Iris Registry Inquiry

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BABY BELLE - Larry Lauer 1998

BABY BLANKET - Joseph Ghio 1998

BABY BROWN EYES - Darlene Pinegar 1993

BABY CHICK - B. Charles Jenkins 1992

BABY CRYSTAL - A. and D. Willott 1993

BABY DOE TABOR - Tom Magee 1999

BABY GRAND - Duane Meek 1994

BABY IGUANA - Hugh & Mary Thurman 1995

BABY PRINCE - Lloyd Zurbrigg 1994

BABY TALK - Chet Tompkins 1997

BABY VENUS - A. and D. Willott 1996

BABY'S BUM - David Hederick 2000

BABY'S NOOK - Lloyd Zurbrigg 1999

BABYLON QUEEN - Barry Blyth 2001

BABYLONIAN FIRES - Lois Rich by James Whi 1992

BABY AVERY - J. Owings Rebert 2002

BABY SOFT - Paul Black 2003

BABY BUTTERCUP - Jordan 1955
Sdlg. 51-54-2. IB 15" ML, Y3.
Pale cream and light to medium yellow. Spindrift x Buttercup Lane.,

BABY DOLL - Crosby 1958
Sdlg. C-57-25. MTB 15" M-VL, W1Y.
Creamy white self, deeper hafts; yellow beard. Mary Randall x Queen's Lace., Tell 1960.

BABY DREAMS - Branch 1958
Sdlg. 5707. TB 34" EM, VR1L.
Lavender-rose self, light flush at haft; tangerine beard. (Yesteryear x sib) X Delicia., Soo-Preme Gdn. 1962.

BABY'S BONNET - O. T. Baker 1954
Sdlg. 51-34-1. TB 34" EL, W4.
White and salmon-pink, tangerine beard. Gay Orchid x Loomis Sea Shell sdlg., Baker's Acre 1957. HM 1957.

BABY DOVE - Ellyson 1964
Sdlg. Nlll-51-28. BB, .27" (1 cm), M,
Golden tan with slight rose overlay. Amandine X (Stardom x Sentinel).

BABY SHOWER - Ghio 1966
Sdlg. 62-34B. BB, 26" (66 cm), M-L,
Pure white self; self beard. First Courtship X Poet's Dream. Old Brook, Bay View 1967 HM 1968, JC 1968, 1969.

BABY SNOWFLAKE - A. Peterson 1962
Sdlg. A-2-E. SDB, 12" (30 cm), E,
White self, white beard, hint of green at haft. Blue Sapphire X Welch H503 pumila. Peterson 1963 HM 1965.

BABY BARON - C. Torkelson 1971
Sdlg. T69-2. SDB, 12" (30 cm), M
Marine blue self. (Fairy Flax x blue pumila) X Blue Denim. Maple Tree Gardens 1972

BABY BEE - A. Brown 1970
Sdlg. D851-7. MDB, 5" (13 cm), EM
Bright canary yellow (Wilson 2/2) with small dark brown spot on each side of ivory beard. D511-3: (D337-1 x Brownett) X April Var. Brown's Iris Garden 1971

BABY BLESSED - L. Zurbrigg 1979
Sdlg. K 1 A. SDB, 10" (25 cm), E & RE (Sept & Oct in VA)
Light yellow with small white spot on F.; cream beard. Baby Snowflake X Twice Blessed. Avonbank 1979 HM 1981, AM 1986, Cook-Douglas 1989.

BABY BLUE EYES - J. Boushay 1978
Sdlg. 74-A-1. MDB, 4" (10 cm), M
French blue (Wilson 43/2); white beard. Baby Star X D 957-1: ((Albino Girl x Atomic Blue) x unknown). J. & J. Iris 1978

BABY BLUE SPOT - D. Rawdon 1977
Sdlg. 7519-1. MDB, 5" (13 cm), E
S. full violet-blue (RHS 97A); F. full violet (88B), edged full yellow; white beard; ruffled. Regards X Laurin. Riverdale Iris 1978

BABY BROTHER - Tim Craig 1970
Sdlg. H#10'70. SDB, 15" (38 cm), ML
S. popcorn; F. amber-white with band of popcorn, darker thumbprint at haft. Topping X (Green Patch x Kid Spark).

BABY DOE - M. Suiter 1977
BB, 21" (53 cm), E-M
S. pale dusty rose; F. deeper dusty rose; tangerine beard. (Java Dove x (Sing Along x Sweet Patootie)) X Sunset Snows.

