
S. dark blue-violet (89C), velvety; F. blue-violet (89B), velvety; blue-violet (89A) blaze with yellow-white edging. 61/Cas 22: (Snowy Egret x unknown) X 61/Cas18: (Blue Moon x unknown). McEwen 1972

BLUE POOLS - Bennett Jones 1972
Sdlg. M202. SDB, 12" (30 cm), M
S. white; F. white with large medium blue spot; white beard. M73: (Nylon Ruffles x Truce) X M139: ((Great Lakes x I. mellita) x Lilli Amoena). B Jones 1973

BLUE PROMISE - T. Muhlestein 1974
Sdlg. 153A. TB, 36" (91 cm), M-L
Azure blue self; light yellow beard. Denver Dawn X Pacific Waters. Tell 1974

BLUE QUADRILLE - C. Whiting 1974
Sdlg. 691. TB, 37" (94 cm), M
Light blue self; matching beard. Blue Mountains X Islander.

BLUE REFLECTION - Schreiner's 1972
Sdlg. E 170-A. TB, 35" (89 cm), E-L
Almost silver-blue self; ruffled; lemon yellow beard. Y51-A X Babbling Brook. Schreiner's 1974

Sdlg. 68-151. TB, 35" (89 cm), E-L
S. smoky steel violet; F. deep violet; lilac beard tipped brown. Prince Indigo X Style Master. Landsend Gardens 1974

BLUE RIVAL - E. Christensen by J. Stump 1974
Sdlg. 5A3-1. TB, 38" (97 cm), M
Medium blue self; light blue beard. ((Biscay Bay x Celestial Blue) x Step Forward) X Catalina. Evergreen Iris 1975

BLUE ROSETTE - G. Puett 1974
Sdlg. P-70. SIB, 35" (89 cm), M
Full blue self. White Swirl X unknown. Puett 1976

BLUE SAND - G. Plough 1978
Sdlg. 72-90-1. SDB, 14" (36 cm), E-L
S. French blue (HCC 43/3) with blended yellow midrib; F. brown-yellow blend; cobalt blue beard blending to brown-orange in throat. 69-58-5: (Posy Parade x Golden Starlet sib) X Gingerbread Man. Eden Road 1979

BLUE SHIELD - C. Davis by Williamson/Ghio 1971
LA, 35" (89 cm), M
Velvety dark navy blue self; yellow-orange signal. New Offering sdlg. University Hills 1966

BLUE SNIPPIT - C. McEwen 1976
Sdlg. 71/89(2). SIB, 10" (25 cm), M
Violet-blue (RHS 89D) with violet-blue (89C) veins and pure white blaze on F.; styles 89D and midrib 89C. Little White X 67-43(15).

BLUE SONG - B. Warburton 1972
Sdlg. 69A-2. SIB, 32" (81 cm), M
S. light violet-blue; blue-green stylearms, fringed from midrib; F. light violet-blue (RHS 97). White Swirl X S1-#1: (White Swirl x Eric the Red). Old Brook Gardens 1973

BLUE SPLENDOR - F. Carr 1972
Sdlg. 68-33F. TB, 35" (89 cm), ML
Light to full blue self; ruffled F.; whitish beard turning yellow in throat. Cup Race X Music Maker. Carr 1976

BLUE SPRITE - A. Brown by G. Hanson 1975
Sdlg. M1604-5. SDB, 13" (33 cm), M
S. light blue-violet; F. full red-violet spot, edged same as S.; white rays around beard; bronze beard tipped pale blue. Adrienne Taylor X unknown. Riverdale Iris Gardens 1975

BLUE STACCATO - J. Gibson 1976
Sdlg. 9-2C. TB, 40" (102 cm), EM
S. moorish blue lines on rim and specks on pure white ground; F. icy, sparkling white with narrow band of sharp moorish blue plicata markings; dresden yellow beard tipped blue; ruffled and fluted. Indigo Rim X (Bold Overture x Opening Night). Gibson 1977

BLUE TEMPEST - J. Burch 1977
Sdlg. 71-5A. TB, 32" (81 cm), M-L
S. light blue (RHS 97B); F. dark blue-violet (86A) with white blaze at tip of beard; yellow-orange beard changing to light blue at tip. TouchŽ X Stepping Out. Burch 1979

BLUE THEME - D. Palmer 1976
Sdlg. 773B. TB, 35" (89 cm), M
S. very pale blue; F. white; blue beard; ruffled. 3361B: (inv. Tranquility, White Bouquet, Snow Ballet, Blue Ensign, Blue Throat, etc.) X 9769A: (inv. High Above, Marriot, Snow Ballet, And Thou, Courtesy, etc.). Echo Hill Gardens 1977

BLUE THROAT - P. Loomis by M. Hamblen 1976
TB, 38" (97 cm), M-L
Light blue self; white beard tipped blue. Unknown parentage, probably inv. Purissima. Tell 1956

BLUE THUNDER - F. Williams 1974
Sdlg. G-14. SDB, 13" (33 cm), M-L
Medium dark reddish blue self; dark blue beard. Green Spot X (Treva x J-508). Riverdale Iris Gardens 1978

BLUE TIP - R. Rosenfels Rose
Sdlg. 6814-1. IB, 22" (56 cm), E
S. light yellow; F. white, outlined with 1/8" yellow band; beard orange in throat with pale blue tip. Dream Maiden X Singing Sword.

BLUE TOO - A. Ensminger 1977
Sdlg. 71-36. BB, 26" (66 cm), ML
S. dauphin violet (HCC 039/2); F. phlox purple (632/1); yellow beard tipped phlox purple. 68-21: (((Frost and Flame x (Gypsy Baron x Sass sdlg.)) x (Frost and Flame x Belle Meade)) x Rippling Waters) X 68-21 sib.

BLUE TRINKET - M. Wright 1976
Sdlg. L-8. SDB, 12" (30 cm), E
Medium sky blue; light blue beard. Miss Ruffles X Wee Blue. Wright 1977

BLUE TRIXIE - P. Hale 1970
Sdlg. 39LaH. LA, 15" (38 cm), M
S. light clear yellow-green; F. light blue; light yellow signal. From five generations of Dorothea K. Williamson X I. fulva.

BLUETWEEN - Ben Hager 1979
Sdlg. AMD3116. MDB, 7.75" (20 cm), E-L
Light lavender-blue self; pale yellow beard. Prodigy X AMD2654B1: ((New Idea x Orchid Elf) x ((Knotty Pine x Grace Note) x Zip)). Melrose Gardens 1980

BLUE TWINKLE - M. Dunderman 1976
Sdlg. X-191 blue. MTB, 22" (56 cm), M
Lightly ruffled light blue self; yellow beard. T-429 blue: (Tid-Bit x Opal Imp) X T-273 blue: ((K-245 blue x unknown) x (P-485 blue x 0-172 blue)). Dunderman 1977

BLUE WATER - K. Durio 1977
Sdlg. Big Blue BB1. LA, 36" (91 cm), M
Full violet self; F. veined darker; green-violet stylearms and full violet appendages; green throat; yellow line crest with white triangular signal patch. Unknown parentage. Louisiana Nursery 1978

BLUEWILL - R. Watkins Watk
TB, 30" (76 cm), M
Blue (RHS 97A) self. ((Purissima x Midwest Gem) x Gracelle) X (((Easter Morn x Hall 42-10) x Pink Formal) x Gracelle).