BABY DRAGON - A. & D. Willott 1971
Sdlg. 70-36. SDB, 12" (30 cm), E
Ruffled light green-beige self, small olive spot on F.; blue beard tipped yellow. (Nylon Loveliness x Green Spot) X Bronze Medal. Willott 1971

BABY FACE - K. Mohr 1976
Sdlg. 3-12-1. TB, 36-38" (91-97 cm), M-L
S. blue-pink (RHS 56C); heather pink (69D) midribs; F. orient pink (36D), lighter center; orient pink beard tipped tangerine-pink; ruffled. 67-10-X: (Winter Olympics x Rippling Waters) X Pink Taffeta. Mohr Gardens 1977

BABY GREEN SPOT - W. Welch 1974
Sdlg. A-502. MDB, 4" (10 cm), EE
S. white; F. green spot with white border; white beard. 163 pumila X H-501: (Cook 1546 x Carpathia). Riverdale Iris 1975

BABY JEWEL - A. Brown 1970
Sdlg. D 782-16. MDB, 4-5" (10-13 cm), E
S. ivory white, light greenish midrib; F. white with well-defined spot of maroon-violet; ivory white beard. Rosy Carpet X Kip. Brown's Iris 1971

BABY KABUL - Tim Craig 1970
Sdlg. H#9'70. AB-MED, 15 1/2" (39 cm), L
S. hay; F. honey splashed with magenta-rose; yellow beard. Pumila sdlg. X Kalifa Kabul.

BABY KID - D. Rawdon 1977
Sdlg. 757-4. MDB, 5 1/2" (14 cm), E
Light yellow with full yellow spot on F.; white beard, yellow in throat. Cincinnati Kid X Cretica. Riverdale Iris Gardens 1980

BABY KIM - L. Freudenburg 1971
Sdlg. 69-3. MDB, 7" (18 cm),
Brilliant violet self with deep purple halo around white beard; ruffled. How Now X Tinkerbell. Bierman 1972

BABY LACE - E. Soults 1970
Sdlg. 621. BB, 20" (51 cm), EM
White self; golden orange beard. Party Dress X Queen's Lace sdlg. Inyo 1972

BABYLONIAN BRASS - H. Shockey 1975
Sdlg. 161-135 A. AR (OH), 15" (38 cm), M
Yellow blend (RHS 160B) with olive undertone, fine pepper dotting of brown (174A) in center area turning to fine veining of same color at edges; F. yellow blend with olive undertone, heavier peppering, small diffused brown signal; brown beard. Austin A830

BABY O - B. Shook 1978
Sdlg. S-1-14. TB, 30" (76 cm), E
Ruffled creamy white with pale green edge; yellow beard tipped white. Wenatchee Valley X Snoqualmie. Shook 1978

BABY ORCHID - A. Brown 1971
Sdlg. D 893-25. MDB, 4" (10 cm), EE
S. mauvette (Wilson 537/3) with bluish midribs; F. pale mauvette, brushed medium violet (639) on each side of light mauve beard. Rosy Carpet X unknown. Brown's Iris 1972

BABY PINK - A. Brown by J. Boushay 1975
Sdlg. D971B-4. MDB, 8" (20 cm), L
Orient pink (Wilson 416) self; self beard. Unknown X D 920-8: (Lenna M. x Carpathia). J. & J. Iris 1975

BABY RIBBONS - M. Hamblen 1972
Sdlg. M66-4-1. IB, 20" (51 cm), M-L
Light pink self; beard slightly deeper toned. M63-1C: (Brownie x Celestial Glory) X TB pink 64-58: ((Fair Luzon x Garden Party) x (New Arrival x (Pink Enchantment x Hall pink 57-25))). Mission Bell 1973

BABY SAPPHIRE - A. & D. Willott 1972
Sdlg. 70-65. MDB, 6" (15 cm), E
Pale blue self; white beard. Lilli-Blue X Little Imp. Willott 1972

BABY SMILE - A. Brown 1971
Sdlg. D 695-12. MDB, 4" (10 cm), EE
S. pale yellow (Wilson 602/1); F. rich bright yellow (3) blending to pale yellow at edges; white beard. D 410-5: (Cute Capers x Sea O' Blue) X D 410-7: (ivory/blue spot). Brown's Iris 1972

BABY STAR - A. Brown 1972
Sdlg. D 789-10. MDB, 4" (10 cm), E
S. white; F. white with shading of pale blue-green in center; white beard. White Mite X D 410-7: (Cute Capers x Sea O' Blue). Riverdale Iris 1973