BLUE WILSON - W. McGarvey 1972
Sdlg. 68 I. wilsonii hybrid clone 1. SIB, 52" (132 cm), L
S. light blue (Munsell 2.5PB 7/7); F. same with some white at base. 65 wilsonii hybrid cl-1: (I. wilsonii from Presby x 62 wilsonii hybrid cl-l) X sib to 65. Old Brook 1972

BLUE WISP - Mrs. L. Delany 1977
MDB, 2 1/2" (6 cm), E
Light wistaria blue self; pale blue beard. Doll Fashion X Blue Kiwi. Hauauru Gardens 1977

BLUE ARISTOCRAT - Schreiner+s 1987
Sdlg. N 11-A. TB, 38" 97 cm, M-ML
Lightly ruffled sea blue HCC 043/2); white beard. H 59-N: (Sapphire Hills x (Tufted Cloud sib x B 215-1)) X St. Louis Blues. Schreiner+s 1987 HM 1990

BLUE ARTS - L. Danielson 1985
Sdlg. HD-80-31. AB RB+, 30" 76 cm, M
Bright blue; pronounced sweet fragrance. (Snow Flurry x I. hoogiana) X (Collector+s Pride x I. hoogiana). Pleasure Iris 1986

BLUE BALLET - Keith Keppel 1989
Sdlg. 83-3B. TB, 34" 86 cm, EM
S. light blue (M&P 42-AB-4); F. white ground, 1.5" white blaze, wide medium lavender blue (43-L-9) margin; blue white beard faintly tipped yellow; pronounced sweet fragrance 80-130F, Armada sib X 80-130P, Armada sib. Keppel 1990 HM 1993

BLUE BALLOON - R. Bohrer 1987
Sdlg. 80-12-84. TB, 30" 76 cm, M
Medium blue; white beard; sweet fragrance. Maestro Puccini X Five Star Admiral. Bohrer+s Iris 1988

BLUEBERRY BELLE - C. Salisbury-Smith 1985
Sdlg. 16/82. TB, 36" 91 cm, M
S. deep wine; F. wine, infused blue below beard, giving blue wine cast; golden bronze beard; heavily ruffled. Superstition X Paris Opera.

Sdlg. T3 78/12B. JI tet., 30" 76 cm, EM-LM
S.white, narrowly edged violet (RHS 88A); white styles tipped pale violet (88D); F. white, 1" violet (88A) edge, yellow signal; ruffled. Raspberry Rimmed X T1 74/36: (72/11(10) X 2/40(34), Hirao mixed seeds. Seaways Gardens 1983

BLUEBERRY SCOOP - A. & D. Willott 1984
Sdlg. 78-157. SDB, 11" 28 cm, E-M
S. light blue violet, fringed edge; F. pale blue, hafts veined green, faint green edge, violet line extending down from light blue violet beard. Jay Too X Warburton 84N01. Willott 1985

BLUE BILLOWS - L. Powell 1988
TB, 35" 94 cm, M
Ruffled medium blue; yellow beard tipped blue. Tide+s ln X Sky of Summer. Powell+s Gardens 1989

BLUEBIRD IN FLIGHT - O. D. Niswonger 1986
Sdlg. IB 8-83. IB, 24" 61 cm, M
S. white; F. blue; red beard. Marmalade Skies X Inscription. Cape Iris 1988 HM 1990, AM 1993

BLUEBIRD WINE - B. Blyth 1981
Sdlg. M76-1. TB, 32" 81 cm, VE-M
S. pale blue, infused red violet at midrib; F. red violet, deeper around beard; white beard tipped mustard. Magic Man X Mystique. Tempo Two 1982/83

BLUEBONNET SUE - V. Chenoweth 1986
Sdlg. EB-1. LA, 28" 71 cm, M
Wisteria blue, yellow signal. 79-7B: (Clara Goula x unknown) X Eolian. Blossom Valley Gardens 1987

BLUE BROOK - K. Mohr 1981
Sdlg. 6-128-2. TB, 30" 76 cm, EM
Pale blue (RHS 97D); deep blue beard. Goodnight Irene X Blue Luster. Mohr Gardens 1981

BLUE BUNTING - O. D. Niswonger 1984
Sdlg. Sp 5-80. SPU, 38" 97 cm, M
S. dark blue purple; F. dark yellow (near orange), rimmed blue purple. Sp 1-77: (Ferguson dark brown sdlg. x Crow Wing) X unknown. Cape Iris 1984