BABY TIGER - Sigrid Dalgaard by G. Hanson 1976
Sdlg. 101-2. MDB, 4" (10 cm), EM
S. full yellow; F. dark red-brown spot, cleanly edged color of S.; white beard, yellow in throat. Unknown parentage. Riverdale Iris 1977

BABY TOES - R. Sobek Sobe
Sdlg. 73S11. SDB, 10" (25 cm), EM
Light orange blend (near RHS 20C) with burnt orange to copper spot on F.; nearly white beard. Pagan Butterfly X Platinum Gold. Sobek 1980

BABY BENGAL - George Sutton 1989
Sdlg. 3-55R. BB, 24" 61 cm, E-M
Mustard yellow (HCC Y-12-A), washed and striped red brown full length of F., leaving narrow mustard yellow rim; golden orange beard. Gypsy Wings X Heat Flare. Sutton 1990 HM 1992

BABY BIBS - M. Dunderman 1983
Sdlg. BB-1309. MTB, 23" 58 cm, M
Tailored cool white; white beard with small amount of yellow deep in throat. Z-702 white: (X-198 yellow x W-194 yellow) X V-146 white: ((Daystar X H-1449 white) x (K-362 pink plicata x H-1417 pink plicata)). Dunderman 1983

BABY BLUE MARINE - Don Denney by J. McWhirter 1987
Sdlg. D81-1-5. IB, 18" 46 cm, E
Light marine blue with orchid infusion; self beard. Azure Gem X Regents' Row. Cottage Gardens 1987 AM 1991.

BABY BOOM - Monty Byers 1989
Sdlg. E1-120. SDB, 13" 33 cm, VE-VL & RE
S. pale yellow, edge varying between slightly paler and creamy white; F. medium yellow; white beard tipped yellow. Baby Tears X Baby Blessed. Moonshine 1990 HM 1994

BABY CAKES - Monty Byers 1988
Sdlg. E21-104. SDB, 8.5" 22 cm, E-M & RE
S. creamy white; F. gold with toasty brownish overlay, creamy white edge; white beard tipped yellow; pronounced sweet fragrance. Baby Blessed X Ditto. Moonshine Gardens 1989

BABYFOOT LAKE - J. Fuller 1982
Sdlg. JF 47-A. BB, 16" 41 cm, M-L
Medium sky blue; white beard tipped lemon. Angel Unawares X Skywatch. Fuller's Gardens 1982

BABY LOVE - Don Denney 1983
Sdlg. D74-74-1. BB, 20" 51 cm, M
Smoky blue pink blend; sienna beard. Mystic Eye X Pink Sleigh. Cottage Gardens 1983

BABY MOHR - C. Boswell 1980
Sdlg. 48-69. AB OGB-, 8" 20 cm, M
Blue violet; blue beard. (Mumbo x Chenik Aga) X (Half Pint x Ib-Mac).

Sdlg. 76/92A. IB, 19" 48 cm, ML
S. medium brown (RHS 177B/C); F. reddish brown (176A/B), white hafts veined reddish brown; greyed orange (163A) beard and 1/2" horns; slightly ruffled; sweet fragrance. Regards X Horned Rosyred. 4-Square Iris 1985

BABY RED MOHR - C. Boswell 1985
Sdlg. 293-72. AB OGB-, 13" 33 cm, M
Garnet red, darker ln center of F.; garnet red beard. Tomingo X (C. G. White 'Onco G' x Beisan Aga). Adamgrove, Boswell Iris 1986 AM 1995

BABY SISTER - C. McEwen 1986
Sdlg. M76/93A. SIB 28 chrom. diploid, 6" 15 cm, EM-M
Violet blue (RHS 89D) veined darker on F., white signal. I. orientalis X I. sibirica. Seaways Gardens 1986 HM 1991

BABY SUNSHINE - M. Brizendine by J. & L. Fry 1988
Sdlg. MB-9-68. SDB, 9" 23 cm, M
S. deep yellow orange; F. velvety deeper yellow orange, edged lighter yellow orange; yellow orange beard. Lilli-Yellow X Orange Caper. J & L Iris 1988

BABY TEARS - J. Weiler 1980
Sdlg. 75-89. SDB, 8" 20 cm, E & RE
S. warm white with soft infusion of pale yellow at base; F. light yellow; white beard tipped yellow. Blue Canary X (Brighteyes x Grace Note). Rialto Gardens 1980