BLUE BUTTONS - J. Boushay 1989
Sdlg. 74-AS-03. SDB, 10" 25 cm, E-M
Lightly ruffled very pale blue, slightly darker heart; blue beard. M-1682-2: (Moon Step x Runaway) X M-1682-37, sib. J. & J. Iris 1989

BLUE CALICO - C. Palmer 1986
Sdlg. 8181. IB, 18" 46 cm, M-L
S. white, heavily dotted blue, solid 1/4" blue edge; F. white, solid 1/4" blue edge, few blue dots outside edge; yellow beard tipped pale blue. 76114: (((Wilma V x unknown) x Little Titan) x Silver Finery) X Charmed Circle. Palmer+s Iris 1986

BLUE CHIP PINK - O. D. Niswonger 1989
Sdlg. 40-87. TB, 34" 86 cm, M
Pink with hint of lilac; beard 1/2 blue, 1/2 tangerine; slight fragrance. 58-83: (Rudolph 79-05 x (Singing Skies x Lilac Thrill)) X 9-84: (Center Fold X Rudolph 79-O5). Cape Iris 1990 HM 1992, AM 1994

BLUE CHROME - D. Spence 1985
Sdlg. S81-20-4. SDB, 12" 32 cm, M
Heavily ruffled blue violet, slightly darker ray pattern around powder blue beard; slight musky fragrance. Pansy Raye X Singing Angel. 21st Century Gardens 1986

BLUE DAZZLER - R. Blodgett 1982
Sdlg. 80-03. TB, 33" 84 cm, M-L
S. cobalt blue (HCC 44/2); F. cobalt blue (44/3), lighter in center; yellow beard; ruffled. Five Star Admiral X Charisma. Blodgett Iris Gardens 1982

BLUE DELPH - Nora Scopes 1984
Sdlg. 0/124B. SDB, 12" 30 cm, M-L
Ruffled clear mid-blue; pale blue beard. Kyrie x (Merry Milkmaid x Derry Down). British Iris Society 1987

BLUE DRIFTER - F. Dyer 1980
Sdlg. D-200-63-D. SDB, 13" 33 cm, M
Light blue; yellow beard tipped blue. D-45-71-D: (Brassie x I. barthii) X Blue Denim. Dyer+s Iris 1980

BLUE EAGLE - F. Crandall by J. Pettee 1988
Sdlg. 70-15. TB, 38" 97 cm, M
Tailored bachelor button blue; white beard tipped yellow. Unknown parentage. Epperson Run Iris 1989

BLUE ENCORE - C. McEwen 1980
Sdlg. T2 75/119D. SIB tet., 30" 76 cm, VE-M & RE
Violet blue (RHS 89B), yellow and white signal; ruffled F. Welcome Return X self. McEwen 1980

BLUE EPAULETTES - Cy Bartlett 1985
Sdlg. DL/FC/CM 1. TB, 38" 97 cm, M
Ruffled white, slight greenish yellow veining at hafts, lightly touched hyacinth blue on shoulders; pale cream beard, yellow in throat; moderate sweet fragrance. (Dream Lover x Far Country) X Cherished Memory. British Iris Society 1989

BLUE EYED BLOND - A. Ensminger 1989
Sdlg. 83-18. IB, 26" 64 cm, ML
Yellow; violet beard tipped blue. Limpid Pools X 80-32: (78-55: (75-24:((68-21: (((Frost and Flame x (Gypsy Baron x Sass plicata sdlg.)) x (Frost and Flame x Belle Meade)) x Rippling Waters) x sib) x (((unknown x (Juego x (Pierre Menard x Sable Night))) x

BLUE EYED LADY - Dale Johnson. R. 1987 1987
Sdlg. N-183. TB, 35" 89 cm, M
S. white, edged aureolin yellow (RHS 12A); F. white with methyl violet sheen, shoulders veined almond shell (165B), yellow reverse and 1/4" edge; beard tipped methyl violet, tangerine in throat. Ad Astra X Quietude. Johnson+s Iris Garden 1988

BLUE FORMALITY - R. Small 1980
TB, 36" 91 cm, ML
S. blue white; F. deep blue; blue beard. Gentility X Stepping Out.

BLUE GLORY - K. Mohr 1983
Sdlg. 6-58-1. BB, 24" 61 cm, M
Ruffled violet blue (RHS 92B); white beard, yellow in heart. Winter Panorama X 3-5-1: (Babbling Brook x Cup Race). Mohr Gardens 1983

BLUE GLOSS - B. Hamner 1988
Sdlg. 83-75A. TB, 34-35" 86-89 cm, M
S. gentian violet with a touch of rose; F. shades of violet, ruffled; self beard tipped blue; slight spicy fragrance. Royal Kingdom X Princess Gloria. Hamner+s Iris 1988

BLUE HYACINTH - G. Bush 1987
Sdlg. B-83-101. SIB 28 chrom. diploid, 15" 28 cm, VVE
Lavender blue, bronze hafts, white signal. Unknown parentage. Bush 1987

BLUE ICING - B. Warburton 1983
Sdlg. 28Y-1. IB, 24" 64 cm, M-L
S. white ground, dotted and nearly solid violet (RHS 88C) edging; F. same, narrower violet edging; pale orchid beard; lightly ruffled; slight sweet fragrance. Triple-Ripple X Gentle Air. Warburton 1984

BLUE JEAN BABY - C. Arny 1987
Sdlg. Lav-BI-1-79. LA, 36" 91 cm, M
Lavender blue bitone, large irregular greenish yellow signal. Alston X Mrs. Ira Nelson. Bois d+Arc Gardens 1988

Sdlg. 33-80. SIB 28 chrom. diploid, 30" 76 cm, M
Ruffled light blue with large blended blotches of medium and dark blue and violet, small white signal with bit of black. White Swirl X Sky Wings. Helsley 1982

Sdlg. 77-30. TB, 34" 86 cm, E-L
Laced blue lavender; self beard. Atlantic Ripples X Marie Phillips. Powell+s Gardens 1981

BLUE LIGHTNING - J. Wareham 1925
, ,
Listed as obsolete in ę39 Check List.

BLUE LIGHTNING - F. Dyer. R. 1983 1983
Sdlg. D-150-79D. SDB, 12" 31 cm, M
S. white with purple overlay; F. white lined dark violet; golden beard; pronounced spicy fragrance. D-45-72D: (Knick Knack x Plickadee) X D-39-76D: ((Dale Dennis x Plickadee) x (Knick-Knack x Plickadee)). Dyer+s Iris 1983

BLUE LINE - Bennett Jones 1987
Sdlg. M359-5. SDB, 10" 25 cm, M
Pure white; deep blue beard; slight sweet fragrance. 236-16: (Kentucky Bluegrass x Cotton Blossom) X 298-3: ((Gingerbread Man x Meadow Moss) x (Meadow Moss x Kentucky Bluegrass)). Jones 1987 AM 1991

BLUE MASCARA - A. Ensminger 1983
Sdlg. 277-6. SDB, 12" 30 cm, ML
Ruffled white with lashes of french blue (HCC 43/2) around white beard. Twinkle Star X 269-3: (Eye Shadow x Reath 6-64). Varigay Gardens 1984

BLUE MAXX - R. Dunn 1980
Sdlg. B72-35B. TB, 36-38" 91-97 cm, M-L
Ruffled French blue (HCC 43/2); pale yellow beard. M68-297: (Babbling Brook x (Winter Olympics x (Lady Angie x Valimar blue sib))) X Shipshape. MAD Garden 1981

BLUE MEADOW FLY - M. Ahlburg 1980
Sdlg. A/2/12/74. SIB 40 chrom. diploid, 29.5" 74 cm, L
Dark lavender blue; white style arms, edged blue violet. (I. clarkei x I. delavayi hybrid) X unknown. Schoeppinger Irisgarten 1986

BLUE MOONLIGHT - Monty Byers 1988
Sdlg. E16-102. TB, 34" 86 cm, E-M & RE
Lightly ruffled pale powder blue; cream beard heavily tipped yellow orange. Feed Back X Brother Carl. Moonshine Gardens 1989

BLUE NEON - Paul Black 1989
Sdlg. 85447B. SDB, 12" 30 cm, M
S. smoky oyster with orchid cast; smoky buff styles; F. iridescent red orchid at hafts, blending to orchid and greyed orchid at edge, orchid line from beard; lavender beard tipped blue; pronounced spicy fragrance. B80-14: (Antique Satin x Encanto) X Roust

BLUENESS - F. Koehlein 1982
MDB, 8-10" 20-25 cm, E
Mid-blue. Blue Denim X sdlg.

BLUE NORTHER - N. Henderson 1988
Sdlg. 78-12B. BB, 21" 52 cm, M
Dark blue violet (RHS 95A); very pale blue beard; slight sweet fragrance. Prince Indigo X Pawnee Pride. Comanche Acres 1988

BLUE NYMPH - G. Gaddie 1981
Sdlg. 6-8. SDB, 9.5" 24 cm, M
Light blue, deeper wash around white beard. Boo X Blue Crepe. Gaddies+ Gardens 1985 HM 1990

BLUE ON BLUE - J. Boushay 1984
Sdlg. 74-AS-6. SDB, 11" 28 cm, M
Ruffled smooth light blue; deep blue beard. M 1682-2: (Moon Step x Runaway) X M 1682-37, sib. J. & J. Iris 1984

BLUE PERIS - H. Foster 1986
Sdlg. 12/78/225/83. SIB dip., 36" 90 cm, E-M
S. dark violet blue (RHS 89C); F. dark violet blue (89B), broad gold and white signal; slightly ruffled. White Swirl X Ruffled Velvet.

BLUE PLANET - G. Slade 1982
Sdlg. 78-49-1. TB, 36" 91 cm, E-M
Violet blue (near RHS 92B); yellow beard tipped white. Cup Race X Tipperary. Slade+s Iris 1982

BLUE PLEASURE - M. Owen 1986
Sdlg. MO/80/5. TB, 34" 86 cm, E & RE
Lightly ruffled mid-blue; pale yellow beard. Actress X Summer Holidays.

BLUE PUFF - M. Brizendine by J. & L. Fry. R. 1986 1986
Sdlg. MB-3-73. SDB, 10" 25 cm, M
Powder blue, hint of green around powder puff blue beard. Pale Suede X (White Mite x Jet Black). J & L Iris 1986

BLUE RADIANCE - R. Johnson 1982
Sdlg. K-181. TB, 34" 86 cm, M
Ruffled medium blue self; yellow beard tipped white. Flattery X Gay Charmer. Royal Iris 1986

BLUE REVERIE - C. McEwen 1985
Sdlg. T4 78/512. SIB tet., 35" 89 cm, E-LM
S. light blue (lighter than RHS 93D); very wide ruffled styles; F. light violet blue (93C) ground veined darker (93B), white signal. T1 74/21(1): (Dear Delight x ((Cambridge x self) x (White Swirl x Pirouette))) X Harpswell Haze. Seaways Gardens 1985

BLUE ROSEBUD - Tomas Tamberg 1982
SIB, 27.5-31.5" 70-80 cm, M
S. light mid-blue; F. light to mid-lavender blue. ((Tycoon x Limeheart) x Limeheart) X Cambridge. Schoeppinger Iris-garten 1985

BLUE SATIN RUFFLES - C. Salisbury-Smith 1985
Sdlg. 98/82. BB, 27" 68 cm, M
Heavily ruffled mid-blue; mid-blue beard tipped cream. Victoria Falls X Carriage Trade.

BLUES BROTHERS - L. Blyth. R. 1989 1989
Sdlg. TL64-1. TB, 34" 86 cm, E-M
S. light blue; F. mid blue violet, notable round horizontal F., like three coins, filling in completely at hafts; light icy blue white beard. Song of Norway X Maryott DM51Q: (Copy Cat x Mystique). Tempo Two 1989/90

BLUES ON PARADE - J. McWhirter 1985
Sdlg. J79-178-1. TB, 38" 97 cm, M
S. light blue; F. deep marine blue; light blue beard; ruffled; slight fragrance. Sky Gem X Regents+ Row. Cottage Gardens 1987

BLUE SPARKLER - W. W. Steinhauer 1989
Sdlg. 85-1. TB, 38-40" 97-102 cm, M-L
S. white; F. light blue, white area around light yellow, tipped white beard; slight fragrance. Cup Race X Sky Diva. Cottage Gardens 1993

BLUES SINGER - L. Gaulter 1984
Sdlg. 78-105. TB, 32" 81 cm, M-L
Fluted deep royal blue; white beard, gold throat, blue tip. His Lordship X Navy Strut. Cooley+s Gardens 1984

BLUE SURF - A. & D. Willott 1984
Sdlg. 79-37. SDB, 12" 31 cm, E-M
Ruffled pale to light blue, flushed deeper around light blue beard, amber hafts. Going My Way X Greenlee pumila GX-6: ((Greenlee L-512 x O-513) x (Alba x Hanselmayer)). Willott 1985

BLUE TINTS - E. Sellman 1984
Sdlg. G-75. TB, 36" 91 cm, M
S. cobalt blue (HCC 44/2); F. lighter (44/3); self beard, lemon in throat; ruffled. E-12: (Ever and Ever x Night Heron) X Sea Venture. Sellman+s Iris 1985

BLUE TRAIN - E. Sellman 1985
Sdlg. G-52. TB, 34" 86 cm, M
Ruffled wisteria blue (HCC 640/2); lemon beard; slight sweet fragrance. Shipshape X Star Country. Sellman+s Iris 1986

BLUE TREASURE - M. Wr ight by G. Hanson 1980
Sdlg. BB 66. BB, 25" 83 cm, M
S. light orchid blue; F. pale orchid blue (near white); white beard tipped yellow. Miss Ruffles X Rippling Waters. Riverdale Iris 1980

BLUE WIND - D. Spence 1981
Sdlg. S78-1. MDB, 7.75" 20 cm, E
Ruffled diamond dusted light blue; snow white beard. Wee Turque X Little Miss Muffet. 4-Square Iris 1982

BLUE WISH - W. Welch by H. Hite 1980
Sdlg. Y-515. MDB, 6" 15 cm, E
S. blue white; F. lighter, light green and blue lines below white beard. Enamel Blue X White Mite. Hite 1981

BLUE WONDER - W. Welch by H. Hite 1980
Sdlg. C-509. MDB, 7" 18 cm, E
S. white; F. deep wisteria, edged white; yellow beard tipped white. Heart+s Content X So Fair. Hite 1981

BLUE WYBLE - K. Durio 1987
Sdlg. LA6-V87. LA tet., 36-42" 91-106 cm, M
Full violet, full yellow signal; ruffled violet to white style arms and appendages with white reverse; pro-nounced spicy fragrance. Professor Claude X King Kong. Louisiana Nursery 1989

BLUE ZEBRA - William Ackerman 1981
Sdlg. D58-153. JI 6 F., 35" 89 cm, M
White with heavy violet blue (RHS 90A) veining blending to 89A around signal, giving a striped effect; yellow signal. F6 X P4. Stock destroyed; name released 1996

BLUE ZIPPER - O. D. Niswonger 1981
Sdlg. 24-76. TB, 33" 84 cm, M
Pale blue; blue beard. Dreamin+ Blue X 52-70: ((Poet+s Dream x (Lady Blue Beard x Marriott)) x (Henry Shaw x Sapphire Fuzz)). Cape Iris 1981